Category Archives: Talk Show

BJTS 09-22-22

BJTS 09-22-22

1)Angela Burt with the Dunbar neighborhood Association to talk about the 8th annual Dunbar Neighborhood Association Festival. This Saturday 1pm until 8 pm. The activities will take place near the community Gardens. For more information call 501-612-9698 or visit the Dunbar neighborhood association Facebook page. 2)Sandra Mitchel with the Better Community Development Inc. to talk…MORE

BJTS 09-15-22

BJTS 09-15-22

1)Angie Jones and Standley Barnes with CASA witch stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate. They are a volunteer-driven child welfare agency representing children in foster care. The need for volunteers is overwhelming.While 38% of our area population is African American, 61% of the children in foster care in the same area are African American.  Only 12%…MORE

BJTS 8-8-22

BJTS 8-8-22

1)Captain Joe Howard with the Little Rock Black firefighters F.L.A.M.E. Presents Project Fresh Start at Dunbar community center 1001 W. 16th St. in Little Rock, this Saturday from 9 until supplies run out. Free backpacks,  school supplies, voter registration, and physicals for more information call 501-256-7137 or FLAME on Facebook.  2)Johnnie Brown retired Pine Bluff…MORE

BJTS 8-11-22

BJTS 8-11-22

1)State Senator Linda Chesterfield with First Missionary Baptist Church and Aunt/Mom Basic Tribe foundation with the Annual back 2 School Bash this Saturday 1 til 3pm 701 S. Gaines St., Little Rock free backpacks, school supplies, hair cuts, food and more. For more information visit [email protected] 2) Sam Da barber and Beautiful Feet Beautiful Minds present…MORE
