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April 02, 2020
– Guest: Mike Preston, Cabinet Secretary of the Department of Commerce and the Executive Director of the Arkansas Economic Development Commission | If you or your business has been affected by the COVID-19, resources are available to help you.
- Online Unemployment Insurance Applications (preferred): HOURS: 7 days a week from 6am-6pm
- Hotline Applications: Unemployment Insurance Hotline: 1-844-908-2178 or 501-534-6304 | HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8am-3:30pm
- Paper Form Applications: | Workforce Centers can be found here:
- General Unemployment Insurance Inquiries: [email protected] | This email address SHOULD NOT be used to file a claim. | Information Desk: 1-855-225-4440 or 501-682-2121 | HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8am-3:30pm
– Guest: Congressman French Hill, Arkansas’s 2nd Congressional District | Federal Relief is critical to defeat COVID-19 and prevent our businesses from going under.
- Last week the president signed the CARES Act into law. Many will receive a one-time tax rebate check of $1,200 [$500 for each child] the next few weeks. Small businesses have been provided with loans that are forgivable if they use them to maintain payroll and keep you in your job.
- Both USDA and the State of Arkansas have eased rules on SNAP, expanding eligibility to families with children who would have received free or reduced lunch if in school & maximizing emergency supplements for eligible families.
- The Trump Administration already ended interest accrual on student loans for at least sixty days and the CARES Act paused monthly repayment requirements for six months.
- To receive a full breakdown of the CARES Act, and how it impacts Arkansas and receive more information, visit or call 501-324-5941.
– Guest: Arlo Washington, President of People Trust | The mission of People Trust, a non-profit 501c(3) organization that promotes community development by providing financial support and literacy for communities that would not otherwise receive it. They provide access to capital through consumer loans; small business loans to the disadvantage, women owned, & minority led businesses; and financial education & technical assistance to entrepreneurs. For more information, call 501-404-4857 or email [email protected] or visit
– Guest: Dr. Angela Gray of Dr. Angela Gray Family Dentistry | In light of ongoing COVID-19 concerns, the Arkansas State Board of Dental Examiners and the Arkansas Dental Association has made changes regarding dental care. Only urgent and emergent dental care is allowed to take place. All non-emergent (i.e. – teeth cleaning, tightening of braces…etc…) is suspended until further notice. Help keep your teeth healthy and also reduce the risk of coronavirus with a good home health routine. Brush your teeth twice a day. Floss once a day. Eat a balanced diet. Exercise, and wash your hands often, especially before eating or brushing your teeth. You should wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time. or call 501-982-4729.
February 27, 2020
– Guests: April Nooner, Event Stage Manager & Entertainment Coordinator; Dr. Karen Crowell, Family Medicine; Kolby McNeal, Millennial Lounge Seminar Participant | The 15th Annual UAMS MidSouth Black Expo will be held Saturday, February 29th from 9am-4pm at 7318 Windsong Drive in North Little Rock. The event is FREE and open to the public. Business empowerment will involve seminars, community leaders, exhibitors and there will be plenty of networking opportunities. Some of the Expo highlights will be live entertainment, Battle of the Bands, Business Seminars, Exhibitors Marketplace, ACT Prep, Fashion & Arts, a Millennial Lounge, & more. The UAMS Mammovan will be onsite providing mammograms. (Registration is required. Call 800-259-8794.) Other Health Screenings will include Colorectal Cancer Screenings or FIT test for home usage; educational information will be distributed on Prostate Cancer and HPV, which is related to Cervical Cancer. For more information, call 501-891-1792 or visit or Like The UAMS Midsouth Black Expo on Facebook or
– Guests: Judge Alice Sprinkle Gray | Our 2nd Black History Feature for the month of February is Judge Alice Sprinkle Gray. She has been a Circuit Judge in Pulaski and Perry Counties for over 27 years. Prior to becomming a Judge in Division 12, she was a law clerk for a city attorney and a private law firm. Judge Gray also held positions as an assistant city attorney, a municipal court magistrate, and as a chancery judge. She serves on various board and organizations, and strives to educate the community concerning law. We salute you Judge Alice Gray! Contact: 401 W. Markham, Room 350 | Little Rock | 6th Judicial Circuit | Division 12 | 501-340-8530.
February 20, 2020
– Guests: Dustin Barnes, Communications Coordinator for the North Little Rock School District; Dawson Teague, High School Student | The North Little Rock School District is currently registering students during its School Choice through May 1st, 2020. Students outside of the NLR School District are eligible for School Choice. NLRSD offers its students well-rounded academic, extracurricular, and social experiences, in its diverse student body and distinguished alumni. For more information on School Choice and the NLRSD, visit or call 501-771-8000 or visit them on Facebook.
– Guests: Arlo Washington, President of People Trust | The mission of People Trust, a non-profit 501c(3) organization that promotes community development by providing financial support and literacy for communities that would not otherwise receive it. They provide access to capital through consumer loans; small business loans to the disadvantage, women owned, & minority led businesses; and financial education & technical assistance to entrepreneurs. For more information, call 501-404-4857 or email [email protected] or visit
– Guests: Dr. Patricia Griffen, Project Director and Cary Crawford, President of the Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals | The Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals hosts “100 Years of Psychology by Arkansas Black Psychologists,” Friday, February 28th from 9am-4pm at Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock. Keynote speaker for this centennial commemoration will be Clinical Psychologist and member of the Little Rock nine, Dr. Terrance Roberts with another member of the Little Rock nine, Minniejean Brown Trickey being honored for her work in social justice. Lunch will be provided at this free event. Register online at or
February 13, 2020
– Guests: Christy McMillion, Executive Director; Tanya Kopp, Activities Director of the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center | The 5th Annual “Taste of New Orleans” Fundraiser, hosted by the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center will be held, Thursday, February 20th from 6pm-8pm at the Jacksonville Community Center Banquet Hall, 5 Municipal Drive in Jacksonville. Provided will be great food, live jazz music, a King cake giveaway, and fun & fellowship. Proceeds will benefit the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, a place for senior adults to socialize, have a hot meal and stay active. The center provides entertainment, transportation and other activities & services for any person over the age of 60. For tickets, call 501-982-7531 or purchase your $20 tickets on site at the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, 100 Victory Circle in Jacksonville.
– Guests: Albert Morgan, Jr., Retired Army Veteran | Nearly 50 years late, Albert Morgan, Jr., Army Veteran was finally able to pin on his Bronze Star he was awarded in 1970 for Vietnam War combat operations covering September 1 to November 1 of that year. It was through the office of U.S. Senator John Boozman that the medal ceremony took place on Veteran’s Day in November 2019 at Chafee Crossing in Fort Smith. Morgan was drafted at 19 and inducted into the Army in 1969. After months of training, he arrived in Vietnam and was involved in numerous enemy fire exchanges. It was just after a fiend of his was killed that he prayed to God to protect him and not let him get killed or lose any limbs. He vowed to do whatever it took in order to get back home alive. He was honorably discharged in 1971 and later became ill with diseases caused by Agent Orange. He is physically challenged with sarcoidosis of the liver, lungs, lymph system, joints, skin, and heart. It was through a search for compensation that led him to receiving boxes of records, where he came across an official copy dated November 4, 1970 of the award of the Bronze Star medal. Morgan is now fully decorated with various medals, including the Bronze Star. He still battles health ailments and the challenges on receiving compensation form Veteran Affairs Healthcare.
February 6, 2020
– Guests: Shannon Boshears, Vice-Chancellor of Advancement & Executive Director of UA-Pulaski Technical College Foundation | UA-Pulaski Technical College presents a list of special events in celebration of Black History. The events will take place in The Center for Humanities and Arts, 3000 W. Scenic Drive in North Little Rock.
- Feb. 13th | 7pm | Dr. Tererai Trent
- Feb. 15th | 7:30pm | Mary Wilson of the Supremes
- Feb. 29th | 7:30pm | The Mississippi Mass Choir
For tickets, visit or buy at the door one hour before the show.
– Guests: Joe Vincent, Executive Director of G3 Academy | A free USDA funded nutrition program is available at G3 Academy, a year-long program that includes an extended summer program, available after school with evening activities from 4pm-7pm. The Academy is designed to give at rick, gang-involved and underprivileged youth a safe place to learn skills, prepare for college, with an emphasis on making positive choices conducive with productivity and growth with an emphasis on sports and marketing. For more information, visit or
– Guests: Christina Shutt, Executive Director at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center; Perrion Hurd, Artist; and Ebony Blevins, Photographer | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center will have an Opening Reception to feature “Wonders and Signs” by artist Perrion Hurd, Thursday, February 6 at 6pm at 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. Perrion is MTCC’s 2020 Black History Month’s featured artist and will showcase murals with themes of culture, success, people, survival and oppression, and more. For more information, visit
January 23, 2020
– Guests: Pastor Phillip Pointer of St. Mark Baptist Church | St. Mark Baptist Church & Tendaji CDC hosts the 4th Annual Power To Get Wealth Job Fair,Sunday, January 26th from 10am-2pm at St. Mark Baptist Church in the Children & Youth Center, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. This event is free and open to the public with more than 50 companies on site. Participating companies range from financial services, health care, automotive, education, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and more. Attendees can will have the opportunity to interview with recruiters who will be ready to hire on the spot. Bring your resume and be dressed for the interview. Broadway Joe will be on site broadcasting live. For more information, call 501-663-3955 or visit or visit Saint Mark Baptist Church on Facebook.
– Guests: Anthony Snell, Executive Director of Metropolitan Housing Alliance | Metropolitan Housing Alliance hosts a Construction Bid Luncheon for contractors, tradesman, section 3 businesses and section 3 participants. Contractors and tradesman will learn about on-site requirements, bidding, timelines, scope of work and bonding for the schedules redevelopment phase. Phase Two of Redevelopment in the Rock Phase Two involved $70 million in construction projects as Sunset Terrace, Madison Heights I & II and Homes at Granite Mountain, and Section 3 will be able to discuss job opportunities with construction related businesses from Central Arkansas. The luncheon will be held, Wednesday, January 29th from 11am-1pm at Centre at University Park, 6401 West 12th Street in Little Rock. For more information, visit or call 501-373-8222.
– Guests: Tracey Thomas, Chairperson for the NAACP Jacksonville, Arkansas ACT-SO and Tania Kelley, Student | ACT-SO stands for Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics. It is a major youth initiative of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and provides a forum through which the students demonstrate academic, artistic and scientific prowess and expertise, thereby gaining the same recognition often only reserved for entertainers and athletes. This free program is currently taking applications for students in 9th-12th grades who can utilize their gifts and talents in the areas of STEM, Humanities, Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Business, and Culinary Arts. Make plans to attend an Informative Meeting to learn more and apply, Sunday, January 26th at 4pm at In His Image Ministries, 2700 Pershing Blvd. in North Little Rock, next door to the University of Arkansas at Pulaski Technical College. For more details, visit
January 16, 2020
– Guests: DuShun Scarborough, Executive Director with Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission | King Holiday Day of Impact 2020 will be Monday, January 20th on the campus of Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive, Little Rock. A number of events hosted by the AMLK Jr. Commission and its partners will be taking place.
6 A.M. – 9 A.M. – The Broadway Joe Morning Show live broadcast of several guests
8 A.M. – Interfaith Prayer Breakfast “Fatherhood Reloaded” | Governor’s Mansion | 1800 Center Street | Little Rock
10 A.M. – 34th Annual MLK Day Marade hosted by the Little Rock Branch of the NAACP in partnership with the AMLK Jr. Commission | Kicking off at West 33rd Street & Chester and ending on the steps of the State Capitol.
1 P.M. – (doors open at noon) King Holiday Day of Impact 2020 will include free bus rides, free food, free hair cuts, on-site community service projects, youth initiatives, health screenings, Tax Assistance, car show prize giveaways, actor Carl Anthony Payne, rapper/actor Romeo Miller, Dr. Christopher Davis and Tracy Martin, father of Trayvon Martin and more.
3 P.M. – Gospel Concert featuring Sunday Best season 3 winner Le’Andria Johnson and season 9 contestant Tiffany Andrews, Little Rock’s own Amanda Katrice and Zetoria Curry
To RSVP or obtain more information and the list of events visit or call 888-290-KING (5464).
– Guests: Diane Curry, President and Scott Green with the of Little Rock Chapter of the NAACP | The 34th Annual MLK Day Marade hosted by the Little Rock Branch of the NAACP in partnership with the AMLK Jr. Commission will be Monday, January 20th kicking off at 10 A.M. at West 33rd Street & Chester Street, ending on the steps of the State Capitol. The Theme is “Overcoming 21st Century Struggles.” Hear from featured speakers on the Capitol steps at noon. For more information, visit
– Guests: Katrina Owoh, President of the Beta Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc.; Jasmine Medley, Impact Committee Chairman; and Deborah Rhodes, President of the North Little Rock NAACP | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. International Day of Service “Uniting Communities Through Service” will be held Monday, January 20th from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. at Shorter College, 604 North Locust in North Little Rock. The event is hosted by the Beta Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and its partners. Service projects include Donations for Homeless, Backpack Food Drive, Haiti Pillowcase Project, Community Area Clean Up, Kids Art Projects, No Sew Blanket Project, Lions Club (new & used eyeglasses), Soles 4 Souls (gently worn shoes) & more. Immediate help available for those in need of coats, a meal or hygiene products. Following the service projects, a worship service will take place just down the street at 3pm at Bethel AME Church, 600 North Cedar Street in North Little Rock featuring Bishop Michael L. Mitchell as the keynote speaker and Tracy Steele as the emcee. For more information, visit the Beta Pi Omega Chapter on Facebook or Bethel A.M.E. Church North Little Rock.
January 09, 2020
– Guests: Wade Crews, General Manager of 10 Fitness in Bryant | 10 Fitness can help you get to your fitness goals. For a limited time, you can join them for $10 and pay no dues until February. The gym is known to be the cleanest, best maintained, 24 hour access fitness center with 13 locations. It was voted “Best Group Exercise Program” and has a ton of classes with top notch instructors. The trainers are Nationally Certified and most locations have a Kid’s Club on site. 10 Fitness Training includes Nutrition, One on One Training, Personal Training app, Small Group Training, and more. To sign up and learn more, visit or call 501-690-5445 or visit 10 Fitness on Facebook.
– Guests: “Chef Pete” Nguyen, Founder & Co-Owner of Healthy Chew Kitchen | Healthy Chew is an online weekly meal preparation service located in Central Arkansas. They are dedicated to creating healthy and delicious meals in addition to changing the face of the fitness industry. By partnering with various health, fitness, and nutritional resources in Arkansas, they aim to help individuals reach their personal fitness goals without compromising the favorite dishes they know and love. Some of the various meals include Gourmet Eating, Food for Kids, Cleaner Eating, Meal Block Program, and Body Building. To learn more visit or call 501-904-5111 or visit Healthy Chew on Facebook.
– Guests: Phyllis Hodges, Fitness and Wellness Specialist with Carousel on the Move with Phyllis Hodges | Fitness and Nutrition is important in your health and wellness journey, but Mental and Spiritual Fitness is just as important and helps to take care of the Whole Person. Some Ways to improve Mental Wellness and reduce stress can be a massage, walks, pampering yourself and more. Medication is a great way to plug into your Spiritual well-being. You can explore and connect more deeply with what brings meaning, value, and purpose to your life. *Ms. Phyl has over 30 years of experience in the fitness industry, she is a National License Personal Trainer who is a certified in Fitness Arthritis, Exercise Safety, National Dance, International Sports Medicine, and an instructor in “Get Healthy Stay Balanced (Nutrition).” Ms. Phyl is also a clergy educational trainer. To make a appointment and learn more, contact Carousel on the Move with Phyllis Hodges at 501-563-0861 or email [email protected] or add Phyllis Hodges on Facebook.
December 12, 2020
– Guests: Wendell Scales with 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock | A Christmas Gala will be presented by 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock, Friday, December 13th at the Doubletree Hotel in the Ballroom in Downtown Little Rock. Doors open at 6pm and the Gala will begin at 6:30pm. This year will commemorate the 20th year anniversary of the chapter. In addition, they will be celebrating the 8th graduating class of the 100 Academy Mentoring Program will be honored, along with local leaders. Service work of the chapter done throughout the year will also be highlighted. Which includes the annual Mentoring Across a Lifetime Conference, Community Partnerships and more. The gala will feature a dinner, special presentations, and live entertainment. For tickets, visit and for more information, visit
Guests: Lana Nayles, President of the Little Rock Chapter of The Links, Inc. and Whitney Montague, Event Co-Chair | The Little Rock Chapter of The Links, Inc. hosts their annual Holiday Jazz Brunch, Saturday, December 14th at 11am at the Statehouse Convention Center in the Wally Allen Ballroom in downtown Little Rock. The theme is “Celebrating You” for your generosity. Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to support local initiatives and projects designed to enrich, educate and serve the Arkansas community. Some of this year’s beneficiaries and partners include Henderson Middle School, J.A. Fair High School, and LA Fitness. The Holiday Jazz Brunch is SOLD OUT. For ticket information, to make a donation or to learn more about the organization, visit or text LRLINKS to 56651 or call 501-492-9660.
Guests: Senator Linda Chesterfield and DuShun Scarbrough, Executive Director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission | The Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission and partners will hosts a series of events for King Week in 2020. The free commemorative festivities will include Hoxie Integration 65th Anniversary, Witness to History Presentation Sara Collins Rudolph “The Fifth Girl”, MLK Family Night of History, King Reflections, Bus Tour and Unveiling of New King Bus, and the MLK “Day of Impact”. The dates will be January 13th-20th. During the “Day of Impact”, there will be an Interfaith Prayer Breakfast with special guests Dr. Christopher Davis of Memphis, Television Entertainer Carl Payne, and Community Activist Tracy Martin, also the father of Trayvon Martin. The Little Rock NAACP, partnered with the MLK Commission will present the 34th Annual Marade at 10am. For a list of the detailed events and times, visit or call 888-290-KING (5464).
December 5 2019
Guests: Brian Rodgers, Community Relations Liaison at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | The 8th Annual “Say It Ain’t Say’s” Sweet Potato Pie Baking Contest will take place at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Sunday, December 8th from 2pm-5pm at 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock. Admission is free to this family-friendly event, which is in conjunction with their Holiday Open House. Participants will compete for bragging rights for the best sweet potato pie in Central Arkansas. There will be a panel of celebrity judges that includes Power 92’s Broadway Joe. First and second place prizes will be awarded in both professional and amateur categories in addition to a people’s choice award. Live entertainment will be performed by local dance groups & musicians. Registration is free. Participants are asked to bring a donated toy for the Say McIntosh Stop the Violence Organization. To register, visit call 501-683-3593.
– Guests: Robert “Say” McIntosh and Mrs. Derotha Webb McIntosh | Robert “Say” McIntosh: Arkansas’s Black Santa hosts a Christmas Toy and Luncheon, Saturday, December 14th from 1pm-3pm | Bowker House (Hickory View) 2503 Division Street in North Little Rock. Senior Citizens and children who may not have received gifts this year due to financial hardships will benefit greatly from this annual event. For more information, call 501-960-2468.
– Guests: Battalion Chief John Sawyer of the Sherwood Fire Department | According to the National Fire Protection Association Association, between 2013-2017, U.S. Fire Departments responded to an average of 160 home fires that started with Christmas trees per year, and electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in 44% of home Christmas tree fires. Winter holidays are a time for families and friends to get together. But that also means a greater risk for fire. Following a few holiday safety tips will ensure a happy and fire-safe holiday season.
- As the weather changes, be sure to get a licensed technician to service your heat and air conditioner unit to make sure there is not a build up. Do not wait to have this done during the extreme cold weather.
- Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched.
- Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water daily.
- Use lights that are listed by a qualified testing laboratory. Some lights are only for indoor or outdoor use.
- Use precaution when using candles. Never use lit candles to decorate the tree.
- Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed.
- Choose decorations that are flame resistant or flame retardant.
- Obtain a smoke alarms & test them. Also, tell guests about your home fire escape plan.
- When cooking, never leave the house with food still cooking in the oven, on the stove, or in the slow cooker.
- Put a lid on a grease fire and smother it. Do not try to extinguish a grease fire with water.
For more information and safety tips from the Sherwood Fire Department, call 501-832-0342 or visit or visit them on Facebook.
November 21, 2019
– Guests: Pastor William Holloway | Thanksgiving Dinner at the Compassion Center: The Compassion Center is dedicated to feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and more 365 days of the year. Little Rock Compassion Center will offer Breakfast: 6am, Lunch: Noon, Supper: 4:30pm. Morning Devotion will be held at 8:30am for those who are interested. Thanksgiving Dinner will be Thursday, November 28th at 12 noon at 3618 W. Roosevelt Road in Little Rock. This year, nine tons of food and 450 turkeys are needed to help feed the growing number of homeless and families in need. To make a donation and learn more, call 501-296-9114 or visit
– Guests: Fred Hokes (KOKY’s Downtown Freddie Brown) | 40th Annual Thanksgiving Day at the Watershed: Known as the “World’s First Social Hospital,” the Watershed keeps continues to provide resources to the masses and serve thousands of hungry and needy Arkansans each year. Over 5,000 people were fed last Thanksgiving in Pulaski County and surrounding areas. Donations are being accepted for the following items: non perishable foods, turkeys and other food items. If you wanted to donate your time, it will be used in the areas of cooking, delivery drivers and servers. Hot meals will be served and also sent for delivery, Thursday, November 28th, 9am- 1pm, 3701 Springer Blvd. in Little Rock. If you know of anyone that is in need of a hot meal or if you would like to sign up to volunteer, call 501-378-0176 or visit
– Guests: Deputy Chief Kelven Hadley at the Pine Bluff Police Department | The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. Here are some safety tips:
- Do not leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car.
- If you plan to leave town on vacation, contact the police department at the non-emergency number 870-730-2081 and put in a Vacation Home Report. (The officers will know the date you leave and the date you will return, and they can check on your house while you are away.)
- Put an alarm on your house.
- Always break down empty boxes that gifts came in and place them out of sight or take them to a dumpster. Never just place them outside. It is an advertisement for burglars and robbers.
- Close your blinds and windows, when you leave home.
- Keep a copy of the ID numbers of any electronics you have so you can identify it if it gets stolen.
- Pick up packages at the USPS, UPS, or FedEx instead of having them delivered to your home, if you will not be home during the delivery.
- Locate your keys prior to going to your car.
- Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with a friend or family member.
- Ask mall or store security for an escort before leaving your shopping location.
- If are approached and they are demanding your purse or any items, give it to them.
- Never leave your car unoccupied with the motor running or with children inside.
- Park in a well-lighted area.
- Keep bags and packages out of sight in your car.
If you spot any suspicious activity, call the Pine Bluff Police Department. For emergency calls, dial 911. For non-emergency calls, dial 870-730-2081.
November 14, 2019
– Guests: Dr. Lanita White, Assistant Professor at Pharmacy Practice and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | It’s time to get vaccinated! Flu season is here. This seasonal disease causes mild to severe illness and is easily spread. Each year in the United States 25-50 million infections are reported, more that 200,000 people are hospitalized and 23,600 die due to seasonal flu. To learn more or find your local health unit to administer the flu shot to you, visit or or call 501-614-2492.
– Guests: Dr. Charles McNulty, Superintendent of Pulaski County Special School District; Alisha Smith, Deputy Superintendent; and Tina Ward, Board Member | Pulaski County Special School District has strategies that provide the students with a 21st century skills foundation, and additional initiatives and expansions that help the students, community and staff move forward together, and achieve success. To learn about the initiatives PCSSD has in place, visit
– Guests: Dr. Doze Butler, Dean/Director of the School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; and Michael Jones, Transfer Coordinator at UAPB | University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff is offering two new degree programs. The first engineering degree, Agricultural Engineering and a Hospitality and Tourism Management degree program will be offered in the Fall. UAPB has also launched a dual-degree program with Southeast Arkansas College. It is among the first in Arkansas to create a partnership to increase student success. The degree program is known as Associate to Bachelor’s or A2B. The program allows students to earn both an Associate degree at SEARK and a Bachelor’s degree at UAPB. For more information, visit
November 7, 2019
– Guests: Rev. C. Dennis Edwards, State President of the Consolidated Missionary Baptist State Convention and Rev. Alvin Hunter, Event Co-Chair | The 150th Annual Session and Sesquicentennial Celebration of the Consolidated Missionary Baptist State Convention will be held Sunday-Wednesday, November 10th -13th at various locations around the city. The week-long celebration includes a musical featuring Zacardi Cortez and Maurette Clark-Brown; a banquet featuring The Racy Brothers and more is planned for this grand occasion. Tickets must be purchased in advance. No tickets will be sold at the door. For tickets and more, visit or call 501-313-5269.
– Guests: Greta Freeman, ViPS (Volunteers in Public Schools) President and Pastor R. DuShun Coates, Vice President | ViPS (Volunteers in Public Schools) Little Rock School District (LRSD) will have Jane Mendel Reading Day, November 19th throughout the schools. Volunteers will go to the various schools to read a book to children in participating classes. This one-day reading event encourages reading for all ages and raises awareness of volunteer opportunities within LRSD. To learn more and sign up to be a volunteer, call 501-447-8477.
– Guests: Amanda Horton, Director of the Reynolds Performance Hall | Reynolds Performance Hall on the campus of UCA hosts the musical “The Color Purple”, Sunday, November 10th at 7:30am at 223 Beatrice Powell in Conway. This sold out event is a Tony Award Winner for the Best Musical Revival. It has a soul-raising, Grammy winning score of jazz, gospel, ragtime, and blues. To learn about other upcoming performances, visit
October 31, 2019
– Guests: Gwen Haniff, Phanie Wicks, and Tami East of the Milton P. Crenchaw Aviation Training Academy (MPCATA) | The original Tuskegee airman the late Milton P. Crenchaw will be honored for his life and legacy at the 10th Anniversary of the Milton P. Crenchaw Aviation Training Academy and the commemoration of his 100th Birthday, Saturday, November 9th from 7pm-9pm at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. The night will include food, entertainment and more. For more information, visit
– Guests: Kevin Lentz, Director of Development at Arkansas School for the Deaf and Michelle Alvarez, Parent | Arkansas School for the Deaf presents the 30th Annual Silent Sunday – A Benefit Buffet, Sunday, November 3rd from 12 noon-3pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock. Dozens of the finest independent restaurants will bring their specialty items to create one of the biggest tasting buffets in Arkansas. Ticket-holders can sample from each restaurant, enjoy live entertainment, and more at this family-friendly event. Proceeds will go to the school to help fund technology programs and equipment. For ticket information and more, visit
– Guests: Janis Kearney, Friends of John H. Johnson Museum | Linda Rice-Johnson will be the featured speaker at two events celebrating her father, the late John H. Johnson with Arkansas’s first John H. Johnson Holiday. John Johnson was a native of Arkansas who founded Johnson Publishing Company, later publishing both Ebony and Jet Magazines. Both celebrations will be held Friday, November 1st:
- 10am | John H. Johnson Museum | 604 President Street/Courthouse Square | Arkansas City
- 5:30pm | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock.
This event is hosted by the Friends of John H. Johnson Museum. For more information, visit
October 24, 2019
– Guests: Jason Irby, Author and Carla Coleman, Arkansas Black History Commission | 2nd Annual Black Indian and Native American Heritage Month Fair will be Saturday, November 2nd from 10am-2pm at CALS Bobby Roberts Library of Arkansas Art and History, 100 Rock Street in Little Rock. This free community event will feature speakers, exhibitors, presentations and a free food tasting station. It is presented by the UALR Sequoyah National Research Center, Jason Irby Innovation Foundation, Arkansas National Guard Museum, CALS, Arkansas Black History Commission, and the Little Rock Racial and Cultural Diversity Commission. For more information, call 501-569-8336.
– Guests: Greg Ramon, CEO of Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority | Don’t Flush That! awareness campaign, launched by the Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority, aims to educate the public about items that shouldn’t be flushed or put down the drain. Some of the items include: baby wipes, dental floss, diapers, hair, medications and pills, sanitary napkins, syringes, towels, and toys. For more information, visit or call 501-376-2903.
October 17, 2019
– Guests: Charles Stewart, President of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame | The 27th Annual Induction Ceremony of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame is Saturday, October 26th at 7:30pm at the Robinson Center Performance Hall. The one-night only variety show will honor 27 years with music, dance dance performances, and more. Six Black Arkansans will be honored for their exceptional achievements. The honorees include, Senator Irma Hunter Brown, public servant and educator; Wallace “Wali” Reed (posthumous), architect and businessman, John Donley, award winning television writer and executive; Edward “Coach Ed” Johnson, youth football coach; Kristen Lewis, operatic soprano, and Roscoe Robinson, acclaimed gospel and R&B musical artist. The organization’s first coffee table book, “Seeds of Genius: 25 Years of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame will be available for purchase at the celebration and online, as well as tickets. Log on to for more details.
– Guests: Fretonzia Hickman and Thun-Dour of EMOBA’s Haunted Cathedral and Scarecrowtorium | EMOBA celebrates 26 years with the Haunted Cathedral and Scarecrowtorium, 1208 Louisiana Street in Little Rock. A chilling combination of monsters, ghouls, and zombies may send shivers down your spine. This event is known to be one of Arkansas’s largest and scariest haunted attractions. Visitors will encounter ghastly scenes, gruesome characters, and grim animatronics. The experience will keep them captivated from start to finish. Group rates are available. Open dates are October 18th-November 1st. *The Haunted Cathedral’s Scarecrowtorium is a major fundraiser for Ernie’s Museum of Black Arkansans & Performing Arts Center more commonly known as EMOBA. For ticket information and more, visit EMOBA on Facebook or call 501-372-0018.
– Guests:Jimmy Warren II, Special Events Coordinator; Tjuana Byrd, Advisory Board; and Keisha Patterson, Grants Administrator for Pulaski County Youth Services (PCYS) | The 2019 Champions of Youth Luncheon, hosted by Pulaski County Youth Services, will be Tuesday, October 29th 11:30am at the Governor’s Mansion located at 1800 Center Street in Little Rock. The theme is “Lights, Camera: A Call to Action.” PCYS is issuing a call to be more involved in the lives of Pulaski County Youth. Broadway Joe is one of the honorees and will receive the Director’s Choice Award. Proceeds benefit the after school, out-of-school and community programs provided by PCYS, free-of-charge in underserved communities. For tickets, to make a donation, or learn more, visit or like ’em on Facebook.
October 03, 2019
– Guests: L. Scott Reinhardt, Assistant Special Agent in Charge and Maria Hoskins, Community Outreach Specialist and Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FB) | Little Rock’s FBI to show documentary “Chasing the Dragon” during Red Ribbon Week. The movie will be shown to students at participating high school and college campuses to increase awareness on the opioid epidemic. The deadline to register your school or university is October 14th. Register at The movie will be shown statewide, October 23rd. For more information, call 501-217-2639 or email [email protected].
– Guests: Beth Goodrich, Executive Director of the Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence | October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In the past 10 years, Arkansas has ranked an average of 9th nationally for domestic homicides per capita. Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence is an organization on a mission to eliminate domestic violence and promote healthy families. The organization provides training in advocacy, law enforcement, dynamics of domestic violence, ethics, stress and burnout, volunteer training, hotline information and more. For more information, visit or call 1-800-799-7233(SAFE).
– Guests: Lori Burrows, President of the Board and Laura Stanley, Board Member of Historic Arkansas Museum | Historic Arkansas Museum Foundation Board of Directors hosts Candlelight Gala 2019 – “Becoming Arkansas: A Celebration of Arkansas’s Territorial Bicentennial,” Saturday, October 5th on the grounds of Historic Arkansas Museum, 200 East 3rd Street in Little Rock. The silent auction and full bar is from 6-7:30pm with the dinner, program and live auction beginning directly after. This fundraising event will have a live and silent auction, live music, dinner and more with Broadway Joe as the emcee. proceeds go to the generation of Arkansas history lovers through free face-to-face, hands-on learning opportunities for school groups across the state. For more information, call 501-324-9351 or visit
September 26, 2019
– Guests: Anna Morshedi, Event Chairman and Justin Wise, Executive Director at Harmony Health Clinic | The 9th Annual World Cheese Dip Championship will be Saturday, October 5th from 12 noon- 4pm at the Clinton Presidential Center in downtown Little Rock. Last seven events drew over 20,000 people combined. Both professionals and amateurs will be judged in the competition. Proceeds will benefit the Harmony Health Clinic. For tickets, and more information, visit
– Guests: Rev. William Robinson, Jr., Executive Director and Sandra Mitchell, Director of Supportive Services of Better Community, Development, Inc. (BCD) and Dino Davis, Executive Director of Quality Living Center | Better Community Development (BCD), Inc celebrates and recognizes September as National Recovery Month. BCD hosts the 15th Annual Recovery Jam, Monday, September 30th from 4pm-8pm at the downtown River Market Pavilion, 400 President Clinton Drive in Little Rock. Recovery Jam raises awareness about mental & substance use disorder, treatment and recovery. Individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are in long-term recovery will be highlighted. This event has drawn over 600 attendees in years past. There will be live entertainment, a talent showcase, free food and non-alcoholic beverages, testimonials, door prizes, and great family fun. For more information, call 501-663-4774 or visit or like Better Community, Development, Inc. on Facebook.
– Guests: Megan Vandergriff, Jacksonville Parks and Recreation | The 7th Annual FestiVille hosted by Jacksonville Parks and Recreation will be Friday-Saturday, September 27th -28th (Fri. 3pm-7pm) and (Sat. 9am-7pm) at Dupree Park, 1700 South Redmond Road, Jacksonville. This family-friendly 2-day festival will feature carnival rides, games, live entertainment, concessions, vendors, kid’s area, petting zoo, fireworks and more. For more information, visit
September 19, 2019
– Guests: Rosalyn Scruggs, Event Chair; Thelma Shorter, Jackie Moore, both Members of the Friends of Education Committee; and Michele Lunnie, 2019 Arkansas Baptist College Graduation and Employee | Women’s Auxiliary of Union District Baptist Association presents “A Showcase of Talent” Fundraiser, Saturday, September 28th at 11am in the Family Life Center of Greater Center Star Baptist Church, 800 West 33rd Street in Little Rock. The fundraiser will feature talent form Arkansas Baptist College with proceeds to benefit the college. Tickets will be available at the door. For more information, call 501-374-6230.
– Guests: Akissi Brooks-Hill, Founder & CEO of Ambitious Girls, Inc.; Shanteria Davis, Dabriel Sanders, Jamille Whale, and Kiara Brooks, Ambitious Girls Ambassadors | Ambitious Girls, Inc. presents the 11th Annual Ambitious Girls Arena Conference, Saturday, September 28th from 10am-4pm UA Pulaski Tech, 3000 West Scenic Drive, North Little Rock. Girls in the 7th-12th grades will have the opportunity to be empowered, educated, and motivated to G.R.O.W. “Get Ready to Lead Our World!” This FREE event will include food, t-shirts, workshops, prizes and more. This year, a complimentary self-care session for mothers called “Creating the MAGIC” will take place during the Conference. MAGIC stands fore “Mothering Ambitious Girls in Confidence.” Mothers will need to reserve their spot. To learn more or reserve your spot, call 501-358-7074 or visit or like Ambitious Girls Inc on Facebook.
– Guests: Christina Shutt, Executive Director of Mosaic Templars Cultural Center; and Dr. David Pilgrim, Founder and Director of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center hosts a free opening reception for the “Hateful Things” Exhibit, Thursday, September 19th at 5:30pm with featured speaker Dr. David Pilgrim, Founder and Director of the Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia. Dr. Pilgrim is one of the Country’s leading experts on issues relating to diversity and race relations. MTCC chose to host the exhibit in effort to help people understand how racist objects helped create a cultural of fear and hatred that has ultimately led to tragic events, and to start deeper conversations about improving race relations. For more information, visit or call 501-683-3593.
September 12, 2019
– Guests: Kanetra Staton, Vice-President of Ivy Foundation of Little Rock & Fundraising Chair and Cassandra Davis, Event Chair | The Ivy Foundation of Little Rock presents their Biennial Golf Tournament, Friday, September 20th at Burns Park Golf Course, 30 Championship Drive in North Little Rock. Registration will be at 11:30 a.m. and Tee Time at 1 p.m. This biennial tournament is a fundraiser, open to golfers, sponsors, donors and volunteers. No skill level is necessary. Proceeds will benefit scholarships, community & cultural programs for the the youth and more. To sign up, make a donation, or learn more, call 501-247-7286 or visit
– Guests: Angel Burt, Executive Director of the Dunbar Historic Neighborhood Association | The Dunbar Historic Neighborhood Association presents the 5th Annual Paul Laurance Dunbar Community Festival, Saturday, September 14th from 9am-4pm at Dunbar Magnet Middle School grounds in Little Rock. This free event will have food trucks, vendors, a gospel extravaganza, a kids zone and more! For more information, call 501-612-9698 or visit or like Dunbar Historic Neighborhood Association on Facebook.
– Guests: Kathleen Lawson, Executive Director of Economics Arkansas and Claudia Utley, Communications Director | Economics Arkansas, a non profit educational organization, is accepting teacher grant applications through September 16th for up to $500 to support classroom projects that involve economics, personal fiance or entrepreneurship. The program is open to all Arkansas Pre-K through 12th grade teachers who may apply as individuals or in teams of two. Funds will be awarded September 30. For more details and complete instructions, visit or call 501-682-4230.
September 05, 2019
– Guests: Myron Jackson, CEO of The Design Group and Brandon Campbell, Director of Small Business & Inclusion at Little Rock Regional Chamber | The 37th Annual Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week, sponsored by The Design Group will be held Monday-Thursday, September 9th-12th at various locations in Little Rock. The kick off will be a Minority Business Awards Luncheon, Monday, September 9th from 11:30am-1pm in the Great Hall at the Clinton Presidential Center in downtown Little Rock. All MED Week events, even if free, require reservations which must be made/purchased separately and in advance at To learn more, call 501-377-6027 or add Little Rock Regional Chamber on Facebook & Twitter.
– Guests: Scot Davis, CEO of Arkansas Urology | September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and Arkansas Urology is observing it with the 15th Annual Kick-Off to Men’s Health event with prostate screenings and flat screen TVs! Each man will receive a free prostate screening and have an opportunity to win a flat-screen TV if they register. The Kick-Off Men’s Health events will be:
- Tuesday, September 10 | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 1300 Centerview Drive in Little Rock.
- Thursday, September 26 | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 4200 Stockton Drive | North Little Rock.
To schedule your free prostate screening for either event location, call 501-320-9122 and visit for more information.
– Guests: LaConda T. Watson, CEO of the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club (JBGC) | The 7th Annual Dub Myers Memorial Golf Tournament will be held, Friday, September 13th at the Southern Oaks Country Club, 701 Foxwood Drive in Jacksonville with an 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. lunch with Tee Time at 1 p.m. The event is one of the main fundraisers for the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club which serves hundreds of kids. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To register online visit To learn more, call 501-982-1614.
August 29, 2019
– Guests: Michael Poore, Little Rock School District Superintendent and Pamela Smith, Communications Director | Little Rock School District , the state’s largest school district has kicked off the year with lots of professional development and has increased focus on reading with help from the community. Local pastors show their support for “Story Time with the Pastor” by reading to students throughout the district. September is Attendance Awareness Month and LRSD encourages students to attend school everyday. The new Southwest school is on track to open in 2020. Upcoming events include a Magnet Fair in October to be held at the Park Plaza Mall from 10am-2pm. For more information on LRSD events, visit or like ’em on Facebook.
– Guests: Christina Smith and Dr. Julien Mirvel, of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock | presents the 8th Annual “Labor of Love”Charity Classic & Silent Auction, Friday-Sunday, August 30th-September 1st at Rebsamen Tennis Center, 1501 Leisure Place in Little Rock. The Charity Classic is sanctioned by USTA Southern Arkansas and is bigger and better. Proceeds help create scholarships for deserving college students. To sign up and learn more information, visit
August 22, 2019
– Guests: Jodie Carter, Harris High School Alumnus | The 50th Year Reunion of Harris High School will be held, Saturday, August 31st at the Second Seasons Event Center, 500 East 50th Street in North Little Rock. The class of 1969 is the last graduating class of the school. “Go Panthers” will kickoff the festivities with a Memorial Service and Brunch from 10am-11am followed by a Picnic from 12 noon-until. For registration information, call 501-749-7216.
– Guests: Gregory Summers, President of Rollin’ Lions RV Club | The Rollin’ Lions RV Club hosts “Tailgates to Touchdowns”, Friday-Saturday, August 23rd-24th at the Pine Bluff Convention Center. This annual fundraiser helps support the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Athletic Program. The event will kick of with a Tailgate Party, Friday, August 23rd on the parking lot of the P. B. Convention Center with a live performance by the UAPB Spirit Team. The following Saturday, August 24th, the event will have live performances by The On Call Band and more. For ticket information or to obtain membership information about the Rollin’ Lions RV Club, call 501-952-0841.
- UAPB games will now be heard on our sister station, KARN 920 AM The Sports Animal. UAPB Football season opens Saturday, August 31 at TCU. The Lions Roar pre-game show will begin at 6:60pm, with the kickoff shortly after 7pm. (This game will heard on 102.1 KOKY.)
– Guests: Billy St. James, Cumulus Media Account Executive | Cumulus Media hosts the 8th Annual Cumulus Career Expo, Tuesday, August 27th from 10am-3pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Meet your potential new employer and several of your radio personalities. Bring multiple copies of your resume and dress to impress. There will be networking opportunities and more. For more information, call 501-401-0200.
August 15, 2019
– Guests: Barry Jefferson, NAACP Jacksonville Branch President and Rolanda Robinson, Education Chairperson | Become a NAACP Member Today. If you care about fighting the racial disparities that are still prevalent in America, the NAACP is the place where you can make a difference. As an NAACP member you can: Work with a activists and organizers in the Jacksonville branch or another local branch; Support access to quality education, healthcare, economic opportunities; Advocate for laws and policies to improve the community and more. To sign up with the NAACP Jacksonville branch, visit or like ’em on Facebook.
– Guests: Tracy Steele, President of the North Little Rock School Board | The North Little Rock Board of Education began the school year welcoming more than 80 new teachers to the district. Superintendent Bobby Acklin leads the administrative staff, who along with the transportation, custodial, maintenance, nutritional staff and campus supervisors are committed to making sure our children safe, transported, fueled with the proper nutrition and equipped for a successful school year. The NLR School Board has policies in place geared to garner academic success. For more information on the North Little Rock School Board, visit or call 501-771-8000.
– Guests: Deshawn Porter, Founder of Focused Promotions & Event Promoter | Focused Promotions presents The Experience Live with TD2: Todd Dulaney with band and Torry Dulaney in concert, Friday, August 16th at Second Baptist, 1709 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. The Experience will kick off at 5:45pm with a Comedy Show featuring Nate Williams and Andre Price. The concert will begin at 6:40pm. Other artists set to perform will be Harrold Wade, Jr., Tangela Willis, Amanda Katrice, and Roosevelt Harris. For tickets and ticket information, visit Uncle T’s Food Mart in LR or visit or call 501-952-8049.
August 8, 2019
– Guests: PENDING
August 1, 2019
– Guests: Tara Shephard, Convener and Event Organizer | A Community Conversation: “Adverse Childhood Experiences & African American Girls” will be held Thursday, August 8th from 11:30am-1pm at the UA of Little Rock Jack Stephens Center in the Legends Room, 2801 South University Ave. Data collected last year from African American girls the “At Promise” Girls Empowerment Conference assessed their exposure to violence, crime and more. Attendees can have a conversation with guest panelist that can shine the light on adversity the girls face in their daily lives, address the overall impact of childhood and adult trauma, and discuss a recommendation for future involvement. To register, visit and learn more call 501-838-8448.
– Guests: Anthony Tidwell, Founder of Cutwell 4 Kids; James Avery, 2019 Featured Artist; and Rayshaun McNary, 2017 Featured Artist | Cutwell 4 Kids (C4K) hosts the 6th Annual Fundraiser “The Birth of an Artist,” Saturday, August 10th from 7pm-1pm at the Embassy Suites, 400 Convention Blvd. in Hot Springs. Art work will be featured from a community of emerging artist and guests can enjoy live music from Rock Town Youth Jazz Squad, Rodney Block, and Quentin Preston and feast on hors d’oeuvres. C4K is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization for kids of all ages. They are dedicated to providing a positive atmosphere for kids to express themselves with paint. For tickets and more information, visit or call 214-497-3715.
July 25, 2019
– Guests: Alma Williams, Art Porter Music Education Board Member | Art Porter Music Education presents the 9th Annual “A Work of Art” Jazz Week 2019, July 29th-August 3rd at various venues across the city. The week of events honor the late Art Porter, Sr. and Art Porter, Jr. with a star studded line up!
- Monday, July 29 | 12 Noon | LR City Hall | APME Kickoff | Free Event
- Tuesday, Jul. 30th | 12 Noon | Riverfront Market | Minors in Music & Arkansas Artists | Free Event
- Wed., Jul. 31st | 7pm & 9pm | Ron Robinson Theater | Jerald Daemvon| Ticketed Event
- Thurs. Aug 1st | 7pm & 9pm | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | Jazmin Ghent | Ticketed Event
- Fri., Aug. 2nd | 7pm | La’Kens at Hotel Frederica | Jazz Jam Session | Free Event
- Sat., Aug. 3rd | 8pm | Wildwood Park of the Arts, Cabe Theater | Will Downing | Ticketed Event
Purchase tickets at or Lindsey’s Hospitality House in NLR. For more information, call 501-492-9120 or visit Art Porter Music on Facebook.
– Guests: Trakey Bone, Event Director for the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church SWAG Backpack Bash | Mt Pisgah Baptist Church hosts a SWAG Back 2 School Backpack Bash, Saturday, July 27th from 11am-3pm in the churches Curtis Green Family Life Center. There will be Backpacks, school supplies, Medical Screenings, games, jump houses, Fire and School Resource personnel, food and more! This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-982-6212.
– Guests: Carolyn Gooley, Event Co-Chair of the 4th Annual Golden Achievers Celebration | A select group of citizens who are 80 years old and above will be honored at the 4th Annual Golden Achievers Celebration, Saturday, July 27th at 11am in the Arkansas State Capitol Rotunda. Eleven golden achievers will be recognized for their years of life, service,and dedication. Individuals were selected based upon significant impacts they have made on their families and communities. Some of the names include Fredonia Williams, Junnie Mae Straughter, Geneva McDaniel, Bennie Yeargin Davis Waller, and more. For more information, call 501-607-1796.
July 18, 2019
– Guests: Barbara A. Douglas, CEO of Velvatex College of Beauty Culture and B. Roberta Douglas, Director of Financial Operations, Financial Aid Administrator, & Compliance Manager | Velvatex College of Beauty Culture, 1520 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Little Rock will have their 90th Anniversary Celebration with a week of events July 22nd-28th. Kicking off the celebration will be a free Community Block Party, Monday, July 22nd from 12noon-5pm with games, face painting, a kids zone, karaoke, free food, and a hair design competition. For a detailed list of all of the festivities, visit www.velvatexcollege,com or call 501372-9678.
– Guests: Hugh Leavell, Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge Community Outreach Director | Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge is currently enrolling. Applications are being accepted to this free military style structured program for youth ages 16-18 who have dropped out or on the verge of dropping out of high school. Youth can earn their Arkansas High School diploma and place yourself into a marketable career. The program environment is based on principles such as self-discipline, teamwork, self-esteem, personal responsibility, ethics, setting personal goals, and service to community. For more information, call 1-800-814-8453 or visit
– Guests: Minister Hank Young III and Kris Young, Founders of Step Up Mentoring Program | The 5th Annual Step Up Mentoring Camp will be Friday-Sunday, August 2nd-4th at the Arkansas 4-H Center, 1 Four H Way in Ferndale. The mission of the camp is to impact the lives of teenage youth 13-18 years old to empower them with knowledge & help them make a positive difference in their communities. To register and secure your spot, call 501-680-0144 or email [email protected].
July 11, 2019
– Guests: Tiana Suber, Media Specialist for FEMA; and Yolanda Stokes, Public Information Officer for the Small Business Administration | Major Disaster Declaration for Arkansas was declared June 8th. To learn the do’s and don’ts for registering for disaster assistance from FEMA, visit or call the helpline at 800-621-3362. To learn the do’s and don’ts for registering for disaster assistance from the U.A. Small Business Administration, visit or call 800-659-2955 or email [email protected].
– Guests: Sherra Thompson, Community Engagement Specialist at DHS/Division of Children & Family Services | Arkansas Department of Human Services/Division of Children and Family Services has over 4,000 children in foster care, but only 1,700 available beds, leaving many of the children in group homes, shelters, hospitals, and other places. DHS/DCFS is focusing on retention, which requires volunteers and support form the communities to aid with projects to support their program. To learn how you can help provide a safe place for for a child to a compassionate and caring family, call 501-682-9293 or visit
– Guests: Debra Woods, Windgate Gallery & CHARTS Theater Coordinator; and Korto Momolou-Briggs, Designer/Stylist | University of Arkansas at Pulaski County Technical College, 3000 West Scenic Drive in North Little Rock will exhibit “Wandering Spirit: African Wax Prints” at the Center for Humanities and Arts, Friday, July 12th-October 5th. The exhibit is a tribute to the century-old handmade designs and patterns on textiles that originated in Indonesia and were copied and industrialized by Europeans and exported to Africa. A reception will be held opening night, Friday, July 12th from 6pm-8pm in the CHARTS lobby with speaker Designer/Stylist Korto Momolou-Briggs with music provided by Zinse Agginie’s Percussion Quartet. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-812-2715 or visit
June 20, 2019
– Guests: Ray Sturgis, Basileus and James O. Williams, members of the Omicron Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Omicron Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. presents two events:
- Friday, June 28th from 8pm-2am | “All White Experience” will be held at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. The night will include food, dancing, fun, and entertainment provided by Rodney Block and DJ Greyhound. Proceeds help support scholarships for the Charles D. Thompson Foundation. For tickets, visit or call 501-291-1337.
- Saturday, June 29th at 12pm | Natural State 13th Annual Friends and Family Cook at Boyle Park, Pavilion #3, 2000 Boyle Park Road in Little Rock.
For more information on the Omicron Lambda Lambda Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., visit them on Facebook.
– Guests: Harold Gardner, Local & Host President of the National Dunbar/Horace Mann Alumni Association | The National Dunbar/Horace Mann Alumni Association hosts the 5th Biennial National Reunion of All Classes of Dunbar and Horace Mann, June 26th-29th at the Doubletree Hotel in Downtown Little Rock. The theme is “Let’s Pull Together–Harambee”. Attendees can enjoy city tours, golfing, dancing, games, fun, and fellowship. *Both Dunbar and Horace Mann are historic educational institutions that afforded learning opportunities for students beginning during the days of segregation. Dunbar was built in 1929 and was named after Paul Lawrence Dunbar. Horace Mann was built in 1955. For more information, call 501-786-5712 or visit the national site at
– Guests: Brittney Harris, Model and member Boys & Girls Club of Central Arkansas; Diane Donahue, Model with Kurvy Kuties; & Mike Hutchins, Model with Men of Brawn | Kurvy Kuties presents the 10th Anniversary of the Little Rock Full-Figure Fashion Show, June 21st-23rd at the Statehouse Convention Center in Downtown Little Rock. The event will showcase fashion lines from several designers, boutiques, and major retailers, modeled by Kurvy Kuties and Men of Brawn. Proceeds will be donated to the Boys & Girls Club of Central Arkansas and One Thumbs Up. For tickets and more information, visit To learn more about Kurvy Kuties or Men of Brawn, visit or
June 13, 2019
– Guests: Coach Victor Joyner, Jacksonville High School; Derrick Hamilton, Mobile Video Game Station; Jerald Smith, Battlefield Laser Tag | Jacksonville Mighty Vikings Football Team & Partners sponsors a Father’s Day Celebration & Family Fun Day, Sunday, June 16th from 3pm-6pm at the Jacksonville Mighty Vikings Football Field, 312 Ray Road in Jacksonville. Fathers can attend and spend quality time with their children on Father’s Day. Enjoy music, family-friendly activities, a mobile video game station, laser tag, bounce houses, food, and more! This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-413-7683 or email [email protected] or visit
– Guests: Evangeline Parker-Guest, Founder & Executive Director of Miss Teen Promise and Jamille Rogers Thomas, Miss Teen Promise 1998/MTP Board Vice President | Miss Teen Promise is a nonprofit organization is in its 22nd year of providing life skills to Arkansas females and scholarship funds for higher education. Rise, Sparkle & Shine with Miss Teen Promise Female Preparatory and enrich the lives of females and support their education goals. Scholarship funds for higher education is provided for the 15-week program for females ages 4-25. Applications are now being accepted. Registration deadline will close midnight June 22nd. Register online at For more information, email [email protected] or call 501-353-0009. *Teen Promise, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization with an award-winning history of “Taking Females Out of the Shadows of Promise and into the Spotlight of Success!”
– Guests: Christina Shutt, Director and Brian Rogers, Community Relations Liaison for Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center presents Juneteenth Celebration, Saturday, June 15th from 12 noon-6pm at 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. This annual commemoration of the end of slavery will have family-friendly activities and attractions, exhibits, food trucks, entertainment, live music from the Grammy-nominated R&B recording artists Carl Thomas and six-time Stellar Award-winning and Grammy nominated gospel artist Vashawn Mitchell, along with several local artists and more! For more information and a list of the line up, call (501) 683-3593 or visit or like ’em on Facebook.
- “Finding Freedom in the Forest: Opportunities and Challenges for African Americans in the Timber Industry” exhibit opens. The exhibition is a family friendly experience designed to explore the history of the timber industry through the lens of African Americans in Arkansas.
June 06, 2019
– Guests: Bryetta Carter, Event Host | Lupus Foundation of Arkansas in partnership with Full Counsel Metro Church hosts a Lupus Awareness Fair, Saturday, June 8th from 10am-3pm at Full Counsel Metro Church, 1700 Maple Street in North Little Rock. Attendees can hear stories and receive helpful information, visit vendors, participate in activities, register to win a air pods, and kids can enjoy free food. This event is free and open to the public. *Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs). “Chronic” means that the signs and symptoms tend to last longer than six weeks and often for many years. For more information on the Lupus Awareness Fair, call 870-718-0074. For more information on Lupus, call 800-294-8878 or visit
– Guests: Dr. Michelle Wright, President of the Milton P. Crenchaw Aviation Training Academy and Tammi East, Program & Special Event Coordinator | The Aviation Career Education Academy is open to students ages 14-18 with a minimum of 2.5 GPA. The one week program will be June 24th – June 28th at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. will focus on self-esteem, science, technology, engineering arts and math skill based activities and more. Registration is $50. To register and obtain more information, call 501-492-9019 or visit
– Guests: David Cook, Public Policy Manager at the Alzheimer’s Association | June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, the Alzheimer’s Association is reinforcing the critical importance of early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. This year’s campaign, “Time to Talk” is aimed at encouraging and helping families discuss cognitive concerns sooner to enable early diagnosis. Alzheimer’s Association is hosting some events this month to help raise awareness about the disease.
- Thursday, June 13th | 6pm-7:30pm | Sanders Library, 10200 Johnson Street in Sherwood
- Friday, June 21st | “The Longest Day”, a global movement and team events to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer’s disease.
To register and learn more, call 800-272-3900 or visit
May 23, 2019
– Guests: Benito Lubazibwa, Founder of Africa Day Fest and Remix Ideas | Get a taste of African culture, attend the 3rd annual Africa Day Fest, Saturday, May 25th from 11am-6pm on South Main Street in Little Rock. African Arts will be celebrated through music, food, performance, and children’s activities. This family-friendly festival will feature dancing, a fashion show, kid’s zone, music, drum circle, food, vendors, and more. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, visit or like em Facebook or email [email protected].
- Friday, May 24th | 6pm-9pm | Made in Africa Fashion Show | Little Rock River Junction Bridge | This is a fundraiser and the kickoff event for Africa Day Fest. African designers will be featured and hors d’oeuvres will be served. For tickets, visit
– Guests: Ophelia Morgan, McClellan High Class of 89 | McClellan High School presents the Class of 1989 Reunion, June 7th-8th at the Wyndham Riverfront, #2 Riverfront Place in North Little Rock. Thirty years later of Lion Pride will kick off, Friday, June 7th at Big Whiskey’s in downtown Little Rock. Saturday, June 8th, breakfast will held at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, 2618 South Shackleford in Little Rock. Later, a gathering will be held at the high school for the group photo, and the the Alumni Picnic will be held at Pavilion #10 in Burns Park. To receive a $65 discounted price, you must RSVP by May 31st. For more information, call 501-284-3941 or visit the Facebook page “Class of 1989 McClellan Lions 30 Years Class Reunion.”
– Guests: Lana Nayles and Gwen Zeigler of the Little Rock Chapter of the Links, Inc. for the 12th Jazzy Jeans & Jewels. | The Little Rock Chapter of the Links, Inc. annual Jazzy Jeans & Jewels is in it’s 12th year. They are presenting “Mardi Gras in the Rock – A Fusion of New Orleans,” Saturday, June 1st from 7pm-12 midnight at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Dress in your jazziest jeans and jewels and join them for a Taste of Links featuring the culinary skills and more. All proceeds from Jazzy Jeans and Jewels events are given to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in Arkansas on a rotating basis. This year’s recipient is Philander Smith College. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-492-9660. *The Little Rock Chapter is an affiliate of The Links, Incorporated and is one of 287 chapters composed of 15,000 women of color worldwide whose mission is to provide service to their respective communities.
May 16, 2019
– Guests: Lorenzo Lewis, The Confess Project; Alicia Vaden, Woodland International Research Group; and Samuel Simmons, Behavioral Consultant in Minneapolis | May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health is essential to everyone’s overall health and well-being. This year’s theme is 4 Mind 4 Body, which highlights the importance of work life balance, pets, spirituality in achieving balanced mental health.
- The Confess Project presents Summer Barbershop Tour in the following counties, Pulaski, Faulkner, Desha, Drew, and Jefferson County. More details about the tour will come soon, and can be found on by visiting
- For information on Woodland International Research, log onto or call 800-611-4873 or visit 910 Autumn Road in Little Rock.
- Minneapolis Event: 11th Annual Community Empowerment Through Black Men Healing Conference, June 20th-21st, Metropolitan State University, St. Paul Campus, Founders Hall, 700 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, MN., To learn more, visit or contact Samuel Simmons Consulting at 612-721-0106 or email [email protected].
– Guests: Stephanie Wilcox,Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and Erica Carlock, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Arkansas | The 35th International Greek Food Festival will be held Friday, May 17th thru Sunday, May 19th (Fri. & Sat.: 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. | Sun.: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.) at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1100 Napa Valley Drive in Little Rock. This family-friendly weekend will be filled with food, fun, and fundraising. All food is handmade with the best ingredients and treasured family recipes. Entertainment will be provided by Folk Dancing from around the world, Cloggers, & more. Admission is $3 or three canned food items for the Arkansas Foodbank. Parking, trolley service and kids under 12 are free! All proceeds benefit various charities. For more information, visit
– Guests: Kyla Knox, Owner of Kylish Kreations Cosmetics and Kristin Knox, Co-Owner | 5th Grader Kyla Knox took her chemistry skills to another level and created her own cosmetics company and has shared her products with the community for the past year. Knox and her cosmetic line Kylish Kreations will present the 2nd Annual Kidpreneur Day, Saturday, May 18th from 11am-1pm at Lifeline Baptist Church, 7601 Baseline Road in Little Rock, during the Southwest Farmer’s Market. Sixteen young kidpreneurs ranging from ages 6-15 years will on site offering their products for purchase. There will be bounce houses, face painting, prizes and more at this free event. For more information, call 501-683-9082 or visit or email [email protected].
May 09, 2019
– Guests: James Reddish, Executive Vice President of the Little Rock Regional Chamber | Little Rock Regional Chamber launches study of Ford Education Initiative, known as the Ford Next Generation Learning (NGL). The exploratory study will include an initial financial investment by the local business community, through the LR Regional Chamber, which will collectively benefit all four Pulaski County School Districts, Little Rock, North Little Rock, Pulaski County Special, and Jacksonville North Pulaski. NGL will explore a high school transformation model for the four districts. The model is focused on preparing all students to be both college and career ready upon graduation. The goal of Phase I study was to assess opportunities and feasibility across the four districts, highlight existing pockets of excellence, and provide a recommended path forward. To find out more and learn how you can help, visit
– Guests: Lara Blume McGee, Founder of the ALS in Wonderland Foundation and Team Up World and Sylvia Smith with the ALS in Wonderland | ALS in Wonderland has a weekend of fundraising events with proceeds to benefit ALS in Wonderland Foundation and the local patients in Arkansas.
- Attorney Shelia Campbell and ALS in Wonderland Foundation presents comedic legend Michael Coylar LIVE, Friday, May 17th at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. Doors open at 7pm. Show starts at 8pm. For tickets & more information, visit or call 501-291-2640.
- ALS in Wonderland presents the 8th annual “Under the Big Top”, Saturday, May 18th at the Hall of Industry, 2600 Howard Street in Little Rock. A reception mixer will held at 7pm, and the show starts at 8:15pm. Comedian Michael Coylar will be the emcee. The mixer will include an art, entertainment & fashion, silent auction, caricature artist, photo studio, fortune teller and raffle. A fashion/art show will take place directly after. A silent auction will feature an authentic Bruce Springsteen guitar, Wonder Woman cast signed poster, Cowboys Legend Helmet, Stan Lee/Spiderman artwork, and many more items. Food will be provided by Bar Louie, Bonefish Grill, & Sky. For tickets & more information, visit or call 501-492-6955.
*The mission of ALS in Wonderland Foundation is to create awareness, education and provide funding directly for the benefit of patients with ALS (PALS) in the state of Arkansas.
– Guests: Sgt. Shantay Harris and Sgt. Kristina Henderson with the U.S. ARMY Recruiting Station in Little Rock | The U. S. ARMY in partnership with the Watershed hosts “ARMY Experience Expo,” Saturday, May 11th from 9am-2pm at The Watershed, 3701 Springer Blvd. in Little Rock. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn what it takes to be a part of the US ARMY and ARMY Reserve. There will be demonstrations, a bounce house, games, giveaways, and more at this family-friendly event. For more information, call 501-909-1684 or 501-529-4111.
May 02, 2019
– Guests: Romona Cheneval, Director of the Little Rock School District Gifted & Talented Program; and Rebecca Tennille, Clinton Center | Arkansas reads one book is a district-wide initiative. Little Rock School District is highlighting reading and tying it to financial literacy. One Book One District is the slogan. All students are enjoying the same book, “Toothpaste Millionaire” by Jean Merrill. The book focused on 6th-grader Rufus Mayflower with the help of his friend, develops a simple recipe for toothpaste and earns his first million–all while discovering that the best entrepreneurs excel by integrity and determination. Celebrity readers have lent their voices to this powerful movement supporting reading. A celebration culminating the results of the district-wide initiative will be held, Saturday, May 4th from 10am-2pm at the Clinton Presidential Center in downtown Little Rock. The event is free and open to the public, featuring a talent show, booths showcasing school and community activities, door prizes, a Shark Tank Innovator contest, “Project Trashion” Fashion Runway Show, book giveaways and more. For more information, visit or social media using #1district1booktm and like ’em on Facebook.
– Guests: Jon Sisk, Board Member of the Jacksonville Chamber | The Downtown Event Committee of the Jacksonville Economic Development & Cultural Alliance in conjunction with the Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce, and partners hosts the 2nd Fun at Five Points Street Festival, Saturday, May 4th from 9am-10pm on Main Street in downtown Jacksonville. This free event will have local exhibitors and vendors in their “locally made market”, local bands and dance groups, food trucks, a kid’s corner and more! To participate and be a vendor or exhibitor, email [email protected]. For more information, call 501-982-1511 or visit “Fun at Five Points Street Festival” on Facebook.
– Guests: Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM | Praise FM wants to thank all of its faithful listeners with the Praise Listener Appreciation Founder’s Celebration, Saturday, May 4th (doors open at 5:30pm) at 6pm at Greater Trinity COGIC, 2400 Wright Ave. in Little Rock. Featured artists will be Gospel Recording Artists Charles Jenkins, Alvin Darling, Isabel Davis, Christina Bell, and the Brown Boyz. Tickets available at Uncle T’s, Ugly Mikes, Lindsey’s Hospitality House, The Record Rack in Pine Bluff, and online at
April 25, 2019
– Guests: Patrick Presley, Director of Development & Media Operations at the Boys & Girls Club of Central Arkansas | The 2nd annual Arkansas Italian Food & Cultural Festival presented by Relyance Bank will be April 26th-28th at the Clinton Presidential Center in downtown Little Rock. The event will feature three days of Italian food, culture, wine, crafts, demonstrations, a giant kids’ zone and musical acts. Power 92’s Stack 3 and Tre’day will compete in the Celebrity Grape Stomp on Friday evening. 100% of the proceeds will go to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Central Arkansas. the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Arkansas serve 8,000 youngsters at six clubs, four in Little Rock and two in North Little Rock. Tickets for the event are $10 per day and $15 for a weekend pass. Children 10 and under are admitted free throughout the weekend. The hours of the festival are:
- Friday, April 26, 4pm-10pm
- Saturday, April 27th, 10am-10pm
- Sunday, April 28th, MASS at 10am | Italian Food & Culture Festival 11am-5pm
For more information & a line-up list of events, visit or call 501-580-3131. To make a donation to the Boys and Girls Club of Central Arkansas, visit
– Guests: Tameka Lee, Communication Director, Marketing & Resource Development; Jack Sundell, Co-owner of the Root Cafe’ | The 16th Annual Arkansas Literary Festival will be April 25th-28th in Library Square in the River Market and other Central Arkansas venues. Arkansas’s premier gathering of readers and writers features bestselling and emerging authors from across the nation. Most events are free! There are films, children’s events, poetry, a songwriting workshop, and more presented by around 60 authors. The festival will also feature Makers Alley, an outdoor craft fair with live music, and a concert at Four Quarter Bar, Friday at 10:30pm. The cost is $5. The 5th annual Traditional Pie Bake-off will be held at the Root Cafe’, Sunday, April 28th at 4:30pm. For more information and a list of events, visit or call 501-918-3000.
April 18, 2019
– Guests: Jay Hartman and Morris Williams, Jr. of the Pi Omicron chapter of Omegas of greater Little Rock & Bill Johnson, Development Director of Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation | The 7th Annual Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk will be Saturday, April 27th at the Big Dam Bridge (Murray Park), 7600 Rebsamen Park Road in Little Rock. Race start will be 8am sharp. Register online at and on race day from 6:30am-7:45am. The event will be chip timed and all participants will receive a chip. Packets can be picked up 1 day early, (Friday, April 26th) from 11am-5pm at Fleet Feet Sports/Easy Runner, 11525 Cantrell Road, Ste. 102 in Little Rock. An awards ceremony will take place after the race. Learn more at
– Guests: Linda Gillam, former Marketing Director at Arkansas Baptist College | Arkansas Baptist College invites you to their annual fundraiser Supper & Soul Gala, Thursday, May 2nd at the Metroplex Event Center in Little Rock featuring AmericanSoul/R&B group Tony! Toni! Tone!. The evening will include a reception, silent auction, Soul Train dance line, and more! Sponsorship are available. Proceeds benefit the Arkansas Baptist College Capital Campaign. For ticket information, call 501-420-1206.
– Guests: Phillip Pointer, Pastor of St. Mark Baptist Church | You are invited to St. Mark Baptist Church for Easter Worship, Sunday, April 21st at one of their three services at 8am, 10am, and 11:30am. Gospel phenomenon Kirk Franklin will join each service and sing his new hit, “Love Theory” with the award-winning Saint Mark Sanctuary Choir. Also join them on Saturday, April 20th from 10am-1pm for the Church Carnival. There will be all kinds of games, rides, and an Easter egg hunt. St. Mark is located at 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. To learn more, visit
– Guests: Bobby Brown, Promoter of the I Luv Da Blues Tour | This event will bring a lot of great blues artists to the city. The I Luv Da Blues Tour will be Saturday, April 20th at the Barton Coliseum, 2400 Howard Street in Little Rock. A pre-show tailgate & outdoor experience will kick off at 9am followed by a free outside show! The inside concert will begin at 5pm with featured artists the Sir Charles, Bigg Robb, LJ Echols, Mr. Sam, Summer Wolfe, Mo B., Willie P., & The Big John Miller Band. For ticket information and more, visit or call 888-684-9998.
April 11, 2019
– Guests: Carol Johnson, J.D., M.A., Executive Director of Arkansas Fair Housing Commission | Arkansas Fair Housing Commission hosts its annual Fair Housing/Fair Lending Conference, “Building the Next Generation of Diverse Arkansas Communities,” April 16th-19th at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Little Rock. The conference constitutes Arkansas’ single largest fair housing educational outreach program and will feature local, state and national housing, lending and development professionals to provide a broad range of fair housing and fair lending information to help ensure open and equitable access to housing statewide. Conference week highlights include a viewing of the film “13”, a Civil Rights Bus Tour, and a keynote address from Gov. Asa Hutchinson, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. & more. There is no cost to attend the events. To register, visit To learn more, visit or Like Arkansas Fair Housing on Facebook or call 501-682-3247.
– Guests: Maurice Jackson, Family & Community Fishing Program Coordinator for the Arkansas Fish & Game Commission | Gary Casey, Executive Director of Community First Alliance & Fishing Derby Event Coordinator | There are various community events involving fishing around the state. See below for an event near you.
- Thursday, April 11th | 6pm-7:30pm | Fishing Clinic | Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center | Downtown Little Rock | 501-907-0636
- Thursday, April 18th | 12 noon-1pm | Fishing Clinic | The Maumelle Center on the Lake | 2 club Manor Cove | 501-851-4344
- Friday, April 19th | 9am-12noon | Lake Valencia | 501-851-4344
- Thursday, May 4th | 10am-1pm | Family Fund Day | 1140 Oakland Park Drive | Pine Bluff | 501-907-0636 |
- Saturday, May 18th | 8am-1pm | MacArthur Park | 601 East 9th Street | Little Rock | The 5th Annual Big Catch Fishing Derby & Community Festival will have fishing and recreational activities for the entire family. There will be free food, water, door prizes, giveaways, health screenings, entertainment and more! To register, visit or visit Big Catch Fishing Derby on Facebook. | 501-777-5242
– Guests: Jimmy Warren, Community Activist; and Marcus Elliott, Director at Conway Regional Health Systems | Jimmy Warren partners with Conway Regional Medical Health Systems to hosts Celebrate! A Community Black Party, Saturday, April 13th from 9am-2pm at Roger’s Plaza in downtown Conway. This free event engages the community and helps to build connections with families, business owners, friends, and more in a fun-filled atmosphere of activities, music food, games, and physical fitness. In the case of inclement weather, the event will be moved to the following day, Sunday, April 14th from 1pm-6pm. For more information, call 501499-2200.
April 04, 2019
– Guests: Dr. Bala (Dr. Appathurai Balamurugan), State Chronic Disease Director & Medical Director; and Latoya Slaughter, Nurse Coordinator | The Office of Minority Health & Health disparities at the Department of Health is on a mission to increase public awareness about heart disease and stroke among African Americans & Latinos in convenient locations. The 7th Annual Arkansas Minority Barber & Beauty Shop Health Initiative will be Saturday, April 6th at various location in Little Rock and North Little Rock. There will be free blood pressure, blood sugar, & cholesterol checks. Information will be available on quitting tobacco, and healthy meals and free t-shirts will also be on hand. Attendees will have the opportunity to talk to a doctor, nurse, dietitian, & pharmacist.
Addresses & Event Times of participating location:
- AR College of Barbering & Hair Design (NLR) – 8am-3pm
- AR College of Barbering & Hair Design (LR) – 9am-3pm
- Erick’s Barber Shop (Latno) (LR) – 9am-3pm
- Fresh & Tight Styles (LR) – 9am-3pm
- Goodfellas Barbara College (LR) – 9am-3pm
- New Image (Latino) (LR) – 9am-3pm
- New Tyler Barber College (NLR) – 9am-3pm
- Velvatex College of Beauty Culture (LR) 8am-2pm
For more information, call 501-661-2282 or visit
– Guests: – Theresa Timmons-Shamberger, Timmons Arts Foundation; Nichelle Terry, Pearl Grey Designs; Dalun Ray, Reppin Clothing; & Oliver Michael Fitzpatrick, Ndeed Regime | 12th Annual Designers Choice Fashion Preview will be Saturday, April 6th at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. A VIP Red Carpet Reception will be held at 6:30pm. Doors open at 7pm for general admission, and show starts at 7:30pm. Celebrity Host will be Film and Television Star Morris Chestnut along with Fox 16’s Donna Terrell. Ticket available at For more information, visit Designers Choice Fashion Preview on Facebook, @_DCFP on Instagram, @DCHOICEFASHION on Twitter, or email [email protected].
– Guests: Clinton McDonald of the Oakland Raiders and Abraham Holloway, Camp Director | Light into Darkness presents the 3rd Annual Golf Scramble Tournament and Iron Sharpens Iron Football & Cheer Camp.
- 3rd Annual Golf Scramble Tournament 2019 | Friday, April 5th | 8am Shotgun start | Rebsamen Golf Course, 3400 Rebsamen Park Road | LR. For more information, call 803-468-6596 or email [email protected].
- 5th Annual “Iron Sharpens Iron” Football & Cheer Camp, | Saturday, April 6th from 7:30am-3pm at Jacksonville High School in the Jan Crow Stadium, 2400 Linda Lane in Jacksonville. Admission is FREE, but limited to 300 kids. Get there early to register on site on the day of the camp. For more information, call 501-773-0917, visit or email [email protected].
March 28, 2019
– Guests: Dustin Barnes, Communications Coordinator for the North Little Rock School District; O’Shayla Muldrow, High School Student; and Alex Stafford, Eight Grader | The North Little Rock School District is currently registering student during its School Choice through May 1st, 2019. Students outside of the NLR School District, excluding those in Pulaski County School District are eligible for School Choice. NLRSD has 5 new elementary schools, 4 completely renovated elementary schools, 1 new high school, 1 completely renovated Pre-K, and 1 middle school that is currently under construction. For more information on School Choice and the NLRSD, visit or call 501-771-8000 or visit them on Facebook.
– Guests: Melrita M. Johnson, LMSW, President/Founder of Reform, Inc.; Thelma Moton and Annie Jasper, Sponsors | Reform, Inc. presents Sister Friend Empowerment Expo, April 5th-6th at the Mount Harmony Missionary Baptist Church in the Dr. Robert L. Handley Life Center, 812 East Harding in Pine Bluff. The event will feature national gospel recording artist Jekalyn Carr and Internet sensation “Not Karlton Banks” as emcee. There will be onsite vendors and health screenings, youth sessions, and various other featured speakers.
- Fri., April 6 – Doors open at 7:15am | Event starts at 7:45am-5:45pm
- Sat., April 7 – Doors open at 8am | Event starts at 9am
Tickets are available at and *Reform, Inc (Resiliency Empowerment Faith OveRcoMer) is a non-profit corporation operated exclusively for educational, religious, scientific, literacy, and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. It was incorporated April 2013 and is currently based out of Pine Bluff (Jefferson County), Arkansas. To learn more about Reform, Inc.. like Reform, Inc. on Facebook.
March 21, 2019
– Guests: Sammie Holmes, Board Member and Scott Green of Friends of Haven of Rest, Inc. | Friends of Haven of Rest Cemetery, Inc. presents “Precious Memories” Banquet Fundraiser, Friday, March 22nd from 6pm-8pm at Second Baptist Church, 1709 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. The event will celebrate the progress made and provide updates to future plans. Attendees can enjoy a tasty meal and listen to live entertainment. All proceeds go to the preservation and restoration of Haven of Rest Cemetery. Individual tickets are $50, and a table for ten is $500. For tickets and more information, call 501-613-5439 or visit or email [email protected].
– Guests: Dr. Brian McGee, Gastroenterologist at Arkansas Diagnostic Center | March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death among men and women combined in the United States. Colorectal cancer arises from pre-cancerous growths or polyps that grow in the colon. When detected early, polyps can be removed, halting their progression to colorectal cancer. Not only can it be detected, but it can also be prevented by having a colonoscopy. According to the American Cancer Society, the colon cancer death rate in this country could be cut in half if Americans simply followed recommended screening guidelines. Talk to your doctor about the screening test that is right for you. To learn more or make an appointment, contact Dr. Brian McGee at Arkansas Diagnostic Center, 8908 Kanis Road, Little Rock or call 501-227-7688.
– Guests: Kimberly Harris, Founder of Techmecolor | Techmecolor is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science for underrepresented minorities in coding. The goal is to increase participation by introducing and spurring an interest to the basics of coding with potential of leading them into a tech-related career in coding. Techmecolor has been in existence six months and currently meets every 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Tuesday on each month at Little Rock Technology Park, 417 Main Street in Little Rock. The weekly meetings are free to attend. You will need your laptop to participate. To sign up, visit and join the group “Techmecolor” and reserve your spot on the calendar. There will be a Learn the Basis of Coding event, April 16th and April 30th. To register and learn more, visit To stay connected, Like ’em on Facebook.
March 14, 2019
– Guests: Shanta Baro, Special Events Coordinator for the North Little Rock Housing Authority and Errin Stanger, Deputy Director at the Arkansas Regional Innovation Hub | North Little Rock Housing Authority presents STEAM Break Revolution, Tuesday-Wednesday, March 19th -20th from 8am-4pm for youth, ages 11-17 residing in the North Little Rock Public Housing communities and voucher households. The goal is to introduce and deepen an interest in S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics) activities and careers, particularly in underserved communities. Participants that attend this free event will learn about coding, engineering, ceramics, screen printing, laser cutting, get hands-on at UAMS labs, take part in Audio Visual Production and more. Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and transportation will be provided at no charge. The 3 locations of the camp will be Innovation Hub, UAMS, and UA-Pulaski Tech. To register, visit or call 501-758-8911.
– Guests: Ronald Wilkerson, Director of Bridge 2 Success | Bridge 2 Success, a free program for youth ages 6-19, is designed to teach them life skills development, community service, character building, mentoring, self-esteem development, one-on-one group counseling, social & recreational activities, athletics, academic enrichment, educational field trips, and other positive activities. The program consist of 3 components: Recruitment, Enrichment, and Empowerment. Transportation and meals are provided.Bridge 2 Success is funded by the City of Little Rock and through private donations. They are located at 3409 Baseline Road, Unit 4 in Little Rock. To sign up and learn more, call 501-565-0100 or visit
– Guests: Fred Hokes, Watershed Human & Community Development Agency | The Watershed and Friends will celebrate 40 years of service in conjunction with the re-dedication & open house for their newly remodeled building, Friday, March 15th | 5pm Open House & Reception | 6pm Banquet. The keynote speaker will be Mayor Frank Scott, Jr. The Watershed had provided resources to the masses in the areas of food, clothing, shelter, utility assistance, funeral assistance and so much more. They are known to be “The World’s First Social Hospital.” For tickets, sponsorship, and more information, call 501-378-0176
February 28, 2019
– Guests: Hugh Leavell, Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge Community Outreach Director | Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge is currently enrolling. Applications are being accepted to this free military style structured program for youth ages 16-18 who have dropped out or on the verge of dropping out of high school. Youth can earn their Arkansas High School diploma and place yourself into a marketable career. The program environment is based on principles such as self-discipline, teamwork, self-esteem, personal responsibility, ethics, setting personal goals, and service to community. For more information, call 1-800-814-8453 or visit
– Guests: Wadie and Octavia Moore of the Silas Carneal Jones Memorial Scholarship and also, his parents | Silas Carneal Jones was a 20-year-old college student at the University of Central Arkansas who was killed in an auto accident in 2003. The Silas Carneal Jones Foundation was created in his honor to help deserving students receive scholarships for school. Since 2007, there have been 56 scholarships awarded to students, and six more in addition will receive a $500 scholarship this spring. Two events are taking place with the proceeds going to the Scholarship Fund.
- Friday, March 15th | Silas Carneal Jones Memorial Golf Tournament | Eagle Hill Golf Course | 3A Eagle Hill Ct. | Little Rock | 9am tee time | Lunch after completion of the tournament
- Sat., March 16th | Silas Carneal Jones Foundation 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament | First Baptist Highland Park Family Center | 8:30am | Boy & Girls Divisions, Ages 6-8, 9-11, 12-15, 16-18 *Free: Free
For more information or to sign up, call 501-568-5631 or 501-231-3636 or email [email protected].
February 21, 2019
– Guests: Brenda Ficklin and Connie Curry of the Timmons Arts Foundation; Nicole McGehee and Nicole Woods of UAMS Health Initiatives & Disparities Research Program; Lydia Page & D’onte Marshall of Holisitc Home Health Care; Tomeka Caldwell of Heavenly Scent of Paradise; A.J. (April Jackson) & Tamara “Tap” Bates of She’s Dope Movement; and Leander Williams of W. K. Financial Group | The 15th Annual UAMS MidSouth Black Expo will be held Saturday, February 23rd from 9am-3pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. The event is FREE and open to the public. Business empowerment will involve seminars, community leaders, exhibitors and there will be plenty of networking opportunities. Some of the Expo highlights will be live entertainment, Battle of the Bands, Business Seminars, Exhibitors Marketplace, ACT Prep, Fashion & Arts, a Millennial Lounge, hourly giveaways, & more. There will be a Food Truck Court and the UAMS Mammovan will be onsite providing mammograms from 9am-1pm. (Registration is required. Call 800-259-8794.) Other Health Screenings will include Colorectal Cancer Screenings or FIT test for home usage; educational information will be distributed on Prostate Cancer and HPV, which is related to Cervical Cancer. For more information, call 501-891-1792 or visit or Like The UAMS Midsouth Black Expo on Facebook.
– Guests: Christy McMillion, Executive Director; Laurie Johnson, Board Member; & Alison Huskey, Activity Director of the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center for the 4th Annual “Taste of New Orleans” Fundraiser. This annual fundraiser will be held, Thursday, February 28th from 6pm-8pm at the Jacksonville Community Center Banquet Hall, 5 Municipal Drive in Jacksonville. Provided will be great food, live jazz music, a King cake, and fun & fellowship. Proceeds will benefit the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, a place for senior adults to socialize, have a hot meal and stay active. The center provides entertainment, transportation and other activities & services for any person over the age of 60. For tickets, call 501-982-7531 or purchase your $20 tickets on site at the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, 100 Victory Circle in Jacksonville.
– Guests: Big John Miller, Music Coordinator at Arkansas Sounds, a division of the Central Arkansas Library System | Arkansas Sounds presents “The Legacy of the Legendary KOKY”, Friday, February 22nd at 7pm at Ron Robinson Theater, Library Square, 100 Rock Street in Little Rock. KOKY is Arkansas’s first radio station devoted to all-Black programming. This event will honor the station with photos, audio clips and a panel discussion featuring KOKY on-air personalities, including Sonta Jean “The KOKY Queen,” Mark “Chillin” Dylan and Billy St. James with moderator Broadway Joe Booker. To RSVP, visit or visit Arkansas Sounds on Facebook.
February 14, 2019
– Guests: Dr. Fitz Hill, Executive Director, Scott Ford Center for Entrepreneurship and Community Development & Foundation at the Foundation at Arkansas Baptist College Baptist College | Arkansas Baptist College invites you to their annual fundraiser Supper & Soul Gala, Thursday, May 2nd at the Metroplex Event Center in Little Rock featuring American funk, Motown and R&B band The Brothers Johnson. The evening will include a reception, silent auction, Soul Train dance line, and more! Sponsorship are available. Proceeds benefit the Arkansas Baptist College Capital Campaign. For ticket information, call 501-420-1206.
– Guests: Shannon Booshears, Vice Chancellor of Advancement & Executive Director of UA-Pulaski Tech College Foundation | You are invited to the musical play with a gospel choir “Turning 15 on the Road to Freedom”, Saturday, February 23rd at 7:30pm at UA – Pulaski Tech: The Center for Humanities and Arts (CHARTS), 3000 West Scenic Drive in North Little Rock. The play tells the true story of Lynda Blackmon Lowery, the youngest person to march all the way from Selma to Montgomery in the 1965 voting rights march. The event is part of the Celebration of Black History month and is co-sponsored by the UA-PTC Cultural Diversity and Community Involvement Committee. For ticket information and more, visit or call 501-812-2715.
– Guests: Willie Hicks, Recruitment Coordinator of Webster University | Webster University is a non-profit private university with two campuses in Central Arkansas that offer graduate degrees: Downtown Little Rock and Jacksonville Air Force Base. The University is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association since 1925. Master degrees are offered in Business Administration, Public Administration, Health Administration, Human Resource Management, Human Resource Development, Management and Leadership, Information Technology Management, and Cybersecurity. The Downtown Little Rock location is having Open House, Thursday, February 21st from 6pm-7pm at 200 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 1500 in the Bank of American building in Little Rock. RSVP with Mr. Hicks to have your application fee waived. Call 501-375-1511 for more information or visit for more information.
February 07, 2019
– Guests: Brian Rodgers, Community Liaison, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | February is Black History Month, and Mosaic Templars Cultural Center has a number of events planned throughout the month.
- Feb. 9th – Trap Yoga with Judi Kay featuring DJ Goods. (9am & 10am classes) Bring your mat. Space is limited. Call to register.
- Feb. 15th – Lunch & Learn with artist Sondra Strong, creator of MTCC’s 2019 Black History Month signature image.This event is free and open to the public with lunch provided.
- Feb. 16th – Black History Quiz Bowl | 10am-1pm
- Feb. 19th – The Church in Power | 6pm-7:30pm | A panel discussion about the church’s role in activism in Arkansas. Guests will be able to interact through breakout sessions.
- Feb. 23rd – Storytime Saturday at Loblolly Creamery | 11am-12pm
- Feb. 28th & March 1st – Arkansas Black Hall of Fame presents: The Distinguished Laureate Series Nine featuring the Honorable Lavenski Smith, Chief Judge of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals.
For more information on these events or to register, call 501-683-9593 or visit them online at or like ’em on Facebook.
– Guests: Alma Williams, Board Member of the Art Porter Music Education | Art Porter Music Education presents For the Love of Art, a free concert, Sunday, February 10th at 6pm at St. John Missionary Baptist Church, 2501 South Main Street in Little Rock featuring national recording gospel artists Jermaine Dolly and Restine Jackson with host Billy St. James of Praise 102.5 FM and Little Rock School District’s Communication Director, Pamela Smith. Also performing will be G-Music and the Art Porter Singers. For more information, call 501-492-9120 or visit or like ’em on Facebook.
– Guests: Todd Hunter, Program Adviser, Arkansas Department of Career Education – Adult Education Division | The Arkansas Adult Education Entrepreneurship Program allows adult Arkansans over the age of 18 to study and earn a Certificate of Proficiency in Entrepreneurship within 12 months. Participants can take part in mini workshops that help them learn the ins and outs of starting a business in Arkansas, as well as business finance options. The deadline to apply for the program is February 21st. The program will start March 11th. For more information and to apply visit or call 501-901-2490 or toll-free 877-963-4433.
January 17, 2019
– Guests: Dr. Brian K. Mitchell, Assistant Professor of History at University of Arkansas at Little Rock | UALR | Anderson Institute on Race & Ethnicity presents their fist lecture series of the new year, “Taking West Rock: The Removal of Little Rock’s Westernmost Black Suburb,” Tuesday, February 5th at 12 noon at UALR, 2801 South University Ave. in the Ottenheimer Library 202. This free event is open to the public and will talk about the West Rock, one of the most exclusive communities that was nestled in what is now Riverdale, downhill from Pulaski Heights. The community lived symbiotically with their wealthy and industrial neighbors. To learn more about this lecture series, visit or visit them on Facebook.
– Guests: Rhea Williams, Loan Compliance and CRA officer at First Security Bank | A free Financial Literacy Workshop will be hosted by First Security Bank, Thursday, February 7th from 6pm-7:30pm at the The Watershed, 3701 Springer Blvd. in Little Rock. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about credit repair, money management, homeownership, the types of loans available to first time home buyers, mortgage loans, and down payment assistance and more. Refreshments and handouts will be provided. For more information, visit or call 501-217-4500.
– Guests: Cassandra Barnett, Library Media Specialist with the Arkansas Department of Education; and Brittany Foster, Secondary English Teacher at LISA Academy WEST Middle School | Arkansas Department of Education is in it’s fifth year with the Arkansas Declaration of Learning Program and applications are currently being accepted through February 10th. Forty Arkansas educators will have the opportunity to use historical art and projects from state and national partners to create lesson plans that involve civic engagement projects, bringing history, art, and English language arts to life. School librarians, as well as English language arts, fine arts, and social studies teachers, who teach grades 4-14 are encouraged to apply to participate in the program. To apply or learn more about the Arkansas Declaration Program, visit
January 17, 2019
– Guests: Pastor Phillip Pointer of St. Mark Baptist Church and Brenda Trice from CHI St. Vincent | St. Mark Baptist Church & Tendaji CDC hosts the Power To Get Wealth Job Fair, presented by CHI St. Vincent, Sunday, January 27th from 10am-2pm at St. Mark Baptist Church in the Children & Youth Center, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. Trained human resources professionals will led the job fair, which will feature nearly 60 employers. Participating companies range from financial services, health care, automotive, education, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and more. Attendees can get onsite help with their resume and interviews from recruiters ready to hire on the spot. Bring your resume and be dressed for the interview. Broadway Joe will be on site broadcasting live. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-663-3955 or visit or visit Saint Mark Baptist Church on Facebook.
– Guests: Darren Hamilton of Denman, Hamilton & Associates CPA PPLC | Denman, Hamilton & Associates CPA, PPLC is a full service, accounting firm specializing in tax planning, business development, tax preparation, audit and review services. From bookkeeping to complex balance sheets, they can handle your finances with integrity and accuracy, getting you the maximum refund possible. For more information about Denman, Hamilton & Associates CPA PPLC and their accounting services or to schedule a consultation, call 501-312-9491 or visit
– Guests: Carla Coleman, Chair of the Black History Commission of Arkansas and Tatyana Oyinloye, African American History Coordinator at the Dept. of Heritage | The Black History Commission of Arkansas presents “African Americans and Sports in Arkansas,” Saturday, February 2nd from 9:45am-3pm at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. Four important speakers will discuss the history of African Americans in Arkansas sports. The speakers include Evin Demirel, an Arkansas native and author of “Arkansas’s African American Sports Heritage”; Jimmy Cunningham, Jr., Pine Bluff native and author of “African Americans of Pine Bluff and Jefferson County”; Muskie Harris, one of the first black football players for the University of Arkansas; and Dr. Wilbert Gaines, one of the first black faculty members at Arkansas State University and also, one of the state’s first black referees. The event is free and is part of celebrating Black History Month. Lunch will be provided to the first 125 people to register. Must register early for this free event. Deadline to register is Monday, January 28. Get your tickets through the Facebook page of the Black History Commission of Arkansas or
January 17, 2019
– Guests: Debra Wood, Windgate & CHARTS Theater Coordinator at the Center for Humanities & Arts on the campus of the UA of Pulaski Tech | You are invited to a Gallery Reception for two exhibits hosted by the Center for Humanities & Arts (CHARTS) on the campus of the UA of Pulaski Tech, Friday, January 18th from 6pm-8pm. One of the exhibits, “Women of a New Tribe” is a photographic study of the physical and spiritual beauty of the Black American women we see around us every day. The women portrayed represent the black woman in many of her physical and social manifestations, the young and the old, mothers and daughters, artists and professionals. The second exhibit, “The Creative Mind” celebrates the contributions of African Americans to medicine, mathematics, engineering, and all branches of science. Featured speaker at the reception will be Garbo Hearne, Director of Hearne Fine Art. Music will be provided by Dr. Barry McVinney and Julia Buckingham. For more information, visit or call 501-812-2715.
– Guests: DuShun Scarborough, Executive Director with Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission | Mega King Fest. The 2019 A Day of Service – “A Day On, Not a Day Off’ Mega King Fest will be Monday, January 21st on the campus of Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive, Little Rock. A number of events hosted by the AMLK Jr. Commission and its partners will be taking place.
6 A.M. – 9 A.M. – The Broadway Joe Morning Show live broadcast of several guests
7 A.M. – Interfaith Unity Prayer Breakfast by invitation only at Saint Mark Baptist Church.
3 P.M. – 6 P.M. – Mega KingFest will include on-site community service projects, youth initiatives, health screenings, performances by Angela Winbush, Melvin Williams, & Zae Hilfiger and more.
To RSVP or obtain more information and the list of events visit or call 888-290-KING (5464).
– Guests: Leta Anthony, Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition; Attorney Julie Howe, Attorney Tabitha Lee, and Attorney Zina Hill Frazier with Center for Arkansas Legal Services | Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition in collaboration with the City of Little Rock presents Rights After Wrongs: A Day of Service, A Lifetime of Change, Saturday, January 19th from 9am-3pm at Arkansas Workforce Center, 5401 South University Ave. in Little Rock. Attendee will get information on how to Seal You Criminal Record (Must bring Sentencing Order & ACIC), Leniency Court – District Courts in Pulaski County (misdemeanor obligations, outstanding fines & failure to appear) Must be present at 9:30am, Meet with Employers (bring your resume), AR Driver Control, Health Screenings, Free Legal Consultations, and Free Tail Light Repair. For more information, visit or call 501-244-5483 or email [email protected].
January 10, 2019
– Guests: Stephanie Williams, Deputy Director for Public Health Programs at the Arkansas Health Department | Arkansas has the third highest obesity rate in the nation, according to the State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America released in August 2017. Arkansas Health Department has two programs with resources offered to help Arkansans live healthier lives. Healthy Active Arkansas is a 10-year framework to increase the number of Arkansans at a healthy weight. There are nine priority areas that include evidence-based strategies that impact the health of the state. Some of them include Access to Healthy Foods, Healthy Worksites, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Reduction, Breastfeeding, and more. Another program is Be Well Arkansas, a newly enhanced service that provides resources to improve the health and well-being of Arkansans, helping them quit tobacco or nicotine, manage their diabetes or high blood pressure. To learn more about Healthy Active Arkansas, visit To learn more about Be Well Arkansas, visit or call 833-283-WELL (9355).
– Guests: Robert Gerke, 10 Fitness Director of Operations; Ginger Root, Public Relations Manager; and Lindsey Black, Nutritionist | 10 Fitness has a 6-Week Challenge! The challenge is a training protocol designed around the 3 critical factors for fat loss success for maximum effectiveness. The approach is specifically designed for busy people and their unique lifestyle and time limitations. Participants will receive One On One Training, Group Personal Training, access to a Certified Nutritionist, a Success Guide, an Eating Out Guide, and more. To sign up and complete an application, log onto or call 501-690-5445 or visit 10 Fitness on Facebook.
– Guests: “Chef Pete” Nguyen, Founder & Co-Owner of Healthy Chew Kitchen | Healthy Chew is an online weekly meal preparation service located in Central Arkansas. They are dedicated to creating healthy and delicious meals in addition to changing the face of the fitness industry. By partnering with various health, fitness, and nutritional resources in Arkansas, they aim to help individuals reach their personal fitness goals without compromising the favorite dishes they know and love. Some of the various meals include Gourmet Eating, Food for Kids, Cleaner Eating, Meal Block Program, and Body Building. To learn more visit or call 501-904-5111 or visit Healthy Chew on Facebook.
December 13, 2018
– Guests: Christie Powell, Youth Director for Immaculate Conception Catholic Church; Pastor Glenn Heresy, Outreach Director and Shayla McCullough of St. Mark Baptist Church | The 14th Annual Little Rock Christmas Caravan: “A Holiday Event for the Homeless & Near Homeless” will be Saturday, December 15th at the Clinton Presidential Center in downtown Little Rock. Volunteers collected donations to be distributed to the homeless and near homeless men, women, and children in the community. A breakfast will be served from 8am-9am and Santa will begin to visit the various families and guests. This event is geared to reach over 800 people this year. For more information or to make a donation, call 501-835-4323 Ext. 105.
– Guests: -Muskie Harris, President of 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock | A Christmas Gala will be presented by 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock, Friday, December 14th at the Doubletree Hotel in the Ballroom in Downtown Little Rock. Reception will be held from 5:30pm-6:30pm and the Gala will begin at 7pm. The 7th graduating class of the 100 Academy Mentoring Program will be honored, along with local leaders. Service work of the chapter done throughout the year will also be highlighted. Which includes the 5th Annual Mentoring Across a Lifetime Conference, Community Partnership with Romine Elementary School, and the Education Choice Community Town Hall Meeting. The gala will feature a dinner, special presentations, and live entertainment. For more information, visit
– Guests: Allie Freeman, Apprenticeship Youth Manager; Roger Robinson, AV/TV Production Instructor; and Theresa Harper, EMT/First Responder Instructor at Metropolitan Career-Technical Center | Metropolitan Career-Technical Center, 7701 Scott Hamilton Drive in Little Rock, is the largest career and technical center in the state of Arkansas. It serves the career and technical education needs for students within a twenty-five mile radius of Pulaski and Saline counties. Metropolitan is well supported by the local business community, with over thirty active Partners-In Education. Any student in grades 10th-12th can register for the various programs, some include Cosmetology, Criminal Justice-Law Enforcement, Culinary Arts and Science, Welding Technology, Advertising Design/Computer Animation, and more. For more information, visit or call 501-447-1200.
– Guests: Ronnie Hoof, Motivational Speaker | Motivation is important for everyone. If people are not motivated, it’s unlikely that they’ll achieve their true potential. Ronnie Hoof is returning to Power 92 to provide Real Deal motivation tips and nuggets on in the mornings. He will tell you how you can stay motivated in the situations of life. For speaking engagements, contact Ronnie Hoof at 1-678-591-2222.
December 06, 2018
– Guests: Lt. Michael Ford, Jr., Commander of Public Affairs and Laura Martin, Neighborhood Watch & Public Affairs Coordinator at the Little Rock Police Department | The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. Here are some safety tips:
- Do not leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car.
- If you plan to leave town on vacation, contact the police department at the non-emergency number 501-371-4829 and put in a Vacation Home Report. (The officers will know the date you leave and the date you will return, and they can check on your house while you are away.)
- Put an alarm on your house.
- Always break down empty boxes that gifts came in and place them out of sight or take them to a dumpster. Never just place them outside. It is an advertisement for burglars and robbers.
- Close your blinds and windows, when you leave home.
- Keep a copy of the ID numbers of any electronics you have so you can identify it if it gets stolen.
- Pick up packages at the USPS, UPS, or FedEx instead of having them delivered to your home, if you will not be home during the delivery.
- Locate your keys prior to going to your car.
- Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with a friend or family member.
- Ask mall or store security for an escort before leaving your shopping location.
- If are approached and they are demanding your purse or any items, give it to them.
- Never leave your car unoccupied with the motor running or with children inside.
- Park in a well-lighted area.
- Keep bags and packages out of sight in your car.
- Get to know your neighbors and form a neighborhood watch. Call 501-915-5358 to learn more about setting up a neighborhood watch in the Little Rock area.
If you spot any suspicious activity, call the Little Rock Police. For emergency calls, dial 911. For non-emergency calls, dial 501-371-4829. To find out more information, Like ’em on Facebook.
– Guests: Pine Bluff Fire Chief Shauwn Howell and Safety Officer Jerry Garganeous of Pine Bluff Fire & Emergency Services | Between 2012-2016, United States Fire Departments responded to an average of 170 home fires that started with Christmas per year. Electrical distribution or lighting equipment was involved in 43% of home Christmas according to the National Fire Protection Association. Winter holidays are a time for families and friends to get together. But that also means a greater risk for fire. Following a few holiday safety tips will ensure a happy and fire-safe holiday season.
- As the weather changes, be sure to get a licensed technician to service your heat and air conditioner unit to make sure there is not a build up. Do not wait to have this done during the extreme cold weather.
- Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched.
- Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water daily.
- Use lights that are listed by a qualified testing laboratory. Some lights are only for indoor or outdoor use.
- Use precaution when using candles. Never use lit candles to decorate the tree.
- Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed.
- Choose decorations that are flame resistant or flame retardant.
- Obtain a smoke alarms & test them. Also, tell guests about your home fire escape plan.
- When cooking, never leave the house with food still cooking in the oven, on the stove, or in the slow cooker.
- Put a lid on a grease fire and smother it. Do not try to extinguish a grease fire with water.
For more information and safety tips from Pine Bluff Fire & Emergency Services, visit
– Guests: Bobby Hooks, Owner & Operator of Security with Provisions Home Security, Inc. | With all of the decorations, shopping, parties, and fun coming up with the holiday season, it’s important to be safe while also having fun. Here are a few recommendations from Security with Provisions Home Security, Inc.
- Avoid the Craigslist scam. Always meet in a public place, like the police station in order to avoid a robbery. Alert the police about the transaction before the meeting.
- Video Doorbell by Ring is a great gadget to invest in. It is a battery-powered video doorbell that work on every home. You can answer the door from a remote location and It also has a neighborhood watch feature.
- Obtain extra lighting or motion lights.
- Beware of people selling items or their services. (i.e. – lawn care, tree cutters…etc…)
- Invest in a key fob to set your alarm.
To learn about more gadgets to help secure your home or to schedule an appointment to have your home inspected, contact Security with Provisions at 501-749-9300. or visit
November 29, 2018
– Guests: Margaret (Preston) Dedman, Board Member in the Arkansas Homeless Coalition | The Arkansas Homeless Coalition (AHC) brings together the resources and people who provide services to the homeless. The coalition is in its 14th year and has more than 300 members, including volunteers, retirees, churches, and state employees. Membership is open to all persons engaged in or interested in networking and advocacy on behalf of those on the streets. In January 2017, Central Arkansas listed 990 homeless individuals, which represented 898 households with 84 children under the age of 18. Many of the homeless are in need of a home and shelter, jobs, healthcare, food, clothing, transportation, legal assistance, child care, pet care, dignity, respect, and the same rights as all citizens in Arkansas. While the coalition doesn’t provide actual services – you will find coalition individuals driving vans to get people to medical care, shelter and food. Members clean up camp sites where there is no trash pick-up and participate in helping at various centers and locations that offer shelter, job counseling and training, individual case management, access to computers and the internet, restroom & shower services, a place to receive and send mail, local phone service, laundry, housing referrals, meals, shelter from the weather and more. To join AHC, meetings are open to the public on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 10am-11:30am at the Willie Hinton Neighborhood Resource Center, 3805 West 12th Street in Little Rock. To learn more, and stay connected, visit
– Guests: Lana Nayles, Links President and Donna Terrell, Event Co-Chair | The Little Rock Chapter of The Links, Incorporated hosts their 46th Annual Holiday Jazz Brunch, Saturday, December 1st at 11am at the Downtown Marriott Hotel. This festive event will have tasty food and feature live music and entertainment from Lexington Porter and Ensemble. Proceeds help fund annual scholarships to local high school graduates and help sustain community service projects held throughout the year. For tickets and more information, call 501-492-9660 or visit or email [email protected]. To make a donation, Text to Donate “LRLINKS” to 56651.
– Guests: Brian Rodgers, Community Relations Liaison and Jaimie Wright, Director of Development at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | The 7th Annual “Say It Ain’t Say’s” Sweet Potato Pie Baking Contest will take place at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Sunday, December 2nd from 2pm-5pm at 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock. Admission is free to this family-friendly event, which is in conjunction with their Holiday Open House. Participants will compete for bragging rights for the best sweet potato pie in Central Arkansas. There will be a panel of celebrity judges that includes Broadway Joe of Power 92. First and second place prizes will be awarded in both professional and amateur categories in addition to a people’s choice award. Live entertainment will be performed by local dance groups & musicians. Registration is free. Participants are asked to bring a donated toy for the Say McIntosh Stop the Violence Organization. To register, visit call 501-683-3593.
November 15, 2018
– Guests: Tjuana Byrd, The Ivy Foundation of Little Rock; Melanie Hillard, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.; and Andress Gray, Event Co-Chair | The Ivy Foundation of Little Rock in partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Beta Pi Omega Chapter presents Fashionetta 2018: “Extraordinary Women Empowering Communities through Excellence”, Sunday, November 18th at 3pm at the Maumelle Performing Arts Center, 100 Victory Lane, Maumelle. First ladies of Central Arkansas churches will be featured in this fashion extravaganza curated by famous fashion designer Korto Momolu, featuring local designers. Entertainment will be provided by Tanjala Rouse-Richardson, Zetoria Curry, and Danny Fletcher and Band. Proceeds will go towards scholarships and service programs for the local community. For tickets and more information, visit
– Guests: Jannie Cotton, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc & Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc., and Scott Hamilton, Honoree | Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc. hosts the “Delta Presents Alumni Association Hall of Fame”, Saturday, November 17th with a Red Carpet Walk & Reception at 6pm and the Ceremony at 7pm at the Chenal Country Club, 10 Chenal Club Blvd. in Little Rock. This event kick starts the establishment of the Delta Presents Alumni Association. Some of the honorees include Sidney Moncrief, Scott Hamilton Orville Abrams, Jr., Eddie Armstrong, and Darius Nelson. For tickets, visit and for more information, visit
– Guests: Pastor William Holloway | THANKSGIVING DINNER at the COMPASSION CENTER: The Compassion Center is dedicated to feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and more 365 days of the year. LITTLE ROCK COMPASSION CENTER will offer Breakfast: 6am, Lunch: Noon, Supper: 4:30pm, There will be a Morning Devotional at 8:30am For anyone interested. Thanksgiving Dinner will be THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd at 12 noon at 3618 W. ROOSEVELT RD in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-296-9114 or visit
– Guests: Fred Hokes (KOKY’s Downtown Freddie Brown) | 40TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY at the WATERSHED: Known as the “World’s First Social Hospital,” the Watershed keeps continues to provide resources to the masses and serve thousands of hungry and needy Arkansans each year. Over 5,000 people were fed last Thanksgiving in Pulaski County and surrounding areas. Donations are being accepted for the following items: carry out containers, silverware, can goods, boxes for delivery, non-perishable items and turkeys. If you wanted to donate your time, it will be used in the areas of cooking, delivery drivers and servers. Hot meals will be served and also sent for delivery, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 10AM- 2PM, 3701 SPRINGER BLVD. LITTLE ROCK. If you know of anyone that is in need of a hot meal on that day, or if you want to sign up to volunteer, call 501-378-0176 or visit
November 1, 2018
– Guests: Darrell Walker, Head Men’s Basketball Coach for the UALR | The University of Arkansas at Little Rock announced Darrell Walker as the 23rd head men’s basketball coach in March 2018. Walker brings extensive basketball experience to both collegiate and professional level. His playing experience includes three years at the University of Arkansas and 10 seasons in the National Basketball Association, followed by a 20-year professional coaching career, including serving as head coach for two different NBA franchises. Walker was inducted into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame in 2003 and was enshrined into the University of Arkansas Hall of Honor in 2008. The Little Rock Trojan will have their season opener playing against Southeastern Oklahoma State, Thursday, November 8th at 6:30pm at the Jack Stephens Center. For tickets and more on the LR Trojans, visit
– Guests: Todd Day, Head Men’s Basketball Coach for Philander Smith College | Todd Day, Sr. is in his 2nd year as the men’s basketball coach for the Philander Smith College Panthers. Day was a former first-round NBA Draft pick and the Arkansas Razorbacks’ all-time leading scorer. He was coach me the legendary Nolan Richardson, and broke records as a Razorback, was an All-American, and lead the team to a SEC title and a NCAA Final Four appearance, and was inducted in the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame 2008. The student-athletes will benefit from Day’s fast-paced and energetic style of basketball. He sets goals high, and says he plans to win. Philander is celebrating Homecoming Week, November 4th-11th with a number of events. Some on the events include:
- Thurs., Nov. 8th | 7pm – Bless the Mic with guest speaker Ray J, M.L. Harris Auditorium
- Fri., Nov. 9th | 6pm – Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Banquet, Nugent Conference Center
- Sat., Nov. 10th | 2pm & 4pm | Panters Basketball Games | Mims Gymnasium
For a complete list of PSC Homecoming activities, visit For the Panthers game schedule, tickets or more information, visit
– Guests: Melvin Hines II, Director of Athletics for UAPB | The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) has a new Director of Athletics who is coach-driven, student-centered and administrative-supported. Melvin J. Hines, II has a proven record of success in building winning programs, commitment to high achievement, and the desire to see student-athletes excel both on and off of the fields and courts. Hines joined the UAPB Golden Lions nation September 10th. Among his professional affiliations, he is a member of the National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics (NACDA), National Association of Athletic Development Directors (NAADD), Minority Opportunity Athletic Association (MOAA) and the National Association of Academic Advisers for Athletics (N4A). For more on the UAPB Golden Lions, visit
November 1, 2018
– Guests: Tania Kelley a.k.a. Nia Renee and mom Tamera Kelly | Little Rock teenage singing sensation Tania Kelley is steadily building her resume with plans to take on the music world with her powerful voice. Kelley, who goes by the stage name Nia Renee, has sung the National Anthem at the Washington Nationals in June, and also sung at the Governor’s Mansion, Diva’s in the Rock, and list of other places. The 15-year-old is a sophomore at Little Rock Central High and is set to appear in the school’s play “Sister Act”, November 9th & 10th. The Friday show will begin at 7pm & Saturday at 2pm. Tickets will be available at the box office for $5 for student, and $10 for adults. Kelley will also be seen at the Arkansas Repertory Theatre’s Reveal Show, November 13th and was cast in Madama Butterfly Opera in the Rock, set for May 2019. To keep up with Nia Renee, schedule bookings & appearances, visit or visit her on Facebook at “Official Nia Renee” or on Instagram at “Issa.Nia.Renee”.
– Guests: Lorenzo Lewis, Founder of The Confess Project and Matt Dillion, Owner and Operator or Good Fellas Barbershop | Beyond the Shop, the Barbershop program under The Confess Project, is a focus led group facilitated by ambassadors and leaders, who encourage cultural dialogue and more. The program targets mental health awareness, healthy relationships, and provides resources for services and treatment. The Confess Project is a nonprofit organization that cultivates the culture with boys and men of color through engagement of mental health awareness, while improving emotional health. Beyond the Shop will have the last session of the year, Friday, November 2nd at 6pm at Good Fella’s Barbershop, 4546 McCain Blvd. (by Burger King) in North Little Rock. To learn more about the program and others, visit
– Guests: Allie Freeman, III, member of Black Men United Team for 3 Miles of Men | The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure takes place this weekend and “3 Mile of Men”, comprised of fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, and friends, will line the race course to show their support for the many women runners and walkers. The Black Men United Team has won numerous times for being having the largest team lining the race course. The race will be Saturday, November 3rd in downtown Little Rock. The men will be posted on Broadway Street between Capitol and 4th Street. Men who arrive early will have the opportunity to receive a free breakfast at the Three Miles of Men Headquarters, located at Capitol Smokehouse & Grill, 915 West Capitol in Little Rock. This is limited to the first 300 “3 Miles of Men” participants. A $30 registration will get you a long sleeve shirt. To register, visit the Race Space in the Promenade at Chenal, 17711 Chenal Parkway (across the Apple Store) in Little Rock. For more information, visit Komen for the Cure Arkansas – “3 Miles of Men” on Facebook or “3 Miles of Men” on Twitter or call 501-400-5590.
October 25, 2018
– Guests: Kristina Gulley, Community Advocate/Volunteer and Shorter College student, DuShun “Shun” Scabrough II | The 1st North Little Rock Neighborhoods Beautification Recycle Drop-Off and Shred Event will be Saturday, October 27th from 10am-1pm in the parking lot of Shorter College, 604 North Locust Street in N. Little Rock. Residents can bring their old bills, personal papers, and document to the event and Arkansas Records Management will securely shred them free-of-charge. Free grilled hot dogs and drinks will be on site. Participants are asked to donate canned goods to support “Baskets with a Purpose”, an organization that provides food to local families in need for Thanksgiving. For more information, call 501-744-0085.
– Guests: Charles Stewart, President of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame | The 26th Annual Induction Ceremony of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame is Saturday, October 27th at 7:30pm at the Robinson Center Performance Hall. The one-night only variety show will honor 26 years with dance, music, and spoken word. Six Black Arkansans will be honored for their exceptional achievements. The honorees include, athlete Darrell Walker; education advocate and political leader, Mary Louise Williams; film and stage actor, Brent Jennings; renowned mixed media visual artist; Kevin Cole, Army deputy chief of staff for logistics; LTG. Andre F. Piggee; and posthumous the first African American woman recognized as a symphonic composer, Florence B. Price. The organization’s first coffee table book, “Seeds of Genius: 25 Years of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame will be available for purchase at the celebration and online, as well as tickets. Log on to for more details.
– Guests: Mark Rydel, Morrgage Loan Officer and Andrea Lewis, AVP Community and Business Development/Marketing at First Security Bank | A free Home Buying Workshop will be hosted by First Security Bank, Thursday, October 25th from 6pm-7:30pm at the Southwest Community Center, 6401 Baseline Road in Little Rock. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the types of loans available to first time home buyers, mortgage loans, and down payment assistance and more. Refreshments and handouts will be provided. For more information, visit or call 501-217-4500.
October 18, 2018
– Guests: Drew Dees, Walk Chairman | Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) hosts Central Arkansas One Walk, Sunday, October 28th. Registration will take place at 1pm and the walk will kick off at 2pm in North Little Rock starting at Dickey-Stephens Park with the route heading to the Clinton Library and back. This annual walk brings together supporters to raise awareness of Type 1 diabetes and also raise funds for its critical research. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects millions of people around the world. To register for Central Arkansas One Walk or learn more about the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, visit or call 501-217-0321.
– Guests: Michelle Atkinson, Event Chairman | Mt. Nebo Missionary Baptist Church hosts the 4th Annual Breast Cancer 2K Walk/Run (in memory of Billie Jean “BJ” Jackson), Saturday, October 27th at 9am, kicking off at Jefferson Regional Medical Center, 1301 West 40th Avenue in Pine Bluff. Attendees can arrive “pinked out” and hit the pavement to support and celebrate survivors. That Walk/Run will have vendors, health screenings, breast self exams demos, prizes, giveaways, and more. To register for the Breast Cancer 2K Walk/Run or learn more, visit or call 870-692-6325.
– Guests: Anna Morshedi, Event Chairman and Justin Buck, Community Engagement Director at Harmony Health Clinic | The 8th Annual World Cheese Dip Championship will be Saturday, October 20th from 12 noon- 4pm at the Clinton Presidential Center in downtown Little Rock. Last seven events drew over 20,000 people combined. Both professionals and amateurs will be judged in the competition. Proceeds will benefit the Harmony Health Clinic. For tickets, visit For more information, visit
October 11, 2018
– Guests: Latosha Pulley, Founder and Executive Director of The House of Healing Hearts, Alecia Pully, and Shameka Simmons | October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and also, National Bullying Prevention Month. The House of Healing Hearts, a non profit organization, provides support for victims who have experienced domestic violence and teen bullying/violence with a mentorship program, group support meetings, and ministry. Meetings are held once a month at two Central Arkansas Library locations: Dee Brown Library, 6325 Baseline Road in Little Rock. and Millie Brooks Library, 13024 AR-365 in Wrightsville. For times and days, donations, to volunteer, and learn more, contact 501-366-6931 or join the Facebook support group “The House of Healing Hearts!! Battered Women and Children“.
- “Survivors Wear Purple” – A Domestic Violence Awareness Event | Saturday, October 20th | VIP entry 6:30pm | Doors open at 7pm | Mayflower High School Auditorium | 10 Lesley King Drive in Mayflower. Performances will be by the Dream Catchers Dance Team and more. Proceeds to benefit The House of Healing Hearts. For ticket information, visit or visit Facebook “domestic violence aWEARness: Survivors Wear Purple“.
– Guests: Debra Buckner, Pulaski County Treasurer and Tax Collector | Arkansas Property Tax payments are due October 15th. Convenient online payment options are available in over 50 Arkansas counties. Citizens can avoid late fees and in-person payment lines by paying their property taxes before the deadline. A directory of participating counties and secure mobile payment sites is available at To make a secure payment on a computer or mobile device, taxpayers just need to enter the parcel or tax-id numbers provided on their statements, or search by their name or address, The online service provides a payment confirmation and printable receipt. Payments can be made online until 11:59 p.m. October 15. Taxpayers can also sign up for Gov2Go, the first-of-its-kind, personal assistant that tracks assessment, property tax, and vehicle registration renewal deadlines and more. For more information and to avoid the long lines, visit
– Guests: Ernie Dodson, Agatha Von Pettigrave, Jason the Dark Man, and Dr. Sooie of EMOBA’s Haunted Cathedral’s Scarecrowtorium | EMOBA celebrates 25 years with the Haunted Cathedral’s Scarecrowtorium, 1208 Louisiana Street in Little Rock. A chilling combination of monsters, ghouls, and zombies may send shivers down your spine. This event is known to be one of Arkansas’s longest running attractions and scariest. Visitors will encounter ghastly scenes, gruesome characters, and grim animatronics. The experience will keep them captivated from start to finish. School “light on” day tours, VIP passes, and group rates are available. Opening night will be October 19th -21st and October 25th -31st. Hours are 7:30pm-9:45pm (Weekdays) and 7:30pm-11:30pm (Weekends). *The Haunted Cathedral’s Scarecrowtorium is a major fundraiser for Ernie’s Museum of Black Arkansans & Performing Arts Center more commonly known as EMOBA. For ticket information and more, visit EMOBA on Facebook or call 501-372-0018.
October 04, 2018
– Guests: Coach Oliver B. Elders and Wadie Moore | Known as “the winningest active coach in the state of Arkansas”, former high school and middle school basketball coach, Oliver B. Elders, Jr. has now added Author to his title with his new book, “Fruit of the Spirit.” A collection of Coach Elders favorite poems, prayers, scriptures, lyrics, quotes, and more have been included in the book. The words are not only an inspiration to him, but to his family, friends, former students and players, and his many fans. Those who read the book should get an inspiration and a sense of positivity that they will be able to succeed. Coach Elders wants to be able to share the words that give him comfort and joy to others in hopes of them feeling the same and finding their source of peace and hope. For more information, and to order your copy of “Fruit of the Spirit”, visit
– Guests: Jackie Richardson Sr., Directer; Terica Richardson, Co-Director; Taniesha Richardson-Wiley, President; Jackie Richardson Jr., Treasurer; and Tiffany Richardson-Vineyard, Administrative Executive of the T-Rich Foundation | The Terrance Richardson Dream.Believe.Work Foundation (T-Rich Foundation) was launched a few years ago honoring the life and legacy of Terrance Richardson, who died tragically in 2016. Terrance had a passion for adventure, mentoring, and the arts, specifically music, film, and photography. The T-Rich Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to opening doors of opportunity for the next generation through mentoring programs and scholarship opportunities. High school seniors and college students who have met the requirements and have an interest in Business or the Arts can apply for a scholarship. The mentorship program is designed for children, youth, and young adults in a positive environment with a curriculum divided into 3 quarters: Dream, Believe, and Work.
- Upcoming Event: T-Rich Foundation hosts the 2nd Annual Jeans, Jacket and Boots Gala, Friday, November 9th at 6:30pm at the Hilton Garden Inn, 10914 Kanis Road in Little Rock. Guest speaker will be Officer Tommy Norman, of the North Little Rock Police Department. Proceeds will go to the T-Rich Scholarship Foundation and Mentorship Program. For tickets, visit
To volunteer, make a donation or learn more, call 501-404-7604, or visit
– Guests: “Stan the Man” Ellis, Promoter for the 2018 Pine Bluff-Altheimer Fall Fest and performer Mean Green | The 2018 Pine Bluff-Altheimer Fall Fest will be held, Saturday, October 6, 2018 at Cook Family Park, 11712 Highway 70 North in Altheimer with featured artists TK Soul, J-Wonn, LJ Echols, Al Chauncy, Jay Croz, Co Co, Summer Wolfe, Mean Green, and the Platinum Blues Band. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-413-7683.
September 27, 2018
– Guests: Senator Linda Chesterfield and Annette Thomas-Jones, current Coordinator of First Baptist Church Early Childhood Center | First Baptist Church, 701 South Gaines Street in Little Rock is currently taking applications for their free Early Childhood Center. Home of the Academic All-Stars, the center has programs available for three and four-year-olds in the Little Rock and surrounding areas. To learn more, call 501-904-5700 or visit or First Missionary Baptist Church Little Rock on Facebook or @The1stFirst on Twitter or the1stfirst on Instagram.
– Guests: Caitlin Tye, Arkansas Urology | September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and Arkansas Urology is observing it with the 14th Annual Kick-Off to Men’s Health event with prostate screenings and flat screen TVs! Each man will receive a free prostate screening and have an opportunity to win a flat-screen TV if they register. The Kick-Off Men’s Health event will be Thursday, September 27 | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 4200 Stockton Drive | North Little Rock. To schedule your free prostate screening, call 501-219-8900 and visit for more information.
– Guests: Akissi Brooks-Hill, Founder & CEO of Ambitious Girls, Inc.; Shanteria Davis and Sadie Jones, Ambitious Girls Ambassadors | Ambitious Girls, Inc. presents the 10th Annual EmpowHERment Day Conference, Saturday, September 29th from 8am-4pm UALR Ledbetter, 2801 South University Ave. in Little Rock. The theme is Ambitious Girls Magic. Girls in the 7th-12th grades will have the opportunity to be empowered, educated, and motivated to G.R.O.W. “Get Ready to Lead Our World!” Guest speakers will be Marline Francois Madden and Jaynay C. Johnson. This FREE event will include a light breakfast and full lunch, t-shirts, workshops, drawstring backpacks, prizes and more. To learn more, call 501-240-7820 or visit or like Ambitious Girls Inc on Facebook.
September 20, 2018
– Guests: Rev. William Robinson, Jr., Executive Director and Sandra Mitchell, Director of Supportive Services of Better Community, Development, Inc. (BCD) and Luke Kramer, Executive Director of The Starr Coalition | Better Community Development (BCD), Inc celebrates and recognizes September as National Recovery Month. BCD hosts the 14th Annual Recovery Jam, Tuesday, September 25th from 4pm-8pm at the downtown River Market Pavilion, 400 President Clinton Drive in Little Rock. Recovery Jam raises awareness about mental & substance use disorder, treatment and recovery. Individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are in long-term recovery will be highlighted. There will be live entertainment, a talent showcase, free food and non-alcoholic beverages, testimonials, door prizes, and great family fun. For more information, call 501-663-7221 or 501-351-3321 or visit or like Better Community, Development, Inc. on Facebook.
- A Rally to Preserve Mental Health “A System in Crisis” will be held, Thursday, September 27th at 3pm on the steps of the State Capitol. Mental Health Advocate and son of Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy will be a featured speaker discussing the state of the mental health system and how Arkansans are being impacted. For more information, call 501-944-8653.
– Guests: Cozetta Jones, Communications Director for the Office of Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde; Rosalyn Middleton and Tjuana Byrd of Pulaski County Youth Services Advisory Board | Pulaski County is presenting two big events.
- 4th Annual Festival in the Park at Two Rivers will be Sunday, September 30th from 11am-6pm at 6900 Two Rivers Park Road between both the Arkansas and Little Maumelle Rivers. More than 1,000 acres of land will make a unique festival experience offering games, contests, food, activities, vendors, live entertainment and more. The admission is free! For more information, visit or like Pulaski County Government on Facebook.
- 5th Annual Champions of Youth Awards Gala will be Thursday, October 11th at The Masonic Center, 712 Scott Street in Little Rock. There will be a 6:30pm Heroes Reception and a 7:30pm Awards Show. Honorees are C.J. Duvall, the Little Rock Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, LR Mayor Mark Stodola, and Eve Jorgensen. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from a number of great speakers. Proceeds from the dinner will benefit the afterschool and out-of-school programs provided free-of-charge in undeserved communities by Pulaski County Youth Services. For tickets and more information, visit or like Pulaski County Youth Services on Facebook.
– Guests: Dr. Ericka McCarroll, Little Rock School District and Megan Golden, AR Kids Read | September is Attendance Awareness Month and the Little Rock School District and partners kicks off their “Feet the the Seat” Chronic Absenteeism Campaign. Regular school attendance may seem like the norm, but many Arkansas students suffer from chronic absence, which can leave them struggling to keep up in class. As your family starts the new school year, make sure your child is in the classroom on time, every day! Join LRSD Superintendent Michael Poore at the Feet to the Seat Community Walk, Saturday, September 22nd at 10am at David O’Dodd Elementary School, 6423 Stagecoach Road in Little Rock. Walking teams of parents, students, staff and the community will wear school shirts or colors and walk predetermined routes knocking on doors passing our bookmarks, flyers , and door hangers. Be sure to tweet photos or videos with the #FeettotheSeat. For more information, call 501-447-1030 or visit or like Little Rock School District on Facebook.
September 13, 2018
– Guests: Janice Hobson, Dick Jeter President and Toni Foy, Dick Jeter Asst. Treasurer | Valentine-Wooten Awareness Council presents Dick Jeter Day & Parade featuring Rixey Day, Saturday, September 15th with the parade kicking off at 10am at Mount Araratt Church, 5417 Valentine Road in North Little Rock. The annual day event begins at 11am at Dick Jeter Park, 4621 Dick Jeter Loop in North Little Rock with free food, entertainment, a bounce house for the kids, various vendors, live entertainment from Charles Woods & The Element, and fun events for the entire family. Bring your lawn chairs. For more information, call 501-773-6999 or 501-960-2763 or visit Valentine Wooten Awareness Council of Facebook.
– Guests: Dr. Sherri Diamond, board certified in Family Medicine at Little Rock Community Health Center | “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day” is a national campaign that is vital for encouraging black communities and non-black people of color to pursue preventative health measures that they might not do on their own, perhaps out of distrust in doctors or financial inability. When your loved ones put off seeing a doctor, a “tiny” health problem can become a “big health problem.” “Take a Loved One to the Doctor Day” is Tuesday, September 18th. However, you can still schedule an appointment beyond that particular date. JCCSI (Jefferson Comprehensive Care, Inc.) has locations in Little Rock and North Little Rock where you do not need health insurance to be seen. A sliding fee scale is offered for the uninsured. Walk-ins are accepted. Community Health Centers provide high quality, cost-effective health care services to everyone regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. To schedule an appointment, contact:
- Little Rock Community Health Center | 1100 North University Ave., Suite #125 | 501-663-0055 | Dr. Sherri Diamond (board certified in Family Medicine) and Keesha Brown, APRN
- North Little Rock Community Health Center | 2525 Willow Street, Suite #1 | 501-812-0225 | Dr. Marcus Crouther (board certified in Family Medicine)
– Guests: Angel Burt, Event Chair and Garbo Hearne, Event Co-Chair of the Paul Laurance Dunbar Community Festival | The Dunbar Historic Neighborhood Association presents the 4th Annual Paul Laurance Dunbar Community Festival, Saturday, September 15th from 9am-4pm at Dunbar Community Center, 1001 West 16th Street in Little Rock. This free event will be held inside and outside of the community center with food vendors, a health fair, healthy food demos, financial improvement seminars, a quiz bowl, art fair, live music, a kids zone and more! For more information, call 501-612-9698 or visit or like Dunbar Historic Neighborhood Association on Facebook.
September 06, 2018
– Guests: James Ressish, Executive Vice President of the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce; and Myron Jackson, CEO of The Design Group | The 36th Annual Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week, presented by The Design Group will be held Monday-Thursday, September 10th-13th at various locations in Little Rock. The kick off will be a Minority Business Awards Luncheon with keynote speaker Ronnie Dedman, President of AT&T Arkansas, Monday, September 10th from 11:30am-1pm in the Nugent Conference Room at Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock.
- Tues., Sept. 11th | Innovations and Libations | 4:30pm-7:30pm | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | 501 W. 9th Street in LR
- Thurs., Sept. 13th | 2018 Arkansas Small, Minority and Women-Owned Business Matchmaking Event | 8pm-3pm | Metroplex Event Center | 10800 Colonel Glenn Road | LR
- Thurs., Sept. 13th | Networking Fiesta | 5pm-7pm | Club 27, 614 President Clinton Ave, LR | The Hispanic Business Committee of the LR Chamber will present a multicultural networking event with live music, dance lessons, authentic Argentinian food and more.
All MED Week events, even if free, require reservations which must be made/purchased separately and in advance at To learn more, call 501-377-6027 or add Little Rock Regional Chamber on Facebook & Twitter.
– Guests: LaKisha Johnson, Executive Director and Kimberly Lee, Board Member of Sickle Cell Support Services (SCSS); Jerald Gardner, Arkansas Blood Institute; and Cliff Aaron of Drummerboy Infinity | September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and during this month Sickle Cell Support Services (SCSS) will be hosting a series of events to bring awareness to Sickle Cell and also raise funds.
- Friday, September 7th | Kick-Off with the sounds of entertainer Keith Savage | 7pm | Guillermo’s Coffee, Tea & Rostery | 10700 North Rodney Parham | LR
- Saturday, September 8th | Blood Drive in memory of Germaine Johnson, Founder of SCSS | 9am-2pm | Greater Friendship Church | 4640 Springer Blvd. | Little Rock. Must bring photo I.D. Call 501-650-0764 to schedule an appointment.
- Saturday, September 8th | R.E.S.P.C.T. The Queen of Soul Tribute to Aretha Franklin | 10pm-2am | Rev Room | 300 President Clinton Ave. | Downtown LR. Proceeds to benefit SCSS.
For more information on these events or other events throughout the month of September, call 501-650-0764 or visit
– Guests: LaConda T. Watson, CEO of the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club (JBGC) and Freddie Scott, Sr., former Pro NFL Football Player and JBGC board member for the Annual Dub Myers Memorial Golf Tournament. The event is one of the main fundraisers for the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club which serves hundreds of kids. The tournament will be held, Monday, September 10th at the Southern Oaks Country Club, 701 Foxwood Drive in Jacksonville with an 11am-12 noon lunch and 1pm Tee Time. The cost is $85 per person; $150 Hole Sponsor; $475 Team & Hole Sponsor. Sponsorship opportunities are available. To register online visit To learn more, call 501-982-4316.
August 23, 2018
– Brandon Kiker, Founder of Arkansas Cup Tennis Series and Tre’ Day of Power 92 Jams | presents the 7th Annual “Labor of Love”Charity Classic & Silent Auction, Friday-Sunday, August 31st-September 2nd at Rebsamen Tennis Center, 1501 Leisure Place in Little Rock. The Charity Classic is sanctioned by USTA Southern Arkansas and is bigger and better. Proceeds help create scholarships for deserving college students. To sign up and learn more information, visit
-Mary Louise Williams, recipient of the of the Brownie Ledbetter Civic Engagement Award, and Ryder Buttry, Communications Specialist of the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas | Retired educator Mary Louise Williams has an extensive career in education; has served on various boards and commissions; mentored numerous women and men in the political arena, academia, and civic engagement. At 90-years-old, Mrs. Williams is still going strong and on the move. She will be honored next month at an event presented by the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas. “Power of the Purse” will be held, Friday, September 14th from 11am-1pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in Downtown Little Rock in the Wally Allen Ballroom. For tickets and more information, visit
August 16, 2018
– Jamesetta Smith, President of the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc. | Renowned saxophonist Grady Nichols and Band will perform at an annual fundraiser presented by the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc., Saturday, August 25th at The Hotel Hot Springs and Spa. “An Evening with Grady Nichols Smooth Jazz Concert” will open the doors at 6:30pm. Show starts at 7:15pm. Nichols and his band has been coming to perform for the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas for 18 years and have always packed the house. Tickets are available online at or at the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc., 3901 Central Avenue, Suite L, Hot Springs. For more information, call 501-525-9380.
-Lieutenant Hosea Thompson and Officer Jasmine Womack with the Pine Bluff Police Department | The Pine Bluff Police Department is sponsoring a Fishing Derby, Saturday, August 18th from 8am-12noon at Martin Luther King Park, 804 North Haverty Street in Pine Bluff. Kids ages 15 and under, and senior citizens can enjoy a day of fishing and fun! They can catch it, clean it, and cook it on site. School supplies will be given away and additional food items will be available. For more information, call 870-730-2073 or visit PineBluff Pbpd on Facebook.
Tomekia Moore, Executive Director & Event Coordinator invites you to join her this weekend. The H.Y.P.E. (Helping Young People Excel) Program presents the 6th Annual Summer Palooza & Youth Crime Prevention Summit, Saturday, August 18th from 10am-2pm at Sherwood Forest, 1111 Maryland Drive, Sherwood. The H.Y.P.E. Program is a youth program providing mentorship support to Sherwood, Pine Bluff and surrounding areas. The event’s primary goal is to bridge the communication gap between the community and local government in the areas of public safety and intervention measures regarding youth. There will be panel discussions, fun games & activities, tasty treats & more! For more information, call 870-872-2229.
August 09, 2018
– Jonathan Hart, Community Outreach Director for Rose City Community Church of Christ and Chris Ware | The Back-2-School Bash & Community Outreach, hosted by Rose City Community Church of Christ and community partners, will be Saturday, August 11th from 10am-1pm at North Little Rock Academy, 5500 Lynch Drive (formerly Rose City Middle School) in North Little Rock. Children present can receive free school supplies, hair cuts & styles to clean hair only (begin at 8:30am), immunizations (previous shot records required), and health screenings. Food will be available and fun play in the bounce houses & more! For more information, call 501-422-1477.
– Chris Geigger, Ernest Wooten, and Mozell Gipson with the Pine Bluff Black Firefighters Association B.R.A.V.E. | The 14th Annual Project Fresh Start presented by the Pine Bluff Black Firefighters Association B.R.A.V.E and partners Metro PCS, Qual Choice and the Clinton Foundation will be Saturday, August 11th from 9am-12pm at the Pine Bluff Convention Center, #1 Convention Center Plaza. 3,000 students will have the opportunity to receive free school supplies and backpacks on a first come, first served basis. A limited amount of school uniforms will be distributed. There will be refreshments, entertainment, games and more! (Children Pre-K to 12th grade must be present to receive supplies.) For more information, call 870-489-2325.
– Joe Howard, President, and Quatecia Wilson with the Little Rock Black Firefighters Association F.L.A.M.E. | The 22nd Annual Project Fresh Start presented by the Little Rock Black Firefighters Association F.L.A.M.E. and partners will be held, Saturday, August 11th beginning at 10am at the Southwest Community Center, 6401 Baseline Road in Little Rock. The goal is to give every child a fresh start for the school year by providing them with free backpacks filled with school supplies while supplies last. The will be food, free swimming, and haircut vouchers to Arkansas College of Barbering & Hair Design will be given away. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, call 501-256-7137.
– Rev. James Marshall, Betty Mitchell, Tim Edwards, Ida Hooks, and Derick Marshall of Emmanuel Baptist Church | The 12th Annual Community Day hosted by Emmanuel Baptist Church will be held, Saturday, August 11th from 9:30am-1:30pm at 3323 West 12th Street in Little Rock. This annual event will provide free school supplies, food, clothing giveaway, free haircuts for boys, health screenings & physicals, meditation corner, financial assessment, voter registration, fitness information, fun, games, & more! For more information, call 501-666-6252 or visit or like ’em on Facebook.
July 26, 2018
-Tameka Lee, Director of Marketing & Resource Development at the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) and Mark Gillis, Director of Books 4 Kids Literacy Program at Good Will Industries of Arkansas | CALS will conclude their Summer Reading Club (SRC) with various events planned. Since May, more than 10,000 people have registered for the SRC, making this year the most successful since 2015. The list of events include:
- Summer Reading Club participants are eligible to pick up a free general admission ticket at any CALS branch (while supplies last) for the July 26th Arkansas Travelers game vs. Tulsa Drillers.
- Saturday, July 28th from 10am-2pm at Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library & Learning Center, 4800 West 10th Street in Little Rock – Celebration: Libraries Rock!, CALS partnered with Goodwill will have a day filled with musical activities and games, crafts, and a dance party.
- Monday, July 30th at 6pm at CALS Ron Robinson Theater, 100 River Market Ave. in Little Rock – SRC concludes with a free showing of The Greatest Showman (PG), sing-a-long version.
For more information, call 501-918-3000 or visit or follow Central Arkansas Library System on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
– Sterling Ingram, Art Porter Music Education President and Alma Williams, Board Member | Art Porter Music Education presents the 8th Annual “A Work of Art” Jazz Week 2018, July 30th-August 4th at various venues across the city. The week of events honor the late Art Porter, Sr. and Art Porter, Jr. with a star studded line up!
- Monday, July 30 | 12 Noon | LR City Hall | Minors in Music & Arkansas Artists | Free Event
- Tuesday, Jul. 31st | 12 Noon | Riverfront Park | Minors in Music & Arkansas Artists | Free Event
- Wed., Aug. 1st | 7pm & 9pm | Cajun’s Wharf | Martha Burks| Ticketed Event
- Thurs. Aug 2nd | 7pm & 9pm | Khalil’s Pub & Grill | “Sweet Lu” Olutosin | Ticketed Event
- Fri., Aug. 3rd | 7pm | 109 & Co. | Minors in Music & Arkansas Artists | Free Event
- Sat., Aug. 4th | 8pm | Wildwood Park of the Arts, Cabe Theater | Kirk Whalum | Ticketed Event
Purchase tickets at or Lindsey’s Hospitality House in NLR. For more information, call 501-492-9120 or visit Art Porter Music on Facebook.
-Bishop James E. Bolden, III of Evangelistic Ministries Church | Evangelistic Ministries Church hosts the 5th SUNday FUNday, Sunday, July 29th at 10am located in their church, 101 North Elm Street in Jacksonville. The family-friendly event is free and open to the public and will feature a panel discussion with local leaders, a bounce house, laser tag, mobile gaming truck, and more! Jefferson Mobile Grilling will be selling meals on site. For more information, call 501-985-3067 or email [email protected].
July 19, 2018
-Rachel Luckett, Outreach Director for UAPB-North Little Rock Campus | University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff re-opens their Science Program in North Little Rock. This undergraduate degree program in regulatory sciences is intended to prepare students in Central Arkansas for careers related to regulatory and compliance activities with Federal, State, and Local Governments, and also industry. Students can earn a Bachelor Degree in Regulatory Science with three options: Industrial Health & Safety; Environmental Biology; and Agricultural Science. Classes start August 27th. Apply in person or online. The UAPB North Little Rock campus is located at 1333 Main Street. To apply and learn more, call 501-374-3985 or visit and click on “Academics” and choose “North Little Rock Site.”
-Courtney Hobbs, Founder of BeYouTiFul Women’s Empowerment, Inc. and #MtE: More than Enough; and husband Gerone Hobbs, Pulaski County Coroner; and Little Rock Police Department Sgt. Willie Davis of the OK Program LR Rock Chapter. | BeYouTiFul Women’s Empowerment, Inc. and #MtE: More than Enough partners with the OK Program to present Back 2 School Clothing Drive, Saturday, July 21st from 9am-2pm at Tyler Street Baptist Church Opportunity Center, 2100 South Tyler Street in Little Rock. This event will give away school supplies, gently used school attire and uniforms, and personal care items. There will also be door prizes and drawings. Donations are still being accepted. A second date for the Back 2 School Clothing Drive will be Saturday, August 4th from 9am-2pm at the same location. For more information, call 501-410-3752 or visit Beyoutiful Women’s Empowerment, Inc. on Facebook.
-Wonder Lowe and Neil Sealy of Arkansas Community Institute | Let the Arkansas Community Institute/Arkansas Community Organizations help you reduce your debt and improve your credit score. You can receive assistance resolving student loan debt, help with your hospital bills, and also in making ends meet if you have to pay high court fines and fees. Join with others to stop loan sharks and debt collectors from picking your pockets. Get help qualifying for an affordable home loan. The Financial Justice Campaign within this organization meets Tuesdays at 11am and Thursdays at 5:30pm. They have group meetings and individual coaching. For a small fee of $10 a month, you can become a member of the organization and take advantage of this program and more services. Arkansas Community Institute is located at 2101 South Main Street in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-376-7151 or visit or visit them on Arkansas Community Organizations on Facebook.
June 28, 2018
-Greg Summers, retired Little Rock Fire Chief; Joe Gray, retired Little Rock Chief Fire Marshal; and Telly Noel, Sr. of Vibe Events invites you to the 9th Annual Firefighters All-White Affair, presented by F.I.R.E.S. Inc. & Vibe Events, Saturday, July 7th from 8pm-2am at the Downtown Marriott Hotel on the River Top, #3 Statehouse Plaza. The event will feature musical artists Grammy-nominated singer Jon B with Dr. Feelgood and DJ Nick Hud. This indoor/outdoor experience will take place in the Ballroom and on the River Top. For tickets, visit
-Fire Marshal Chief John Pflasterer, North Little Rock Fire Department had some helpful Fireworks Safety Tips to share in honor of National Fireworks Safety Month. Always remember safety first. Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them. Fireworks are a staple at festivities for many Americans during the summer months. Unfortunately, many people do not realize just how dangerous fireworks and sparklers can be, which is a primary reason that injuries occur. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission has safety tips available to help consumers promote safe and responsible use of fireworks. Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks. Know your fireworks; read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting. If you are under the influence of alcohol, do not shoot off any fireworks. Wear safety goggles. Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them into metal or glass containers. A responsible adult should supervise all firework activities. Never give fireworks to children. Soak all firework debris in water before throwing away. Keep spectators a safe distance away. Never try to re-light a firework that did not properly ignite. For safety tips and information, visit the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission at
-Michael Madison, Promoter | The Hot Summer Jam Block Party Concert will be Saturday, June 30th at the First Security Amphitheater in Downtown Little Rock. Gates open at 3:30pm. Show starts at 4:30pm. Featured artists will be Keyshia Cole, Joe, Dru Hill, 112 (“Q & Daron P”), H-Town and local acts The Rodney Block Collective, and Dee Dee Jones. For tickets, visit the ticket outlets at: Ugly Mike’s, Uncle T’s Foodmart in Little Rock; Lindsey’s BBQ in North Little Rock; GiGi’s Soul Cafe & Lounge in Maumelle; The Record Rack in Pine Bluff; and CeCe’s Chicken & Waffles in Conway or online at For more information, call 1-877-350-7404.
June 21, 2018
-Christine Alongi, Director of Strong Hearts Rehabilitation Center at the Arkansas Heart Hospital | Summer is a great time to get outside for hiking, biking and running around with friends, but having fun in the sun also requires proper hydration. Dehydration is caused by lack of fluids. Increased perspiration, vomiting or diarrhea also are clear signs of dehydration. Other signs may be dry mouth, dark-colored urine, being tired & dizzy, or having headaches. These symptoms can occur when people are not drinking enough fluids. One of the best sources to drink is water. Nothing beats our planet’s most natural source. Gatorade or other sports drinks are good to drink because they offer a balanced solution to restore electrolytes. Unlike the average adult, a child, infant or elderly person loses electrolytes at a faster rate. The best way to beat the heat is to be proactive. Check your urine. If your urine is darker, drink more water. For more helpful tips and more information, call-501-978-3780 or visit us on Facebook at Arkansas Heart Hospital. To learn more about programs at the Arkansas Heart Hospital, visit
-Hank Young III and Kris Young, Founders of Step Up Mentoring Program | The 4th Annual Step Up Mentoring Camp will be Friday-Sunday, July 27th-29th at the Arkansas 4-H Center, 1 Four H Way in Ferndale. The mission of the camp is to impact the lives of teenage youth 13-18 years old to empower them with knowledge & help them make a positive difference in their communities. To register and secure your spot, call 501-680-0144 or email [email protected].
-Tomiko Davis, Director of The Excel Center at Goodwill Industries | More than 300,000 adults in Arkansas, ages 25 and older do not have a high school diploma. Goodwill has opened The Excel Center, a one-of-a-kind educational facility, allowing adults to earn a state diploma. Other benefits include flexible scheduling, no cost to attend, free child care, and transportation. Classes will start July 16th. Enroll today! For more information, call 501-372-5100 ext. 1158 or visit
June 14, 2018
-Raymond Allmon, Outreach Director for Friendship Aspire Academy Public Charter School and Leta Anthony, Consultant | Friendship Public Charter School is one of the oldest minority charter schools in the nation and has been in existence for 20 plus years and has 100% college acceptance rate. Fifteen schools are located throughout the United States. Friendship Aspire was named one of the top 25 high performing charter schools in nation. The school is new to Little Rock and has 160 exclusive seats available for Fall 2018. Friendship Aspire is currently enrolling for K-1st grade. Children will get 2 free uniforms, free before and after care, a guaranteed computer in the classroom, and a top-notch education. To enroll and learn more, call (225) 361-9035 or download & submit your application at
- Meet Friendship Aspire Academy Public Charter School Representatives:
- Thursday, June 14 | Noon – 4pm | Cotton Wood Apartments | 1502 Cottonwood Circle | Pine Bluff
- Satruday, June 16 | 10am – 1pm | Pine Bluff Regional Park Amphitheater | 6300 West 4th Ave. | Pine Bluff
- Saturday, June 16 | Noon – 6pm | Mosaic Templar Cultural Center | 501 West 9th Street | Little Rock
-Brian Rogers, Community Relations Liaison for Mosaic Templars Cultural Center and Stephanie Sims, Guest Curator from the Clinton Foundation | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center presents Juneteenth Celebration, Saturday, June 16th from 12 noon-6pm at 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. This annual commemoration of the end of slavery will have family-friendly activities and attractions, exhibits, food trucks, entertainment, live music from the national recording artists Shanice and Sir the Baptist. Hosted by The Bar-Kay’s Larry Dodson and Power 92’s Comedian Keith Glason, this event will also feature local artists, a showing of documentaries “Dream Land: Little Rock’s West 9th Street” and “Soul Food Junkies” and so much more! For more information and a list of the line up, call (501) 683-3593 or visit or like ’em on Facebook.
- “Don’t Touch My Crown” exhibit opens Thursday, June 14th at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center. The exhibition is not just about celebrating hair, but also our growth, aesthetics, and our culture.
-Dominique McGrudder, Mighty Vikings Youth Football Team; Derrick Hamilton, Mobile Video Game Station; Jerald Smith, Battlefield Laser Tag; and Ozzie Banks, III, Photographer | The Jacksonville Mighty Vikings Football Team & Partners sponsors a Father’s Day Celebration, Sunday, June 17th from 2pm-6pm at the Jacksonville Mighty Vikings Football Field, 312 Ray Road in Jacksonville. Fathers can attend and spend quality time with their children on Father’s Day. Enjoy music, family-friendly activities, a mobile video game station, laser tag, bounce houses, food, and more! This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-413-7683 or visit
June 07, 2018
-Jimmy Warren, 100 Suits Program Manager; Fredrick Washington, Mirror Me custom clothing line; and Katie Hargis, Grants Administrator | Pulaski County Youth Services debuts 100 Suits, a free program for young men ages 11-19. In collaboration with community partners and donors, 100 Suits will connect young men from underserved communities in Pulaski County with retailers, dry cleaners and professional tailors so they can look and feel their best. The program will help young men suit-up when interviewing for jobs, internships, scholarships, worship services, and professional events. The program is more than just clothing. It is another way Youth Services can expand their outreach in the community and help young men build confidence and self-esteem. For more information or to make a suit donation, visit or email [email protected].
-Joseph McCorvey, Executive Director of Pine Bluff Convention Center; Tavante Calhoun, Go Forward Pine Bluff Representative; and Terence Mitchner, Owner of Jack & Jill Fun Zone | Go Forward Pine Bluff presents Forward Fest — Blues, Batter & Brew, Saturday, June 9th. Gates open at 12 noon. Show starts at 1pm with live music, food, fireworks, kids zone, vendors, car show and more! Featured artists will be national recording artists Angie Stone and Bigg Robb, and a lists of others. Admission is free. Lawn chairs are welcomed, but no coolers or backpacks. For more information, call 870-536-7600 or visit
-Chief Master Anderson and ATC Students, and Pastor Darell Howell, Moody Chapel A.M.E. Church; and Brother Larry of the Nation | Anderson’s Taekwondo Center (ATC) is still enrolling for Camp Positive, an 8-week Summer program which includes fishing, swimming, chess games and tournaments, math, science, and more. The Camp will be held June 4th-July 29th in the Life Center of Moody Chapel A.M.E. Church, 5630 Mabelvale Pike, Little Rock. To enroll your child or learn more information, call 501-690-4791 or email [email protected].
May 31, 2018
-Derek Lewis II & Dr. Lanita White of the UAMS 12th Street Health and Wellness Center | The annual Health & Wellness Community Expo presented by the Derek Lewis Foundation will be held, Saturday, June 2nd from 8am-1:30pm at St. John Baptist Church, 2501 South Main Street in Little Rock. There will be free health screenings, school physicals, health information, Ask The Doctor segments, CPR training, live entertainment, fitness demos, food, fun, and more. The Expo hopes to bring together the community and health experts to improve health in Central Arkansas. For more information, visit or on Facebook and Twitter or email [email protected].
– Lottie Shackleford of the Little Rock Chapter of the Links, Inc. for the 11th Jazzy Jeans & Jewels. | The Little Rock Chapter of the Links, Inc. annual Jazzy Jeans & Jewels is in it’s 11th year. They are presenting “Denim, Diamonds & Pearls: Harlem Nights,” Saturday, June 2nd from 7pm-12 midnight at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Dress in your jazziest jeans and jewels and join them for a Taste of Links featuring the culinary skills of Connecting Links and Heir-O-Links. All proceeds from Jazzy Jeans and Jewels events are given to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in Arkansas on a rotating basis. This year’s recipient is Arkansas Baptist College. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-372-6303 or email [email protected]. *The Little Rock Chapter is an affiliate of The Links, Incorporated and is one of 287 chapters composed of 15,000 women of color worldwide whose mission is to provide service to their respective communities.
– Stan Ellis, Promoter | The 2018 Pine Bluff / Altheimer Blues Festival will be held Sat., June 2nd at Cook Family Park, 11712 North Highway 79 in Altheimer. Gate open at 12pm. Show starts at 4pm with featured artists Calvin Richardson, OB Buchana, Sweet Angel, Jaye Hammer, Nathaniel Kimble, Big John Miller Band, Will P., Mo B., Lady Trucker, and the Platinum Blues Band. The event will be hosted by Broadway Joe and Comedian Keith Glason. Tickets are available at Ugly Mike’s, Uncle T’s Food Mart, Butler Furniture, Record Rack in Pine Bluff, and Kibb’s BBQ in P.B./Stuttgart, and online at For more information, call 501-413-7683 or visit
May 24, 2018
-Yolonda Holmes, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Arkansas State Program Manager | With Memorial Day around the corner and high school and college students celebrating graduations, we want to help keep this message in the forefront. If you plan on drinking, don’t drive, and if you are under 21, don’t drink. Some good news is Arkansas has seen 27 percent reduction in drunk driving fatalities since the 2009 law requiring ignition interlocks for all convicted offenders went into effect. Unfortunately, 120 people are killed in drunk driving crashes every year. Teen alcohol use kills about 4,7000 people each year- that’s more than all illegal drugs combined. Parents can visit to get information on how to start and continue the conversation with their kids about not drinking until the age of 21. They can also, email [email protected] or call 501-246-8810.
Evangeline Parker-Guest, Founder & Executive Director of Miss Teen Promise | This nonprofit organization is in its 21st year of providing life skills to Arkansas females and scholarship funds for higher education. Rise, Sparkle & Shine with Miss Teen Promise Female Preparatory and enrich the lives of females and support their education goals. Scholarship funds for higher education is provided for the 15-week program for females ages 4-25. Applications are now being accepted. Registration deadline is June 6th. Register online at For more information, email [email protected] or call 501-353-0009. *Teen Promise, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c)3 organization with an award-winning history of “Taking Females Out of the Shadows of Promise and into the Spotlight of Success!”
Hugh Leavell, Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge Community Outreach Director and enrollees Zeth Rosell & Fabienne Hill | Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge is currently enrolling. Applications are being accepted to this free military style structured program for youth ages 16-18 who have dropped out or on the verge of dropping out of high school. Youth can earn their Arkansas High School diploma and place yourself into a marketable career. The program environment is based on principles such as self-discipline, teamwork, self-esteem, personal responsibility, ethics, setting personal goals, and service to community. For more information, call 1-800-814-8453 or visit
May 17, 2018
-Kevin Wilcox, Former Co-Chair of the Greek Food Festival and Chrissy Chatham, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas | The 34th International Greek Food Festival will be held Friday, May 18th thru Sunday, May 20th (Fri. & Sat.: 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. | Sun.: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.) at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 1100 Napa Valley Drive in Little Rock. This family-friendly weekend will be filled with food, fun, and fundraising. All food is handmade with the best ingredients and treasured family recipes. Entertainment will be provided by Rodney Block Collective, Folk Dancing from around the world, and Cloggers Admission is $3 or three canned food items for the Arkansas Foodbank. Parking, trolley service and kids under 12 are free! All proceeds benefit various charities. For more information, visit
-Sheriff Gerald Robinson of Jefferson County | The 12th Annual Sheriff’s Fun Day is Saturday, May 19th from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at MLK Park, 624 Kiwanis Drive in Pine Bluff (near Rhinehart Road). Join Sheriff Gerald Robinson for a day filled with fun games, free food, giveaways, a fishing derby, amusement rides, live entertainment, and more! Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, call 870-692-3376 or visit
-Frank “Penny” Edwards of the Real Cowboy Association for the 8th Annual Little Rock Black Rodeo. | The Real Cowboy Association presents the 8th Annual Little Rock Black Rodeo, Saturday, May 19th at the Barton Coliseum, 2600 Howard Street in Little Rock with a Tailgate Party at 2pm and Showtime at 7:30pm. Known as the Baddest Show on Dirt, this event will feature Calf Roping, Barrel Racing, Bareback Riding, Bull Riding Steer Wrestling, Live Entertainment and more! Tickets are available at Ugly Mike’s, Uncle T’s, Cavender’s, Arkansas State Fairgrounds Box Office, and online at For more information on the Real Cowboy Association, visit
May 10, 2018
-Michael Poore, LRSD Superintendent and Booker Arts Magnet students, Naomi Mkaneawire (5th grade), and Beck Hudelson (4th grade) | Arkansas reads one book is a district-wide initiative. Little Rock School District is highlighting reading and tying it to financial literacy. One Book One District is the slogan. All students are enjoying the same book, “C.E.O. Cleo Edison Oliver, Playground Millionaire” by Sundee T. Frazier. The book focused on fifth-grader Cleopatra Frazier who is full of business ideas that range from the sale of homegrown avocados to tooth-extracting franchise. Along the way, she and the readers learn important lessons about saving and budgeting, entrepreneurship, business management and business ethics. Celebrity readers have lent their voices to this powerful movement supporting reading, and their videos are posted on the LRSD website. Support for the Arkansas Reads One Book initiative has been provided by ARVEST Bank, Bank of the Ozarks, The Clinton Foundation, First Security Bank, and the Rotary Club of Little Rock (Club 99). For more information, visit or Twitter #lrsd1district1book or like ’em on Facebook.
-Christopher Smith, Program Coordinator for Special Programs & Special Assistant to the President of Philander Smith College | The Philander Smith College S.T.A.R.T Program is a six-week academic enrichment and leadership development program. S.T.A.R.T. stands for Student Tuition Assistance and Readiness Tracks/Pathways Program. It allows students to enroll in at least 9 credit hours of coursework and get a strong start on their college career, and also reside on campus. The intense and exciting experience offers students the opportunity to prepare for the academic, personal and social challenges that they may encounter while in college. To apply and learn more, visit the Philander Smith College of Admissions at 900 Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock or call 1-800-446-6772 or apply online at
-Carla Daniels, President/CEO of Arkansas Employment Career Center | Everybody deserves a second chance. Young adults 18-30, re-entry individuals, disabled or unemployed veterans, the homeless, and anyone seeking to improve the quality of life, their education and training can receive assistance from the Arkansas Employment Career Center. The mission of this non-profit 501(c)3 organization is to provide opportunities to strengthen individuals, families, and the community, prepare individuals for opportunities of higher education, vocational employment, apprenticeship, and entrepreneurship opportunities. They offer resume building, interview techniques, expungement, conflict resolution, and more. To learn more and receive assistance, visit Arkansas Employment Career Center at 300 South Spring Street Suite 508 in Little Rock or call 501-615-8922 or visit
May 03, 2018
-LaMeria Triplett, English Instructor and Ida McIntyre, Math Instructor at SIATech (School for Integrated Technology & Academics) | SIATech Little Rock is a tuition-free public charter high school designed for students who need to get back on track to graduation.Their focus is on drop out recovery and prevention. Morning and afternoon sessions are available and allow students to work at their own pace. The school is fully accredited by Arkansas Department of Education and also partners with the UALR Trio Program. Students ages 15-21 from Pulaski County, Benton, Pine Bluff, White Hall, Conway, Cabot, Sheridan, and Hot Springs is given an individualized learning plan that shows what credits they have and what is needed to complete their diploma requirements. To enroll and learn more, visit the campus at 6724 Interstate 30 in Little Rock or call 501-562-0395 or go online at
-Jannie Cotton, Chief Executive Officer at Professional Counseling Associates | May is Mental Health Month and each year millions of Americans face the reality of living with a mental illness. Professional Counseling Associates (PCA) offers pathways to wholeness, healing, and hope through caring and effective mental health services. They respond to the needs of individuals in an ethical, accessible, safe, and professional manner. Services include an outpatient program for counseling individuals or groups; a community support program for ages 18 and up, child & adolescent service system program, walk-in clinics and family resource center. PCA covers Pulaski, Lonoke, and Prairie Counties and will work on a sliding fee scale. To learn more, visit them at 3601 Richards Road in North Little Rock or call 501-221-1843 or visit
-Benard Bracely, Coach of the North Little Rock Wildcats and Event Organizer | IYFL (Independent Youth Football League) presents 7 on 7 Spring Football, Saturday, May 5th at 9 a.m. at Central High School 1500 South Park Street in the Quigley Stadium in Little Rock. This event is for Quarterbacks, Receivers, Running Backs, Tight Ends, Defense Backs, & Linebackers who want to improve their crafts, along with other skilled players.
- 7 & 8 year old division will begin at 9 a.m
- 9 & 10 year old division at 10:40 a.m
- 11 & 12 year old division at 1:20 p.m.
This event will be the first of four weeks of the 7 on 7 Spring Football. Upcoming dates will be May 12th, 19th, and 26th at various sites. Check the website for updates and the locations. For more information, call 501-541-9125 or visit
April 19, 2018
-Patricia Minor-Ewings, Hypertension Case Manager and Nurse Coordinator for the Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities at the Arkansas Department of Health and Dwight Moore, past attendee | Arkansas Minority Barber & Beauty Shop Health Initiative will be, Saturday, April 21st. The mission is to increase public awareness about heart disease and stroke. The goal is to empower minorities to better understand hypertension prevention and management. The initiative aims to reach 500 African American and Hispanic individuals every year. Addresses and event times of participating locations the Arkansas Minority Barber & Beauty Shop Health Initiative are listed at For more information 501-661-2282.
-Gary Casey, Executive Director of Community First Alliance & Event Coordinator and Freddie Smith, Public Relations | The 4th Annual Big Catch Community Kids Fishing and Health Fair will be Saturday, April 21st from 8am-2pm at MacArthur Park, 601 East 9th Street in Little Rock. This free event will have fishing and recreational activities for the entire family. There will be free food, water, door prizes, giveaways, health screenings, entertainment and more! To register, visit or visit Big Catch Fishing Derby on Facebook.
-Bobby Brown, Promoter of the I Luv Da Blues Tour | This event will bring a lot of great blues artists to the city. The I Luv Da Blues Tour will be Saturday, April 21st at the Barton Coliseum, 2400 Howard Street in Little Rock. A pre-show tailgate will kick off at 12 noon, followed bye a free outside show from 2pm-4pm with Nathaniel Kimble and more! The inside concert will begin at 5pm with featured artists the Akeem Kemp Band, Lady Trucker, Mo B., Lacee, Tre Williams, Terry Wright, Vic Allen, J Wonn, Lenny Williams, Calvin Richardson, and Bobby Rush. For ticket information and more, visit or call 888-684-9998.
April 12, 2018
-Kelli Kamanga, Board Member of the Celebrate Maya Project and Pamela Smith, Event Host | In celebration of Dr. Maya Angelou’s 90th birthday, the Celebrate! Maya Project and the Clinton Presidential Center are sponsoring the Celebrate Maya @90 Luncheon and Celebration, Thursday, April 19th from 11:30am-1pm in the Great Hall of the Clinton Center, 1200 President Clinton Ave. in Little Rock. Filmmaker Rita Coburn Whack will be the keynote speaker. She is the co-director/producer of Maya Angelou: And Still I Rise, the award-winning film on the life of Maya Angelou which reflects on how the events of history, culture, and the arts shaped her life and evolving worldview. For tickets, and more information, visit
-John Sanders, Post 74 Commander and R.D. Kinsey, American Legion Post 74 Commander Emeritus | The Michael Vann Johnson, Jr. American Legion Post #74 hosts the 13th Annual Tribute to Fallen Heroes Ceremony, Saturday, April 14th at 11am at Sherwood Forrest, 1111 West Maryland Avenue in Sherwood. Arkansans whom have made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives as a result of the war against terrorism will be honored. The Annual Motorcade will assemble at the Post 74 Headquarters at 821 Magnolia in North Little Rock and depart at 9am and go to Sherwood Forrest. For additional information, call 501-374-9002 or visit or email [email protected]. *To reach the National Veteran’s Homeless Hotline, call (877) 424-3838.
-Henry A. Young III, Founder of Step Up Mentoring Program and Kris Young | The 2nd Annual Teen Summit hosted by Step Up Mentoring Program will take place, Saturday, April 14th at 9am at First Baptist Church, 811 Scipio A. Jones Drive, North Little Rock. The goal is to impact the lives of teenage youth ages 13-18 and empower them with knowledge and help them make a positive difference in their communities. Registration is free! To sign up, make a donation, or obtain more information, call 501-680-01449 or email [email protected].
April 05, 2018
-Pastor Warren Robinson of The Lion of Judah COGIC and Kimberly Lee, Board Member of Sickle Cell Support Services | The Lion of Judah COGIC & Sickle Cell Support Services present the 3rd Annual Sickle Cell Walk, Saturday April 14th at 8am beginning at the Big Dam Bridge on the Little Rock side. Registration is $35 for adults. $20 for sickle cell survivors. Kids under 13 walk free. Groups of 10 or more can register for $25 each. Arrive early to register on site at the event, warm up and have corporate prayer. The Walk is to help raise awareness and money for supportive services for the organization.
- June 8th-9th – Sickle Cell Support Services & Pro-Duffers of Little Rock presents the 26th Sickle Cell Anemia Golf Classic at Hindman Golf Course, 60 Brookview Drive in Little Rock.
- June 11th-15th – Sickle Cell Enrichment Camp at the Arkansas 4-H Center, 1 Four H Way in Little Rock. Attendees ages 7-17 can enjoy swimming, fishing, kayaking, painting, and more. Get registered before April 14th.
To register and learn more about any of these SCSS events, call 501-565-6450 or visit or email [email protected].
– Theresa Timmons-Shamberger, Timmons Arts Foundation | 11th Annual Designers Choice Fashion Preview will be Saturday, April 7th at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. A VIP Red Carpet Reception will be held at 6:30pm. Doors open at 7pm for general admission, and show starts at 7:30pm. Celebrity Host will be Film and Television Star Larenz Tate of “Girl’s Trip” and “Love Jones” along with Fox 16’s Donna Terrell. General Admission $40 | VIP $75. Ticket outlets are Luvs Boutique, Vogue Visage, & For more information, visit Designers Choice Fashion Preview on Facebook, @_DCFP on Instagram, @DCHOICEFASHION on Twitter, or email [email protected].
March 29, 2018
-Dawn Itzkowitz, Chairperson of the Arkansas Autism Foundation and Wally Waller, Event Emcee | Arkansas Autism Foundation kicks off the 2nd Annual Autism Festival and Walk, Saturday, March 31st from 10am-1pm at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock. Runners and Walkers of all ages can participate in this free event. A Balloon Release will be held in memory of Tyler Dannaway, a young advocate for himself and others living on the autism spectrum. There will be a family-friendly festival with entertainment, refreshments and sensory friendly activities, including an Easter egg hunt and mobile video game station, where businesses, service providers, local support resources and sponsors will be showcased. To register, visit To learn more, like Arkansas Autism Foundation on Facebook or call 501-951-0115.
-Carol Johnson, J.D., M.A., Executive Director of Arkansas Fair Housing Commission | Arkansas Fair Housing Commission hosts its annual Fair Housing/Fair Lending Conference, “Building the Next Generation of Diverse Arkansas Communities,” April 2nd-5th at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Little Rock and other locations around the city. The conference constitutes Arkansas’ single largest fair housing educational outreach program and will feature local, state and national housing, lending and development professionals to provide a broad range of fair housing and fair lending information to help ensure open and equitable access to housing statewide. Conference week highlights include a viewing of the film “Hidden Figures,” a Civil Rights Bus Tour, and a keynote address from Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Catherine E. Lhamon, Chair of U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and Anna Farias, HUD FHEO Assistant Secretary. There is no cost to attend the events. *A nominal $25 fee will be charges if you would like professional development credits for the workshops. To register, visit To learn more, visit or Like Arkansas Fair Housing on Facebook or call 501-682-3247.
-Melrita M. Johnson, LMSW, President/Founder of Reform, Inc. and Carol Johnson, J.D., M.A., Board Member | Reform, Inc. presents Sister Friend Empowerment Expo, April 6th-7th at the Pine Bluff Convention Center featuring national gospel recording artist Jekalyn Carr as the keynote speaker (Friday night), with Maurice Tatum as emcee. Onsite vendors and health screenings will be conducted. Saturday will feature national motivational speaker Shun Strickland, Faithful Chics Boutique Owner Crystal Perkins, and various other speakers. Lady Charisse Green will be the emcee on Saturday, which will also include Breakout Sessions, and more.
- Fri., April 6 – Doors open at 4pm | Event starts at 7pm
- Sat., April 7 – Doors open at 8am | Event starts at 8am
Meet & Greet all-inclusive VIP packages are still available for purchase. Single Day, Two-Day, & Reserved tickets can be purchased at ticket outlets: Father & Son Clothier in Pine Bluff; Ugly Mike Records in Little Rock; Royal Design in West Memphis; and Cedric Williams Insurance Agency in Forrest City or online at For group rates for 10 or more, call 870-872-3676. *Reform, Inc (Resiliency Empowerment Faith OveRcoMer) is a non-profit corporation operated exclusively for educational, religious, scientific, literacy, and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. It was incorporated April 2013 and is currently based out of Pine Bluff (Jefferson County), Arkansas. To learn more about Reform, Inc.. like Reform, Inc. on Facebook.
March 22, 2018
-Former Senator Irma Hunter Brown, Board Member of Friends of Haven of Rest, Inc. | Friends of Haven of Rest Cemetery, Inc. presents “Precious Memories Never Never Grow Old” Banquet Fundraiser, Friday, March 23rd from 6pm-6pm at Second Baptist Church, 1709 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. The event will celebrate the progress made and provide updates to future plans. Attendees can enjoy a tasty meal and listen to live entertainment. All proceeds go to the preservation and restoration of Haven of Rest Cemetery. Individual tickets are $50, and a table for ten is $500. For tickets and more information, call 501-613-5439 or visit or email [email protected].
-Cheryl Batts, Founder and Executive Director of P.H.O.E.B.E. (People Helping Others Excel By Example), also known by its primary program, The Uzuri Project | P.H.O.E.B.E. has focused attention on preserving and restoring the John L. Webb house. The home is located in the Pleasant Street Historic District of Hot Springs. Pleasant Street, formerly known as “Black Broadway,” is the largest African American Historic District in the state of Arkansas. Webb was a African American contractor and philanthropist who is a graduate of the Tuskegee Institute and became a prominent figure in Hot Springs’ African American community in 1918 when he arrived from Mississippi to relocate the headquarters of the Woodmen of the Union (WOU), an African American fraternal organization where he served as the Supreme Custodian of the Supreme Lodge, until his death in 1946. He purchased a home from Edwin Hogaboom in the early 1920’s and added a garage (since demolished), a red brick veneer, and a green tiled roof. The home on 403 Pleasant Street, other physical reminders of Webb’s work and community involvement remain throughout the Pleasant Street Historic District. “Save the John L. Webb House” Project is a focused fundraising campaign to restore and rehabilitate the historic house. Once complete the home will serve as a museum and headquarters for P.H.O.E.B.E. To make a donation and help save this historical home or learn more, visit “Save The John Lee Webb House” on Facebook or visit or call 501-624-9400.
-Rory Hill,Outreach, Admissions & Career Transition Services Manager at Job Corps of Little Rock and Alaija Davis, Culinary Arts student | Little Rock Job Corps Center provides education and training to young adults and prepares them to find quality jobs and become more contributing members of their communities. Currently, 90% of students obtain full-time employment, enroll in higher education or enlist in the military upon completion at the Little Rock campus. The Little Rock Job Corps Center is part of a national network or residential campuses administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. You are invited to Open House, Wednesday, April 11th from 12noon-4pm. For more information, call 501-618-2580 or visit
March 15, 2018
– Sharon Farmer, Photojournalist & Former Director of White House Photography and Debra Wood, Coordinator of Windgate Gallery & CHARTS Theater at UA of Pulaski Tech | The Center for Humanities and Arts (CHARTS) on the campus of Pulaski Technical College in partnership with Mosaic Templars Cultural Center and Clinton Presidential Center presents A Conversation with Former White House Photographer Sharon Farmer, Thursday, March 15th at 6pm, 3000 West Scenic Drive in North Little Rock. Sharon Farmer is the first female and first African-American appointed Director of White House Photography. Ms. Farmer will discuss her extensive 40-plus year career as a photojournalist, reflect on her time at the White House, and offer insight into CHARTS’s current exhibit, “Danny Lyon: Memories of the Southern Civil Rights Movement.” This event will be moderated by Author and Publisher, Janis F. Kearney. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-812-2715 or visit
-Janis F. Kearney, Author and Publisher and Bob J, Nash, Businessman and Government Advisor | The HistoryMakers in partnership with Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Arkansas Black Hall of Fame, and University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff hosts “Salute to Little Rock HistoryMakers,” Wednesday, March 21st with a reception at 6pm at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. The HistoryMakers is a national non-profit research & educational institution headquartered in Chicago with largest African American video oral history archive housed permanently at the Library of Congress. The organization has interviewed over 3,000 well-known and unsung African Americans and are dedicated to recording and preserving the personal histories. To RSVP call 312-674-1900 or email [email protected]. To learn more about The HistoryMakers, visit
-Berthenia Gill, Board of Advisors of YARN and Bruce Brown, Board Member | Youth Advocate Resource Network (YARN) presents Health and Wellness Table-Talk Conversations Workshop – “Real Life Encounters and Potential Consequences,” Saturday, March 24th from 9am-12 noon at Palarm Chapel Baptist Church, #795 Highway 365 in Mayflower. This free open forum will address domestic and public safety prevention, crisis intervention and defense techniques, and various topics of interest relative to current and potential issues. Children 12 and over, teens and young adults and adults are encouraged to attend. Attendees will have the opportunity to win a computer or a tablet. Lunch will be provided. Seating is limited. To RSVP and obtain more information, call 501-590-7619 or email [email protected].
March 08, 2018
– Christy Lamas, Arkansas Youth Leadership Forum Coordinator; Shemar Davis, Participant || Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, a division of the Arkansas Department of Career Education is currently accepting applications for their Arkansas Youth Leadership Forum (YLF). The overnight conference is for youth and young adult with disabilities held annually on the campus of the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). YLF participants build leadership skills and leave better prepared for future employment, higher education, and independent living. The application deadline is March 30th. Conference Dates: July 8th-13th. For more information, call 501-519-9406 or visit
-Amber Booth, Senior Diversity Specialist at the UAMS Center for Diversity || The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) will have Diversity Day hosted by the Center for Diversity Affairs, Friday, March 9th from 8am-3:30pm on the 2nd Floor of the I. Dodd Wilson Education Building. Undergraduate students will have the opportunity to tour the six UAMS colleges and graduate school, participate in hands-on simulated clinical activities, and interact with health professions students. Diversity Day is meant to encourage underrepresented students to pursue a career in health care. Parking will be available in Parking Deck 2 off Hooper Drive. For more information, call 501-686-8149 or visit
-Gregg Ledbetter, Head of Enrollment and Financial Aid at Pulaski Academy; Sydney Skrivanos, Junior; Jazmene McMillan, Sophmore; and Corinthian Bray, 8th grade student || Pulaski Academy is taking applications for their Community OutReach (COR) Scholars Program. COR is an outgrowth of their Malone Family Foundation Scholars Program. Pulaski Academy received a 2 million dollar gift from the Malone Family Foundation (only school in the state and one of 51 in the US) to provide students entering grades 7th-12th grades tuition assistance. Students must achieve high grades and test scores (top 5% of their class) and have a financial need. The goal of the COR Scholars Program is to attract outstanding students to Pulaski Academy; students who are extraordinary leaders and scholars with outstanding character. Individual merit in these three areas and a demonstrated financial need are the criteria for selection. Pre-Application deadline is April 15th. To apply and learn more, visit or call 501-604-1923.
February 22, 2018
– Theresa Timmons-Shamberger, Founder & Executive Director of Timmons Arts Foundation; Dr. Karen Crowell of UAMS; Taren Robinson of Timmons Arts Foundation; Dianka Moton of LA Beauty Bar; Mike & Nia McConnell of Black Learning Matters; Levelle Davison, Vocalist, and Chad Mackey of Smackey’s BBQ | The 14th Annual UAMS MidSouth Black Expo will be held Saturday, February 24th from 9am-3pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. The event is FREE and open to the public. Business empowerment will involve seminars, community leaders, exhibitors and there will be plenty of networking opportunities. Some of the Expo highlights will be Celebrity Entertainment with a live performance from R&B Singer Michel’le & more, ACT Prep, Fashion & Arts, a Millennial Lounge, Drum Line Competition, and hourly giveaways. There will be a Food Truck Court and the UAMS Mammovan will be onsite providing mammograms from 9am-1pm. (Registration is required. Call 800-259-8794.) Other Health Screenings will include Colorectal Cancer Screenings or FIT test for home usage; educational information will be distributed on Prostate Cancer and HPV, which is related to Cervical Cancer. For more information, call 501-891-1792 or visit or Like ’em on Facebook.
– Lois Clemons (c/o 62), SAJAA National Coordinator; Artis Boykin (c/o 57), SAJAA Website Coordinator; and Ugly Mike (c/o 61) of Ugly Mike’s Records & SAJAA NLR Chapter President | Scipio A. Jones High School was re-named in 1928 after Scipio Africannus Jones, a prominent Black attorney, judge, and philanthropist who was very instrumental for guiding the appeals of twelve black men condemned to death after the Elaine Race Riot of 1919. By 1925, all of the men had been released. Jones described the case as “the greatest case against peonage and mob law ever fought in the land.”
Hundreds of Black children attended and graduated from S.A.Jones High from 1910 through 1973. The physical presence of the school in the Black community served as a stabilizing force and as a beacon of hope for Black people who dared to dream. The schools colors are Royal Blue and Old Gold and the mascot is a Dragon. The National Alumni Association has two scholarships available to qualifying high school seniors, the V.R. Robinson and the Dorris Enoch-Bailey scholarships. Several events are scheduled throughout the year and include the Jones High Class Reunion, held July 19th-22nd at the Little Rock Holiday Inn Airport Conference Center, 3201 Bankhead Drive. Festivities will include a fashion show, picnic, and more. For more information on the Scipio A. Jones High School Alumni Association, to apply for scholarships, or learn about the schedule of events, visit
- Jones Alumni, Pharoah Sanders & Band will be in concert, Saturday, February 24th at 7pm at UA-Pulaski Tech Center for Humanities and Arts, 3000 West Scenic Drive in North Little Rock. The concert if FREE, but you must reserve your ticket in advance at or call 501-812-2387.
February 15, 2018
– Dr. Umar Johnson, Author, Activist, & Psychologist and Sericia Cole, Acting Vice President for Institutional Advancement & External Relations at Philander Smith College | Noted speaker and Psychologist, Dr. Umar Johnson will speak at Philander Smith College as part of Black History Month through the college’s Bless The Mic Lecture Series, Thursday, February 15th at 7pm on the campus in the Tate Gymnasium, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock. Dr. Johnson is considered an expert on the education & mental health of African & African-American children. A Doctor of Clinical Psychology and Certified School Psychologist, he has lectured around the world on such issues as education, political strategy, economic empowerment, mental health & disabilities. He will be signing his most recent published work “Psycho-Academic Holocaust: The Special Education and ADHD Wars Against Black Boys” after the lecture. This event is free and open to the public. No RSVP is required. For more information, visit or call 501-370-5310.
-Lazrael Lison, Hollywood Film Producer and Author and Tracy Bell of Asah Entertainment | SH Publishing Company & Asah Entertainment invites you to a special Book Signing with acclaimed Hollywood Film Director and Arkansas Native, Lazrael Lison, Tuesday, February 20th from 6pm-9pm at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 4000 McCain Blvd. in North Little Rock. There will be cash giveaways and visit from NLR Police Officer Tommy Norman. Lison is debuting his novel “Neighborhood of Dreams,” a story of a successful Hollywood celebrity who is forced to remember family, friendship, love, tragedy and the ultimate victory of his youth in Little Rock. Arkansas native, Lison also believes in giving back, and is offering scholarships to 6 local high school seniors. The scholarships are open to all Arkansas high school seniors who meet the eligibility criteria. To RSVP to the Book Signing, call 501-240-3549. To sign up or learn more about the scholarships, visit or or Like “Neighborhood of Dreams” on Facebook. For booking and general inquiries, email [email protected] or call 501-240-3549.
-Kelli Reep, Director of Communications at Methodist Family Health (MFH) | The 9th Annual “Get Up & Give” collection project hosted by Methodist Family Health has begun and will continue during the entire 40 days of Lent, February 14th through March 29th. Contributions will be accepted, collected and donated to Arkansas children and families managing psychiatric, emotional, behavioral and spiritual issues. Children and adults can participate by donating personal hygiene items, clothes, shoes, school supplies, bedding, funds, and other necessities to the Methodist Counseling Clinic in their community. *MFH was founded in 1899 as the Arkansas Methodist Orphanage. Locations are located throughout the state, including Methodist Behavioral Hospital, two residential treatment centers, eight therapeutic group homes, an emergency shelter, a day treatment program, eight counseling clinics, nine school-based counseling clinics, the state’s only grief center for children and their families, and the Arkansas Center for Addictions Research, Education and Services (Arkansas CARES). Their mission is to give the best possible care to those who may need their help and to treat the whole person: Behaviorally, emotional, and spiritually. To find a location near you, make a donation,and learn more, visit or call 501-906-4209.
February 08, 2018
– Brian Rodgers, Community Liaison and Latriana Robertson, Director of Development of Mosaic Templars Cultural Center (MTCC) | “Arkansas Divine 9: An Exhibit of Arkansas’s African American Greek Letter Organizations” is Mosaic Templars Cultural Center’s first community-curated exhibit. The exhibit is currently on display through May 30th at 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock. “Arkansas Divine 9” includes a collection of photographs, memorabilia and other artifacts submitted by community members throughout the state. The exhibit will highlight the academic achievement, culture, legacy of service and community shared by African American Greek letter organizations. The museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 9am-5pm. For more information, call 501-683-3593 or visit
- MTCC in partnership with The Center for Humanities and Arts hosts A Conversation with Annie Abrams, Elizabeth Eckford, and Dr. Sybil Jordan Hampton moderated by Author & Publisher, Janis F. Kearney, Thursday, February 8th at 6pm at the The Center for Humanities and Arts (CHARTS) Theater, UA Pulaskit Tech, 3000 West Scenic Drive in NLR. For more information, call 501-812-2715 or visit
-Dr. John Armitage, CEO and Jerald Gardner, Account Consultant at Arkansas Blood Institute (ABI) | Arkansas Blood Institute teamed up with Baptist Health and Conway Regional Hospital for a first-of-its-kind program that enables blood recipients to thank their individual blood donors. “Thank-The-Donor” allows patients to send a thank you note to their actual blood donor using their smart phones, tablets, or computers, simply by visiting the website. Baptist Health and Conway Regional Medical Center are the first hospitals in Arkansas to fully implement Thank-The-Donor, in order to give patients who receive blood a unique opportunity. To learn more, visit or call 501-904-4500.
-Dr. Derek Lewis, Arkansas Primary Care Clinic | There is a Nationwide influenza epidemic. According to the Arkansas Health Department, 125 people have died, including 3 pediatric deaths to date. Precautions you can take to keep you and your loved ones healthy are:
- Wear a mask
- Handwashing
- Take Vitamin C
- Take flu shot (Especially adults over 65 years of age)
- Rest
- Avoid going to the doctor’s office if you have the flu. Call them instead, and they can call-in a prescription to your pharmacy.
- Avoid shaking hands. Fist bump instead
- Hydrate (Drink plenty of water)
- Sanitize
- A good recommendation is to wait at least 5 days before returning to work if you had the flu virus.
- Note: Antibiotics can fight infections caused by bacteria, but will not fight the flu. The flu is caused by a virus.
For more tips on how you can take more precautions on how to avoid getting the flu, contact one of the two Arkansas Primary Care Clinic locations at:
- 6209 West 12th Street in Little Rock | Phone: 501-663-5221
- 400 West Pershing Blvd. in North Little Rock | Phone: 501-771-7717
Visit them online at
January 25, 2018
– Christy McMillion, Executive Director and Connie Evans, Assistant Director/Activities Director of the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center for the 3rd Annual “Taste of New Orleans” Fundraiser. This annual fundraiser will be held, Thursday, February 1st from 6pm-8pm at the Jacksonville Community Center Banquet Hall, 5 Municipal Drive in Jacksonville. Provided will be great food, live jazz music, a King cake, and fun & fellowship. Proceeds will benefit the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, a place for senior adults to socialize, have a hot meal and stay active. The center provides entertainment, transportation and other activities & services for any person over the age of 60. For tickets, call 501-982-7531 or purchase your $20 tickets on site at the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, 100 Victory Circle in Jacksonville.
– Kerri Sernel, Development Director for Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families (AACF) | 37th Annual Soup Sunday. Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families hosts this family friendly event, Sunday, January 28th from 4pm-7pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock. Guest will have the opportunity to sample soups, breads, and delicious desserts from over 30 local restaurants. Executive Chef Capi Peck from Trio’s Restaurant will be the featured chef. There will be a silent and live auction. THV’s Rob Evans will be the emcee and DJ Paul Grass will keep you on your feet dancing. For tickets and more information, call 501-371-9678 Ext. 103 or visit
-Jason Ray, Pastor of Operations at St. Mark Baptist Church and Will Diggins from CHI St. Vincent | St. Mark Baptist Church hosts the Power To Get Wealth Job Fair, presented by CHI St. Vincent, Sunday, January 28th from 10am-3pm at St. Mark Baptist Church in the Children & Youth Center, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. Trained human resources professionals will led the job fair, which will feature nearly 30 employers. Participating companies range from financial services, health care, automotive, education, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and more. Attendees can get onsite help with their resume and interviews from recruiters ready to hire on the spot. Bring your resume and be dressed for the interview. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-663-3955 or visit
January 18, 2018
-Camille Richoux, Vice Chair of the Arkansas Coalition for Reproductive Justice and Dr. Anika Whitfield | The 8th Annual Rally for Reproductive Justice hosted by Arkansas Coalition for Reproductive Justice will be held Saturday, January 20th at the Arkansas State Capitol. A ‘March on the Polls’ will kickoff at 12 noon on Capitol Avenue and lead up to the Capitol steps where the Rally will begin at 1pm. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Anika Whitfield from Save Our Schools Little Rock. The coalition is on a mission to help improve education, access and equality with regards to reproductive rights and services for all Arkansans. Reproductive Justice is the complete physical, mental, spiritual, political, social, and economic well-being of women and girls, based on the full achievement and protection of women’s human rights. For more information, visit Arkansas Coalition for Reproductive Justice on Facebook or ACforRJ on Twitter or email [email protected].
-Betty Dukes, Program Administrator; and Robert Watson, Program Coordinator for the Foster Grandparent Program | Arkansas Department of Human Services has a program that will allow senior citizens to be foster grandparent volunteers. The Foster Grandparent Program has been around over 30 years and is federally funded through Corporation of National and Community Service under the umbrella of Senior Corps. The dual purpose is to engage persons 55 or older, with limited incomes, in volunteer service to meet critical community needs and to provide quality volunteer experience that will enrich the lives of volunteers. Program funds are used to support Foster Grandparents in providing supportive, person to person service to children with exceptional or special needs. To be qualified, volunteers have to meet eligibility guidelines and commit to a minimum of 20 hours a week in a classroom setting. Some of the benefits include mileage reimbursement, free physical exams, earn personal leave time, and receive a stipend every 2 weeks. To learn more, call 501-682-7540 or email [email protected].
-Dr. Howard O. Gibson, Interim President of Arkansas Baptist College | Need a fresh start for 2018? Register anytime this month during Rolling Enrollment and start your first day of class on any of the Buffalo Stampede Session dates for Spring 2018 [February 1st, March 1st, and April 2nd]. Arkansas Baptist also offers Web-Enhanced Learning, and will provide Debt Forgiveness for Student Tuition/Spring 2018 to qualifying applicants. To find out if you are eligible to receive debt forgiveness or to register, call the Admissions Office at 501-420-1234 or Enrollment Management at 903-941-4763. *The mission of the college is to prepare students for a life of service grounded in academic scholarship, the liberal arts tradition, social responsibility, Christian development and preparation for employment in a global community. To learn more about Arkansas Baptist College, visit
January 11, 2018
-Phyllis Hodges, Owner & Operator of Carousel Fit-4-Life Wellness Center | When it comes to setting goals you want to crush – whether it’s eating clean & healthy, exercising, getting rest, losing weight – the new year always feels like the perfect opportunity to make it all happen. When you reach your goals, you tend to feel great, look better, live well, and love live even more. This year, the theme for Carousel Fit-4-Life Wellness Center is “Loving Your Healthy Life in 2018.” Ms. Phyl wants to help individuals love life! With over 30 years of experience in the fitness industry, she is a National License Personal Trainer who is a certified in Fitness Arthritis, Exercise Safety, National Dance, International Sports Medicine, and an instructor in “Get Healthy Stay Balanced (Nutrition).” Ms. Phyl is also a clergy educational trainer. The Carousel Fit-4-Life Wellness Center is the only faith-based wellness center in Arkansas. With a unique, intimate, hands-on approach, they provide services that help clients transform the way they think about health and wellness. They provide weekly nutritional plans, along with weekly measurement and weight checks, for all personal training clients. Take advantage special, $99 for six weeks by calling 501-372-3348 or 501-563-0861 and saying “Do you Phyl Me?” #DoYouPhylMe. Learn more about Carousel Fit-4-Life Wellness Center on Facebook or email [email protected].
-O. Jerome Green, Esq., President of Shorter College | Students can enroll now through January 19th and secure their future in a supportive environment. Financial aid is available, no debt or very little pocket expense. The 2-year college offers degrees in criminal justice, general studies, business, Christian Leadership and Child Development. The Child Development Program is approved by Arkansas Workforce. Shorter has received accreditation reaffirmation from the Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools (TRACS) for a period of 10 years (to 2028) without conditions for future requirements. To enroll and learn more, call 501-374-6305 or visit
-Patrice Bax, Program Consultant for Brandon House Cultural & Performing Arts Center | West Central’s L.I.T. Fest Vol. III presents City Wide Re-Up, a community effort to supply students with support, Saturday, January 13th from 11am-8pm at West Central Community Center, 8616 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. This event is open to all Little Rock High School students and will offer free school supplies, t-shirts, lunch, resources, games, prizes and giveaways and more. To enter a hoop life tournament, register at To learn more about West Central’s L.I.T. Fest Vol. III presents City Wide Re-Up, call 501-725-5757.
December 14, 2017
-Muskie Harris, President of 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock | A Christmas Gala will be presented by 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock, Friday, December 15th at the Doubletree Hotel in the Ballroom in Downtown Little Rock. Doors open at 5:30 and the festivities will begin at 6pm. Keynote speaker will be Thomas W. Dortch, Chairman of the Board for 100 Black Men of America. The 6th graduating class of the 100 Academy Mentoring Program will be honored, along with local leaders. Service work of the chapter done throughout the year will also be highlighted. Which includes the 4th Annual Mentoring Across a Lifetime Conference, Community Partnership with Romine Elementary School, and the Education in our Community Town Hall Meeting. The gala will feature a 5-course meal, special presentations, and live entertainment. For tickets, visit For more information, visit
-Annette Fisher and Connie Curry, Tidwell Project, Inc. | The 15th Annual Fundraiser “Celebrate the Moments of the Season” hosted by the Tidwell Project, Inc. will be held Sunday, December 17th at 6:30pm at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in the Grand Ballroom in Little Rock. The evening includes food, and entertainment by the Tidwell Project dancers, Nicki Parrish and Kemistri, and a list of other talented local artists. The fundraiser is co-chaired by Dr. Alonzo and Susan Williams and Drs. Joe Hargrove and Frances Harris. Supportive members of the medical, legal, and corporate community will be in attendance. Derek Fisher and Corliss Williamson are the Honorary Chairs of this event. Proceeds help young Arkansans to pursue their goals of higher education. For tickets and more information, call 501-664-0478.
-Lieutenant Dustin Free, Deputy Fire Marshal of the North Little Rock Fire Department | Between 2009-2014, United States Fire Departments responded to an average of 860 home structure fires that began with holiday decorations and an additional 210 home fires that began with Christmas trees according to the National Fire Protection Association. Winter holidays are a time for families and friends to get together. But that also means a greater risk for fire. Following a few Holiday Safety Tips will ensure a happy and fire-safe holiday season.
- Choose a tree with fresh, green needles that do not fall off when touched.
- Add water to the tree stand. Be sure to add water daily.
- Use lights that are listed by a qualified testing laboratory. Some lights are only for indoor or outdoor use.
- Never use lit candles to decorate the tree.
- Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving home or going to bed.
- Choose decorations that are flame resistant or flame retardant.
- Test smoke alarms and tell guest about your home fire escape plan.
- NLR Fire Department has the Focus Program, which allows the Fire Department to come and test your smoke detectors. For information on the Focus Program, call 501-340-5377.
For more information, visit the National Fire Protection Association and To learn more from the NLRFD, visit them on Facebook or
November 30, 2017
-Christina Shutt, Executive Director and Brian Rodgers, Community Liaison of Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | The 6th Annual “Say It Ain’t Say’s” Sweet Potato Pie Baking Contest will take place at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Sunday, December 3rd from 2pm-5pm at 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock. Admission is free to this family-friendly event, which is in conjunction with their Holiday Open House. Participants will compete for bragging rights for the best sweet potato pie in Central Arkansas. There will be a panel of celebrity judges that includes Broadway Joe of Power 92. First and second place prizes will be awarded in both professional and amateur categories in addition to a people’s choice award. Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM will emcee the event with performances by Gloryland Pastor’s Choir and other local musical performers. The museum will also host a holiday craft-making stations for children. Registration is free, but participants must bring a toy to donate to Stop the Violence organization, which was founded by Robert “Say” McIntosh. To register, visit or call 501-683-3593.
-Former Senator Tracy Steele, Founder of The Stand Foundation | The 10th Anniversary Kick-off Celebration of The Stand Foundation will be held, Friday, December 1st from 6pm-10pm at Maumelle Event Center, 10910 Maumelle Blvd., in North Little Rock. The Leadership Institute has grown to exceed 40 Vista volunteers and 600 graduates. This event is geared to say “thank you” to all who have made contributions of their time, energy and resources. For more information, visit or call 501-374-8788.
-DuShun Scarborough, Executive Director of the Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission | Mega King Fest. The 2018 A Day of Service – “A Day On, Not a Day Off’ Mega King Fest will be Monday, January 15th at the North Little Rock High School, 101 West 22nd Street in North Little Rock. A number of events hosted by the AMLK Jr. Commission and its partners will be taking place in the state.
6 A.M. – 9 A.M. – The Broadway Joe Morning Show live broadcast of several guests
8 A.M. – Interfaith Unity Prayer Breakfast by invitation only at the Governor’s Mansion
12 P.M. – 3 P.M. – Mega KingFest will include on-site community service projects, youth initiatives, health screenings, scholarships, ZaeHD, AYO & TEO, and Miss Arkansas 2017 Maggie Benton, and more.
To RSVP or obtain more information, or learn about more events around the state, visit or call 888-290-KING (5464)
November 16, 2017
-Justin Stuart, Staff Member of YouthBuild Little Rock | H.Y.P.E (Helping Youth Pursue Excellence) presents Project Reach, December 2nd from 11am-1pm at Arkansas Workforce Center, 5401 South University Ave. in Little Rock. H.Y.P.E is a program through YouthBuild which offers unemployed 18-24 year olds a free pathway into the workforce with academic and employment training. Attendees at Project Reach will get free training resources for CNA, CDL and NCCR; Financial Literacy Resources, Mock Interviews, Interview 101 Skills, and more. For more information, call 501-313-8615 or visit
-Angela McGraw, Executive Director and LaKese Henry, Assistant Director | Women & Children First (WCF) – The Center Against Family Violence is the oldest and largest domestic violence shelter in the state of Arkansas. It provides comprehensive services for victims who are fleeing domestic violence situations. Their mission is “Safety, strength, and hope for all victims of family violence.” There is a 24-hour Crisis Hotline, a 54-bed emergency shelter, case management, counseling and support groups, children’s services, court advocacy, sexual assault advocacy, transitional housing, bilingual services, and community outreach, education, and prevention. Last year WCF assisted 26 families with moving into transitional housing, provided shelter for 264 children, and answered 8,252 calls on the 24-hour crisis hotline. Donations are being accepted for the following items: toiletries, household supplies, cleaning supplies, and seasonal items like coats and socks. During Christmas, items needed are toys, robes, slippers,bath sets, and stocking stuffers for moms. To make a donation, or learn more, call 1-800-332-4443 or visit
-Pastor William Holloway | THANKSGIVING DINNER at the COMPASSION CENTER: The Compassion Center is dedicated to feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless and more 365 days of the year. LITTLE ROCK COMPASSION CENTER will offer Breakfast: 6am, Lunch: Noon, Supper: 4:30pm, There will be a Morning Devotional at 8:30am For anyone interested. Thanksgiving Dinner will be THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd at 12 noon at 3618 W. ROOSEVELT RD in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-296-9114 or visit
-Fred Hokes (KOKY’s Downtown Freddie Brown) | 38TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DAY at the WATERSHED: Known as the “World’s First Social Hospital,” the Watershed keeps continues to provide resources to the masses and serve thousands of hungry and needy Arkansans each year. Over 5,000 people were fed last Thanksgiving in Pulaski County and surrounding areas. Donations are being accepted for the following items: carry out containers, silverware, can goods, boxes for delivery, non-perishable items and turkeys. If you wanted to donate your time, it will be used in the areas of cooking, delivery drivers and servers. Hot meals will be served and also sent for delivery, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 10AM- 2PM, 3701 SPRINGER BLVD. LITTLE ROCK. If you know of anyone that is in need of a hot meal on that day, or if you want to sign up to volunteer, call 501-378-0176.
November 09, 2017
-Chief Master Richard Anderson, Founder of Anderson’s Taekwondo Center; Rev. Danny & Crystal Lewis, Parents; and Jackie Parrish, Board Member | Anderson’s Taekwondo Center (ATC Martial Arts) has programs geared to help children improve and excel in their academic & social skills, and also teaches them how to become a positive impact in the community. There are 3 Plans available: Plan I is the Afterschool Program, which involves a Van Pickup, Checked Homework, Food, & Taekwondo Classes; Plan II involves Beginners & Advanced Taekwondo Classes, and Plan III is a commitment to attend a church on Sunday, and in return you can practice Taekwondo on Monday’s free of charge. There is also an 8-week Summer Program called Camp Positive. State vouchers are accepted. For more information and pricing, call 501-690-4791 or like ATC Martial Arts on Facebook.
-Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM and Danny Fletcher from Art Porter Music Education | Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM will be honored at the grand celebration, “Salute to St. James” – Celebrating a 40 Year Broadcasting Career, Friday, November 10th at 7pm at Greater Trinity C.O.G.I.C., 2400 Wright Ave. in Little Rock. A star studded lineup of gospel singer are coming to help him celebrate. The lists includes The Williams Brothers, Charles Jenkins, Wess Morgan, Jekalyn Carr, Troy Sneed, Cheryl Fortune, and Chosen. *A portion of the proceeds will benefit Art Porter Music Education, which officers scholarships to talented Arkansas music students who wish to further their education while promoting community service and volunteering. Tickets are available at Greater Trinity, Ugly Mikes, Lindsey’s Hospitality House, and online at
-Tye Forte, Director of the West Central Community Center | This fairly new community center now has something for teens! West Central Community Center presents L.I.T. Fest for students in grades 9th-12th. L.I.T. stands for Liberating & Inspiring Teens. A free fun-filled 3-part series will include mentoring, discussions, entertainment, job prep, food, and more! Featured in some of the sessions will be Power 92’s Idris Turner known as “The Skirt with the Dirt” and Hollywood Jaid Taylor; WE Urban Promotions, UAPB GIGI GIRLS, & more! The 3-part series will all take place at West Central Community Center, 4521 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. The dates are:
- Part 1 – Friday, November 17th | 6pm-9pm
- Part 2 – Wed., December 15th | 6pm-11pm
- Part 3 – Sat., January 13th | 10am-3pm
For more information, call 501-379-1890, or visit
November 02, 2017
-Lara Blume McGee, Founder of ALS in Wonderland Foundation | The 3rd Annual Arkansas Ale Run befitting the ALS in Wonderland Foundation will be Sunday, November 5th at 2pm beginning at the Pleasant Ridge Town Center, 11525 Cantrell Road in Little Rock. Runner, walkers, rollers, and drinkers can enjoy live music, gourmet food, games, and more! The purpose is to raise awareness and funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects the nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, ALS affects about 6,000 people through the nation each year. Proceeds will benefit the ALS in Wonderland Foundation. To register and learn more, visit or call 501-492-6955 or email [email protected].
-YoVondra Wiggins and Marsha Gayle-Walton with Project WE Restore | The First S.W.A.G. (Spiritual Women Achieving Greatness) Summit & Vendor Expo, hosted by Project WE Restore, will be Saturday, November 4th from 1pm-4pm at Second Baptist Family Life Center, 1709 Barrow Road in Little Rock. This event will have breakout sessions, food, a raffle and award two deserving graduating high school seniors a laptop computer. Project WE Restore is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that is focused on addressing the lack of education, healthcare, housing, and literacy issues within the community. They focus on the social needs and concerns of those who have been displaced or ostracized because of their financial, social, and education concerns. For more information, visit or call 501-744-2573.
– Valerie Pruitt, Executive Director and Laurie Lee, Board Chairman of The Reform Alliance | This organization is a nonprofit one, dedicated to supporting school options for all students in Arkansas. The Reform Alliance strives to raise public awareness of all types of education options for families, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet schools, online learning, private schools, and homeschooling. They promote and assist the Arkansas Department of Education in the implementation of the Succeed Scholarship Program, which allows a public school K-12 student with special needs to apply for up to $6713 in scholarship funds to attend a private school that may be more suited to meet the student’s needs. Applications are now being accepted for the 2017-2018 school year. The deadline is November 10th. To apply and learn if your child qualifies, visit or call 501-224-9028 or visit them on Facebook.
*National School Choice Week is January 21-27, 2018 and a rally is planned to be at the State Capitol on January 24th.
October 26, 2017
-Mike Williams, Pi Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Two Chapters of the fraternity Omega Psi Phi will host the joint celebration, National Achievement Week, beginning with a luncheon, Saturday, November 4th at 12 noon at the Airport Holiday Inn, 3201 Bankhead Drive in Little Rock. The theme for the occasion is “What Actions Can You Take to Promote Social Justice and Embrace Diversity of All People.” Dr. Paul Adam will be the keynote speaker and academic scholarships will be given to deserving students in the Little Rock region. The 1st place scholarship winner will be eligible to compete for scholarships at the fraternity’s district and international level and could receive up to $7,500 towards tuition and college expenses. For ticket information and more, call 501-680-3415 or 240-381-6693.
-Letha Todd, Chief Financial Officer of Community Health Centers of Arkansas | “Trick or Trot” the 1st Family Fun Run 5K, hosted by the Community Health Centers of Arkansas will be held Saturday, October 28th with registration beginning at 8am and the run start time at 9:30am. “Trick or Trot” Family Fun Run is free. Participants are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes. There will be several ‘trunk or treat’ stations, kid’s games, and more. *Community Health Centers of Arkansas is a non-profit group that advocates and supports the 12 Federally Qualified Health Centers statewide with more than 100 sites that offer quality, affordable medical care. Patients can receive primary, oral, and behavioral care, as well as dietary management. To register for “Trick or Trot” visit To learn more about Community Health Centers of Arkansas, visit or call 501-374-8225.
-Colonel Nathaniel Todd, Director of Arkansas Department of Veteran Affairs and Gina Chandler, Assistant Director of Veteran Services with the Arkansas Department of Veteran Affairs | Pulaski County Community Services will host a free Veteran Benefits Fair, Saturday, October 28th from 9am-1pm at the Pulaski Regional Building, 501 West Markham in downtown Little Rock. Vendors will share information, answer questions regarding healthcare needs and perform wellness check. Central Arkansas Veterans Healthcare System and Department of Veterans Affairs will assist veterans in signing up for benefits and making claims. Veterans are asked to bring their DD214. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Lunch will be provided.
Additional Dates and Sites:
- November 4th | 9am-1pm | Pine Bluff Convention Center — Veterans Benefit Fair
- November 18th | 10am-3pm | Sherwood Forrest | 1111 W. Maryland Ave. | Sherwood, AR — Arkansas Women’s Veteran’s Summit
For more information, call 501-340-6157 or visit or like ‘Arkansas Department of Veteran Affairs’ on Facebook.
October 19, 2017
-Agatha Von Pettigrave, The Grave Keeper, and Esaw from EMOBA’s Haunted Cathedral | EMOBA hosts the 24th annual Haunted Cathedral, October 13th-31st at EMOBA, 1208 Louisiana Street in Little Rock. A chilling combination of monsters, ghouls, and zombies may send shivers down your spine. The Haunted Cathedral is one of Arkansas’s largest and scariest attractions and is the first and longest running Halloween attraction operated by African Americans in Arkansas. Visitors will encounter ghastly scenes, gruesome characters, and grim animatronics. The experience will keep them captivated from start to finish. Hours are 7:30pm-9:45pm. (Closed to the public: October 22nd-23rd). School “light on” day tours, VIP passes, and group rates are available. The Haunted Cathedral is a major fundraiser for Ernie’s Museum of Black Arkansans & Performing Arts Center more commonly known as EMOBA. For ticket information and more, visit EMOBA on Facebook or call 501-661-9903.
-Charles Stewart, President of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame | The 25th Anniversary of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame is Saturday, October 28th at 7:30pm at the Robinson Center Performance Hall. The one-night only variety show will honor 25 years with dance, music, comedy, and inspirational performances. Luenell will emcee the event with performances and appearances by jazz saxophonist Pharaoh Sanders, music producer Morris Hayes, and poet Haki Madhubuti. Governor Asa Hutchinson and Clarence James (C.J. Duvall Jr., a philanthropist and former 25-year corporate executive, are honorary co-chairs. The organization’s first coffee table book, “Seeds of Genius: 25 Years of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame will be available for purchase at the celebration and online, as well as tickets at
-Jimmy Hammock, 33rd International President of Phi Beta Sigma and Curtis S. Woods | Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. will celebrate 90 years in Arkansas, Friday, October 20th at 6:30pm at the Little Rock Marriott, 3 Statehouse Plaza in downtown Little Rock. Members of the community in the areas of bigger and better business, education, and social action will be honored. Broadway Joe is among the honorees. The fraternity was founded at Howard University in Washington, D.C. on January 9,1914 on the ideals of brotherhood, scholarship and service. For tickets and more information, visit
October 12, 2017
-Andre Pendleton, State Farm Agent and member of “3 Mile of Men” | The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure takes place this weekend and “3 Mile of Men”, comprised of fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, and friends, will line the race course to show their support for the many women runners and walkers. The race will be Saturday, October 14th in downtown Little Rock and the men will be posted on Broadway Street between Capitol and 4th Street. Men who arrive early will have the opportunity to receive a free breakfast at the Three Miles of Men Headquarters, located at Capitol Smokehouse & Grill, 915 West Capitol in Little Rock. This is limited to the first 300 “3 Miles of Men” participants. A $30 registration will get you a long sleeve shirt. To register, visit the Race Space in the Pleasant Ride Town Center, 11525 Cantrell Road in Little Rock between Vesta’s and Belk. For more information, visit Komen for the Cure Arkansas – “3 Miles of Men” or “3 Miles of Men” on Twitter.
-Loyd Harris, President of the School of Religious Studies College of Bible & Religion and Shephanie Ridgell, Student | The 18th Annual Capital Awards Banquet, presented by the School of Religious Studies College of Bible & Religion, will be Saturday, October 14th at 6:30pm at the Jacksonville Community Center, 5 Municipal Drive in Jacksonville. The ceremony is fundraiser to generate funds to help provide resources for the maintenance and support for students attending the school. The SRS Capital Awards is a non-profit project designed to give recognition to men and women whose service to their community is noteworthy. Outstanding citizens will be recognized and honored in sixteen categories ranging from contributions to the church, community, and humanity. The night will include live music, comedy, food, door prizes and more. Broadway Joe and Idris “Tha Skirt Wit Tha Dirt” Turner will co-host the event. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-517-7771 or 501-352-1788. To learn more about the college, visit
-Jamie Washington, Owner & Operator of Hello Beautiful Mastectomy Boutique | October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and Hello Beautiful Mastectomy Boutique, a new specialty shop designed exclusively for women and their most intimate parts, is hosting a weekend of fundraising events in honor of breast cancer survivors, their family and friends. Proceeds will benefit Sisters Network, Inc., the only National African-American Breast Cancer Survivorship Organization in the United States.
- Friday, October 13th | 7pm-10pm | Red Carpet Event & Silent Auction | A Touch of Quality Event Center | 1715 Scott Street | Little Rock.
- Saturday, October 14th | 7pm-10pm | Benefits Concert & Comedy Show | Maumelle Event Center | 10910 Maumelle Blvd. | Maumelle
- Sunday, October 15th | Grand Opening of Hello Beautiful Mastectomy Boutique | 4701 Westwood Ave. | Little Rock. – Services at the boutique include a Mastectomy Fitting, Non-Surgical Hair Replacement, Waxing, Facials, a Juice Bar, Yoni Steaming, Womb Stimulation, Clay Detox & Womb Wrap. Women can receive an all-inclusive experience and holistic approach to feminine wellness.
For ticket information and more, visit or or call 501-353-1123.
October 05, 2017
-Red, Promoter for the 2017 Pine Bluff-Altheimer Fall Fest | This annual event will be held, Saturday, October 7, 2017 at Cook Family Park, 11712 Highway 70 North in Altheimer with featured guests Mr. Pokey, Ms. Jody, J. Wonn, Mo B, Big John Miller Band, Akeem Kemp Band, and the Platinum Blues Band. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-413-7683.
-Jeff Dyer, Arkansas Department of Education | Are you interested in being a teacher? The Arkansas Department of Education is presenting their annual event, “Becoming An Arkansas Teacher,” Monday, October 9th from 3pm-7pm at the Crown Plaza Hotel, 201 South Shackleford, Little Rock. Attendees can receive information about returning to teaching or becoming a teacher. To learn more, visit
-Joyce Raynor, Executive Director of Center for Healing Hearts & Spirits | The 2017 Crime Summit, presented by the Center for Healing Hearts & Spirits will be October 13-16 in Little Rock at various locations around the city. The Summit will provide crime prevention, education, outreach, and awareness, intervention and victim services to residents in Little Rock and Pulaski County. A schedule of activities include: Law Enforcement/Faith-Based Round Table, Youth & Parent Town Hall Meeting, Youth/Young Adults Forum, Worship for Peace, and the Summit Workshop. Attendance is FREE. For a list of the events and locations, register by October 6 at or call 501-372-3800.
September 28, 2017
-Cozetta Jones, Communications Director for the Office of Pulaski County Judge Barry Hyde; and Mark Hulsey, Communications Specialist | 3rd Annual Festival in the Park at Two Rivers (formerly Winter Market) will be Saturday, September 30th from 12 noon-7pm at 6900 Two Rivers Park Road between both the Arkansas and Little Maumelle Rivers. More than 1,000 acres of land will make a unique festival experience offering games, contests, food, activities, vendors, live entertainment and more. The admission is free! For more information, visit or like ’em on Facebook.
-Attorney Marva Davis, Secretary; Karen Buchanan; Board Member; Philip Hood; Board Member, Jomo Bolden; Hall of Fame Committee Member, and Evan Peters, Honoree | Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc. to form an Alumni Association and sponsor their 1st Delta Presents Hall of Fame. The organization will celebrate their 45th Anniversary in 2018 and to commemorate this milestone event, plans are underway to form a Delta Presents Alumni Association and sponsor the 1st Delta Presents Hall of Fame. The Alumni Association will network and document the legacy of five decades of former Delta Presents honorees with service to the community.
- Delta Presents will take place, Sunday, April 29, 2018 at UALR Theatre Arts Building.
- Requirements: African-American male seniors with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.75 and/or leadership skills, extensive community and/or church involvement, dedicated school involvement. Application can be picked up from their high school counselors. November 6, 2017 is the application deadline. Email the co-chairman of the screening committee, Felicia Wilson at [email protected].
For more information on Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc., visit or call 501-551-0122.
September 21, 2017
– Guests: The legendary Al Bell and Stephanie Jackson from The Design Group | Mavis Staples, a powerhouse singer and civil rights activist will headline a concert to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Integration of Little Rock Central High, Saturday, September 23rd at 7pm at the Robinson Performance Hall in downtown Little Rock. Fox 16’s Donna Terrell will emcee the event that will also feature a multicultural choir. The concert will follow a semi formal reception featuring cocktails and light hor d’oeuvres beginning at 5:30pm. For ticket information, visit or the Celebrity Attractions Box Office located inside of the Robinson Performance Hall. Proceeds from the concert will benefit the nonprofit Little Rock Nine Foundation. The mission of the Little Rock Nine Foundation is to provide direct financial support and mentorship program for students to help them reach their educational goals. Other events scheduled throughout the city will be the dedication of “United” sculpture, Reflection of Progress Symposium, Children of the Little Rock Nine Panel Discussion, Interfaith Service, and Commemoration Ceremony. For a list of the locations and times of these events, visit
– Guests: Sandra Mitchell, Director of Supportive Services at the Better Community Development (BCD), Inc. and Luke Kramer, Executive Director of The STARR Coalition | In honor of the National Alcohol & Drug Addition Recovery Month, the 13th Annual Recovery Jam will be held, Tuesday, September 26th from 4pm-8pm at the downtown River Market Pavilion, 400 President Clinton Drive in Little Rock. Recovery Jam raises awareness about mental & substance use disorder, treatment and recovery. Individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are in long-term recovery will be highlighted. There will be live entertainment, a talent showcase, free food and non-alcoholic beverages, testimonials, door prizes, and great family fun. For more information, call 501-663-7221.
– Guests: Janice Hobson, Dick Jeter President; Toni Foy, Dick Jeter Asst. Treasurer; and Charles Sampson of Rixey | Valentine-Wooten Awareness Council presents Dick Jeter Day & Parade featuring Rixey Day, Saturday, September 23rd with the parade kicking off at 10am at Mount Araratt Church, 5417 Valentine Road in North Little Rock. The annual day event begins at 11am at Dick Jeter Park, 4621 Dick Jeter Loop in North Little Rock with free food, entertainment, a bounce house for the kids, various vendors, DJ Uncle Jam and fun events for the entire family. For more information, call 501-773-6999 or 501-960-2763.
– Guests: Mark McGraw and Darnell Henderson, co-chairs | “A Chosen Time for God’s Chosen People” Gospel Concert presented by M.W.P.H.G.L. (Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge) of Arkansas will be held, Saturday, September 23rd at 6:30pm at the Grand Lodge building, 2906 East Harding Ave. in Pine Bluff. Proceeds will benefit their community outreach & scholarship program. Bishop Kenneth Robinson & Chosen and Dedric Jones & Chosen Praise will be featured with Melodee Denise of Power Praise Gospel on Power 92 as the host. For ticket information, visit or call 318-523-0169.
September 07, 2017
– Guests: Tijuana Byrd, President of Ivy Foundation of Little Rock and Florence Smith, Co-Chair of Event | The Ivy Foundation of Little Rock in partnership with Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, Inc. Beta Pi Omega Chapter will present the 2nd Annual Benefit Golf Tournament, Friday, September 15th at Hindman Golf Course, 60 Brookview Drive in Little Rock. Registration will be at 7am and the Shotgun Start at 8:30am. Lunch will be served. This annual tournament is a fundraiser, open to golfers, sponsors, donors and volunteers. No skill level is necessary. Proceeds will benefit scholarships, community programs, Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCU’s) and a music program for youth. To sign up, make a donation, or learn more, call 501-834-1414 or visit
– Guests: Scot Davis, CEO of Arkansas Urology | September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, and Arkansas Urology is observing it with the 13th Annual Kick-Off to Men’s Health event with prostate screenings and flat screen TVs! Each man will receive a free prostate screening and have an opportunity to win a flat-screen TV if they register. The Kick-Off Men’s Health events will be:
- Tuesday, September 12 | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 1300 Centerview Drive in Little Rock. Little Rock Rangers players will be on site autographs, pictures, interviews, and to encourage men to take better care of themselves.
- Thursday, September 28 | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 4200 Stockton Drive | North Little Rock.
To schedule your free prostate screening for either event location, call 501-219-8900 and visit for more information.
– Guests: Graham Cobb, Chief Operating Officer for the Little Rock Chamber of Commerce; and Myron Jackson, CEO of The Design Group | The 35th Annual Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week, presented by The Design Group will be held Monday-Thursday, September 11th-14th at various locations in Little Rock. The kick off will be a Minority Business Awards Luncheon with keynote speaker All American and Super Bowl champion Keith Jackson, Monday, September 11th from 11:30am-1pm at Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock. This event is currently SOLD OUT.
- Tues., Sept. 12th | Networking Fiesta | 5pm-7:30pm | Imprentta Printing & Signs, 301 N. Shackleford Road, Suite H-1 in LR | The Hispanic Business Committee of the LR Chamber will present a multicultural networking event with live music, food and more.
- Wed., Sept. 13th | Think Big Little Rock Panel on Diversity and Inclusion | 5pm-7:30pm | Little Rock Technology Park, 417 Main Street in LR
- Thurs., Sept. 14th | Innovations and Libations | 5pm-7pm | Mosaic Templars Cultural Center | 501 W. 9th Street in LR
To get registered to attend these free events or learn more information, visit or call 501-374-2001 and add ’em on Facebook & Twitter.
August 31, 2017
– Guests: LaKisha Johnson, Executive Director and Kimberly Lee, Board Member of Sickle Cell Support Services | September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month, and during this month Sickle Cell Support Services (SCSS) will be hosting a series of events to bring awareness to Sickle Cell and also raise funds. A Blood Drive will be held in memory of Germaine Johnson, Sr., the Founder of SCSS, Saturday, September 9th from 9am-2pm at Greater Friendship Church, 4640 Springer Blvd. in Little Rock. To schedule an appointment, visit (sponsor code: SCSS). Must bring photo I.D. SCSS Spirit of Community Awards will held from 12pm-1pm at the annual Awareness Day. Community partners who have make a difference in the community of individuals living with sickle cell will be recognized. The day will be filled helpful information on Sickle Cell in a family oriented atmosphere. For more information on this event or other events throughout the month of September, call 501-650-0764 or visit
– Guests: Angele Forrest, President of Junior Achievement of Arkansas, Inc. | This volunteer driven, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization is dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in a global economy. They are the largest and fastest growing nonprofit economic education organization. Partnerships are formed between businesses and educators which allow their classroom volunteers to use their personal experiences and JA curricula to help students (K-12) connect the dots between the classroom and the real-world. Our 500+volunteers reach over 13,000 students in Arkansas annually. For more information, visit or call 501-830-6026.
-Guests: Trayvon Hughes, Founder or Poetic Gods & Goddesses and Co-Founder, Jackie Jackson | Trayvon Hughes, a native of Chicago, was involved in gangs, drugs, and it led him down a horrible path. However, he didn’t stay there. Hughes learned to turn his life around by finding creative inspiration in the form of a pen with hopes of inspiring and encouraging others. Writing and reciting his thoughts became therapeutic and a way of escape from the darkness. He credits God whom he says had something different in store for him. “An angel appeared in the form of a pen,” says Hughes. For more information and for speaking engagements, visit or call 501-838-1737.
August 24, 2017
– Guests: Marthella Johnson and Justice Donna Massey with Arkansas Community Organizations | President Donald Trump has proposed $800 Billion in cuts to Medicaid. If this is passed, millions of children and senior citizens will be left without any resources for medical care. Arkansas Community Organizations and partners will participate in the National Day of Action on Healthcare, Wednesday, August 30th at 3pm at Stephen’s Community Garden (across the street from Stephen’s Elementary School) on West 18th and Maple Street in Little Rock. The event will focus on cuts to CHIP and Medicaid. ARKids First is the successful children’s health care program funded by Medicaid and CHIP that covers almost 382,000 children in households up to 200% of poverty. The mission is to inform the low income working class community, the retirement community and those that support them of this egregious act. Elected officials must know the community will not stand for this and they can be voted out. For more information, call Arkansas Community Organizations at 501-376-7151. The office is located at 2101 South Main Street in Little Rock.
– Guests: Lil’ Robb for a Back to School Bash in Hot Springs | The 17th Annual Back to School Bash in Hot Springs will be Saturday, August 26th from 10am-5pm at Wade Street Park. There will be games, basketball, dunking booth, climbing wall, face painting, clowns, door prizes, live entertainment, a talent show, and free refreshments. Sponsored by Sam’s Club, Sarah’s Precious Daycare, Coca Cola, NAACP, Hays Rental, New Beginning Christian Ministries and many more. For more information, call 501-625-2365.
– Guests: Legoria Peyton, Owner & Operator of Legoria’s Rhythm & Rocks Jazz Bistro | Labor Day weekend will be the Grand Opening Celebration of the upscale Jazz & Blues entertainment venue, Legoria’s Rhythm & Rocks Jazz Bistro, located at 723 Central Avenue in the historic district of downtown Hot Springs. The dates are Thursday, August 31st – Monday, September 4th. Grammy Award Winning Jazz Guitarist & Singer, Jonathan Butler will perform on Labor Day, Monday, September 4th with a 5pm & 9pm show. For tickets and a complete list of events, call 870-413-1667 or email [email protected] or like Rhythm & Rocks on Facebook.
August 17, 2017
– Guests: Michael Poore, Little Rock School District Superintendent | “What’s Going On In The Little Rock School District?” LRSD plans to move forward on the construction of a new high school located in southwest Little Rock, off Mabelvale Pike Road and Richsmith Lane. The District will utilize second lien bod financing that will generate $90 million in construction funds. The District plans to use $55-$60 million of these funds to assist in the construction of the new high school.
- Info for Restorative Justice: LRSD has partnered with St. Mark for this program- Reclaiming Scholars, a program of the Tendaji Community Development Corporation. Tendaji is a restoration justice approach to helping students find success in the classroom setting.
- LRSD partnered with Rock Region Metro to provide buss service for high school students for internships and job shadowing opportunities as part of the Excel program for Career Tech Ed.
- Sixth Grade football returns to LRSD. The innovative new program is called “6TH & GOAL – MODEL UP” and is being made possible by special corporate and community support.
To learn more about what’s going on in the Little Rock School District, visit or email the superintendent at [email protected].
– Guests: Tara Shephard, Owner of Delta Community Based Services & Host of the conference | Delta Community Based Services presents the 7th Annual “At-Promise” Girl’s Empowerment Conference: Let’s Move,” Saturday, August 26th from 8am-2pm at the UALR Donaghey Center, 2801 South University Avenue. This conference is for girls ages 12-18 and will educate, motivate, and connect the girls to community resources relevant to their development, health and safety. They’ll also be a $250 giveaway. The woman of the year, Dr. Rhonda Mattox and the girl of the year, Mallory Gaston will be honored. Dr Raquel will be on the one’s & two’s and certified fitness instructor, Jamecia Alexander will include an exercise session. For more information, visit
-Pastor Ramone Woodall, Arkansas Department of Correction | A recruitment event, hosted by the Arkansas Department of Correction will be held, Saturday, August 19th from 10am-12 noon at the Willie L. Hinton Resource Center, 3805 West 12th Street in Little Rock. In you are interested in a career in Law Enforcement, Medical Personnel, Mental Health Professionals, and Para-Professionals, be sure to attend.
Requirements: (1) Must have a high school diploma or a GED. (2) Must pass a drug test. (3) Must have a valid Arkansas Driver’s License. For more information, call 501-563-5042 or visit
August 10, 2017
– Guests: Jonathan Hart, Community Outreach Director for Rose City Community Church of Christ and Chris Ware | The Back-2-School Bash & Community Outreach, hosted by Rose City Community Church of Christ and community partners, will be Saturday, August 12th from 10am-2pm at North Little Rock Academy, 5500 South Lynch Street (formerly Rose City Middle School) in North Little Rock. Children present can receive free school supplies, hair cuts & styles to clean hair only (begin at 8:30am), immunizations (previous shot records required), and health screenings. Food will be available and fun play in the bounce houses & more! For more information, call 501-422-1477.
-Guests: Chris Geigger and Nate Thompson, with the Pine Bluff Black Firefighters Association B.R.A.V.E. | The 13th Annual Project Fresh Start presented by the Pine Bluff Black Firefighters Association B.R.A.V.E. in partnership with the Clinton Foundation will be Saturday, August 12th from 9am-12pm at the Pine Bluff Convention Center, #1 Convention Center Plaza. The Clinton Foundation will give away 1,000 backpacks filled with school supplies on a first come, first served basis. An additional 2,000 bags of school supplies will be given away by B.R.A.V.E. and Qual Choice. The Arkansas Health Department will conduct a healthy food presentation and distribute 200 bags of healthy foods. A limited amount of 500 school uniforms will be distributed. There will be refreshments, entertainment, games and more! (Children {pre-K to 12th grade must be present to receive supplies.) For more information, call 870-489-2325.
-Guests: Rev. James Marshall, Betty Mitchell, Tim Edwards, Ida Hooks, and Derick Marshall of Emmanuel Baptist Church | The 11th Annual Community Day hosted by Emmanuel Baptist Church will be held, Saturday, August 12th from 10am-2pm at 3323 West 12th Street in Little Rock. This annual event will provide free school supplies, food, clothing giveaway, free haircuts, health assessment/physicals, medication station, educational information, chair massage, balloon artist, face painting, DJ Deacon Larry Harris, fun, games, & more! For more information, call 501-666-6252 or visit or like ’em on Facebook.
-Guests: Tamekia Allen, General Manager of the Hampton Inn & Suites, Tyrus Gillam, Owner of All Star Kuts, & Jalinska Deloach, General Manager of Homewood Suites | A Back-to-School event hosted by All Star Kuts & McKibbon Hospitality will be held, Sunday, August 13th from 9am-5pm at All Star Kuts, 1108 West 10th Street in Little Rock. Free Backpacks will be given away, free haircuts, styles, basic manicure & polish & makeup, bounce house, food and more! (If any barbers or beauticians want to participate and donate their services, call 501-680-2983.) For more information, call 501-613-2582.
July 27, 2017
-Yolanda Beals from the Youth & Education Department at Greater Trinity C.O.G.I.C. | ‘Focus on Learning’ Back 2 School Bash presented by The Ministry of Compassion with Greater Trinity C.O.G.I.C. and Stop the Violence Organization will be held Saturday, August 5th at 6pm at the church, 2400 Wright Ave. in Little Rock. There will be entertainment from Kenny Lewis & One Voice, Curtiss Glenn & Freedom Movement, C-West and more! School supplies will distributed while they last. For more information, call 501-375-4336.
– Sterling Ingram, Art Porter Music Education President and Alma Williams, Board Member | Art Porter Music Education present the 7th Annual “A Work of Art” Jazz Week 2017, July 31st-August 5th at various venues across the city. The week of events honor the late Art Porter, Sr. and Art Porter, Jr. with a stat studded line up!
- Monday, July 31 | 12 Noon | LR City Hall | Minors in Music | Free Event
- Tuesday, Aug. 1st | 12 Noon | Riverfront Park | Minors in Music | Free Event
- Wed., Aug. 2nd | 7pm & 9pm | Cajun’s Wharf | Ticketed Event
- Thurs. Aug 3rd | 7pm & 9pm | Khalil’s Pub & Grill | Billy Jones Bluez | Ticketed Event
- Fri., Aug. 4th | 7pm | 109 & Co. | Minors in Music | Free Event
- Sat., Aug. 5th | 8pm | Wildwood Park of the Arts, Cabe Theater | Lao Tiser, Cheli Minucci, & Karen Briggs | Ticketed Event
Purchase tickets at or Lindsey’s Hospitality House in NLR or call 501-492-9120.
-J.T., Owner of Perfect Image Salon & Barber; SB the Barber, Perfect Image; Cardagan Hicks, Nu-Look Beauty & Barber; Kandy Jai, Stylist at Perfect Image; Marcus Williams, Owner of Priority Cuts & Styles; DK5000, Owner of Extreme Image Barber Shop; and Bigg Herm tha Barber | This group of professional barbers & stylist are giving back to the community. Many participated for years with ‘Cut N Back to Class’ and now Perfect Image Salon & Barber will present a Back 2 School Bash, Sunday, August 6th from 2pm-6pm at Woody’s Sherwood Forest, 1111 West Maryland Ave. in Sherwood. Attendees from K-12th Grade can receive free haircuts, hair styles, school supplies, food, music, and play games. For more information, call 501-442-4014 or Follow Perfect Image Salon & Barber on Facebook and @perfectimagesalonbarber on Instagram. To contact participating barbers/stylist:
- SB the Barber, Perfect Image Salon & Barber | @catchmyclippers on Instagram or call 501-772-8788
- Cardagan Hicks, Nu-Look Beauty & Barber | 501-533-0417
- Kandy Jai, Stylist at Perfect Image | 501-442-2670
- Marcus Williams a.k.a. CoCo The Barber, Owner of Priority Cuts & Styles | Facebook: Marcus E. Williams, Instagram: @thebarberthechnician or call 501-553-5844
- DK5000, Owner of Extreme Image Barber Shop | Facebook: Darrell Doss, Instagram: @dk5k or call 501-744-6203
- Bigg Herm tha Barber | 501-580-5386
-Rhea Williams, First Security Bank CRA Officer and Loan Compliance Officer | First Security Bank launches First Steps financial literacy program and a segment will be featured on the Broadway Joe Morning Show, the first Tuesday of each month called “First Step Tuesdays.” The segment will tackle real issues related to helping you create wealth. Some of your most pressing questions will be answered on air. You can learn about establishing credit, buying a home, improving your finances and more. To learn more about about the First Steps financial literacy program, call 501-278-2151 or email [email protected].
July 20, 2017
-John Oliver Frederick, Public Information Officer with the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Office of Disaster Assistance. | SBA stands ready to assist businesses and residents affected by natural disaster, such as severe storms, tornadoes, straight-line winds, and flooding. United States SBA has approved over 2 million dollars in low interest disaster loans. The low-interest disaster loans are for businesses of all sizes, most private nonprofit organizations, homeowners and renters. Businesses may borrow up to $2 million for any combination of property damage or economic injury. SBA offers low-interest working capital loans (called Economic Injury Disaster Loans) to small businesses, small businesses engaged in aquaculture and most private nonprofit organizations of all sizes having difficulty meeting obligations as a result of the disaster. If you are a homeowner or renter, FEMA may refer you to SBA. SBA disaster loans are the primary source of money to pay for repair or replacement costs not fully covered by insurance or other compensation. Homeowners may borrow up to $20,000 to repair or replace their primary residence. Homeowners and renters may borrow up to $40,000 to replace personal property. *For more information or to apply, call SBA at 1-800-659-2955 or visit or apply by mail, at SBA, 14925 Kingsport Road, Fort Worth, Texas, 76155-2243.
-Kalvin Dunn, Owner & Barber and Lauren Williams, Ink Noir Media. | Cornerstone Barber and Beauty Shop presents Back 2 School Outreach, Sunday, August 6th from 11am-4pm at 1008 West 11th Street in Pine Bluff. Provided will be Free basic haircuts with hair lines (No designs ages 4-17), backpacks, school supplies, entertainment, raffle prizes, gift bags, and more! For more information, call 1-832-722-1383.
-Henry A. Young III, Founder of Step Up Mentoring Program | The 3rd Annual Step Up Mentoring Camp will take place, July 28th-30th at Arkansas 4-H Center, 1 Four H Way in Little Rock. The mission of the camp is to impact the lives of teenage youth (ages 13-18) to empower them with knowledge using Biblical principles and help them make a positive difference in their communities. To sign up, make a donation, or obtain more information, call 501-319-4009 or email [email protected].
July 13, 2017
-Donna Terrell, Fox 16 News Anchor invites you to join us for the 2nd Victory Over Violence – Victory Walk, Saturday, July 15th from 8:30am-11a, at MacArthur Park, 503 East 9th Street in Little Rock. The Walk is hosted by KARK 4 and Fox 16 in conjunction with Broadway Joe & Power 92, 102.1 KOKY, and 102.5 Praise FM. The goal of this anti-crime initiative Victory Walk is to support neighborhoods and bring people together. The walk will begin and end in the parking lot outside the Arkansas Arts Center followed by a family-friendly Fun Fair with free food, kids activities, and giveaways. The Victory Walk concept was developed after months of meetings and brainstorming with partner organizations and leaders from across the city. For more information, visit,, Fox 16 or KARK on Facebook, Twitter or call 501-340-4444.
Tre’ Day of Power 92 and Shane “Happy” Gilmore invites you to Tre’day’s Celebrity Bowling Bash & Silent Auction, Saturday, July 15th at 6pm at Millennium Bowl, 7200 Counts Massie Road in North Little Rock. The event celebrates Tre’day’s birthday and his 20th anniversary on the radio. Featured will be the Little Rock Trojans Men’s & Women’s Basketball Team, Professional Athletes, Musicians, and Local TV & Radio Personalities from Power 92, KOKY, and Alice 107. The Silent Auction will include items such as hand painted bowling pins. Proceeds will benefit the Scholarship Project at University of Arkansas at Little Rock. To date, over $75,000 has been raised for deserving students and have a 100% graduation rate. For entry information, call 501-517-5757 or visit to sign up!
June 28, 2017
-Greg Summers, Little Rock Fire Chief; Joe Gray, Little Rock Chief Fire Marshal; and Telly Noel, Sr. of Vibe Events invites you to the 8th Annual Firefighters All-White Affair, presented by F.I.R.E.S. Inc. & Vibe Events, Saturday, July 1st from 8pm-2am at the downtown Marriott Hotel on the River Top, #3 Statehouse Plaza. The event will be hosted by comedian Jeremiah “JJ” Williamson and feature the On Call Band and The Rodney Block Collective with DJ Greyhound and DJ Nick Hud. This indoor/outdoor experience will take place in the Ballroom and on the River Top. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-952-0841.
-Lafayette Woods, Jr., Major in Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office had some helpful Fireworks Safety Tips to share in honor of National Fireworks Safety Month. Always remember safety first. When you follow the safety rules, fireworks can be a great family fun activity. Fireworks are a staple at festivities for many Americans during the summer months. Unfortunately, many people do not realize just how dangerous fireworks and sparklers can be, which is a primary reason that injuries occur. The National Council on Fireworks Safety has safety tips available to help consumers promote safe and responsible use of fireworks. Obey all local laws regarding the use of fireworks. Know your fireworks; read the cautionary labels and performance descriptions before igniting. If you are under the influence of alcohol, do not shoot off any fireworks. Wear safety goggles. Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them into metal or glass containers. A responsible adult should supervise all firework activities. Never give fireworks to children. Soak all firework debris in water before throwing away. Keep spectators a safe distance away. Never try to relight a firework that did not properly ignite. For safety tips from the National Council on Fireworks Safety, visit For more information from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, visit or call 870-541-5351.
-Nicole DiMichele, Franchise Owner/Operator of McDonald’s talked about a new spin on reaching job seekers through modern recruitment tools. McDonald’s and its independent owners/operator will hire 250,000 people between June and August. Half of those hired will be between the ages of 16 and 24. In Arkansas alone, they expect to hire nearly 4,000 employees. Snapchat is the leading social media app for teens and young adults. A recent study said nearly 80 percent of Gen z used Snapchat daily. That’s higher than Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. McDonald’s is partnering with Snapchat to offer “Snaplications,” a cool, new innovative way to connect young people with job opportunities at McDonald’s. Snapchat users nationwide may be served 10-second video ads of real restaurant employees talking about the benefits of working at McDonald’s. Viewers can then ‘swipe up’ to instantly visit the McDonald’s career webpage in Snapchat to explore the opportunities offered by McDonald’s, and their local restaurants if they so choose. Jobseekers can visit to learn more and apply.
June 22, 2017
-Kristin V. Knox of Hope Credit Union, Dr. George Parks, Jr., Senior Pastor of New Hope Baptist Church, and Dr. Sharon Stevenson of UAMS & Children’s Hospital invites you to Faith, Health & Wellness Fair 2017, Saturday, June 24th from 9am-1pm at Glenview Community Center, 4800 East 19th Street in North Little Rock. Provided will be Free Health Screenings, Weight/BMI Measurements, Pharmaceutical Advice, HIV/AIDS Prevention Information, ACT Prep Hope Credit Union membership information & more! This event is presented by Hope Credit Union in partnership with New Hope Baptist Church and Baptist Health. For more information on the Faith, Health & Wellness Fair, call 501-945-2923. For more information on Hope Credit Union, visit For more information on New Hope Baptist Church, visit
-Tomekia Moore, Executive Director & Event Coordinator invites you to join her this weekend. The H.Y.P.E. (Helping Young People Excel) Program presents the 5th Annual Summer Palooza & Youth Crime Prevention Summit, Saturday, June 24th from 10am-2pm at College Heights Church of Christ, 1313 North Magnolia, Pine Bluff. The H.Y.P.E. Program is a youth program providing mentorship support to Pine Bluff and surrounding areas. The event’s primary goal is to bridge the communication gap between the community and local government in the areas of public safety and intervention measures regarding youth. Mayor Shirley Washington is slated to be a speaker, along with various city and county officials. There will be panel discussions, fun games & activities, water slides and tasty treats & more! For more information, call 870-872-2229.
-K. “Red” Wilson, Event Promoter of the Pine Bluff-Altheimer Blues Fest invites you to get your tickets and join him this weekend! The 2017 Pine Bluff-Altheimer Blues Fest will be Saturday, June 24th at Cooke Family Park, 11712 North Highway 79 in Altheimer. Gates open at 12 noon and the show starts at 4pm. Ten BIG acts are set to take the stage, hosted by by Comedian Keith Glason and Broadway Joe of Power 92. The ten acts include Terry Wright, Wilson Meadows, LJ Echols, Nathaniel Kimble, The Platinum Blues Band, Karen Wolf, Mo B, Willie P., Mean Green, & Lady Trucker. Tickets will be available at the gate.
June 15, 2017
Melissa Norton, Creator & Owner of Waggin’ Tails “Natural Homemade Dog Biscuits” received divine guidance in 2009 to create natural dog biscuits that were free of preservatives, yet healthy and tasty. The end results, Waggin’ Tail Natural Dog Biscuits was born. The treats are made with all-purpose flour, and new recipes are in the test kitchen for gluten-free cookies. Some of the more popular cookies are made with peanut butter, molasses, mile, rolled oats, bananas, carob, honey, and peaches. No added sugar is included in the ingredients. Two sweeteners used that have each have great health benefits are molasses and honey, which are very beneficial for dogs. Each month, 10% of the profits go to a different charity. Waggin’ Tails will have inventory on site at Amity Trade Days, CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs in the Gift Shop, and Countryside Animal Hospital in Hot Springs. To place your order or to learn more, call (501) 762-5603 or visit
-Christina Shutt, Executive Director; Nina Robinson, Freelance Portrait & Documentary Photographer; and Bryan Rogers, Community Relations Liaison for Mosaic Templars Cultural Center who is presenting the Juneteenth Celebration, Saturday, June 17th from 12 noon-6pm at 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. This annual commemoration of the end of slavery will have family-friendly activities and attractions, exhibits, entertainment, live music from the Wobble’s V.I.C. and the Hit the Quan’s iHeart Memphis, Gospel artist Anthony Evans and more National and Local artists, food trucks, a documentary showing of AETN’s “Dream Land: Little Rock’s West 9th Street” and so much more! For more information and a list of the line up, call (501) 683-3593 or visit or like us on Facebook.
– Reginald Hayman, Coach and Secretary in the Independent Youth Football League (IYFL) stopped by to tell us the IYFL is now recruiting for the 2017 season. Boys and Girls 5-12 years old can sign up for the Youth Football and also, Cheer Champ. If you are passionate about supporting kids and enhancing their lives, the IYFL is also recruiting volunteers. Twelve teams make up the IYFL. They are the Jacksonville Mighty Vikings, C&A Wolfpack, NLR Wildcats, Parkview Mustangs, SW Saints, NLR Panthers, Westside Steelers, Arkansas Cardinals, Little Rock Bills, PB Panthers, Central AR Grizzles, and the North Pulaski Ducks.
- July 10th – Season Starts
- July 24th – Pads go on
- August 5th – Jamboree
- August 12th – Regular Season
For more information and to register, call 501-681-2202 or visit
June 8, 2017
Marisha DiCarlo, PhD., Director of the Office of Communications at the Arkansas Department of Health has some information and tips on the Zika Virus. Let’s Talk Zika! The virus is a disease that has spread to over 35 countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is spread through mosquito bites and through sexual transmission from a man to his sexual partner. There are types of mosquitoes here in Arkansas that could spread the virus, so people are urged to protect themselves from mosquito bites when they travel, and for at least 21 days after returning to Arkansas from a place where Zika is being actively transmitted. Ways to avoid mosquito bites includes:
- Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers
- Use air conditioning or window & door screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
- When at home in AR: Reduce the number of mosquitoes inside and outside your home by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets. Mosquitoes can breed in as little amount of water as a bottle cap.
To learn more, visit For the latest travel notice, visit
– Levern Clements, Certified Volunteer Manager & Medicare Benefits Specialist; and Phyllis Donley, Volunteer Program Coordinator & Medicare Program Edibility Specialist has information on Arkansas SHIIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program). The SHIIP Program is a division of the Arkansas Insurance Department in Little Rock and is designed for senior citizens and those with disabilities. It’s part of the National Network, funded by a federal grant which offers unbiased, free counseling & educational services. To learn more, call 1-800-224-6330 or visit,
-Maurice Jackson, Program Coordinator of Family & Community Fishing; and Clint Coleman, Assistant Program Coordinator of Family & Community Fishing at the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission came to talk about Fishing. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission presents a “Free Fishing Weekend,” Friday-Sunday, June 9th -11th from 12 Noon – Midnight. Residents and Non-residents may fish without a fishing license or trout permit this weekend! Regulations for Arkansas waters apply: daily limits, slot limits and length limits must by observed. Kids’ Fishing Day at the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission fish hatcheries will be held Saturday, June 10th from 9am-2pm. (Kids 12 & under can fish. Each pond will be stocked with catchable-sized fish. Bring fishing tackle and bait. Limit of three fish per child. One rod or pole per child.) This event is state wide. For locations and more information, visit or call toll-free at 1-866-540-3474.
June 1, 2017
-Dr. Derek Lewis and Jean Williams, RN & committee member for the Health & Wellness Community Expo presented by the Derek Lewis Foundation. This annual free health event will be held, Saturday, June 3rd from 8am-1pm at Greater Christ Temple Pentecostal Church in the Bishop Leodies & Goldie Warren Community Development Center, 1200 Lewis Street in Little Rock. There will be free health screenings, school & sports physicals, health information, Ask The Doctor segments, food, fun, and entertainment. The Expo hopes to bring together the community and health experts to improve health in Central Arkansas. For more information, call 501-207-0711 or visit Derek Lewis Foundation on Facebook and Twitter.
-DeAnna Korte, Executive Director the Arkansas Riverfest stopped by to talk about Riverfest’s 40th Anniversary Festival. Riverfest is Arkansas’ largest festival, featuring outdoor stages over the weekend with many artist, such at Wiz Khalifa and Morris Day and the Time; visual and performing artists; merchants, as well as food vendors. The festivities will be held June 1st-4th in downtown Little Rock.
- Thurs., June 1st | 6th Annual Flowing on the River | 6pm-9pm Separately ticketed wine & craft beer event | $30 ($40 at the door).
- Fri. & Sat., June 2nd & 3rd | 2-day Music Festival (Fri. 5pm-11pm) (Sat. 1pm-11pm) | $40 Advance | $55 at the gate | Children 10 & under get in Free with a paid adult
- Sat., June 3rd | Wiz Khalifa | 9:30pm | Arkansas Federal Credit Union/Sweetwater Amphitheater Stage
- Sun., June 4th | 40th Anniversary Celebration | 1pm-9pm | $5 entry (children 10 & under are free) at the gate for those who have not purchased tickets to the music festival and Free admission to those who have. Children 10 & under get in Free with a paid adult.
- Sun., June 4th | Morris Day & the Time | 7:15pm | Frio Light Stage at the Clinton Center
For more information and to view the lineup, visit
-Joe Mallett, Director; Hugh Leavell, Community Outreach Director; Decorrie Morgan, 2nd Class Cadet; and April Mitchell, 3rd Class Cadet talked about Arkansas National Guard’s Youth Challenge. Applications are being accepted to this free military style structured program for youth ages 16-18 who have dropped out or on the verge of dropping out of high school. Youth can earn their Arkansas High School diploma. For more information, call 1-800-814-8453 or visit
May 25, 2017
-Evangeline Parker-Guest, Founder and President of Miss Teen Promise; Jalen Park, 2016 Miss Teen Promise; and Jamille Rogers, 1998 Miss Teen Promise came to talk about a program that takes females out of the shadows of promise and into the spotlight of success. The 20th Annual Miss Teen Promise Female Preparatory & Scholarship Program is now accepting applications. This program provides life skills to Arkansas females, helping develop positive, poised, professional, productive, polished young ladies. Scholarship funds for higher education will also be provided for the 15-week program for females ages 3-25. Register at or call 501-353-0009.
-Ron Watson, Founder of HAD2 Graduate and Dana Dossett came to talk about this non-profit organization dedicated to helping youth and young adults build personal and professional life skills with a “Had 2 Attitude” to make better choices in life in order to achieve their goals. The vision is to consistently create innovative and positive messages designed to change the course for every youth and young adult so they are prepared to complete in the global economy. The goals are to increase the graduation rate of Arkansas students, inform and connect students to existing positive, and at times free opportunities, collaborate with businesses, policymakers, educators, students & parents to develop and push for new ideas that will lead to real improvements, and more. HAD2 Graduate has created partnerships with Walmart in Central Arkansas, OneBanc, City of Little Rock Department of Community Programs, Little Rock School District, Clinton School of Public Service, Alliance Rubber, Geek Squad of Best Buy and Lamar Advertising. For more info on HAD2 Graduate, call 310-261-9311 or visit
May 18, 2017
-Kevin Wilcox, Co-Chair of the 33rd Annual International Greek Food Festival and Eric Gilmore, Executive Director of Immerse Arkansas invites you to this annual event, happening Friday-Sunday, May 19th-21st at the Greek Orthodox Church, 110 Napa Valley Drive in Little Rock. This family friendly weekend will be filled with food, live music and entertainment, kids activities, church tours, and fundraising for various local charities. Admission is $3 or 3 canned foods. Parking, Trolley service, and kids 12 & under are all free! The hours are Friday & Saturday: 11am-9pm | Sunday: 11am-3pm. Delivery is available through Chef Shuttle Restaurant Delivery. For more information, visit For information about Immerse Arkansas, visit
-Rachel Chambers and Lindsey Hale Bender wants you to join them at ALS in Wonderland presents Villains Against ALS, Saturday, May 20th with a 7pm Mixer and 8:15pm show at Albert Pike Masonic Center, 712 Scott Street in downtown Little Rock. This is the ALS in Wonderland Foundation’s 6th annual event to raise funds for ALS patients in Arkansas. ALS is also known at Lou Gehrig’s Disease, a nervous system disease that weakens muscles and impact physical function. Villains Against ALS is a villainous production of defeat and hope, a one-of-a-kind event inspired by cirque arts and couture fashion.The 7pm Mixer will feature Rodney Block Music and the 8:15pm Show will be emceed by Dr. Brian McGhee and Michelle Duvall with special guest former NBA star Stephen Howard. To date, ALS has granted $200,000 in financial assistance directly to patients living with ALS in Arkansas. To purchase tickets or learn more about the ALS in Wonderland Foundation, visit or call 501-492-6955.
-Arif Khatib, Founder of the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall and Fire Marshal & Division Chief Joe Gray of the Little Rock Fire Department talked about a big awards ceremony. The Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall presents their Annual Community Service Awards Ceremony, Friday, May 19th from 6pm-10pm at the downtown Marriott Hotel, 3 Statehouse Plaza in Little Rock. Ten leaders will be honored for their work in the community. Some of the honorees include Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM, Chief Fire Marshal Joe Gray of the Little Rock Fire Department, Craig O’Neill of KTHV, and a list of others. The emcee will be Power 92’s Broadway Joe. The Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational life skills and mentorship opportunities for deserving youth. A donation will be made from net proceeds to Our House in Little Rock. For ticket information, call (510) 508-3309 or visit
May 11, 2017
-Cheryl Martin, BSN, RN, WOCN and Lashond Hill, DNP, APRN of the Little Rock Black Nurses Association of Arkansas (LRBNAA) dropped by during National Nurses Week to talk about a membership drive. Scholarship applications are now being accepted for the Little Rock Black Nurses Association of Arkansas. Requirements are: An unlicensed student in RN program must have completed at least one semester or license LPN currently enrolled in a RN nursing program who has also completed one semester of coursework. The deadline to submit the application is June 2nd, 2017 at 12am (CST). Applications are available online at A Membership Drive will be held, Saturday, May 20th from 4pm-6pm at the Sue Cowan Williams Library, 1800 Chester Street in Little Rock. The mission of LRBNAA is to decrease health disparities, improve the quality of life and health within the local community and diversify the nursing workforce. For more information, visit
-Rhonda Aaron, Founder or Sister Friends United, Inc. invites you to the 9th Annual Women of Excellence Awards, Saturday, May 13th at Four Points By Sheraton, 925 South University Ave. in Little Rock. A reception will be held at 6pm, and the show will begin at 7pm. Five outstanding women in the community in various sectors: Business, Media, Health/Social Service, Religion, and Education will be honored, and two deserving female high school seniors will receive scholarships. The festivities will be a red carpet formal event, hosted by 102.1 KOKY’s Sonta James. The honorees include, Phyllis Hodges, LaJarlyn Wesley, Linda Rowe Thomas, Helaine P. Williams, and Mary Louise Williams. For ticket information, visit, or or call 501-786-1801.
-Michael Poore, Superintendent of the Little Rock School District; Dr. Erica McCarroll, Principal of Bale Elementary; and 8-year-old Katelyn Scott, 2nd Grader a Bale Elementary talked about a district-wide initiative. Beginning Friday, April 28, all 13,000 plus LRSD K-5 students have been enjoying the same book, “The Lemonade War” by Jacqueline Davies. The book focused on a brother and sister whose sibling rivalry pits them against each other in a little friendly competition to see who can outdo the other in a lemonade war. The LRSD is highlighting reading and tying it to financial literacy. Celebrity readers have lent their voices to this powerful movement supporting reading, and their videos are posted on the LRSD website. Parents are encouraged to make their own “Lemonade War” videos and take photographs, uploading them to Facebook and/or Twitter, using the hashtag #LRSD1District1Book (with lemon emoji – no space – at the end of the hashtag.) Facebook fans and Twitter followers will then be asked to vote on their favorite photo/video. The winning entry will be recognized from the stage during the closing Lemonade War celebration on the lawn of the Clinton Presidential Center, 122 President Clinton Avenue in downtown Little Rock, Saturday, May 20th from 10am-2pm. For more information, visit
May 4, 2017
-Tyler Lindsey, Communications Director for the Arkansas Foodbank for the 15th Annual Empty Bowls Dinner & Charity Auction, happening Friday, May 12th from 7pm-10pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in Downtown Little Rock. The Food Bank is celebrating and will be honoring a valued community partner and leader in hunger relief efforts. The event chairs are Cliff and Karen McKinney and this year’s honoree is Legacy Termite and Pest Control. A live auction and silent auction will take place, along with live entertainment from Tyler Kinchen and the Right Pieces. Dinner will feature dishes from six of Little Rock’s best restaurants. If you would like to be a sponsor or donate to the auction, call 501-569-4329 or email [email protected]. For ticket information, visit
-Karega “Red” Wilson, Event Organizer for the 18th Annual Blues on the River, happening Saturday, May 6 at the First Security Amphitheater in Downtown Little Rock. Gates open at 2pm with the show beginning at 3pm. Featured artists will be TK Soul, Vick Allen, Nellie Travis, Theodis Ealey, Willie P., Omar Cunningham, Urban Mystic, Mo B., and the Akeem Kemp Band. Comedian Keith Glason and Playa Mook will serve as the hosts. For ticket information, visit Tickets will be available at the gate for $40.
-Jamie Scott, Director of Pulaski County Youth Services (PCYS) came to talk about the various programs they have to offer Pulaski County, such as a Leadership Institute, Cultural Exchange, ACT Prep, Entrepreneurship, A Shoe Into Success program, Vision 2025, and many other free programs. Youth ages 6-19 have the opportunity to to take full advantage of many of these free programs to help them succeed in life. To learn more about these free programs, visit or call 501-340-8250.
PCYS Additional Events
Vision 2025 Women’s Power Breakfast – Saturday, June 24th | 9am | Four Pints by Sheraton | 925 South University Ave.| Little Rock – Former First Lady of Arkansas, Ginger Beebe will receive a lifetime achievement award. For ticket information and more, call 501-340-6673 or email [email protected].
April 27, 2017
-Odessa Darrough, Event Chair for the 14th Annual Minority Health Fair. April is Minority Health Month and if the weather permits, the 14th Annual Minority Health Fair will be held, Saturday, April 29th from 10am-2pm at Little Rock Central High School Quigley Cox Stadium, 1500 S. Park Street. Fair goers can experience an educational fun-filled day with health speakers, various free health screenings such as Cancer, Oral Health, Eye Diseases, Respiratory, Nutrition & Obesity & more, community resources, and entertainment. There will be free healthy food and great prizes including a vacation trip! For more information, call 501-960-2569 or email [email protected].
-Muskie Harris, President of the 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock for the 4th Annual “Mentoring Across A Lifetime” Leadership Conference. This free event, hosted by 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock, will be held, Saturday, April 29th from 9am-1:30pm at Arkansas Baptist College in the Old Main Auditorium – Dinning Hall, 1621 MLK Drive in Little Rock. Attendees can learn more and understand what mentoring is all about. The festivities will begin with community breakfast to be held from 8am-9am followed by the general session which includes various workshops. Lunch will also be provided. To RSVP or learn more, visit
-Linda Perry, Founder of Warm to the Touch, a non-profit organization that has been serving communities, churches, neighborhoods, schools and more by providing the basic necessities for everyday life. It’s a small organization with a “BIG” heart and vision. The foundation was built with the goal of providing 15 blankets to the homeless community, but grew into something more. Warm to the Touch also provides school supplies, socks, undergarments, seasonal apparel, toiletry and hygiene products. Many of the basic necessities have been distributed to throughout Pulaski County, Conway and surrounding areas. The mission is to give back to the community to ensure the homeless are warm; babies, youth, ladies & gentlemen have necessities for everyday life. Their impressum is “We will start of small, but God will make us Great.” The Salvation Army of Central Arkansas has partnered with Warm to the Touch to serve at a drop-off location for those interested in donating any items to help benefit those in need and to help spread love. The address is 1111 West Markham Street in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-413-5993 or or email WarmtotheTouch or follow ‘Warm 2 the Touch’ on Facebook.
-Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM talked about the Praise Listener Appreciation Founder’s Day Concert 2017. This event will take place, Friday, April 28th at 6:30pm at Greater Trinity C.O.G.I.C., 2400 Wright Ave. in Little Rock. Featured artists are Luther Barnes, Ted Winn, Jermaine Dolly, Chrystal Rucker, Tim Bowman, Jr., and Anita Wilson. Tickets are available at Uncle T’s Food Mart, Ugly Mike’s, Lindsey’s Hospitality House, Greater Trinity Church or online at
April 20, 2017
-Dr. Joseph Jones, Arkansas Baptist College President and Linda Gillam, Arkansas Baptist College Relations Director came to talk about the 8th Annual Supper & Soul: A Mardi Gras Night presented by Arkansas Baptist College. This annual fundraiser gala will be held, Thursday, April 27th at Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. The will be a 6pm Reception & Silent Auction, 7pm Dinner, and live entertainment from Morris Day & The Time. For ticket information, call 501-420-1206, email [email protected], or visit
-Lee Ann Hoskyn, Communications Director at the Central Arkansas Library System (CALS); and Cara Brookins, Author of “RISE: How A House Built A Family.” The 14th Annual Arkansas Literary Festival will be held April 27th-30th in the Central Arkansas Library System downtown location, 100 Rock Street and many other Little Rock venues. Arkansas’s premier gathering of readers and writers features bestselling and emerging authors from across the nation. The public can attend sessions, panels, workshops, activities, performances, special events, and social gatherings.
One of the featured authors, Cara Brookins, will discuss her debut memoir “RISE: How A House Built A Family,” a story about overcoming hardship through a bold, gutsy project. Brookins was fleeing her second abusive marriage when she made the incredible decision to build her own home from the ground up with the help of her four children. Equipped with only YouTube videos and a 9-month bank loan, they built their house from the foundation to the roof (and everything in between). For more on Cara Brookins or “RISE: How A House Built A Family,” visit
Thurs., April 27 | 3pm | “Easier, Faster, Fresher” | 300 Third Tower, 300 3rd Street | Little Rock (Tickets $15) Robyn Stone, author of “Add a Pinch: Easier, Faster, Fresher, Southern Classics” will demonstrate her recipe for strawberry shortcakes in a cooking demonstration. Limited seating.
Fri., April 28 | 7pm | “Author! Author!” | Main Library | 100 Rock Street | Little Rock | (Tickets $25 advance, $40 door) Toast the Festival authors at the fete featuring hors d’oeuvres and libations. Books will be available for purchase during this party geared for adults.
*All other events are FREE.
For more information on the 14th Annual Arkansas Literary Festival, visit or call 501-918-3098.
-Gregg Ledbetter, Sr., J.D., Head of Enrollment & Financial Aid at Pulaski Academy, and 12th grade student Robert Cain. Pulaski Academy is taking applications for their Community OutReach (COR) Scholars Program. The program offers tuition assistance for students entering grades 6th-12th to attend Pulaski Academy. The goal of the COR Scholars Program is to attract outstanding students to Pulaski Academy; students who are extraordinary leaders and scholars with outstanding character. Individual merit in these three areas and a demonstrated financial need are the criteria for selection. Pre-Application deadline is May 19th. If selected at a recipient, the deadline for accepting the offer is June 15th. To apply and learn more, visit or call 501-604-1923.
April 13, 2017
-O. Jerome Green, Esq., Shorter College President and Tiffany Hunter, Workforce Career Consultant came to talk about the North Little Rock Workforce Center & Agency Partners 2017 Job & Resource Fair set for Wednesday, April 19th from 10am-2pm at Shorter College Gymnasium, 604 Locust Street in North Little Rock. Central Arkansas Planning & Development District partners with Shorter College to present this free event. You are invited to to attend and apply for jobs with employers from various industries, get tips on resume writing, interviewing, learn about adult and higher education opportunities and visit with numerous service agencies. Resume and business attire is encouraged. For more information call, 501-376-4119 or visit Central Arkansas Planning & Development District on Facebook.
Additional Events included:
- Community Connect Day, Friday, April 21st from 10am-1pm at The Executive Hall, 601 Jefferson Street in Clarendon. Career Services Staff will be on hand at the Mobile Workforce Center offering expert advice on ways to strengthen your resume and help get it noticed. For more information, call 501-676-2721 or visit
- Shorter College hosts Bulldog Fest, Friday, April 21st from 9am-1pm on the campus. Attendees can tour the campus, meet the faculty, learn about student organizations, enjoy live music, free food, door prize giveaways, and more! For more information or to rsvp, call 501-374-6305.
- Shorter College will have a Groundbreaking Ceremony, Friday, May 12th. For times and more information, call 501-374-6305.
-Charles Todd, Pi Omicron Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated; Octie Ashley, American Cancer Society; and Bev Eckert, Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation stopped by to talk about the 5th Annual Omega Prostate/Colon Cancer Awareness 5K Run/Walk, happening Saturday, April 22nd at the Big Damn Bridge, 7600 Rebsamen Park Road, Little Rock. Race start will be 8am sharp. Register online at and on race day from 6:30am-7:45am. The event will be chip timed and all participants will receive a chip. Packets can be picked up 1 day early, (Friday, April 21st) from 11am-5pm at Fleet Feet Sports/Easy Runner, 11525 Cantrell Road, Ste. 102 in Little Rock. An awards ceremony will take place after the race. Learn more at
-Michael Scott, Communications Generalist with ARORA for Function at the Junction. ARORA presents this annual event will be held Thursday, April 13th from 5:30pm-8:30pm at Clinton Presidential Center, 1200 President Clinton Ave. in downtown Little Rock. There will be a bridge party and fun walk to celebrate organ and tissue donation, live music, free refreshments, gifts, kids zone, food trucks, pancake eating contest and more! Admission is free! For more information, call 501-907-9150 or visit
April 6, 2017
-Clinton McDonald of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Demetrius Harris of the Kansas City Chiefs, NFL players and Arkansas natives came to promote a weekend of events which include a Football & Cheer Camp. MACCLID (McDonald Association Collective Collaboration Light into Darkness) presents:
- 3rd Annual Family & Friends “Fun Day,” | Friday, April 7th from 5pm-10pm at Jacksonville High School, 2400 Linda Lane in Jacksonville. Admission is a donation of school supplies, household items (tissue, paper towels…etc…), laundry supplies, or gift card(s). Attendees can enjoy fun activities, bounce houses, face painting, free haircuts, mobile video games, photo booth and more!
- 5th Annual “Iron Sharpens Iron” Football & Cheer Camp, | Saturday, April 8th from 9am-3pm at Jacksonville High School, 2400 Linda Lane in Jacksonville. Admission is FREE, but limited to 300 kids. Get there early to register on site on the day of the camp. Special guests include several professional NFL players and more like Cedric Thornton, Michael Johnson, Christopher McClendon, Jameis Winston, Joseph “Big Rod” Bryant, William Gohlston, and Akeem Spence.
- “Laugh with the Pros” comedy event hosted by Comedian Keith Glason | Saturday, April 8th | doors open at 7pm | Metroplex Event Center in Little Rock will star Joe Torry, Hope Flood, JJ Williamson, and Cleatis Allen, Jr. Many of the NFL pro’s will be in the building! Tickets available at Uncle T’s Food Mart, Ugly Mike’s Records, the Record Rack in Pine Bluff, and online at
For more information, call 501-773-0917, visit or email [email protected].
-Chief Greg Summers of the Little Rock Fire Department; LaKisha Johnson, Executive Director of Sickle Cell Support Services; and Kimberly Lee, Board Member for a 5K Run/Walk happening this weekend. Fire Fighters for Sickle Cell & Sickle Cell Support Services present the 2nd Annual Sickle Cell 5K Run/Walk, Saturday April 8th at 8am beginning at 7th and Chester Street in Little Rock. Arrive early to register on site at the event. The run/walk is to help raise awareness and money for supportive services for the organization. For more information on the 5K Run/Walk or Sickle Cell Support Services, visit www.arscss,org or call 501-650-0764.
-R.D. Kinsey, American Legion Post 74 Commander; Earl Wright, Activities Chairman; and Dr. Estella Morris, V.A. Day Treatment Center talked about a tribute to fallen heroes taking place Saturday. The Michael Vann Johnson, Jr. American Legion Post #74 hosts the 12th Annual Tribute to Fallen Heroes Ceremony, Saturday, April 8th at 11am at Sherwood Forrest, 1111 West Maryland Avenue in Sherwood. Arkansans whom have made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives as a result of the war against terrorism will be honored. The Annual Motorcade will assemble at the Post 74 Headquarters at 821 Magnolia in North Little Rock at 7:30am for a lite snack and later line up at 9:15am at Sherwood Forest. For additional information, call 501-374-9002 or email [email protected].
- To reach the National Veteran’s Homeless Hotline, call (877) 424-3838
March 30, 2017
-Dennis Milligan, Arkansas State Treasurer for the upcoming events 2017 Women’s Financial Summit. The month of April is Financial Literacy Month and Arkansas 529 College Investing Plan, the Arkansas Treasurer’s Office, The Clinton Presidential Center, Economic Arkansas, TruService Community Federal Credit Union, UA Little Rock Children International, Women’s Foundation of Arkansas, U.S. Bank and Simmons Bank is presenting a free 2017 Women’s Financial Summit, Wednesday, April 5th from 10am-2pm at the Clinton Presidential Center in the Great Hall, 1200 President Clinton Ave. in Little Rock. The Arkansas 529 College Investing Plan serves to educate and empower women to understand their finances. Keynote speakers of all ages will address pitfalls and successes they might share with their younger selves in a Q & A panel discussion. For more information and to RSVP, visit
-Cecelia “Ce Ce” Antoinette and Maya Loren Jackson, both actors in the stage play “Jar the Floor” currently showing at the Arkansas Repertory Theatre. The stage play is a heartfelt comedy that proves blood is thicker than water and the ghosts of the past should not rob us of the moments we have together in the here and now. Synopsis: A quartet of black women spanning four generations, plus the white woman friend of the youngest, come together to celebrate the matriarch’s ninetieth birthday. Tempers flare and ugly secrets are revealed in this furiously fractured family portrait. In the midst of the turmoil, rollicking humor bites its way through the cycles of guilt and blame passed onto from mothers to daughters.
- Run of the Show: March 29-April 16
- Performance Dates: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday evenings at 7pm
- Friday and Saturday evenings at 8pm
- Sunday matinees at 2pm
- Ticket Prices: “A” seating $45 | “B” seating $35 | Students $20
- PAY YOUR AGE NIGHT | Sunday, April 2nd | 7pm
For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-378-0405.
– Theresa Timmons-Shamberger, Timmons Arts Foundation; Korto Momolu, Celebrity Designer; Frank Scott, Jr., First Security Bank; and Veronica Jones, Vogue Visage all came for the 10th Annual Designers Choice Fashion Preview presents DCFP Honors. This event will be celebrating the past while embracing the future, and benefit the Timmons Arts Foundation. It takes place, Saturday, April 1st at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. A VIP Red Carpet Reception will be held at 6:30pm. Doors open at 7pm for general admission, and show starts at 7:30pm. Celebrity Host will be Kofi Siriboe from the hit show Queen Sugar along with Fox 16’s Donna Terrell. General Admission $40 | VIP $75. Ticket outlets are Luvs Boutique, Vogue Visage, Rock City Kicks, Uncle T’s or For more information, visit Designers Choice Fashion Preview on Facebook, @_DCFP on Instagram, @DCHOICEFASHION on Twitter, or email [email protected].
March 23, 2017
-Trena Mitchell, Director of Programs & Quality Assurance at the Arkansas Cancer Coalition for the 18th Annual Arkansas Cancer Summit. The two-day event will be held Monday-Tuesday, March 27th-28th at the Holiday Inn Airport Conference Center, 3201 Bankhead Drive, Little Rock. This will be a day of learning for all cancer advocates, public health practitioners and all Arkansans interested in improving the ability to fight Colorectal Cancer and improving the survival rate. The theme is “Increasing Cancer Screenings in Arkansas: Linking Communities and Care.” A free Pre-Conference Workshop on colorectal cancer will be held, Monday, March 27th from 8am-12pm. For more information, and to register, visit
-Jamille Rogers, Conway Public Schools Media Specialist, Christopher Hervey, Allstate Insurance (Conway Agency Owner), and students Matthew Harrison and Kaeden Ingram for the Distinguished Gentlemen’s Club program in Conway. Jamille Rogers is one of only 10 Librarians in the Country this school year to receive the “I Love My Librarian” National Public Service Award from the American Library Association and the first in state of Arkansas. She traveled to the Carnegie Corporation in New York for the special ceremony. Rogers is commended for providing valuable programs and services that bolster academic achievement for underserved youth. She designed a strong school media program and serves as the program adviser for the school’s Distinguished Gentleman’s Club. The club’s motto is “Building Leadership, Values, and Academics in Young Men.” This intervention and empowerment program is for male students in elementary school (grades 3-4). The program focuses on building leadership skills to change attitudes towards learning and school. As a result, the program has improved academic performance and created student leaders to be examples for others. The program received a $1,000 grant fro the Allstate Foundation thanks to Conway Agency Owner, Christopher Hervey who is a member of the Distinguished Gentlemen’s Club Steering Committee. For more information on the program, call 501-450-4870.
-Elle Roman from the Esse Purse Museum for the exhibit “Reflections: Images & Objects from African-American Women, 1891-1987.” The temporary exhibit honors and celebrates African-American women from the 19th and 20th centuries and will view their lives through the lens of feminine material culture, fashion, ephemera, and photography. The artifacts on display represent collections of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies, and ESSE Purse Museum. The private collections of the Bernice Lamb McSwain family and Mary and Joshua Swift have also contributes to the making of this exhibit. Some of the guests have enjoyed finding pictures of themselves and/or people that they know. A few notable Arkansans featured are Lottie Shackleford and Daisy Bates. “Reflections: Images & Objects from African-American Women, 1891-1987” exhibit will run through April 30th. ESSE Purse Museum & Store is located on 1510 Main Street in Little Rock and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11am-4pm and Sundays from 11am-3pm. General admission is $10 and student, senior (60+), and military admission is $8 Ask about group rates. For more information, visit or call 501-916-9022.
March 16, 2017
-Former Senator Irma Hunter Brown, Sammie Holmes, and Johnny Haasan, board members and members of the Friends of Haven of Rest Cemetery, Inc. announce their Annual Fundraising Banquet “Precious Memories.” This gala event will celebrate the progression of action and also provide an update on future plans. The festivities will take place, Friday, March 24th at 6pm at Second Baptist Church, 1709 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. Attendees can enjoy great food and live entertainment. All proceeds will go to the preservation and restoration of Haven of Rest Cemetery, an integral part of the African American history Little Rock and the state of Arkansas. For tickets or donations, call 501-613-5439. For more information, visit or email [email protected].
-Jamesetta Smith, President of the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc, for a Statewide Talent Show Fundraiser. The Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc. presents a Statewide Talent Show Fundraiser open to all ages with various talents, except animal acts. The grand prize is $1,000 plus assistance in producing an Electronic Press Kit (EPK). Auditions will be held, Friday, March 17th at on the campus of UALR in the Stella Boyle Concert Hall, 2801 South University Avenue. Contestants must bring their music and costume attire. Words, clothing, and movements must be family-friendly. The top 15 contestants will be chosen to perform at the Talent Show, held Saturday, March 18th at the Ron Robinson Theater, 100 River Market in the downtown Little Rock across from the Central Arkansas Library. Doors will open at 6:30pm and Showtime will be at 7pm. Master of Ceremonies will be Rodney Block and a special guest performance will feature Genine Perez. For ticket information, visit or call 501-766-2691.
Upcoming Events for the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc.
Education Can Make A Healthier You Health Fair, Tuesday, March 7th from 10am-2pm at National Park Medical Center in the Fordyce Room, 1910 Malvern Avenue, Hot Springs
Praise & Raise Lupus Gospel Concert, Saturday, April 22nd at 6pm at First Lutheran Church Life Center, 105 Village Road, Hot Springs. The Gospel Sons of Amory, MS will be featured.
22nd Annual Norma Lampert Memorial Lupus Springers 5K Race & Walk to End Lupus, Saturday, May 20th at 8am in the Mid-America Park, Hot Springs. Register online.
An Evening with Grady Nichols Smooth Jazz Concert, Saturday, August 12th at 7:15pm at Hotel Hot Springs, 305 Malvern Avenue, Hot Springs
20th Annual Terry Paul Thode Lupus Memorial Golf Tournament, Saturday, September 9th at Diamondhead Country Club, 245 Independence Drive, Hot Springs. Register online.
For information on the Lupus Foundation of Arkansas, Inc. and any of their events, visit or call 501-766-2691.
– Cornelius Mabin, Co-Chair of Arkansas HIV Planning Group and Facilitator of AR RAPPS (Reaching, Affirming, Positive, Progressive, Systems) Program came to talk about the Awareness Days announced in reducing new HIV infections. According to Arkansas Department of Health statistics, there are 5,579 individuals living with HIV in the state. Fifty percent of the new 2015 HIV cases in Arkansas were among Black gay Men 13-24 who represent approximately 1% if the states population. Each of these awareness days listed below seek to offer targeted messaging and culturally responsive programming to address HIV infections, access to testing and counseling and linkage to holistic care services across the state.
March 5-12: National Week of Prayer of the Healing of HIV
March 10: National Women & Girls HIV Awareness
March 20: National Native: HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
March 27-31: LGBT Health Week
March 31: International Transgender Day of Visibility
*Arkansas HIV Planning Group is an Arkansas Dept. of Health facilitated group whose primary purpose is to act in an advisory capacity to its Infectious Disease Branch. The group comprises of individuals, professionals and people living with HIV who have diverse expertise and experience, and a direct connection to HIV prevention and care services in Arkansas.
For more information or speaking engagements, visit or call 501-349-7777.
March 02, 2017
-Dr. Carl Gilbert and Candace Graham, RN for HOHS (Haitian Organization for Health Services) of Little Rock for the 1st Mardi Gras Masquerade Party. HOHS (Haitian Organization for Health Services) of Little Rock hosts their 1st Mardi Gras Masquerade Party, Saturday, March 4th from 7pm-Midnight at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 11301 Financial Parkway in Little Rock. The night will consist of dancing, dinner, a silent auction, prizes and more! Proceeds will fund an upcoming mission’s trip to Haiti for equipment and supplies. For tickets, more information, or donations, call 801-850-3036 or visit their Go Fund Me account “H.O.H.S Returns to Haiti.”
-Linda Rowe Thomas, CEO & Celebrity Designer and Greta Wilkinson, RN for the 6th Annual “Fashion in the Park” fundraiser. Designing Hope Foundation presents the 6th Annual Fashion in the Park fundraiser, Thursday, March 9th at Romas by Linda Rowe Thomas Showroom, 310 Center Street, Little Rock. A VIP reception will be held at 5:30pm and a Silent Auction at 6:45pm. The show starts at 7:30pm. Enjoy a night of fashion, philanthropy and fun as they bring Central Park to Central Arkansas for a great cause! The Little Rock Firemen will be burning up the runway in conjunction with designs from celebrity fashion designer Linda Rowe Thomas. The fundraiser will benefit the burn survivors of Arkansas Children’s Hospital, the adult survivor program SOAR, Camp Sunshine for young survivors, and also bring awareness to an unnoticed cause. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-712-0246.
-Marvin L. Benton, Author and Valerie E. Benton, Writer of “Unfallen Hero.” After barely escaping death, one Little Rock Firefighter struggles through significant injury and loss tho hold onto his old identity while embracing a new life-purpose. “Unfallen Hero” is the story of one man’s remarkable faith and courage after the fire that destroyed 33 percent of his body threatened to destroy his career, family, standing in the community, and his sanity. Marvin is an impassioned storyteller, and his collaborator wife, Valerie Benton, is a gifted documentation and writer. Together, they have composed an uplifting, sometimes funny, sometimes painful, always sobering memoir that will challenge readers to live life with the provocative boldness of an unfallen hero. To purchase a copy of “Unfallen Hero” visit Xpress Rx in Sherwood, Firefighter’s Museum in Little Rock, Pyramid Art, Books and Custom Framing in LR, or purchase it online at For booking and general inquiries, call 501-850-9316.
February 23, 2017
-Theresa Timmons-Shamberger of the Timmons Arts Foundation, Katherina Yancy with Steve Landers Toyota, Dr. Renee Dawson, owner of Superior Success Center for Academic Achievement, and Dr. Michael Preston, Assistant Professor & Co-Director at UAMS Dept. of Surgery Health Initiatives & Disparities Research in the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute for the 13th Annual MidSouth Summit BLACK EXPO. UAMS presents this 13th Annual event, Saturday, February 25th from 9am-3pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. This family friendly event is free and open to the public. Attendees can receive free health screenings & information, enjoy live stage entertainment from singers, musicians, a dance competition with a $300 prize, free ACT Introductory Course set for 9am-10:30am, 100 vendor booths, numerous giveaways such as Fit Bits, Oil Changes, 10 Fitness memberships, and so much more! For more information, call 501-891-1792 or Like ‘MidSouth Summit BLACK EXPO’ on Facebook.
-Christy McMillion, Executive Director and Connie Evans, Assistant Director/Activities Director of the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center for the 2nd Annual “Taste of New Orleans” Fundraiser. This annual fundraiser will be held, Thursday, February 23rd at 6:30pm at the Jacksonville Community Center Banquet Hall, 5 Municipal Drive in Jacksonville. Provided will be great food, live jazz music, a King cake, and fun & fellowship. Proceeds will benefit the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, a place for senior adults to socialize, have a hot meal and stay active. The center provides entertainment, transportation and other activities & services for any person over the age of 60. For ticket information, call 501-982-7531 or purchase your $20 tickets on site at the Jacksonville Senior Wellness & Activity Center, 100 Victory Circle in Jacksonville.
– Todd Day, Sr., Men’s Basketball Coach and Jennelle Primm, Director of Marketing & Public Relations for Philander Smith College (PSC) came to tell us what’s going on with the Panthers Men’s basketball team and additional college events. Coach Day is in his first season leading PSC’s men’s basketball team. He previously served as a high school, AAU, and semi-pro coach for the last ten years. The Panther Men’s basketball team is learning about servitude and the importance of volunteering & getting involved. The team in conjunction with the Athletic Department has connected with the Nehemiah House, a part of the Union Rescue Mission that centers on the homeless, addicted and disadvantaged men of Central Arkansas. Donations of paper products were given to the organization for the homeless community. Admission to a recent men and women’s basketball game was free with an unopened roll of paper towels or toilet paper. Eleven bags of paper products were donated. The team has volunteered at the organization and thought of another way to give back was with the paper product donation. Men from the Nehemiah House have been to several games to support the Men’s basketball team. Coach Day wants the athletes to know that life is not just about basketball. He says that it’s very important to teach them about service to the community.
Last month Philander named a new Athletic Director, Nathan Cochran a native of Bolder, Colorado who’s goals are to enhance and expand the athletic programs and to ensure that PSC athletes are successful not only in competition, but also as scholars and well-rounded individuals.
Additional PSC Upcoming Events
- Friday, February 24th 7pm – Philander Smith College Collegiate Choir Concert
- Sunday, February 26th 3pm – African American High School Honors
- Thursday, March 9th 10am – Founder’s Day Chapel | 1:30pm – Campus Center Naming
For a season schedule or to learn more about the Panthers Men’s/Women’s Basketball team and other athletic sports at Philander Smith College, visit To learn more about additional events or to schedule a tour of the school, visit
February 16, 2017
–Mrs. Annie Mable McDaniel Abrams was our featured guest for Black History Spotlight. Abrams, a civil rights activist and global grandmother to many, is a walking, talking history book. She has just about seen an extensive amount of Arkansas Black History. Born in Arkadelphia on September 25, 1931, she attended a segregated school until being sent to Little Rock for a better education. She later became a college graduate, teacher, and a political, social, civic and community activist. Abrams was instrumental in campaigns to rename various Little Rock streets in honor of Daisy Bates, Mayor Charles Bussey, and in renaming High Street in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. and in the institution of Little Rock’s first Martin Luther King, Jr. Day parade. she has been a community advocate for women’s issues, senior citizens’ issues, and other vital issues that are geared toward the betterment of humanity. Abrams has worked at the national and international levels for more than 40 years. For more information on Mrs. Annie Mable McDaniel Abrams, visit To schedule an appointment to visit the Annie Mable McDaniel Abrams’ Museum, call 501-374-3459.
February 09, 2017
-LaConda Watson, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Jacksonville and Event Chair; and Daphne Gaulden, Director of Equity with the American Heart Association for the 3rd Annual Fitness Extravaganza. In celebration of the American Heart Association’s National ‘Go Red’ Month, the Boys & Girls Club of Jacksonville will hold the 3rd Annual Fitness Extravaganza “Put Your Heart Into It,” Sunday, February 12th from 1pm-3pm at 1 Boys Club Drive in Jacksonville. This event will feature several fitness experts and speakers, health information, displays, door prizes and more. Registration includes a free t-shirt. Proceeds will benefit the club with a donation going to the American Heart Association. To register or obtain more information, call 501-982-4316 or visit
-Marthella Johnson with Arkansas Community Organizations for Free Income Tax Preparation.
- If you make less than $54,000 per year, Arkansas Community Organizations can help you file your taxes for FREE and also, teach you about ways to invest your refund and increase it’s value. Also,there is a new February 15 refund distribution date affecting returns with the earned income tax credit and child tax credit, Refund Anticipation Loan checks.
- Campaigns that Arkansas Community Institute (ACI) and Arkansas Community Organizations (ACO) members are working on: Education, Predatory Lending, & Tenant Rights Issues
- ACO programs offered to low income communities:
- First time home ownership
- Credit Counseling and Clean Up
- Budgeting
To learn about other free service and obtain more information on Free Tax Preparation or learn about Renter’s Rights & more, visit or call, in Little Rock (501) 376-7151 or in Pine Bluff (870) 536-6300.
-Amanda Horton, Director of Reynolds Performance Hall and Julie Dossett Morgan, Marketing Director for University of Arkansas at Conway for UCA’s their Distinguished Lecture Series featuring Dr. Marc Lamont Hill. UCA’s Reynolds Performance Hall will host their Distinguished Lecture Series featuring one of the leading intellectual voices in the country, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, Monday, February 13 at 7:30pm, Reynolds Performance Hall, 223 Beatrice Powell Street, Conway. In addition to his work as an academic, award-winning journalist, author, activist, and professor, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill is also the current host of BET News & VH1 Live, a political contributor for CNN & FOX News, and Distinguished Professor of African American Studies at Morehouse College. Dr. Hill has been named one of American’s 100 most influential Black leaders by Ebony Magazine among many other prestigious awards and accolades. His lecture will be focused as such by identifying recent key issues and trends, he will spotlight the work that must be done to sustain progress. Moving beyond more critique, he will provide concrete solutions, as well as, sites of hope and possibility for healing our national, local and university communities. For ticket information and more, visit or call 501-450-3265.
February 02, 2017
– Tameka Lee, PR Specialist at the Central Arkansas Library System for Library Lovers Week. Libraries have so many resources, that you can practically fill your calendar just with the things they offer…and it”s usually FREE! February is National Library Lovers’ Month. Take advantage of the activities and events happening this month. Attend the Kickoff, Saturday, February 4th at 2pm at the Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library and Learning Center, 4800 West 10th Street in Little Rock. There will be family-friendly activities and crafts, story-time featuring a special guest, Thompson Library Kids Art Exhibition, a book giveaway, and a catapult. Little Rock School District Superintendent Mike Poore will share what the library means to him and the community. For more information on the Library Lovers’ Kickoff event or other events happening throughout the month and beyond, visit or call 501-918-3000.
-Genine Perez, Executive Director at the Arkansas Youth Leadership Initiative (AYLI). This organization provides leadership training, promotes character, service, education, culture and more for youth & also, adults that work with youth. The leadership training is for groups of all sizes. They work with community partners in health, wellness and prevention statewide and also host several signature events where youth can play an active role in the development and implementation of the programs. AYLI has a governing advisory board made of community members of various backgrounds that care about youth. Some of the programs are:
- Miss Teen Tours: A six month mentoring program for girls ages 11-18
- YES TEAM: Youth led grass roots tobacco prevention program
- Youth with PURPOSE: Youth who serve as Change Agent for the community
The 8th Annual YES on the HILL Training will be held, Saturday, March 11th. Pre-register now for the Silent March, Rally, and Press Conference. Everyone registered will receive a free t-shirt and lunch. For more information on the Arkansas Youth Leadership Initiative and its events, visit or call 501-375-1338.
– Daphne Gaulden, Director of Equity for the American Heart Association (AMA) in Central Arkansas and Deborah Rhodes, Survivor, Volunteer, and President of the NAACP of North Little Rock came to talk about “Go Red For Women.” “Go Red For Women” is a National movement by the AMA to end heart disease and stroke in women. Cardiovascular diseases in the United States kill approximately 1 woman every 80 seconds. There are five numbers that all women should know to take control of their heart health. The five numbers are 1) Total Cholesterol, 2) HDL (good) Cholesterol, 3) Blood Pressure, 4) Blood Sugar, and 5) Body Mass Index (BMI). Knowing these numbers can help women and their healthcare provider determine their risk for developing cardiovascular diseases.
Events will be held throughout the month where women will ‘Go Red.’ A few events will be:
- Thursday, February 2 | 11am | State Capitol, 2nd Floor Rotunda – “Go Red for Women” Survivor Gallery Unveiling
- Friday, February 3 | National Wear Red Day
- Each Sunday during February is “Go Red Sunday: Have Faith in Heart.” Wear Red to Church. For the “Go Red Sunday” Toolkit, which provides information and materials to help make your event at success, register at Little Rock Go Red Sunday 2017 on
For more information on the American Heart Association’s “Go Red for Women,” visit
January 26, 2017
– Marva Davis, Esq. and Karen Buchanan, Board Members of the Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Incorporated’s Scholarship Connection Counseling Center for their Town Hall Meeting. This event will be held, Sunday, January 29 from 3pm-5pm at 7621 West 40th Street in Little Rock. Keynote speaker will be Honorable Judge Olly Neal, retired Arkansas Court of Appeals, Circuit Court Judge, noted Community Advocate, and Legal Consultant. A round table discussion on education moderated by Dunbar Middle School Principal, Eunice Thrasher will feature a panel consisting of community leaders, educators, and parents. For more information, call 501-562-0923 or visit
-Bruce Donaldson, Broker Navigator Outreach Manager for Arkansas Health Insurance Marketplace came to remind us about the January 31st deadline to enroll in health insurance. Arkansans who need health insurance coverage for 2017 have until Tuesday, January 31st to sign up at and avoid the penalty. For those currently with coverage who were automatically enrolled in a 2017 plan, you may also use the final days to open enrollment to update or change your plan. After January 31st, consumers can enroll or change plans only if they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period due to certain life events such as losing coverage, moving or getting married. What’s important to know is that uninsured Arkansans may face federally mandated penalties on 2017 tax returns of up to $695 person. Avoid the penalty and enroll before it’s too late. To enroll, visit or call 1-844-355-3262 Monday-Saturday, 7am-7pm. If your prefer in-person help, you can meet with a license expert in your area for free. Either visit the website and search the database or call the hotline. Plans include standard benefits such as inpatient care, outpatient services, prescription drugs, and preventative care and screenings.
– Edmond Davis and Evangelist Beverly Broadus-Green (mother of Snoop Dogg) for the 1st Annual Appreciation Night of Prolific Leaders. Hosted by Author and Historian Edmond Davis and ATK (Aviate Through Knowledge), the 1st Annual Appreciation Night of Prolific Leaders will honor Evangelist Beverly Broadus-Green who will receive an award for her community service work and ministry of love shared with others throughout the nation. The event will be held, Saturday, January 28 at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. A Meet & Greet will be take place at 5:30pm and the festivities will begin at 6pm with singing, food, comedy, special guest speakers, and more. Admission is free, but seating is limited. For more information, call 501-952-4881 or 318-243-9133.
November 03, 2016
– Lara Blume McGhee, Founder of ALS in Wonderland Foundation for the 2nd Annual ALE Run. This annual event will be held, Sunday, November 6th at 2pm in the Pleasant Ridge Town Center, 11525 Cantrell in Little Rock. Runners, walkers, rollers, and drinkers can enjoy live music, gourmet food, games, and more! The purpose is to raise funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, ALS affects about 6,000 people through the nation each year. Proceeds will benefit the ALS in Wonderland Foundation. For registration information, visit or call 501-492-6955 or email [email protected].
– Latriana Hairston-Robertson and Nina Scaife of the Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for the 20th Anniversary Masquerade Ball. This annual event will be held Saturday, November 12th from 7pm-11pm at Four Points Sheridan, 925 South University Ave in Little Rock. Formal attire is required and a mask is encouraged. Central Arkansas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. For ticket information, visit or call 501-417-9183.
– Rizelle Aaron, Arkansas state NAACP President came to talk about his newly appointed role and the mission of the organization. The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race. The objectives is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of all citizens; achieve equality of rights and eliminate race prejudice among the citizens of the United States; to remove all barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes; to seek enactment and enforcement of federal, state, and local scuring civil rights; to inform the public of the adverse effects of racial discrimination and to seek its elimination; and to educate persons as to their constitutional rights and to take all lawful action to secure the exercise thereof, and to take any other lawful action in furtherance of these objectives, consistent with the NAACP’s Articles of Incorporation and this Constitution. For more information, visit or call 501-940-4619 or email [email protected].
– Senator Linda Chesterfield, Senator Joyce Elliott, and State Representative Vivian Flowers for Women of Color Vote: Get Out The Vote Rally. This event will be held, Friday, November 4th from 11:30am-12:30pm on the steps of the State Capitol. The purpose is to raise the voice, vote, interests, and representation of women of color in Arkansas. For more information, visit “Women of Color Vote”on Facebook.
October 27, 2016
– Janice Hobson, President; Toni Swinton-Foy, Assistant Treasurer; Bishop Steve Womack, Board member; and Deborah Butler-Allen, Board member of the Valentine Wooten Awareness Council (VWAC) for the 12th Annual Dick Jeter Day & Parade. This annual neighborhood celebration is in its 12th year and will take place, Saturday, October 29th with the parade kicking off at 10am at Mt Araratt Church, 5417 Valentine Road in Jacksonville. The annual day festivities will be from 11am-4pm at 4621 Dick Jeter Park Road in Jacksonville with entertainment, health screenings, horseback riding, free food, fun events and more for the entire family. For more information, call 501-773-6999 or visit “Valentine Wooten Awareness Council” on Facebook.
-Loyd Harris, Founder and President and Markius Ingram, Student for the 17th Annual Capital Awards Banquet hosted by the School of Religious Studies College of Bible & Religion. This annual fundraiser honors outstanding citizens for their contributions to the church, community and humanity. Funds generated help to provide resources for the maintenance and support for the students attending school, (such as food allowances, textbooks, tuition, and support to the instructors). The 17th Annual Capital Awards Banquet takes place, Saturday, November 5th at 6:30pm at the Jacksonville Community Center, 5 Municipal Drive. For tickets and more information, call 501-517-7771 or visit
-Leonard Boyle, Executive Director of the Arkansas Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services Division and Eric Treat for National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The state of Arkansas recognizes the tremendous potential of people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations to employees with disabilities. Arkansas Rehabilitation is one of the four divisions that make up the Arkansas Department of Career Education. The agency prepares a job-ready, career-bound workforce to meet the needs of Arkansas employers. Some of the programs are Project SEARCH, Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities, TEP, Arkansas Career Training Institute, ICAN, and Disability Day at the Capitol. To learn about the resources available at any of these programs, visit the agency website at, or call 501-682-0180.
October 20, 2016
– Virgil Miller for 3 Miles of Men. The 2016 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure has a group of supportive men called 3 Miles of Men who are comprised of fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, and friends who line the race course to show their support. A Tailgate Party was recently held, Thursday, October 13th at Diamond Bear Brewing Company, 600 North Broadway in North Little Rock at 5pm. Larry’s Pizza provided free pizza and there was free beer and root beer, and lots of door prizes and a fishing trip raffle. On the day of the race, there will be a Tailgate Breakfast, Saturday, October 22nd provided by Capital Smokehouse and Grill. The first 100 people to arrive at the 3 Miles of Men tent on the corner of Capital and Izard will get a free breakfast (parking lot next to Capitol Smokehouse and Grill) beginning at 7am. The men will be at 6th & Izard by the Central Church of Christ Family Life Center. Also, look for the Utility 1 Source bucket truck for some fun items to throw to runners. For more information, visit “Komen Arkansas – 3 Miles of Men” on Facebook or or call 501-202-4399.
- The 23rd Annual Komen Arkansas Race for the Cure will kickoff, Saturday, October 22nd in Downtown Little Rock:
- 6:00 – 8:00am: Registration & Packet Pickup (4th & Arch Street)
- 6:30am: Survivor Breakfast
- 7:15am: Survivor Photo
- 7:30am: 5K Competitive Run
- 7:40am: Pre-Race Ceremony
- 8:00am: 5K Run/Walk
- 8:20am: 2K Family Fun Run/Walk
- 9:30am: Survivor Parade
- 10:00am: Survivor Picnic
– Julie Steele, Event Vice Chair and Board Member of the 6th Annual World Cheese Dip Championship. Over the last 5 events, over 23,000 people representing almost every county in Arkansas, as well as most of the United States, came together to show their love for cheese dip. This year 7,000 are expected to attend. Over 70 years ago, cheese dip was created right here in Central Arkansas. Both professionals and amateurs will be judged and everyone will have their chance to vote on the best cheese dip through the People’s Choice Awards. A professional panel of cheesy experts will be prepared to crown the 6th World Cheese Dip Champion. Proceeds will go to the Harmony Health Clinic who has provided over $300,000 annually in dental work at no cost to patients and is able to serve patients due to generous volunteers, financial contributions, and corporate sponsors. The Harmony Clinic provides basic medical care for uninsured people living in Central Arkansas. The 6th Annual World Cheese Dip Championship will be held, Saturday, October 22nd from 12noon-3pm at the River Market Pavilion in downtown Little Rock. For tickets, visit For more information, visit For more information on the Harmony Clinic, visit or call 501-375-4400.
-Charles Stewart, Chairman of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame (ABHOF) for their 24th Annual Induction Ceremony. Six noteworthy individuals will be inducted into the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame during their 24th Annual Induction Ceremony, held Saturday, October 29th at 7:30pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in the Wally Allen Ballroom in downtown Little Rock. The honorees, who have excelled in business, music, law, media and diplomacy, include The Hall Family of Little Rock, long standing entrepreneurs/grocers; Attorney Richard L. Mays, Sr., former legislator and justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court; Jazz soloist Cynthia Scott; June Carter-Perry, former US ambassador to Lesotho and Sierra Leone; Mifflin Wistar Gibbs (posthumous), first elected African American municipal judge in the United States; and Gregory A. Davis, CEO of Davis Broadcasting, Inc. The ABHOF uses funds generated from the induction ceremony to benefit organizations throughout Arkansas that serve African American communities in the following area: youth development, health and wellness, education and business/economic development. For tickets and more information, visit or call 501-503-1092.
October 13, 2016
-Curlethia Sykes-Swanigan, Co-Chair of the 6th Annual “Boogie for Boobies.” Each year 10 Fitness, ABC Financial Services, and the Dark Hollow Community Development Corporation hosts “Boogie for Boobies” to support the Arkansas Susan G. Komen Foundation. The event will be held Friday, October 21st from 6:30pm-8:30pm at select 10 Fitness Locations in Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Conway and is open to the public. Central Arkansas Mixxedfit and Zumba certified Fitness instructors and enthusiast will lead the groups in fitness activities. Free healthy snacks and water will be provided to participants. Prizes will be given away throughout the night, including a one year Premium membership to 10 Fitness. Participating locations are Rodney Parham in Little Rock, JFK in North Little Rock, and Harkrider in Conway. Tickets are available at any these participating locations. For more information, visit “Boogie for Boobies” on Facebook or call 501-240-1413.
-Theresa Timmons-Shamberger of the Timmons Arts Foundation for Before the Ballot. Timmons Arts Foundation, Rock AR Vote, along with other organizations presents “Before the Ballot” moderated by Pastor Dwight Townsend, Tuesday, October 18th at 6pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Voters will have the opportunity to hear and speak with the candidates on key issues that directly affect the quality of life in our community. This free event is open to the public and will provide light hor d’oeuvres and refreshments. For more information, call 501-258-8377 or email [email protected].
-Lottie Shackleford and Connie Curry of The Little Rock Chapter of The Links, Inc. and Dr. Karen Crowell from UAMS for The 4th Annual Move Your Body Community Forum: Obesity in Children & Adsolescents. The Links, Inc. hosts this free event geared for the entire family providing healthy lunches, balls, bikes and more, Saturday, October 15th from 8am-1pm. Registration will be from 8am-10am onsite at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Arkansas ranks the 6th highest adult obesity rate in the nation, according to The State of Obesity: Better Policies for a Healthier America released September 2016. Arkansas’d adult obesity rate is currently 34.5 percent, up from 21.9 percent in 2000 and from 17.0 percent in 1995. The childhood obesity rate for 10-17 year olds is 20%. The LR Chapter of The Links, Inc. wants to help reverse the trends in obesity rates. The change begins with our children receiving proper teaching of healthy habits and the training of our children and their parents/guardians. For more information, call 501-944-3049.
October 6, 2016
-Arif Khatib, Founder of the Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame (MESHOF) for their Annual Men’s Service Awards Ceremony. The event will be Thursday, October 6th from 11:00am-2:00pm at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Little Rock. A reception will take place at 11:00am with a luncheon at 12 noon and the ceremony beginning at 1:00pm. The Multi-Ethnic Sports Hall of Fame will honor Circuit Court Judge Wendell Griffen with its Social Award. Four other community leaders will also be honored: John Gardner, Community Advocate Award; Lionel Davis, Art Porter Music Education Volunteer; North Little Rock Police Officer Tommy Norman, Community Advocate Award; Rev. Dennis Edwards of St. John Missionary Baptist Church, Community Advocate Award; and A.D. Washington, Lifetime Music Award. Our own Broadway Joe will be the emcee the ceremony. For tickets or more information, visit
*MESHOF is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing educational life skills and mentorship opportunities for deserving youth.
-Chief Joe Gray, Little Rock Fire Department for the 6th Annual Fire Safety Day. The event will be Saturday, October 8th from 11:00am- 3:00pm at the Clinton Presidential Center, 1200 President Clinton Ave. in Little Rock. Festivities include a firefighter challenge, a meeting with Molly the Safety Dog, an antique fire truck, carnival rides, health screenings offered by the Arkansas Minority Health Commission, free carbon monoxide monitors and more! The public will have the opportunity to be educated about the day-to-day fire safety and prevention measures. Fire Prevention Week is October 9-15 and this year’s campaign is “Don’t Wait – Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years.” For more information, call 501-918-3700.
-Trena Mitchell, Arkansas Cancer Coalition and Sybil Ward, Jefferson Comprehensive Care Systems, Inc. for Praise Fest 2016. Praise 102.5 FM, Power 92 and the Legendary 102.1 KOKY presents Praise Fest 2016, Sunday, October 9th with a VIP Reception at 5:00pm and the event beginning at 6pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Featured artists will Erica Campbell and Tina Campbell of Mary Mary, Charles Jenkins, Jermaine Dolly, and Zarcardi Cortez. Sponsors are Arkansas Cancer Coalition, CeCe Chicken & Waffles, Cardiology & Medicine Clinic and McDonald’s. Tickets are $25 in advance and $35 day of show. For group rates, call 501-401-0200. Ticket Outlets include, Uncle T’s Food Mart, Ugly Mike’s Records, The Record Rack in Pine Bluff, Butler Furniture Depot, and G4L Custom Embroidery.
September 29, 2016
-Joy Gray, Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) Program Manager for Suicide Prevention Program. September is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. The Suicide Prevention Program was started at the ADH in 2014 through a federal grant in order to combat the issue of suicide. They provide awareness campaigns, professional training, data and materials to help people learn about suicide prevention, as well as train anyone in the community who may want to learn more about how to become a suicide-alert helper. Suicide is the leading cause of violent death in Arkansas. In 2014, 503 Arkansans died by suicide, and 206 died from homicide that same year, (source ADH Vital Statistics). Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death overall for Arkansans ages 10-34. In 2014, 43,000 Americans died by suicide. (source CDC). Arkansas is currently ranked 16th in the nation in death by suicide (source CDC).
Ways to get help:
- Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) 24 hours 7 day a week in a crisis
- If you think a person is in immediate danger, call 911
- For mental health services or substance abuse treatment, visit and click “how to get help” to find a community mental health center in your area.
For more information, visit
-Nicole Winstead, CEO/Founder of Full Swing Golf Academy (FSGA). The academy is a youth golf program that was established in 2012 to honor Dr. Arthur Winstead, III (father of the CEO/Founder) who was an avid golfer. The non-profit golf program has as to date, taught fifty under-served and under-represented middle school aged children ages 8-15 the fundamentals of golf. Its core values are “Honesty, Respect and Discipline” and their mission is to “diversify golf one swing at a time.” FSGA has incorporated a STEM program which will allow children to mix every day academics into a sport they are fond of, introducing “the STEM of golf” and golf fundamentals that will help to build a strong foundation academically and fortify their place within society as they transition through their education and matriculate. The introduction of golf to children ensures the longevity of golf and all careers associated with it, it helps to create a new generation of golfers that will diversify the sport on golf one swing as a time. To learn more or to make an investment in a child’s future, visit or call, 501-436-9562 or email [email protected] or Like em’ on Facebook.
-Red for the 2016 Pine-Bluff Altheimer Fall Fest. This annual event will be held Saturday, October 1st at Cooke Family Park, 11712 Hwy 79 North in Altheimer. Gates open at 12 noon and the show starts at 4pm. Featured artists will be Bobby Rush, Bishop Bullwinkle, Nellie Tiger Travis, Ms. Jody, Jaye Hammer, Willie P., and The Platinum Blues Band of Pine Bluff. Broadway Joe and Comedian Keith Glason will be the hosts. Tickets are available at Uncle T’s Food Mart, Ugly Mike’s Records, Butler Furniture Depot, Record Rack in Pine Bluff, Kibb’s BBQ in Pine Bluff and Stuttgart. For more information, call 501-413-7683 or visit
September 22, 2016
-Sandra Mitchell, Director of Supportive Services for the Better Community Development (BCD), Inc./Hoover Treatment Center; Luke Kramer, Executive Director of The STARR Coalition; and Dino Davis, Executive Director of Quality Living Center, Inc. for the 12th Recovery Jam. Better Community Development, Inc. celebrates and recognizes September as National Recovery Month (27th Year). They will present the 12th Annual Recovery Jam to raise awareness about mental and/or substance use disorder, Monday, September 26th from 4pm-8pm at the River Market Pavilion, 400 President Clinton Avenue in downtown Little Rock. The community wide event will highlight individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are living happy and healthy lives in long-term recovery. Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Service Providers who have helped make recovery possible will also be honored. Sponsored by the BCD Hoover Treatment Center and partnered with the Division of Behavioral Health Services. Recovery Jam 2016 will include: Free Health Screenings from Baptist Health, HIV & HEP C testing, Live Entertainment by Dino Davis and the D-Train Band and other local artists, Free Food, Dancing, Personal Testimonies, and Vendor Booths. For information on Recovery Jam 2016, call 501-663-7221 or email [email protected]. For information on The STARR Coalition, call 501-944-8653. For information on the Quality Living Center, Inc., call 501-663-3490.
– Lil Robb of Chopperboy South and Bishop Eli J. Russell for the 16th Annual Back to School Bash in Hot Springs. This annual bash will be held, Saturday, September 24th from 10am-5pm at Wade Street Park in Hot Springs. Activities include a talent show, dunking booth, water slide, rock climbing wall, free food, and plenty of fun, fun fun! Live entertainment will be provided by Lil Robb, Trouble, and Lawless. For more information on the 16th Annual Back to School Bash in Hot Springs, call 501-620-0203.
-Akissi Brooks-Hill, Founder & CEO of Ambitious Girls, Inc. for the 2016 Ambitious Girls, Inc. EmpowHERment Day. The 8th Annual Ambitious Girl, Inc. EmpowHERment Day will be held, Saturday, September 24th with a 9am check-in and the start time from 10am-4pm at Shorter College, 604 Locust Street in North Little Rock. Girls 11-16 years old will be empowered, educated, and motivated to G.R.O.W. “Get Ready to Lead Our World!” The conference was established in 2009 (formerly known as the GIRL TALK conference prior to 2014) based on the founders “BE Smart! BE Safe! BE Responsible! platform, which pertains to the importance of education, awareness and prevention of teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and juvenile delinquency. This year’s EmpowerHERment day is FREE and will include a full lunch, t-shirts, drawstring back packs, screenings, prizes, activities, special projects, workshops and sessions. The theme is “Confident in Christ: The Girl Behind the Mask.” To Register or obtain more information, call 501-960-7313.
– Angel Burt, Vice President of the Dunbar Historic Neighborhood Association and Pat Edgerson for the 2nd Annual Paul Laurence Dunbar Community Festival. This free event will be held, Saturday, September 24th from 9am-4pm at Paul Laurence Dunbar School, Chester &* Wright Avenue in Little Rock. Activities include an Arkansas Artists & Authors Showcase, Corvette Car Show & Car Wash, Free Health Screenings, Local Vendors, Food, Zumbathon, Bobcat Classic 3 on 3 Tournament, Live Performances, Building Communities Anti-Bullying Clinic, Mobil Video Game Station & more! Little Rock Black Owned Business Service (LR BOBS) will sponsor a Community Festival & Marketplace at Dunbar School to State Street and the Urban Raw Food Festival will be held in the Dunbar Gardens. For more information, call 400-0261 or email [email protected].
September 15, 2016
-Katrina Owoh, 1st Vice President and Joy Springer, 2nd Vice President of the Beta Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. for the “Ivy Awards.” The Beta Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and the Ivy Foundation of Little Rock hosts “The Ivy Awards,” Sunday, September 18th at 6 p.m. at Maumelle High School Performing Arts Center, 100 Victory Lane in Maumelle. Awards will be presented to those who have impacted Greater Little Rock in the areas of Educational Enrichment, Health Promotion, Family Strengthening, Environmental Ownership, and Global Impact. The celebratory evening will feature violinist Eric Taylor, as well as local acts. A portion of the proceeds from the ticket sales will support Beta Pi Omega and the Ivy Foundation of LR in providing scholarships and programs in Greater LR. For ticket information, visit
-Educator Edmond Davis for “Back-to- School: The 21st Century S.A.T.’s (Safety Advocacy Tips). Many U.S. citizens, in particular minorities of color, have been immensely affected by the strained encounters they’ve had with Law Enforcement Officers. in the second decade of this millennium, the advancement of technology has allowed citizens to capture countless detrimental events, which are displayed on social media sites and news stations throughout the world. The Safety Advocacy Tips (SAT) are simple strategies that can be employed in order to deescalate or avoid any misunderstandings, miscommunications, mis-interpretations, and miscues with law enforcement officers. A few of the 15 SAT’s derived from the ‘Respond-I-Bility’ presentation series as they are designed to empower citizens to ‘Respond-Responsibility’ to law enforcement are:
- Don’t always say what’s on your mind to officers as this may backfire.
- Keep a picture ID in your possession as it’s lawful in most states to have ID just in case it’s asked by the officer(s).
- Always make good eye contact. It’s a sign of respect, communication, and interest of what the officer is stating
- You don’t have the right to resist arrest from an officer, even if you think you are right.
- Politely re-state an order given by an officer to you. This assures you make the right moves without any issues.
To learn more of the 15 SAT’s derived from the ‘Respond-I-Bility’ presentation series, visit or call 318-243-9133 or like em’ on Facebook “Educator Edmond Davis.”
-Deborah Bell, Director of Community Development at Better Community Development, Inc. (BCD) and Attorney Efrem Neely for the 3rd Annual Neighbors Building Communities Gold Tournament. Better Community Development, Inc. (BCD) invites you to join them for the 3rd Annual Neighbors Building Communities Golf Tournament, Friday, September 23rd | 8am Breakfast and Registration | 9am Shotgun Start at the Country Club of Arkansas, 3 Country Club Circle in Maumelle. The event will assist BCD in its mission to improve the quality of life for low-income, underserved, disadvantaged and at-risk children, youth and families in Little Rock. To register for the 3rd Annual Neighbors Building Communities Golf Tournament or to learn more about Better Community Development, Inc., call 501-379-1539 or visit
September 8, 2016
-Sr. Master Richard E. Anderson of Anderson’s Taekwondo Center. It has been a year of allegations…and Anderson’s Taekwondo Center is now back! A year ago the center disputed allegations of child abuse as a part of the center’s culture. The allegations flooded the various television outlets. Families filed criminal and civil lawsuits to which Anderson still stood firm and said the allegations against him were false. The criminal case never made it to the courtroom and the families were a “no show.” However, the story garnered a lot of attention and Anderson’s business dropped off. He went from having an estimate of 80 to 100 students to now having roughly 22 students. He had to cancel trips to tournaments and worries about the day he won’t be able to pay the light bill. The center was re-licensed and accredited by DHS and Anderson hopes more than anything, his ceremonies will someday be standing room only. A civil lawsuit is still pending in the matter. Anderson still believes that the truth will prevail. He will continue to fight to improve the lives of Arkansas kids no matter the outcome. * Due to a recent fire to Anderson’s Taekwondo Center, the meeting location for the Little Rock Center is Moody Chapel A.M.E. Church, 5630 Mabelvale Pike.
Programs offered: Afterschool, Summer and Camp Positive | Two locations: Little Rock and Pine Bluff | To learn more, call 501.690.4791 or email [email protected] or visit them on Facebook “Anderson Taekwondo-Pine Bluff” or “Anderson Taekwondo Center”.
– Lucy Willis-Washington, Laura Montgomery, and Deaundra Nash for The Retirement Celebration for Reverend Hezekiah & Diane Stewart. 42 years of pastoring and Reverend Hezekiah David, Jr. & Diane Stewart will be retiring from pastoring a church. Their current pastoralship is at Moody Chapel A.M.E. Church in Little Rock. The “Mighty Servants of God” will be honored during the celebration, Friday, September 9th with a meet & greet at 6:30pm and the festivities at 7pm located at the Little Rock Club, 400 West Capitol, on the 30th floor of the Regions Building in downtown Little Rock. For ticket information, call 501-626-3084.
– Scot Davis from Arkansas Urology for the 12th Annual Kick-Off to Men’s Health: Big Screen Event. Arkansas Urology and Epoch Health observes National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month with prostate screening and flat screen TVs. Each man will receive a FREE “100% Men’s Health” screening and a flat-screen TV will be given away every 20 minutes to men who register and participate in the event. Prostate cancer is diagnosed every 2 minutes in the United States. Other than skin cancer, it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among men. Prostate cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death among African-American men. Early detection of this disease significantly increases the chance of survival. Two Kick-Offs to Men’s Health: Big Screen Events will be held:
Tuesday, Sept. 13th | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 1300 Center View Drive | Little Rock – NASCAR driver Mark Martin will be there to sign autographs, take pictures, perform interviews and encourage men to tak better care of themselves.
Thursday, Sept. 29th | 5pm-8pm | Arkansas Urology | 4200 Stockton Drive | North Little Rock
To schedule your FREE prostate screening for either event location, call 501.219.8900. Visit or for more information.
September 1, 2016
– LaKisha Johnson, Executive Director of Sickle Cell Awareness Center (SCSS); Kimberly Lee, Board Member; Phanie Wicks, American Red Cross; Pastor Neal Scoggins of City of Refuge, Sponsor for Sickle Cell Awareness Day 2016. During the month of September, Sickle Cell Support Services will be hosting a series of events to bring awareness to Sickle Cell and also raise funds. A Blood Drive will be held in memory of Germaine Johnson, Sr., the Founder of SCSS, Saturday, September 3rd from 9am-2pm at Greater Friendship Church, 4640 Springer Blvd. in Little Rock. All presenting donors will receive an American Red Cross Duffle Bag, while supplies last. To schedule an appointment, visit (sponsor code: SCSS). Must bring photo I.D. Join them and learn more about Sickle Cell and enjoy fun and family oriented atmosphere. For more information on this event or other events throughout the month of September, call 501-650-0764 or visit
– Little Miss Sydney Hopson and grandmother Rene Henderson. Seven-year-old Sydney Hopson is known as the “ABC Girl” for her ability to recite Bible verses corresponding with the letters A thru Z, as well as memorizing chapters of the King James Bible. The Conway native also plays the piano — she’s a student at the Central Arkansas Community School of Music — and sings. Her manager, aka her grandmother, Rene Henderson, said she realized Sydney had an extraordinary talent for memorization when she was 5. Little Miss Sydney’s schedule is filling up with public appearances; she has entertained the governor of Arkansas, won a national talent show, was featured at the National Baptist Convention. On the 23rd of September, the first grader will travel to Washington, DC for the grand-opening of the National Museum of African American History and Culture at the Smithsonian Institution. President Barack Obama will lead the dedication as well as the ribbon cutting ceremony. Donations have helped pay for Sydney’s piano lessons, gas to travel to events and even her tuition at the private school. For speaking engagements, donations or to learn more about the “ABC Girl,” call 501-697-3346 or email [email protected].
– Dennis Milligan, Treasurer of the State of Arkansas for “Coloring for College” Contest. Treasurer of the State, Dennis Milligan, in conjunction with the Arkansas 529 College Savings Board has launched a contest, “Coloring for College” open to all Arkansas kindergarten students who will have the opportunity to win $529 in a college savings plan account. The contest begins on September 1, 2016 and ends on September 30, 2016. One winner from each county will be selected by a random drawing on October 5, 2016 to be held at the office of the Treasurer of State. The winner will be announced on October 6, 2016. For more contest rules, additional information and entry forms visit
*Sponsored by the State of Arkansas, the GIFT Plan is a college tuition savings program administered by the state of Arkansas Section 529 Plan Review Committee, The name “529” refers to the Internal Revenue Code section dealing with this type of college savings tool. While there are other types of college saving vehicles, 529 plans offers several unique features that can help families keep pace with the rising cost of a college education.
August 25, 2016
– Chris James, Event Chair and Promoter for Colors of Love Art and Multicultural Festival. The Roots Art Connection presents Colors of Love Art and Multicultural Festival, Saturday, August 27th from 11am-6pm at Argenta Plaza on the corner of Main Street & 6th Street in North Little Rock. There will be Art, Food, Cultural Exchanges, Live Music, Vendors and more! Some of the performers include DJ Lee, Music My Way (LR Boys & Girls Club), Miss Teen Tours, Poet’s Mic, Neff & Friends & many others. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 501-366-3793 for visit “Colors of Love Art & Multiculural Festival” on Facebook.
– Michael Poore, Little Rock School District (LRSD) Superintendent. Mike Poore was selected as the Superintendent in the LRSD in June 2016, making the transition from Bentonville, where he served as superintendent for five years. A veteran educator with more than 32 years of experience as a teach, coach, athletic director, assistant principal, principal, and executive director, Poore has dedicated his life’s work to students. Including his tenure in Bentonville. Poore has served in top administrative roles over the past 13 years, as deputy superintendent in Colorado Springs, Colorado and as superintendent of Sheridan School District in Denver, Colorado.
Projects include:
- Community Walks – Poor & a small group of LRSD staff and district supporters go door-to-door, visiting with stakeholders on designated Saturdays and evenings in each district’s seven zones.
- Nightly Call to Parents and Staff
- Stakeholder Engagement Meetings
- Town Hall Meetings
- Facebook Live Roundtable Discussion
- Think Tank Events
- Daily Visits to Schools
- Regular Video Messages _ “A Minute with Mike”
For more information, visit or the Little Rock School District’s Facebook page. Superintendent Mike Poore’s Twitter account is @michaelpoore1.
August 18, 2016
– Kimberly Smith, Conference Chair; and Charmaine Wafer, Volunteer for the 6th Annual “At Promise” Girls Empowerment Conference. Delta Community Based Services presents the 6th Annual “At Promise” Girls Empowerment Conference: “Loving Me,” Saturday, August 27th from 8am-2pm in the Donaghey Building of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 South University Ave. in Little Rock. Three hundred girls ages 12-18 can attend the free event, which is designed to address social and emotional issues in girl’s lives that negatively impact their ability of becoming educated, economically independent, future professional women of Arkansas. The conference will honor Maia Wilson for Girl of the Year and Vernita Wells for Woman of the Year. DJ Raquel will be on the one’s and two’s. Free shirts, bags, breakfast and lunch will be provided and there will be a $250 giveaway. Space is limited. To register, visit or call 501-838-8448.
– Brenda Hatton-Ficklin Visionary and Event Host for the Women’s Conference 2016 “Unbreakable.” Women from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Alabama are expected to attend this powerful Women’s Conference featuring Tele-Evangelist and Gospel Singer, Dr. Juanita Bynum, Friday (7pm) -Saturday (9am & 12pm), August 19th-20th at Second Baptist Church, 1709 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. Saturday morning speaker will be Dr. Sharon Nesbitt and Guest Psalmist will be Lecresia Campbell of Rock Hill, SC. General admission is free. VIP tickets are $50 and available for purchase at Faithful Chics Boutique. For more information, call 501-960-6745.
– Celia Anderson, Author for her new book “100 Things to do in Little Rock Before You Die.” Little Rock native and published author, Celia Anderson has written a guidebook citing local historic landmarks, attractions, shops, restaurants and more that every visitor and resident should visit in his or her lifetime. “100 Things to do in Little Rock Before You Die” features the William J. Clinton Presidential Center, Heifer International, the “Wish You Were Here” Little Rock postcards, Frankes Cafeteria, an historic barbeque joint and much more. The book is in stores now and retails for $16.00 each. Anderson will have copies available at a book signing, held Saturday, August 20th at 1:30pm at Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing, 1001 Wright Ave. in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-370-3248.
August 11, 2016
– LaConda T. Watson, Executive Director of the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club (JBGC) and Brad West, Gwatney Chevrolet representative & JBGC member for the Annual Dub Myers Memorial Golf Tournament. The event is one of the main fundraisers for the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club which serves hundreds of kids. The tournament will be held, Monday, August 22nd at the Southern Oaks Country Club, 701 Foxwood Drive in Jacksonville with lunch from 11am-12:30pm and Tee time at 12:30pm. The cost is $75 per person; $100 Hole Sponsor; $325 Team & Hole Sponsor. There will be the Longest Drive Contest and Closet to the Pin. Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, call Brad West at 501-551-2300 or Bob Colford at 501-258-9269.
– Joyce Raynor, Executive Director for The Center for Healing Hearts and Spirits in conjunction with Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity for the Back to School Block Party. The back-to-school free event will be held Sunday, August 14 from 3pm-6pm at the Omega Psi Phi House, 2521 State Street in LR. This event is open to the public and will provide school supplies, backpacks, food, entertainment, educational information on nutrition, tobacco prevention, and more! Supplies will be distributed on a first come first served basis. For more information, call 501-372-3800.
– Captain DeArthur Jordan, and Little Rock firefighters Monique Robinson and Joe Howard of H.O.T.T.A.R. for Project Fresh Start: Firefighters Annual School Supply Drive. This event is in its 20th year and will be held, Saturday, August 13th from 9am-until at Dunbar Recreation Center, 1001 West 16th Street in LR. The goal is to give every child a fresh start for the school year by providing them with free school supplies. Partnering with them will be Sam’s Club, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy. For more information, call 501-247-8451.
– Johnnie Brown of B.R.A.V.E., Pine Bluff’s Chapter of the International Association of Black Fire Fighters (IABPFF) for Project Fresh Start. This event is the annual school supply drive for firefighters who will provide free school supplies while they last, Saturday, August 20th from 9am-1pm at the Pine Bluff Convention Center, #1 Convention Center Plaza. In additional to the free school supplies, there will be entertainment, giveaways, food, and more! For more information, call Johnnie Brown at 870-489-2325 or Mozell Gipson at 870-692-2953.
– Dr. Trenia Miles, Deputy of Adult Education; Stephanie Isaacs, Associate Director of Skill Development; Glen Curry and Rocky Mantooth of the Apprenticeships Program, Cheryl Wiedmaier, Associate Director of Career and Technical Education, and Angela Mattison-Shaw of Cumulus Media for the 5th Annual Career Expo. If you are looking to move from a job to a career, or better employment situation, then this Expo is for you! Dress to impress and bring several copies of your resume or learn how to write your resume. Learn how to Ace an interview & more, Tuesday, August 16th from 10am-4pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in LR. The Arkansas Department of Career Education is one of the sponsors. Their mission is to prepare a job-ready, career bound workforce to meet the needs of Arkansas Employers. For more information, call 501-401-0200.
August 04, 2016
– Coach Reginald Hayman for the Independent Youth Football League (IYFL) Jamboree. 48 Teams of youth ages 5-12 years old from Little Rock, North Little Rock, Jacksonville, and Pine Bluff will have a chance to test their skills during a series of mini practice games, Saturday, August 6th from 9am-4pm at War Memorial Stadium, 1 Stadium Drive in Little Rock. Kids 12 & under get in FREE. Regular admission is $5.00. For more information, visit or call 51-680-1765.
– Pastor Craig Collier, Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church for Straight Outta MPBC: The 2nd Annual Family Fun Day Expo. Mt. Pisgah MBC host this free back-to-school event, Saturday, August 6th from 9am-2pm at 1017 Ray Road in Jacksonville. Supplies will be given and parents must be present for children to receive them. For more information, call 501-982-6215.
Ron Watson, CEO of HAD2GRADUATE, Daniel Mosely Wal-Mart Representative, and Dana Dossett, Director of City of LR Community Programs for the nonprofit organization, HAD2GRADUATE. This program is dedicated to helping youth build personal and professional life skills. Armed with a “Had2 Attitude,” youth will be able to make better choices in life in order to achieve their goals, starting with finishing high school. This new attitude is better than “Just Do It,” because when you think of what made you move anything from your “To Do” List to “DONE” – it was because you “Had2!” For more information about HAD2GRADUATE, visit or call 501-420-3635.
July 28, 2016
– Jamileh Kamran, Owner/Operator and Anthony Lemons, fashion student for Arkansas Fashion School presents “A Leading Edge” – 2016 Emerging Designers Graduation Event Fundraiser. This event will benefit individuals not able to afford tuition and the needed supplies by providing them with scholarships. “A Leading Edge” will be held, Saturday, August 6th from 10am-1pm at the Little Rock Club, 400 West Capitol Ave. on the 30th floor of the Regions Building. For tickets, visit
Founded in 2007, Arkansas Fashion School offers a unique and fast way to pursue your dreams of becoming a Fashion Designer. This vocational, hands-on school is a 11 course program that will take the student through all aspects of planning and creating timeless fashions. Each course lasts 8 weeks with students attending class once a week for 4 hours. Classes are offered Monday through Saturday. For more information on the school, visit or call 501-663-3242.
– Katherine Donald, Executive Director of Coalition for a Tobacco Free Arkansas for Runnin’ with the Law Family Fun-Run. This event is designed to pair Arkansas kids with law enforcement officers in a team setting, establishing meaningful relationships and on-going positive interactions and more. Proceeds will benefit the prevention work of Coalition for a Tobacco Free Arkansas, a 501(c)3 organization. Runnin’ with the Law Family Fun-Run will be held, Saturday, July 30th | Check-in at 7am | Start time 8am beginning at Capitol Ave. and Chester Street in Little Rock. To register, visit or call 501-687-0345. The first 100 kids to officially register for and participate will get a t-shirt. All participants will receive a medallion.
– Sterling Ingram and Alma Williams, Members of the Board of Directors for the Art Porter Music Education, Inc. for the 6th Annual “A Work of Art” Jazz Week 2016. Art Porter Music Education presents their annual week of events honoring Art Porter, Sr. and Art Porter, Jr. with a star studded line up at venues across the city.
Monday | August 1st | 12pm-1pm: A Work of Art Kick-Off | LR City Hall, 500 W. Markham | FREE
Tuesday | August 2nd | 12pm-1pm: Jazz on the Plaza featuring Minors in Music | The River Plaza, 400 President Clinton Ave. | FREE
Wednesday | August 3rd | 7pm & 9pm: An Evening with Pianist Jonathan Fritzen | Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road | LR| TICKETED EVENT
Thursday | August 4th | 7pm & 9pm: An Evening with Saxophonist Benjamin Pruitt | Khalil’s Pub & Grill, 110 S. Shackleford | LR | TICKETED EVENT
Friday | August 5th | 8pm: Porter Players Jam Session | Khalil’s Pub & Grill, 110 S. Shackleford | LR | FREE
Saturday | August 6th | 8pm: Gerald Albright and Selina Albright | Wildwood Park for the Arts, 20919 Denny Road | LR | TICKETED EVENT
For tickets for “A Work of Art” or to receive more information, visit or call 501-492-9120.
– I. Malik Saafir, President & Founder of Janus Institute for Justice and Attorney Furonda Brasfield for Criminal Justice Reform in Arkansas. The NAACP of Jacksonville Branch and UALR Wm. H. Bowen School of Law Racial Disparities in Arkansas Criminal Justice System Research Project. This event will be held Saturday, July 30th from 9am-2pm at Mt Pisgah Baptist Church, 1017 Ray Road in Jacksonville. The Criminal Justice Reform will examine the longstanding racial disparities in the Arkansas criminal justice system, and make recommendations for policy, practice and community programming based on finding from the research. For more information, call 800-624-1558 Ext. 201.
July 14, 2016
– Cheryl Wiedmaier, Associate Director of Career and Technical Education, Adrienne Robinson, Chief of Field Services, Arkansas Rehabilitation Services a product of the Arkansas Department of Career Education (ACE) and Angela Mattison-Shaw of Cumulus Media for the 5th Annual Career Expo. If you are looking to move from a job to a career, or better employment situation, then this expo is for you! Dress to impress and bring several copies of your resume, Tuesday, August 16th from 10am-4pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. The Arkansas Dept. of Career Education is one of the sponsors. Their mission is to prepare a job-ready, career bound workforce to meet the needs of Arkansas Employers. Another sponsor will be Arkansas Rehabilitation Services and their mission is to prepare Arkansans with disabilities to work and lead productive and independent lives. This event is free for job seekers. You will have the opportunity to meet top employers and interview for several positions during the course of the day. For more information, call 501-401-0200.
– Stacy Dantzler of SLD, LLC. (Strength*Leadership*Determination) and S. Juain Young of Building Communities Anti-Bullying Clinic for the Anti-Bullying Celebrity Basketball Charity Event. This event will take place, Saturday, July 16th from 1pm-5pm at the Barton Coliseum | 2600 Howard Street in LR. Some of the biggest athletes and entertainers will join together to help raise awareness and funds in the fight against bullying and wounded warriors. Attendees will get a chance to meet Jarius Wright, Cobi Hamilton, Ryan Mallett with special guests Mr. Walk It Out himself, DJ Unk and others. Kids 12 & under get in free. For ticket information & to learn more about SLD, LLC., call 501-744-1440. To learn more about Building Communities Anti-Bullying Clinic, call 501-247-6858 or email [email protected].
– Jacqueline Watkins & 7-year-old son Trelin for their book “Bobby’s Bully.” Inspired by her 7-year-old son Trelin, Watkins brings awareness about bullying and how it affects a child emotionally and physically in her children’s book. Her first published book follows two main characters: Bobby and Tully. Bobby is the new kid at school trying to make new friends. Tully makes it hard for Bobby to enjoy this new environment. Bobby gets anxious as recess comes because he knows Tully will mistreat him. Tully fails to realize the emotional effect his behavior has on Bobby and others. “This book will allow children to see they are not alone and that there are those out there who care about them,” Watkins says. To get your copy, and for more information, visit Bobby’s Bully is also available on Amazon and at Barnes & Noble.
July 07, 2016
– Patricia Holloway for Hemlock Courts Day 2016. The 2nd Annual Hemlock Courts Day will be Saturday, July 16th from 11am-5pm on the grounds of Sherman Park, 624 North Beach Street in North Little Rock. The festival invites all past and present residents and visitors to reunite and celebrate. The goal is to recognize Hemlock Court, which is in the NLR community, and preserve and protect its history. The celebration will include swimming, entertainment, games, food and more! For more information, call 501-765-6993.
– Kevin Hunt, Sr. for Overcoming Obstacles in Life. Adversity did not hold Kevin Hunt, Sr. back! The downward spiral of his life began after he dropped out of school after the 8th grade and joined a gang shortly afterwards. In 1990, he and some friends were charged with a felony and convicted a year later. After serving 3 years, he was later released. Kevin could have kept spiraling downward, but he chose not to. He went on to pursue his GED at Shorter College through their GED Program, earned a college degree from Philander Smith College in business and graduated with honors. He joined a church and became very involved, and later earned his master’s degree at Webster’s University. Kevin spent 8 years working in the office of former Governor Mike Beebe with 5 of those years working as the Minority Affairs Liaison. He puts in countless hours of hard work and dedication for the betterment of his community by serving as a mentor and volunteer. Kevin is focused at building his 501(c)3 nonprofit mentoring program, I.O.P. (Inspiring Other People). His motto is “Leading By Example.” To contact Kevin Hunt, Sr. for speaking engagements or his mentoring program, call 501-993-6354 or email [email protected].
June 30, 2016
– Dr. Nate Smith, Director of the Arkansas Department of Health & State Health Officer for “Let’s Talk Zika.” Zika virus is a disease that has spread to over 35 countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean. It is spread through mosquito bites and through sexual transmission from a man to his sexual partner. There are types of mosquitoes here in Arkansas that could spread the virus, so people are urged to protect themselves from mosquito bites when they travel, and for at least 21 days after returning to Arkansas from a place where Zika is being actively transmitted, such as Central and South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands.
Ways to avoid mosquito bites include:
- Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus
- Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers
- Use air conditioning or window and door screens to keep mosquitoes outside
- When at home in AR: Reduce the number of mosquitoes inside and outside your home by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets. Mosquitoes can breed in as little amount of water as a bottle cap
For more information on the Zika Virus, visit For the latest travel notice, visit
– Maria Hoskins, Author for her new book “Down Home in Arkansas.” The writer’s recalls how fun, exciting and entertaining her family is during the bi-annual family reunion holiday. Maria hopes each reader will enjoy her family reunion story and draw on the commonality readers will experience as they associate their family reunion with the writer’s family reunion story. Also included with the story are group activities and an ancestry resource guide to utilize at your next family reunion. To keep up with the author, visit or email [email protected].
– Rochelle Burton, City of Little Rock & Parks & Recreation for the 40 Year Anniversary of the Men’s Basketball Summer League 1976-2016. Games will be held Mondays-Thursdays through July 28th at the Dunbar Community Center, 1001 West 16th Street in Little Rock beginning at 6pm nightly. The tournament games will be held August 1st-4th at 6pm and conclude with the Legends and Championship game. The games are free to attend. For more information, call 501-376-7084.
June 23, 2016
– Leon Chitman, Sr., Jimmy Smith, and Deon Aaron of the Pi Omicron Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. the Qnique Gentlemen & Sundresses. The men of Pi Omicron Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. presents Qnique Gentlemen & Sundresses, Saturday, June 25th from 8pm-12am at War Memorial Stadium in the Letterman Club (Gate 7: Floor 2). Proceeds from this event will benefit scholarships for deserving students. The event is geared for 21 & up. For tickets and more information, call 501-912-3263 or 501-259-8320. To learn more in the Pi Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. visit them on Facebook!
– Tomekia Moore, Event Coordinator for the 4th Annual HYPE Summer Palooza & Youth Crime Prevention Summit. This annual event will be held, Saturday, June 25th from 10am-2pm at College Heights Church of Christ, 1313 N. Magnolia in Pine Bluff. The summit will include a panel discussion featuring the Honorable Judge Earnest Brown, local county and city officials. The goal is to foster an informative and relaxed environment in which youth and parents can freely express questions concerning public safety initiatives throughout the city and county. Additional activities will be a community fair, a 40 feet slide, mobile aquarium, basketball & kickball tournament, informational booths, and more! For more info, call 870-872-2229 or visit the College Heights Church of Christ on Facebook!
– “Red” for the 2016 Pine Bluff / Altheimer Blues Festival. This annual festival will be held Sat., June 25th at | gates open at 12pm | show starts at 4pm with featured artists Sir Charles, Lenny Williams, Bishop Bullwinkle, Terry Wright, J-Wonn, Nellie “Tiger” Travis, Mean Green, the On Call Band, and the Platinum Hitz Band. The event will be hosted by Broadway Joe and Comedian Keith Glason. Tickets are available at Ugly Mike’s, Uncle T’s Food Mart, Butler Furniture, Record Rack in Pine Bluff, and Kibb’s BBQ in P.B./Stuttgart. For more information, call 501-413-7683.
June 16, 2016
– Michael B. White for the Union Rescue Mission presents Maze & Frankie Beverly. The Union Rescue Mission presents Maze featuring Frankie Beverly, Saturday, June 18th at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock. Gates open at 4pm and the show starts at 6:45pm. Also performing live will be Mary Mary, Amber Bullock, Tamela Mann, and Kris Allen. General Admission $40 and $75 at the door. VIP tickets are available online at Ticket outlets: NLR: Lindsey’s BBQ and Ce Ce ‘s Chicken & Waffles; LR: Ugly Mike’s, Uncle T’s Food Mart, & the Union Rescue Mission of LR; Pine Bluff: Record Rack; and Conway: Sandstone Real Estate Company. For more information, call 501-749-8388 or visit
Jonathan Hart and Chris Ware for the “Save Our Dads” Community Health Fair. Rose City Community Church of Christ and the North Little Rock School District presents the “Save Our Dads” Community Health Fair, Saturday, June 18th from 11am-2pm at the North Little Rock Academy, 5500 Lynch Drive in NLR. Learn about health programs and resources to improve your health, free screenings: Pneumococcal & shingles vaccine (voucher given), PSA-Colon Cancer, Blood Pressure, Cholesteral, Diabetes, and HIV/STD; raffle giveaways, free food, chair massages, and more! For more information, call 501-422-1477 or 501-960-7310.
– Serecia Cole and Jennelle Primm of Philander Smith College (PSC) for Philander being selected for the school of the month of June 2016 by the Tom Joyner Foundation. As one of only 12 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) selected for the designation each year, Philander Smith will partner with the Tom Joyner Foundation to raise scholarship dollars throughout the entire month. In addition to fundraising support, the Tom Joyner Foundation will also award five scholarships to PSC students throughout the month. The Hercules Scholarship, names in honor of Joyner’s deceased father, will be awarded to male students who have made significant academic accomplishments and contribution on their community. To make a donation during the month of June 2016, visit Mobile giving is also available by texting PSC1877 to 80888. For more information on Philander Smith College, visit
– Dr. Rhonda Mattox and Camille Hart for the 2nd Annual Community-Campus Partnership Conference and the National Conversation on Women’s Heart Health.
The 2nd Annual Community-Campus Partnership Conference will be held, Friday, June 17th from 9:30am-6pm at the Comfort Inn & Suites Presidential in Little Rock. Keynote speaker is Acacia Bamberg Salatti, Director for the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the Department of Health and Human Services. Registration is free and open to the public. UAMS & community leaders will discuss the health status of Arkansas, address health disparities and tell what needs to be done. Register at
The National Conversation on Women’s Heart Health will be held, Thursday, June 30th from 4:30pm-5pm Reception | 5pm-6pm Town Hall at the Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging, 629 Jack Stephens Drive in LR in the Jo Ellen Ford Auditorium – Room 1207. Conducted in partnership with the University of Florida, the event is designed to engage the public – especially medically under-served communities – in conversations about important health and research topics. Dr. Rhonda Mattox will serve as moderator of a panel of experts that include Dr. Jean McSweeney, Associate Dean for Research, UAMS; Dr. Christina Pettey, Assistant Professor, UAMS; and Kimberly Moore, Community Member. To RSVP and learn more information, call 501-526-6629 or email [email protected].
June 9, 2016
– Chief Greg Summers and Chief Joe Gray of the Little Rock Fire Department for the 6th Annual Firefighters All White Affair. F.I.R.E.S., Inc. presents the 6th Annual Firefighters All White Affair, Saturday, June 11th at 7pm with featured artist R&B Group H-Town, along with Hip Hop Violinist Michael Ward, and Little Rock’s own Dell Smith Experience. Event hosts will be Broadway Joe and Donna Terrell. For tickets and more information, call 501-952-0841 or 501-240-5900.
– Sheriff Gerald Robinson of Jefferson County for the 10th Annual Sheriff’s Fun Day. This free event will be held Saturday, June 11th from 9am-2pm at Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, Rhinehart Road in Pine Bluff. Enjoy free food, games, bounce houses, amusement rides, a live petting zoo, horseback rides, dozens of giveaways and more! A fishing derby will begin at 9am. For more information, call 870-692-3376 or email
– Dr. Billy Thomas of AMDPA (Arkansas Medical, Dental & Pharmaceutical Association) for AMDPA’s 123rd Annual Scientific Session. The conference will be held Fri.-Sat., June 10th-11th at the Hot Springs Embassy Suites Hotel, 400 Convention Blvd. The theme is “Healthy People 2020: Health Promotion & Disease Prevention.” Keynote speaker will be former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jocelyn Elders. The conference will include talks covering health care topics, access to health care, Medicaid expansion, pain management, obesity and diabetes, HIV and Aids, and breast colorectal and prostate cancer. In addition, a Student Health Symposium targeting high school and college students will feature talks by specialist in multiple medical fields. For registration information, visit or call 501-265-0756.
– Brian Rodgers, Public Information Officer at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center (MTCC) for Juneteenth. MTCC hosts Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom, Saturday, June 18th from 11am-5pm at 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. The celebration is free and open to the public. This annual commemoration of the end of slavery will have family-friendly activities and attractions, the Kinsey Collection exhibit, food trucks, live music from various performers and featured artists Algebra and Anthony David. For more information, visit or call 501-683-3636.
MTCC Additional Events:
Thurs., June 16th | 6:30pm: African American Treasures from the Kinsey Collection Closing
Fri., June 17th | 11:30am: It’s in the Bag Lunch ‘n Learn Series “A Conversation with the Kinsey’s” (Must RSVP)
Fri., June 17th | 6:30pm: Hip Hop Panel Discussion and Mix DJ Battle
June 2, 2016
– Dr. Derek Lewis, Dr. Lanita White, Pastor Glenn Hersey, Phanie’ Wicks, and Aeiress Lewis for the annual Health & Wellness Community Expo. The Derek Lewis Foundation presents the 2016 Health & Wellness Community Expo, Saturday, June 4th from 8am-1pm at St. Mark Baptist Church, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. Provided will be Health Screenings, Fitness Demos, Health Vendors, School Physicals, Bike Safety Training, Oral Health Info, CPR Training, Chair Massage, Nutrition Demos, Ask the Doctor Panel, Live Entertainment, and much more! This event is free and open to the public. For vendor and information, call 501-207-0711 or email [email protected].
– Connie Curry and Fox 16’s Donna Terrell of the Little Rock Chapter of the Links, Inc. for the 9th Jazzy Jeans & Jewels. The Little Rock Chapter of the Links, Inc. presents the 9th Annual Jazzy Jeans & Jewels: “Jeans Around the World,” Saturday, June 4th from 7pm-12 midnight at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Featured will be the culinary skills of Connecting Links and Heir-O-Links. All proceeds from Jazzy Jeans and Jewels events are given to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in Arkansas on a rotating basis. This year’s recipient is Shorter College. For tickets and more information, call 501-804-3212 or email [email protected].
– LaKisha Johnson, Executive Director of Sickle Cell Support Services; Kimberly Lee, SCSS Board Member; and Jodie T. Carter, member of the Pro Duffers of Little Rock for the 24th Sickle Cell Anemia Golf Classic. Sickle Cell Support Services & Pro Duffers of Little Rock presents the 24th Sickle Cell Anemia Golf Classic, Friday-Sunday, June 10th-12th with a 9am Shotgun Start at Greystone Country Club of Cabot Arkansas. The event includes 36 Holes Media Play (Individual), Championship Flight, Senior 60 to 69, Super Seniors 70 & up and much more. Lunch will be provided both days, carts and green fee are included in the $165 fee. Hole Sponsorships begin at $250. Hospitality and Pairing Reception for the event will be held, Friday, June 10th from 7pm-11pm and Saturday, June 11th after play at the Little Rock Airport Holiday Inn. Proceeds from the Golf Classic will benefit the organization’s supportive services and the enrichment camp for kids living with sickle cell disease. For more information on the Golf Classic, call 501-680-3632. For more information on the Little Rock Pro Duffers, visit For more information on Sickle Cell Support Services, visit
May 19, 2016
– Pastor William Robinson; Louise Scott, Event Chair; and Dr. Rod Romes, Pharmacist for First Baptist Church-S.A. Jones’ 6th Annual Linking the Community to Health Services. This annual community health event will be held, Saturday, May 21st from 10:30am-2pm on the grounds of First Baptist Church, 811 Scipio A. Jones in North Little Rock. Some of the most trusted health service providers in Central Arkansas will offer free health screenings, health information, door prizes, refreshments, fun activities, like horseback riding, track & field races, farmers market, hair cuts, and so much more! A special ‘Ask the Doctors’ session will include Dr. Rod Romes, Dr. Alonzo Williams, Dr. Morris Kelley, Dr. Marvin Ashford, and Dr. Manuel Kelley. The NLR Community Band will provide entertainment. For more information, call 501-374-9394.
– Evangeline Parker-Guest, Founder & Executive Director and Mariah Brown, Lady Miss Teen Promise 2015 for the 19th Annual Miss Teen Promise. Teen Promise, Inc. is a non-profit 501 (c)3 corporation that teaches females how to become more positive, poised, productive, professional and polished ladies and provide scholarship funds for higher education. The organization has served over 275 females and awarded over $90,000 in scholarships, training and prizes. Applications are being accepted through May 31st for Miss Teen Promise Female Preparatory & Scholarship program. The 15-week program is for females ages 3-25. Register at or call 501-353-0009.
– Rebecca Tennille for the Clinton Center for the 2nd Annual Bridge to the Future Community Festival. This free community festival encourages students to read throughout the summer break. It includes activities, literacy, health and safety resources for parents. Activities will include, free books from the Reading is Fundamental “AR Kids Read” program, crafts and coloring activities, appearances by Clifford the Big Red Dog, Cookie Mouse and Curious George, puppet shows, face painting and more! Bridge to the Future Community Festival will be held, Saturday, May 21st from 10am-2pm at the Clinton Center in downtown Little Rock. For more information, visit
– Hugh Leavell, Community Outreach Director and Christopher Williams of the Arkansas National Guard for their Youth Challenge Program. Youth Challenge is a free military style structured program for youth ages 16-18 that have dropped out or on the verge of dropping out of high school. The behavior modification program has a residential phase of 5 1/2 months., then graduates of the program are followed up with for 1 year. Students have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma and upon graduation they have to go to work, continue their education, or join the military. Scholarships are given to those who want to pursue a higher education. The next class starts in July 2016. Applications are currently being accepted. The deadline for applications is June 15th. For more information, call 1-800-814-8453 or visit
May 12, 2016
– Stephanie Wilcox, Festival’s Charities Chair and Chrissy Chatham of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas for the 32nd Annual International Greek Food Festival. The festival will take place Friday-Sunday, May 20th-22nd at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 110 Napa Valley Drive in Little Rock. It will be a family-friendly weekend filled with food, fun, and fundraising for local charities. Admission, parking and trolley service are free! Festival hours will be Friday & Saturday, May 20th-21st from 11am-9pm and Sunday, May 22nd from 11am-3pm. Proceeds will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arkansas, Community Connections, Easter Seals Arkansas, Harmony Health Clinic, Literacy Action of Central Arkansas, Wolfe Street Foundation and Youth Home, Inc. For more information on entertainment, the Old World Market and Grocery, kid’s activities and church tours visit
Jerrell Hardnett, PR Specialist at the Arkansas Aids Foundation for the Arkansas Aids Walk 2016: “Bridging the Gap.” This fun-filled event will be held, Saturday, May 14th from 7:30am-11:30am at the Clinton Presidential Center, 1200 President Clinton Ave. in downtown Little Rock. The Aids Walk will provide a unique way to raise community awareness and support for growing epidemic of HIV/Aids. Proceeds will benefit and help sustain the Arkansas Aids Foundation in continuing to provide support services to Arkansans. About 500 are expected to participate in this year’s walk. For more information, call 501-374-2898 or visit
– Lara Blume McGhee, Founder of ALS in Wonderland Foundation for the 3rd Annual ALS in Wonderland presents Neverland: “Imagine a World Without ALS.” This fundraiser will be Saturday, May 14th with a Mixer at 7pm featuring Rodney Block and an 8:15pm start time at Albert Pike Masonic Center, 712 Scott Street in Little Rock. Renowned ALS Research Specialist Dr. Richard Bedlack of Duke ALS Clinic will be the featured guest and PALS Rickie Joe Bauer will be honored. Other special guests include ALS Warrior Advocate Anthony Carbajal and former NBA Star Stephen Howard. The night will be one of intrigue, fantasy and inspiration. The Peter Pan themed event is inspired by cirque arts and couture fashion. For more information, visit or call 501-492-6955.
– Frank “Penny” Edwards of the Real Cowboy Association for the 6th Annual Little Rock Black Rodeo. The Real Cowboy Association presents the 6th Annual Little Rock Black Rodeo, Saturday, May 14th at the Barton Coliseum, 2600 Howard Street in Little Rock with a Tailgate Party at 3pm and Showtime at 7pm. Known as the Baddest Show on Dirt, this event will feature Calf Roping, Barrel Racing, Bareback Riding, Bull Riding Steer Wrestling, Live Entertainment and more! Parking is free for the Rodeo and Tailgate with ticket purchase. Tickets are available at Ugly Mike’s, Uncle T’s, Cavender’s, Arkansas State Fairgrounds, and online at For more information on the Real Cowboy Association, visit
May 05, 2016
– Joyce Raynor, Executive Director of the Center for Healing Hearts & Spirits for 2016 Pampered Ladies Luncheon & Wellness Expo. The Center for Healing Hearts & Spirits and ACTS Church invite you to join them for the 2016 Pampered Ladies Luncheon & Wellness Expo, Saturday, May 7th at ACTS Church from 8:30am-1:30pm. Women will receive a day of pampering. Provided will be Educational Booths, Health Screenings, Zumba, Massages, Manicures, Tobacco Prevention Bingo, and much more! Hear from the experts, Dr. Rhonda Mattox, Dr. Kim Eason, Senator Joyce Elliott, and others on women health issues. Seating is limited to the first 150 women. This event is free, but your must register at or call 501-372-3800.
– Lott Rolfe, Little Rock Attorney; Dr. Glenn Hersey, Outreach Pastor at St. Mark Baptist Church for the Criminal Record Expungement Seminar. The Outreach Ministry of St. Mark Baptist Church in partnership with the W. Harold Flowers Law Society & the Arkansas Access to Justice Foundation will host a Criminal Expungement Seminar, Saturday, May 7th from 9am-11am at St. Mark Family Life Center, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. Little Rock District Court Judge Vic Fleming will conduct a one-hour information session, detailing Arkansas law and the expungement process. Volunteer attorneys will assist those present in obtaining the needed documents to begin the process. The seminar is free and open to the public. Arkansas is one of many states that permits expunging, or sealing of criminal records. A sealed record allows a person to legally state he or she has never been charged nor convicted of a crime in situations such as: Applying for employment, leasing or renting an apartment or home, and obtaining higher education. For more information, call 501-663-3955 or visit
– Tamela Tennpenny-Lewis, Co-Founder of he Preservation of African American Cemeteries, Inc. (PAAC) for the 10th Annual “Memorial in May” Cemetery Preservation Conference. St. John Missionary Baptist Church in El Dorado and the Preservation of African American Cemeteries, Inc. (PAAC) will host the 10th Annual “Memorial in May” Cemetery Preservation Conference, Friday-Saturday, May 6th-7th at 9am at St. John Family Life Center, 1016 East Wilson Street in El Dorado. The 2-day conference will offer workshop with various speakers discussing the issues concerning the difficulties individuals and communities face restoring and preserving neglected cemeteries. Attendees will learn the proper techniques in documenting, preserving, restoring, protecting and maintaining cemeteries and gravesites. For more information, call 501-425-5578 or email [email protected].
April 28, 2016
– Lecole White, Program Manager of Arkansas Creating Connections for Children (ARCCC) for Children with Arkansas Department of Human Services, a Division of Children and Family Services for Donate the BASICS for Children in Foster Care. ARCCC, a part of the Department of Human Service/Division of Children and Family Services is having a Donation Drive for Children in Foster Care, “Donate the BASICS,” Monday, May 2nd from 11:30am – 1:30pm at Clinton School of Public Service in Little Rock. Items needed are backpacks, duffle bags, suitcases/luggage, pajamas, underwear (2T and up), socks, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion, soap, baby shampoo, lice shampoo, body wash, pacifiers, baby bottles, sippy cups, diapers, wipes, and snacks that are kid-friendly, pre-packaged, and non-perishable. In the event that you cannot make the Kick-off event, donations will be accepted through the entire month of May at any of the 85 DHS county offices. For more information, call 501-682-8759 or visit
– Chelle Luper Wilson, Regional Director of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. South Central Region for the 84th South Central Regional Conference. Over 3,000 AKA’s from Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Texas will take over the city! The theme is “Diamond Dimensions of Sisterhood and Service.” The 4-day event will be held Thursday-Sunday, April 28th-May 1st at the Statehouse Convention Center and the Little Rock Marriott Hotel. Events are planned through out Little Rock.
Thurs., April 28th | 8pm | Statehouse Convention Ctr. in Governor’s Hall – Public Meeting which will recognize and celebrate a list of notable honorees for their outstanding achievements and service to Arkansas and the nation. (Honorees: Colette D. Honorable, Commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Washington, DC), The Clinton Foundation and Thelma Mothershed Weir of the Little Rock Nine. Dr. Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. will deliver the charge.
- Fri., April 29th | 7am | Legacy Breakfast (Ticketed event)
- Sat., April 30th | 8:45am | Leadership Breakfast (Ticketed event)
12:30pm | Statehouse Conv. Ctr. – Luncheon featuring keynote speaker and Arkansas native, Dr. Debbye Turner Bell, Miss America 1990. (Ticketed event)
8pm | Statehouse Conv. Ctr. – The Diamond Experience “Naturally Flawless” Closing Gala
Sun., May 1st | Statehouse Conv. Ctr | Ecumenical Service “New Dimensions of Faith”11am | Little Rock Marriott Hotel | Gospel Brunch (Ticketed event)
For more information, call 479-685-0193 or visit or Like ’em on Facebook “AKA South Central Region.”
– Nicole Freeman and Tabitha Cooke of the Continental Society of Little Rock and Leon Chitman and Ray Sturgis of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. for Spring Into Health Colgate Dental Check-Up. The Little Rock Chapter of Continental Societies, Inc. and Pi Omicron Chapter and Omicron Lamda Lamda of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. presents Spring Into Health Colgate Dental Check-Up, Saturday, April 30th from 10am-2pm at Holy Temple COGIC, 1322 South Pulaski Street in LR. Provided will be Free Child Dental Check Ups for kids 12 & under, Physical Fitness, Hand Washing Booth, Food, Demonstration/Education, MEMS and Little Rock Fire Department, Accident Prevention Display, Safety Belt and Child Safety Demonstrations, Drug and Alcohol Prevention Education Booth. For more information, call 501-291-3445 or call 501-680-3149.
April 21, 2016
– Angeletta Giles, Parent Advocate with Project PAAK (Parent Advocate For Awesome Kids) and daughter 8-year-old Londyn Giles for “A Parent’s Perspective…Understanding Autism.” Londyn was diagnosed with autism in 2012. Due to her parents finding the necessary resources and taking advantage of the early intervention programs ranging in physical, speech and occupational therapies, Londyn is thriving. She is active in activities at church, dance and cheerleading. Dr. Maya Lopez, an autism specialist and UAMS Associate Professor of Pediatrics who sees patients on the Arkansas Children’s Hospital campus says, “Autism is a condition where the treatment goes beyond the walls of a clinic or hospital. It involves the entire community around Londyn. For Londyn to break out of her shell and have better social awareness, she needs opportunities to be with other children.”
Project PAAK is designed to inform and mentor parents on the prevention and intervention of child development issues. The purpose of the project is to create a support system that dill demystify the evaluation process and emphasize the critical importance of early interventions to families who have concerns related to their child’s development, including autism spectrum disorder. For more information, call (901) 734-7314 or email [email protected].
– Dr. John Miller, Sr., President of 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock for the 3rd Annual “Mentoring Across A Lifetime” Leadership Conference. 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock hosts this free event with the theme “Mentoring and Community,” Saturday, April 23rd from 9am-1pm at St. Mark Baptist Church, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. The conference is about understanding what mentoring is all about. Attendees will learn how to be more effective leaders and mentors, and also learn about the importance of being mentored. There will be morning sessions, a community luncheon and 2 recipients of the “100 Scholars” Scholarship will be recognized. For more information and to RSVP, visit
– Odessa Darrough, Event Chair of the 13th Annual Minority Health Fair. This free event will be held, Saturday, April 23rd from 10am-2pm at Central High School in the Quigley Cox Stadium, 15400 South Park in Little Rock. The day filled with family fun, entertainment, health screenings, physical fitness activities, games, prizes, and so much more. Attendees can receive health information and screenings on cancer, nutrition & obesity, oral health, alcoholism, eye disease, heart disease & stroke and a list of others. A vacation trip and gift certificates will be awarded in prizes. For more information, call 501-960-2569.
– Red Wilson, Event Producer for the 2016 Blues on the River. The 2-day music festival, 2016 Blues on the River will be Friday & Saturday, April 22nd-23rd at the North Shore River Walk. This is the 17th anniversary of the festival which attracts music enthusiasts from across the United States. It is best known for its entertainment and tradition of Southern soul which is better known for the sound of the south. Featured artists will be:
Friday, April 22 (gates open at 4:30pm) 6pm showtime – Big John Miller Band, Clarence Carter, Latimore, and Millie Jackson. Also performances by D-Train and Comedian Silky Slimm.
Saturday, April 23rd (gates open at 2pm) 3pm showtime – Big John, J-Won, Terry Wright, Jeff Floyd, Mr. Pokey, Malcolm Allen, Bishop Bullwinkle, and the On Call Band.
For tickets and more information, call 501-779-4676 or visit
April 14, 2016
– Donna Terrell, Fox 16 News Anchor for Donna Terrell’s Yoga Warriors Fighting Colon Cancer. Donna’s daughter Queah found strength and comfort in yoga while she battled colon cancer before passing away in March 2011. She is considered to be the first Yoga Warrior. The mission of the Warriors is to let you know you’re never too young to get colon cancer and raise awareness for early detection of colon and other cancers. They also promote the benefits of yoga in helping relieve some of the stress and symptoms of cancer and its associated treatments. They help survivors currently in treatment with financial assistance for some of their liquid nutritional needs. This free yoga event will be, Saturday, April 16th at 10am at the Doubletree Hotel, 424 West Markham St. in LR. Be sure to take your yoga mat. For more information or to make a donation to CARTI, visit
Dr. Fitz Hill, President of Arkansas Baptist College for the 7th Annual Supper & Soul 2016. This annual fundraiser gala is a celebration of the accomplishments of the college and its 132 year history. The Gala will be held, Thursday, April 21st with a reception and silent auction at 6:30pm and dinner with live entertainment at 7pm featuring An Evening with Lakeside and The Bar-Kays. Barry & Andrea Griffith and Anthony & Sheila Brooks will serve as Honorary Co-Chairs for the event. Sponsorships and individual tickets are available. For more information, call 501-420-1206 or email [email protected].
– Micheal Stone, Executive Director of Student & Equity Services for the North Little Rock School District for School Choice. The North Little Rock School District is currently registering student during its School Choice through May 1st, 2016. Students outside of the NLR School District, excluding those in Pulaski County School District are eligible for School Choice. NLRSD has 5 new elementary schools, 4 completely renovated elementary schools, 1 new high school, 1 completely renovated Pre-K, and 1 middle school that is currently under construction. For more information on School Choice and the NLRSD, visit or call 501-771-8000.
April 7, 2016
– Bernard Kinsey, Owner and Bryan Rodgers, Public Information Officer for Mosaic Templars Cultural Center (MTCC) opening of the exhibit the Kinsey Collection. The Department of Arkansas Heritage, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center announce the opening of the Kinsey Collection, Friday, April 8 and running through July 2nd at MTCC, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. Museum hours are Tuesday-Saturday from 9am-5pm. The renowned exhibit includes authentic and rare art, original artifacts, books, documents, etc., that tell a more complete story of the black experience in America. The collection received national acclaim and has been featured at the DuSable Museum of African American History, the American Pavilion of Epcot Center at Walt Disney World and the Smithsonian National Museum of American History. The exhibit is names for its creators, Bernard and Shirley Kinsey, who began collecting art and artifacts as they explored their own ancestral heritage. The collection includes thousands of pieces, acquired from around the globe. For more information on the exhibit, visit or call 501-683-3593. For more information on the Kinsey Collection, visit
– Marisha DiCarlo, President of the Junior League of Little Rock for Little Readers Rock. The Little Rock Chapter of the Junior League hosts their annual event Little Readers Rock. Children will get a chance to hear from storytellers and puppeteers, create their own book, take a tour of the library’s greenhouse, and make crafts. Refreshments will be provided. This event is open to the public and free books will be distributed to children while supplies last. Little Readers Rock will be held, Saturday, April 9th from 9am-1pm at the Hiliary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library & Learning Center, 4800 West 10th Street in Little Rock. For more information, visit or call 501-375-5557.
– Dee Boles, Author of “God’s Got A Man For You” for a Book Signing and the “Love Like You Mean It” Free Seminar. Dee Boles is a native of North Little Rock who wrote her first book, “God’s Got A Man For You” the Spiritual Side of Relationships, Why We Do What We Do. The book is written very candidly and humorously about her own life, trials, relationships, and pitfalls in an effort to encourage others to trust God in every area of their life. Boles is also a motivational speaker and has delivered messages to inspire people to live better lives. She is in town from California to hold two events this weekend, Love Like You Mean It Free Seminar and a Book Signing.
- “Love Like You Mean It” Free Seminar will be held Saturday, April 9th from 9:30am-12pm in the Shorter College Student Center, 604 North Locust Street in North Little Rock. The event is geared to enlighten, inspire and empower attendees to keep their faith and more. // The first 50 ladies will get a free gift and can enter the drawing for the grand prize. (Men are encouraged to attend.)
- Book Signing will be held Saturday, April 9th from 2pm-4pm at Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing, 1001 Wright Ave. in Little Rock where she will discuss and sign copies of her book.
For more information about the events, call 501-240-5243. For more information on Dee Boles, visit
March 31, 2016
– Crystal Barker, President of the Little Rock Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. for “Delta Presents.” The LR Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Delta Presents Outreach Foundation presents the 43rd Annual “Delta Presents 2016,” Sunday, April 3rd from 5pm-8pm at UALR Theatre of Performing Arts, 2801 South University Ave. The theme is “Black Men Emerging.” This Annual event will honor 44 high school young men in the Central Arkansas area on their accomplishments in academic, talent, athletic achievements and community involvement. Over $25,000 will be awarded in college scholarships.
*The Delta Presents program was designed to encourage and aide college-bound male seniors to achieve higher educational success. Events leading up to the recognition program include a parent host hour, personal developmental workshops to expose the honorees to successful men in the community, and a mother’s brunch. For ticket information, visit or call 501-831-8893.
– Steven Mills, Director of the Hot Springs Boys & Girls Club for “Great Futures Gala.” The Hot Springs Boys & Girls Club of America hosts their inaugural “Great Futures Gala” with keynote speaker NFL and Baseball Legend Bo Jackson, Friday, April 8th from 7pm-9pm at the Hot Springs Convention Center in Horner Hall. The mission of “Great Futures Gala” is to inspire and enable all youth to reach their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens. Proceeds will benefit the Hot Springs Boys & Girls Club of America. For VIP seating and Corporate sponsorships (including meet and greet, signed football, and an individual picture with Bo Jackson), contact Steven Mills at [email protected]. For tickets to “Great Futures Gala” and more information, visit
– Clinton McDonald (defensive tackle for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers), Pep Levingston (defensive end with Canadian Football League), Demetrius Harris (tight end with Kansas City Chiefs), and Michael Johnson (defensive end with the Cincinnati Bengals) for Family Fun Day and the 4th Annual Iron Sharpens Iron Football & Cheer Camp.
- Meet and Greet Clinton McDonald and NFL Friends, Thursday, March 31st from 8pm-10pm at Bar Louie, 11525 Cantrell Road in Little Rock. Present the football/cheer camp flyer (obtained online at or on Facebook at “Macc-lid”) and 20% of your purchase goes toward MACCLID organization. This fundraiser will allow attendees to meet and greet, Michael Johnson – Cincinnati Begals, William Gholston-Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Dequan Bowers-Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Pep Levingston,BC Lions (Canadian Football League), Demetrius Harris-Kansas City Chiefs, Red Bryant-Arizona Cardinals, and others!
- NFL Great Clinton McDonald & MACCLID (McDonald Association Collective Collaboration) presents the 2nd Annual Family Fun Day, Friday, April 1st from 5pm-9pm at Jacksonville High School, 2400 Linda Lane. The evening will be filled with fun, food and family fellowship. Meet and Greet NFL Players & Guests. Donations of unopened household items, can foods, individual wrapped snacks, laundry supplies, and gift cards. Donations will benefit the Watershed and the Ronald McDonald House of Arkansas.
- Clinton McDonald & Friends hosts the 4th Annual “Iron Sharpens Iron” Football & Cheer Camp, Saturday, April 2nd from 9am-3pm at Jacksonville High School, 2400 Linda Lane. Youth ages 6-17 will have the opportunity to be mentored and taught the fundamentals of football and cheer leading. The price: $30 Cheerleaders | $40 Football. To register, visit To obtain more information, call 501-773-0917.
*MACCLID (McDonald & Associates Collective Collaboration-Light Into Darkness) is a distinguished athletic organization based on serving and assisting the betterment and uplifting the underprivileged communities and communities across the country by using the spirit of the Lord to be a light unto our darken paths. By using the fundamentals ion sports and real life testimonies, they aid in introducing principles that will impact and remain with individuals within the community for a lifetime.
March 24, 2016
– Miriam Karanja, Director of Programs at the Arkansas Cancer Coalition for the 17th Annual Cancer Summit. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness month and the Arkansas Cancer Coalition will host the 17th Annual Cancer Coalition “Navigating the Cancer Continuum: Prevention to Survivorship,” Tuesday, March 29th from 7:30am-3:45pm at the Benton Event Center, 17322 Interstate 30. The summit is open to the public and will be a day of learning for all advocates, public health practitioners and all Arkansans interested in improving the ability to fight colorectal cancer and improving the survival rate. Some of the topics include how we reduce tobacco use rates in our state; how we can work together to develop a measureable plan for fighting cancer, and more. Cancer survivors can attend the summit free of charge. To register or obtain more information, visit or call 501-404-2363.
– Senator Linda Chesterfield and Judy Smith, Director of Transition for Arkansas Rehabilitation Services (ARS). Arkansas Rehabilitation Services, a division of Career Education, provides opportunities for Arkansans with disabilities to lead productive and independent lives. Arkansas is one of 8 states with a Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center in the country: the Arkansas Career Training Institute (ACTI) provides 11 programs accredited by the Council on Occupational Employment (COE); ranging from Cosmetology to Welding. The largest component of ARS is the Field Program which has 93 Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor positions in 19 offices across the state, serving all 75 Arkansas Counties. ARS has programs for young people with disabilities, too. A Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor is assigned to serve all high schools providing special programs and developing additional Pre-Employment Training Services. For more information on ARS, call 1-800-330-0632 or visit
– Patrick Oliver, Arkansas Native and Literary Activist to serve as Moderator for “Beyond November with Scholar and Author Bakari Kitwana.” Patrick Oliver returns to Little Rock to discuss voter participation, youth activism and community engagement with scholar and author Bakari Kitwana. The discussion will be held on Thursday, March 22nd at 7pm at Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, 2010 Daisy Bates Drive and is free and open to the public. Oliver’s recent book On My Own: Vision Board Guidebook for Young People encourages young people to have an active part in their personal growth which includes civic engagement. Kitwana is author of The Hip Hop Generation which combines culture and politics into a pivotal work in American studies. For more information on the event, call 501-374-1957. To obtain Oliver’s book, visit or call 501-952-6169.
March 17, 2016
– Sammie Holmes, Board Member and Johnny Hasan of Friends of Haven of Rest Cemetery, Inc. for the Dinner Theatre “Precious Memories.” The 4th Annual Dinner Theatre “Precious Memories” hosted by the Friends of Haven of Rest Cemetery, Inc. will be held, Friday, March 25th at 6pm at the Arkansas Enterprises for the Developmentally Disabled (AEDD), 105 East Roosevelt Road in Little Rock. Tickets are $50 and Tables are $500. This year “Precious Memories” will focus on communities and highlight 4 individuals. Proceeds from this event will help restore and preserve the history. Haven of Rest, 7102 West 12th Street in Little Rock is the largest African American cemetery in the state of Arkansas (with over 7,500 burials). It became the final resting place of prominent Arkansas such as Daisy L. Bates, Scipio A. Jones, Dr. Joseph A. Booker, the first president of Arkansas Baptist College. For more information or to purchase your ticket, call 501-613-5439 or visit or email [email protected].
– Latina Sheard, Branch Manager of the Sue Cowan Williams Library for Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) Preserving the History of Sue Cowan Williams. The late Sue Cowan Williams made a difference to African American teachers in the Little Rock School District by requesting equal pay for all teachers. Although she won her case, she lost her teaching job at Dunbar High School during that time. Very little is recorded about Mrs. Williams’ life, and the CALS is working to create a set of taped interview, an oral history, that highlights her life and the relationships she had in the community. The oral history will be archived in the Butler Center for Arkansas Studies and will be available for any resident, scholar, or researcher to hear. The Sue Cowan Williams Library will conduct interviews with the community members who knew Mrs. Williams’ to preserve the history of her life. Interview will be conducted Monday-Saturday, March 14th-19th at the Williams Library, 1800 Chester Street in Little Rock (right next to Dunbar Middle School). Former students, sorority sisters (Deltas), educators, church members, and those in the community who knew Sue Cowan Williams are asked to contact Latina Sheard at 501-376-4282 to schedule an appointment and help make this a complete success. To learn more about the Central Arkansas Library System, visit
– Vivian Flowers, State Representative of District 17 for The Importance of Voting in Jefferson County. Your vote is your opportunity to be heard, to hold elected officials accountable for their decisions and to have a say in important issues that affect the community. Jefferson County is currently having a run-off election which will continue through Monday, March 21st from 8:3-am-5pm. Election day will be Tuesday, March 22nd from 7:30am-7:30pm. The following races will be decided:
- County Judge: The candidates are Dutch King (I) or Henry “Hank” Wilkins, IV.
- Mayor: The candidates are Debe Hollingsworth (I) or Shirley Washington
- Ward 2 Alderman: The candidates are Lloyd Franklin II or Win Trafford
All registered voters can vote for these candidates in this run-off contest, except voters who voted in the Republican Primary on March 1st. A couple of these races could result in African American firsts. Wilkins would be the first African American elected as County Judge in the state of Arkansas since Reconstruction in the late 1800’s. Also, Shirley Washington will be the first African American woman ever elected as mayor of Pine Bluff. For more information, contact the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office at 870-541-5322.
March 10, 2016
– LaKisha Johnson, Executive Director for Sickle Cell Support Services (SCSS) and Kimberly Lee, Board Member for the Walk Out Sickle Cell 3K Walk. Fire Chief Officers and Sickle Cell Support Services presents this event, Saturday, March 19th at 8am starting at 16th and Rice Street and ending at 7th and Chester Street in Little Rock. Proceeds from the Walk will benefit SCSS by raising awareness and funds to provide supportive services and resources. Registration: $35 To register online, visit or call 501-650-0764.
*Approximately 70,000-10,000 Americans have sickle cell anemia, the most common form of an inherited blood disorder that causes the production of abnormal hemoglobin, a protein that attaches to oxygen in the lungs and carries it to all parts of the body. Sickle cell trait affects approximately 8 percent of African-Americans.
– Reggie Jackson, Pi Lambda Chapter President; Kalven Trice, Chair; and Dustin Barnes, Publicity Chair for the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.’s 70th Annual Southwestern Regional Convention. The world’s oldest intercollegiate Greek-lettered fraternity founded by African American men, will hold its 70th Annual Southwestern Regional Convention during the week of March 17-20, 2016 in Arkansas’ capital city. The southwestern region is made up of fraternity brothers who reside in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. Events are planned throughout the city, many of them are open and free to the public. The Alphas will have community service projects at Habitat Humanity, Arkansas Food Bank, VIPS, and United Way,
Thurs., March 17 at 7pm | Marriott Hotel – Public Program (“Black Lives Matter: Policing & Criminal Justice Reform) | FREE
Fri., March 18 at 8pm | Marriott Hotel – Miss Black & Gold Pageant; 10pm Step Show to be held at the Statehouse Convention Center
Sat., March 19 from 9am-4:30pm | Marriott Hotel – Medical Fair and Career Fair | FREE
For more information, visit them on Facebook “Alpha Phi Alpha Southwest Regional Convention,” or email [email protected] or call 501-952-9076.
– Dr. I. J. Routen, Coordinator of Elementary Fine Arts at the Little Rock School District for “Artistry in the Rock.” The Little Rock School District hosts the 6th Annual Artistry in the Rock, a celebration and showcase of LRSD student talent in the performing and visual arts, Monday-Wednesday, March 14th-16th from 9am-2pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in LR. This event is free and open to the public. An Art Gallery will be open daily from 9am-2pm with student artwork from Pre-K thru 12th grade on display. 27 musical performance will take place daily beginning at 9:30am. Evening performances will be held Wednesday from 6pm-8:30pm and a silent auction of student and faculty artwork along with community donations to benefit the Dr. Morris Holmes Artistry in the Rock Scholarship Fund for graduation seniors planning to major in the arts or arts education. For more information, visit
March 03, 2016
– Ken Wade, Executive Director and Sherman Tate, Board Chairman for the Urban League of Arkansas. The Urban League has established a new Arkansas chapter of the civil-rights organization. A a recent ribbon-cutting ceremony, Gov. Asa Hutchinson said that as Arkansas tackles challenges such as job creation, job skill training, academic distress in Little Rock schools and prison overcrowding, he wants to make sure the Arkansas Urban League’s “voice is in the mix.” The organization is structured to lead efforts in advancing and obtaining equal opportunities for all citizens with a concerted focus on the areas of Health, Education, Jobs and Housing. As an affiliate of the National Urban League, Arkansas will sustain the mission of the Urban League movement by conducting its business consistent with the requirements, policies, and standards of the National Urban League. To learn more about the Urban League of Arkansas, visit or email [email protected].
– Ken Kautious, Independent Filmmaker; Cast & Crew: Levell Lake, Valerie Childs, Shawn Williams, Courtney Ray, and Terrance Dumas for the film premiere of “Broken Glass.” Ken Kautious grew up in Little Rock and overcame many obstacles such as gang life, drug infested neighborhood, and his greatest achievement, fighting for full custody of his daughter, which he won. “Broken Glass” is based off of true event using local non-actors in the movie which was shot in the Little Rock and Hot Springs area. Synopsis: Everyone has a purpose in life, but not everyone that has sight, has vision. This is the story of one man’s vision to find his purpose, and the obstacles that almost leads him to his fate in the process. The movie premiere will be held, Thursday, March 10th at 8pm at Chenal 9 IMAX Theater in the Promenade at Chenal Shopping Center, 17825 Chenal Parkway in Little Rock. For more information, email [email protected] or call 501-291-2880.
– Debra Myton for the Prince of Pan Afrikanism: Dr Umar Johnson to Speak at Philander Smith College for From Little Rock Nine to No Child Left Behind: 60 Years of Academic Apartheid. Dr. Umar Johnson is a prominent Psychologist and world renowned speaker known for his writing “Psycho-Academic Holocaust: The Special Education and ADHD Wars Against Black Boys.” Dr. Johnson will be discussing Special Education to the Prison Pipeline, the ADHD Hoax, the Ritalin Conspiracy, High Stakes Testing, Learning Disability Hustle, Racism in the Foster & Adoption Care industry, Dangers of Immunizations, Police Genocide, President Obama’s Last Year in Office, Post-Traumatic Slavery Disease (PTSD), and Black Male-Female Relationships and much more! The event will be held Friday, March 4th from 6pm-9pm in the M.L. Harris Auditorium at Philander Smith College, 900 Daisy Bates Drive in Little Rock. Purchase your tickets at For more information, call 501-779-8627 or email [email protected].
February 25, 2016
– Theresa Timmons-Shamberger, Timmons Arts Foundation; Beneal Smith, Praise Dancer; Dr. Nancy Collins, and Dr. Michael Preston for the 12th Annual MidSouth Black Expo. This free event will be held Saturday, February 27th from 8:30am-3pm at The Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. There will be hourly giveaways, health screenings, shopping, and stage entertainment. Some of the entertainment will be provided by the Mablevale Drumline, Chris James of the House of Poetry, St. Mark Gospel Choir, Praise Dancer Beneal Smith, Rodney Block and a list of others. For more information call 501-804-0669 or email [email protected].
– Jason Irby, Author for the Arkansas Heritage Celebration of Black History Month. The Jason Irby Innovation Foundation presents the Arkansas Heritage Celebration of Black History Month, Saturday, February 27th at 3pm at the Hillary Rodham Clinton Children’s Library and Learning Center, 4800 West 10th Street in Little Rock. Hear amazing stories of many unknown African-Americans with Arkansas ties who made major contributions to the world. Presenters will be: David Ware, Arkansas Capitol Historian; Judge Don Glover, Dermott; Ira Tillman, Sr. Family, Gould; Veatrice Barnes, Wabbaseka; Pat Johnson, Pocahontas; Media Wilkins, Little Rock; and Tatyana Oyinloye, Little Rock.
*The event is sponsored by the UALR Office of Campus Life and the UALR College of Social Sciences and Communication. For more information, email [email protected].
– Charles Stewart, Chairman of the Arkansas Black Hall of Fame and Judge Timothy Evans, Chief Judge of the State of Illinois, Circuit Court of Cook County for the Distinguished Laureate Lecture Series VII. Arkansas Black Hall of Fame in partnership with Mosaic Templars Cultural Center presents this event, Thursday, February 25th at 6pm (doors open at 5pm) at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock featuring the Honorable Timothy C. Evans, a 2010 inductee of the AR Black Hall of Fame. Judge Evans is the Chief Judge of one of the largest circuit court systems in the world. He is the first African American to be elected to this position where he oversees 400 judges an dmore than 2,700 non-judicial employees. He is the recipient of the prestigious William H. Rehnquist Award for Judicial Excellence, presented annually by the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Judge Evans is returning to share his experiences as Chief Judge and his insight on:
- Social and racial Justice in America
- Alternative sentencing for juveniles and nonviolent offenders
- Criminal justice system reform
- Interpretations of the laws governing Grand Jury decisions
This event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow the series. To RSVP, visit
February 18, 2016
– Tami East and Dr. Michelle Wright for The Milton Pitts Crenchaw Aviation Training Academy (MPCATA). The MPCATA hosts “The Legacy Continues” Reception, Saturday, February 27th from 5:30pm-7:30pm in the Lafayette Building, 523 South Louisiana Street in Little Rock. MPCATA is named after Dr. Milton P. Crenchaw, and original Tuskegee Airman who was one of the first African-Americans in the country and the first Arkansan to be trained by the federal government as a civilian licensed pilot. Founded in 2009, MPCATA mentors students in under-served and disadvantaged communities in order to provide access to educational opportunities in the aviation and aerospace industry. For more information on The Milton Pitts Crenchaw Aviation Training Academy, visit
– Lou Tobian and Odessa Darrough for AARP Arkansas. For Black History Month, AARP Arkansas will host a Free Movie screening of the powerful movie “Selma,” Tuesday, February 23rd at 7pm at the Riverdale 10 Cinema, 2600 Cantrell Road in Little Rock. The screening is part of AARP’s Movies for Grownups, which strives to spotlight and celebrate movies with story lines, performances and film making that have distinct relevance to the 50+ population. To reserve your spot, call 1-844-418-2281 or visit
– Christopher Smith, Program Coordinator for Special Programs and Sericia Cole, Associate Vice President of Advancement & External Relations for Philander Smith College. Philander hosts African American Honors Ceremony, Sunday, February 28th at 2pm in the M.L.Harris Auditorium. African American seniors from the big three school districts, Little Rock, North Little Rock, and Pulaski County Special School will be honored for earning a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Dr. Roderick Smothers, Sr., President of PSC will offer institutional scholarships at the ceremony. This event is open to the public. Visit to learn more about the college.
February 11, 2016
– Anitha Kobusingye, Author and Larry Bone, Co-Author for the book release “Born Anonymous.” Former Arkansas Baptist College International Student, Anitha Kobusingye will have a Book Signing for the release of her new book, “Born Anonymous: One Story of Hope and Love in Rwanda.” Kobusingye recounts her experiences growing up as an orphan in Uganda. With the death of her parents, physical abuse by adopted family, running away at the age of 7, she describes in her book how she was able to overcome it all. The book signing will be at 11am, Thursday, February 11th in the gymnasium of Arkansas Baptist College, 1621 MLK Drive in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-420-1345.
– Melanie Hillard, President and Cassandra Davis, Event Co-Chair with the Beta Pi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated for the 21st Annual Ivy Ball, “Pink, Pearls & Lace: A Vintage Affair.” This evening of elegance will include dinner & dancing, a silent auction, scholarships to deserving students, and music by Stagger Entertainment. The Ivy Ball will be Saturday, February 13th at 7pm at the Embassy Suites Hotel in the Grand Ballroom, 11301 Financial Centre Pkwy in Little Rock. For ticket information, call 501-837-7558 or visit
Sterling Ingram and Alma Williams of the Art Porter Music Education (APME) for the event For the Love of Art: Mentors in Music with Minors in Music. Musicians ages 13-70 will all pay tribute to the late Art Porter, Sr., Wednesday, February 17th at 7pm at Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Road in Little Rock. Admission is free, but donations, on-site and online at are encouraged. Proceeds will benefit APME scholarship program. An additional event will be held Sunday, February 21st at 5pm at Wesley United Methodist Church, 1109 State Street. For more information on these two events, visit the APME website.
– Shauwn Howell, Pine Bluff Fire Chief and Lieutenant Jerry Garganeous for the Pine Bluff Fire and Emergency Services – Entry Level Firefighter Exam. Applications are currently being accepted in the City of Pine Bluff for Fire and Emergency Services. You must be age 21 and under age 35 with no felony convictions, able to pass a written exam and possess a valid driver’s license. Must pass a physical agility test, have a good moral character, acceptable vision, live in Arkansas and have a high school diploma or GED equivalent. Applications must be received by February 19 deadline The exam will be Tuesday, February 23rd at 6pm at the Pine Bluff Convention Center, One Convention Center Plaza. For more information, call 870-730-2048 or visit
February 4, 2016
– Valerie Nix, Youth & Family Services Program Manager and Heather Haywood, Vice President of Corporate Communications of Goodwill Industries of Arkansas came to discuss their new program benefitting youth. Goodwill Industries of Arkansas offers an exciting Youth Program in partnership with the City of Little Rock to support youth and their families in zip codes 72204, 72206 and 72209. The program is open to participants ages 12-17 and will be held at Goodwill Industries of Arkansas, 7400 Scott Hamilton Drive in Little Rock. FREE transportation will be provided. Youth can meet after school from 4pm-7pm and during the summer months, the program hours will be 7:30am-5:30pm. The focus of the Youth Program will be on career exploration. Participants can explore career paths and visit colleges. Students learn about workplace skills training programs and college preparation. The program includes tutoring, positive social development, job readiness and health and fitness activities and more. To learn more about the Goodwill Youth & Families Program, visit or call 501-372-5100 ext. 1177 or email [email protected].
– LaConda Watson, Event Chair; Daphne Gaulden, American Heart Association of Arkansas; Laura Walker, Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club; and Carla Townsend, Zumba Instructor for the 2nd Annual Code Red…Girls on Fire Fitness Extravaganza 2016. This health and fitness event will be Saturday, February 6th with registration at 9:30am and the start of the event from 10am-12 Noon at the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club, 5 Municipal Drive in Jacksonville. The purpose is to raise awareness and funds for the American Heart Association with a portion of the proceeds also supporting the Jacksonville Boys & Girls Club of Arkansas. THV 11’s Denise Middleton will be the mistress of ceremonies for 2 hours of fitness fun with some of the best Zumba and Fitness Instructors from across the state. Local Merchants will be on site sharing their products and services. Registration will include a Code Red t-shirt. To register for the 2nd Annual Code Red…Girls on Fire Fitness Extravaganza 2016, visit
– Carla Coleman, Chairman of the Black History Commission of Arkansas and Tatyana Oyinloye, African-American History Program Coordinator came to discuss an event hosted by The Black History Commission of Arkansas and Arkansas History Commission. The “Little Rock School Desegregation: From Then to Now” symposium is Saturday, February 6th from 10am-3pm at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. Featured speakers will be Dr. John Kirk, Dr. James Ross, Dr. Felicia Hobbs, and Judge Wendell Griffin. The focus will be of various aspects surrounding the desegregation of Little Rock’s schools, including historical and legal perspectives, personal experiences from an administrative standpoint, and will end with an examination of where Little Rock school desegregation stands today. The seminar is FREE to attend. Teachers can earn up to four professional development hours through attendance. Lunch will be provided to those who registered early. For more information, email [email protected] or call 501-682-6900.
January 28, 2016
– Mallory Van Dover, Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families (AACF) and Hannah Vogler, Event Chair for the 35th Annual Soup Sunday. Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families hosts this family friendly event, Sunday, January 31st from 4pm-7pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock. Guest will have the opportunity to sample soups, breads, and delicious desserts from over 35 local restaurants. Executive Chef Tim Morton from 1620 Savoy’s will serve the VIP room. Big John Miller Band will provide the music and the live auction will be led by Craig O’Neill. For tickets, call 501-371-9678 Ext. 103 or visit
– Karen Buchanan, Program Director and Marva Davis, Esq., Board Member of Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc. The Scholarship Connection Counseling Center of Delta Presents Outreach Foundation, Inc. hosts their 3rd Annual Town Hall Meeting: “Starting Now For College,” Sunday, January 31st from 3pm-5pm at 7621 West 40th Street in Little Rock. Dr. Karama Neal, PhD. MA, Chief Operation Officer of Southern Bancorp Community Partners will be the keynote speaker. The mission of the Scholarship Connection Counseling Center is to empower families to help their children become well prepared to apply for scholarships to fund their education. For more information, call 501-562-0923 or visit
– Melanie Barnes, Founder and Director and Shacora Cooper, member or H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Progress Effectively). This organization mentors youth by encouraging them, helping build their confidence, teaching them to respect themselves and others, and supply resources and tools to help prepare them for success. H.O.P.E. was formed in 2014 with the intention to fulfill provisional needs targeted towards families housed in shelters and the urban communities where many of the teenagers resided. H.O.P.E. also provides scholarships to deserving students and more. To learn more about H.O.P.E. or to sign up to become a volunteer or mentor, visit or call (901) 356-4783.
January 21, 2016
– Leta Anthony, Event Chair for the Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition (CARE) and its Annual Meeting and Champion Awards Luncheon. This year, the Champion Awards will focus on the community and recognize the work of individuals, media, corporations, churches, and providers who assist returning citizens in making their re-entry efforts successful and sustainable. The awards will also recognize the successful re-entry of two returning citizens. The Annual Meeting and Champion Awards Luncheon will be held Friday, February 5th from 11:30am-1pm at Liberty Hill Baptist Church, 1221 Schiller Street in Little Rock. The event is open to the public and free to attend. To RSVP, call 501-541-6038. To learn more on Central Arkansas Re-Entry Coalition (CARE), visit
– Glenda Johnson and Kimora Randolph-Preston, Run Ambassadors for Black Girls RUN! Little Rock (BGR) and Kijana Royal, Sr. for Black Men Run Little Rock (BMR). These two organizations are on the move! Both encourage health and wellness by promoting running/jogging and more.
BGR!: According to the Centers for Disease Control, 80% of African-American women are overweight. BGR! wants to create a movement to lower that percentage and subsequently, lower the number of women with chronic diseases associated with an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. BGR! aspires to take a comprehensive and creative approach to improve the health statistics of women of color. To join BGR! and learn more about them, visit or visit the Little Rock chapter Facebook page at
BMR: Black Men Run strive to promote increased fitness through a culture of running. The mission statement is to encourage health and wellness among African American men by promoting a culture of running/jogging to stay fit resulting in “A Healthy Brotherhood.” BMR ask that you: Take running seriously and set weekly goals for distance and pace. Also, download and install the Black Men Run app using the hashtag #blackmenrun. Start a Meetup in your city and encourage others to run in local races/events. To join BMR and learn more about them, visit
– Barbara Gilkey, Watershed Board Member and Austin Porter, Jr. of the Progressive League of College Station for Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Reverend Hezekiah D. Stewart, Jr. You are invited to an event that honors a man who for almost four decades has dedicated his life to helping those less fortunate. Celebration of the Life and Legacy of Rev. Hezekiah D. Stewart, Jr. will be held, Thursday, January 28th at the Embassy Suites, 113301 Financial Center Pkwy in Little Rock. The reception will be at 5:45pm and the dinner and program will be at 7pm. Governor Asa Hutchinson will be the keynote speaker and there will be a special video presentation from former President Bill Clinton. Proceeds will help to renovate the kitchen at the Watershed and build a ball field in College Station. The Progressive League has been around since 1965. A major sponsor for the event is Hugh McDonald, the CEO of Arkansas Entergy. For ticket information or to RSVP, call 501-541-0656 or email [email protected].
January 14, 2016
– Walter Washington, Moniquea White, Emily Farris, and Ciarra Hopkins of the Arkansas Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission and Melanie Hilliard, President and Stephanie Jackson of the Beta Pi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. for Mega King Fest. The 2016 A Day of Service – “A Day On, Not a Day Off’ Mega King Fest will be Monday, January 18th at the UALR Jack Stephens Center, 2801 South University Ave. in Little Rock.
6 A.M. – 9 A.M. – The Broadway Joe Morning Show Love broadcast of several guests
6:30 A.M. – 8:30 A.M. – Interfaith Unity Prayer Breakfast featuring Presiding Elder Jimmy J. Thompson of the Lakeland District and 11th Episcopal District of the AME Church with music provided by Gospel recording artist Melvin Williams. Co-partnered with the Beta Pi Omega Chapter is the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
9 A.M. – 11 A.M. – MLK Service featuring keynote speaker Arun Gandhi (grandson of the late Mohandas Gandhi) and emcee Eric Braeden, known from his role as Victor Newman on the soap opera “The Young & the Restless.”
12 P.M. – 3 P.M. – MLK Birthday Bash, Nonviolence Youth Summit, and Comedy Show featuring Marlon Wayans,
To RSVP or obtain more information, visit
– Phyllis Hodges (known as Ms. Phyl or Master Trainer Phyl), Owner & Operator of Carousel Fit-4-Life Wellness Center, 513 North Main Street in North Little Rock. Ms. Phyl has over 30 years experience as a fitness and clergy educational trainer. She has developed programs at various city facilities around Central Arkansas and has certifications in international fitness: Personal Training, Fitness Arthritis Instructor, Exercise Safety, National Dance, International Sports Science and Instructor “Get Healthy Stay Balanced (Nutrition). The Carousel Fit-4-Life Wellness Center is one of a kind and is the only faith-based wellness center in the state of Arkansas. It has a unique, intimate, hands-on-approach and provides services that help clients transform the way they think about health and wellness. (Take advantage of a “special” offer of the new year of 2016. The first 16 people to contact Ms. Phyl will receive 6 weeks of training and nutrition for just $99.) For more information and to take advantage of the “special,” call 501-372-3348. Visit them on Facebook at
– Rev. Tyrone A. Broomfield, Pastor of Bethel AME Church in North Little Rock and O. Jerome Green, President of Shorter College for the MLK Holiday event: “An Evening Embracing the Dream.” The National NAACP President and CEO, Cornell William Brooks will be the keynote speaker at this ecumenical event, Monday, January 18th at 4pm at 600 North Cedar Street in North Little Rock. Hosted by Bethel AME the celebration is geared to bring communities together for a message on unity. All are invited to this free event with Pamela Smith, Communications Director of the Little Rock School District as the mistress of ceremonies. Special guests include Senator Linda Chesterfield, State Rep. Eddie Armstrong, Psalmist Zetoria Johnson, Little Rock Central High Band Ensemble, students from Geyer Springs Gifted and Talented Academy and elected leaders, civic organizations and social clubs.
Arkansas African-American Legislators, 1868-1893, a free traveling exhibit produced by the Arkansas History Commission and Black History Commission of Arkansas, will be on display. Co-sponsors of the event are Bishop Samuel L. Green, Sr. and the 12th District AME and Shorter College. For more information, call 501-374-9948 or visit
December 17, 2015
– Connie Curry and Annette Fisher for the Tidwell Project, Inc.’s 13th Annual Fundraiser, “Celebrate the Moments of the Season.” This event will take place, Sunday, December 20th from 6:30pm-10pm at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in Little Rock. The evening will include food, entertainment provided by R&B artist, Johnny Gill, The Tidwell dancers, Kemistri with Nicky Parrish and more. Tidwell Project, Inc. is a non-profit organization that enables talented students to pursue their educational and personal growth goals. The fundraiser provides scholarships to students to help achieve in attendance. For tickets and more information, call 501-664-0478. To learn more about the Tidwell Project, Inc., visit
– Gisele Hudson, Danny Fletcher, David Ashley and Dr. Dexter Booth for the “All School Reunion” for Little Rock Schools. An “All School reunion” for all of the High Schools in Little Rock, specifically for those students who attended Booker Jr. High, Dunbar Jr. High, and Westside Jr, High from 1967-1970, and anyone who attended Little Rock High Schools from 1962-1995. The reunion will be held New Year’s Day, Thursday, December 31st from 6pm-12am inside the Razorback Letterman Club at War Memorial Stadium. For ticket information, visit
– Tongela Curry, Owner of the Diamond Salon and Angela McGraw, Executive Director and Sarah Pollack, Development Director of Women and Children First (WCF) for the 2015 Stuff the Purse Drive. The Diamond Salon in partnership with Women and Children First is having a Stuff the Purse Drive until January 31st. Items needed include the basic toiletries (soap, deodorant, feminine products, toothbrushes & toothpaste, dental floss & mouthwash, toilet paper…etc…) combs & brushes, makeup, and hair care products. The purpose is to spread some holiday cheer to the current residents of Women & Children First: The Center Against Family Violence, founded in 1976 as Advocates for Battered Women by a group of domestic violence in Little Rock. The name changed to (WCF) in 1999 to better reflect the scope of service provided for clients. Donations can be dropped off at The Diamond Salon, 1308 South Bowman Road (across from AR Skatium) in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-348-3480 or visit For more information on Women and Children First, visit or call 501-374-0944.
December 10, 2015
– Chief John Pflasterer, Public Information Officer for the North Little Rock Fire Department came to talk about Fire Safety Tips for the Holidays.
- Keep children, pets and decorations away from lit candles.
- Check food regularly while cooking and remain in the home while cooking. Use a timer as a reminder that the stove or oven is on.
- Choose decorations and artificial trees that are flame resistant of flame retardant. Place the tree away from heat sources and exits. Water real trees daily.
- When selection your live tree, choose a fresh one with green needles.
- Never leave a lighted tree unattended.
- Remove the tree immediately after the holidays. Even a properly cared for live tree will eventually die. Take it to a recycle center or leave for your refuse collector.
- Never leave portable heaters or fireplaces unattended. Install smoke alarms.
- If hanging stockings on the fireplace, do not use the fireplace for fires.
- Keep items that can catch on fire at least 3 feet away from anything that gets hot, such as sources of heat or stoves.
- Replace any string of lights with worn or broken or loose bulb connections. Connect no more than 3 strands of mini light sets and the total number of bulbs to 50.
- Do not overload electrical outlets.
- Be sure to use indoor lights inside and outdoor lights outside.
- Choose decorations that are flame resistant or flame retardant.
- Keep your exits clear by keeping decorations away from windows or doors.
- In addition to being shatterproof and shock resistant, LED lights produce almost no heat, making them safe to touch and greatly reducing the risk of fire.
- Make sure all electrical cords have no frayed or cracked wires or broken sockets. Do not attempt to repair a worn light set! Throw it away and purchase a new replacement.
For more information from the North Little Rock Fire Department, call 501-340-5377 or visit them online at hhtp:// or visit them on Facebook.
– Dr. John Miller, President of the 100 Black Men of Greater Little Rock for their Christmas Gala. This annual event will be held, Thursday, December 17th from 7pm-11pm at the Doubletree Hotel in downtown LR. This year will feature the graduation of 30 African-American male youth ages 13-17 the 100 Academy Mentoring Program. Local community leaders will be honored for their commitment to service, education, and mentoring. *100 Black Men of GLR is one of 110 chapters worldwide that specializes in mentoring, education, health, and wellness, and economic development by working closely with schools and other service organization to motivate youth. For tickets and more information, visit or email [email protected].
– Joan Winston, (mother of Tupac Winston) and Kauwyana Yancy, Vice President of Pac World “Put the Guns Down” Organization and Alvin Crawford (father of Aaron Crawford), Alicia Steward, President, and Jacqueline Crawford-Dobbins, Vice President of The Aaron Crawford Anti-Violence Organization. These two organizations, founded by families of victims, and concerned citizens urge action as the murder rate began to climb. Two young men lost their lives this past summer in an act of violence. Tupac Winston was killed in a double homicide in August and another man, Aaron Crawford was fatally shot in July. These two organizations are named after these men and are on a mission to raise awareness about the violence that is plaguing our communities. By providing mentorship, educational resources, training, guidance, and hosting awareness projects, individuals will have a place to seek help and be mentored. To learn more about, visit:
- PAC World “Put the Guns Down” Organization | visit them at “TupacWorld” on Facebook or email [email protected].
- Aaron Crawford Anti-Violence Organization | visit them at “Team Tank” on Facebook or acantiviolence1 on Instagram and Twitter or email [email protected] or call 707-985-TANK (8265).
December 03, 2015
– Officer Michelle Hill from Public Affairs/Crime Prevention of the Little Rock Police Department for Holiday Safety Tips. The holiday season is always a special time of year. Is tis also a time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other holiday crime. Here are some safety tips:
- Avoid driving alone or at night.
- If you must stop at night, park in a well-lighted area.
- Locate your keys prior to going to your car.
- Do not approach your car alone if there are suspicious people in the area.
- Ask mall or store security for an escort before leaving your shopping location.
- Do not leave packages or valuables on the seat of your car.
- Never leave your car unoccupied with the motor running or with children inside.
- Avoid parking next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with tinted windows
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
Choose one that is located inside a police station, mall, or well-lighted location. Withdraw only the amount of cash you need.
Protect you PIN by shielding the ATM keypad from anyone who is standing near you.
Do not throw your ATM receipt away at the ATM location.
Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible.
Shop during daylight hours whenever possible. If you must shop at night, go with a friend or family member.
Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Keep cash in your front pocket.
Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.
Keep a record of your credit numbers in a safe place at home.
Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, “con-artists” may try various methods of distracting your with the intention of taking your money or belongings.
If you spot any suspicious activity, call the Little Rock Police. For emergency calls, dial 911. For non-emergency call, dial 501-371-4829.
– Susan Ornelas, Debrah Mitchell, and LaDonna Oatis of the Greater Little Rock Chapter of Jack & Jill of America, Inc. for the 11th Annual Breakfast with Santa. The fundraiser will be held Saturday, December 5th from 9am-11am at King Elementary School, 905 State Capitol in Little Rock. Children of all ages will have the opportunity to eat breakfast, take a picture with Santa and participate in arts and crafts. A drawing will be held for various prizes. Proceeds will benefit the Jack and Jill of American Foundation, the Tidwell Foundation, AR Commitment and Sickle Cell of Arkansas. For ticket information, call 501-786-0663.
– Marilyn Clark of the American Heart Association and recording artist Charles King for the Power of Laughter Health & Wellness Comedy Luncheon & Workshop. This free event, hosted by the American Heart Association, will be held Saturday, December 5th from 10am-2pm at Greater Second Baptist Church, 5615 Geyer Springs Road in Little Rock. Provided will be blood pressure checks, catered lunch, prize drawings for a FitBit and a TV (must be present to win). Entertainment will be provided by Comedian Cletus Kassady and recording artist Charles King. To register, call 501-707-6596 or visit
– Tameka Lee of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center for the 4th Annual “Say It Ain’t Say’s Sweet Potato Pie Baking Contest.” The contest will be Sunday, December 6th from 2pm-5pm at 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock. Admission is free to this annual family-friendly event, which is in conjunction with their Holiday Open House. Twelve to Sixteen participants will compete for bragging rights for the best sweet potato pie in Central Arkansas. First and second place prizes will be awarded in both professional and amateur categories in addition to a people’s choice award. There will also be a book signing by author Maria Hoskins for her new book “Christmas Night in the Farm.” Registration is free, but participants must bring a toy to donate to Robert “Say” McIntosh’s “Black Santa” Toy Drive. To register, visit
November 19, 2015
– Rosemary Holloway of the Little Rock Compassion Center and Rev. Hezekiah Stewart of the Watershed for Thanksgiving Meals. You are invited to enjoy a nice, cooked, hot meal, Thursday, November 26th on Thanksgiving day!
Little Rock Compassion Center, 3618 West Roosevelt Road, Little Rock will serve (6am) breakfast (12 noon) Thanksgiving meal (4:30pm) Supper. There will also be Morning Devotion held at 8:30am. For more information, call 501-296-9114.
The Watershed, 3701 Springer Blvd., Little Rock will serve a Thanksgiving meal from 10am-2pm. Meals will also be delivered to those in need, but you must call in advance to sign up. If you would like to volunteer to in the areas of cooking, be a delivery driver, or serve or to sign up to have a meal delivered, call 501-378-0176. Donations are always welcomed. Items needed are: turkeys, carry out containers, silverware, can goods, boxes for delivery, non-perishables items, & monetary donations.
– Enimini “Ranger E” Ekong, Chief of Education and Interpretation at Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site and Johnny Hasan, Coordinator of Political Education Action Committee (PEACE) for the Civil War to Civil Rights – Social Conscience Gathering. You are invited to attend a 3-day event, the “Social Conscience Gathering,” Friday-Sunday, November 20th-22nd at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 11301 Financial Centre Pkwy in Little Rock. Speakers and leaders from across the nation will be presenters. This events will commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the end of the Civil War, the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the National Park Service and the 50th Anniversary of the Civil and Voting Rights Acts. Opening session speaker will be former congressman, United Nations Ambassador and Mayor, Andrew Young. Other presenters include, Minnijean Brown Trickey, Gloria J. Browne-Marshall, Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Nee Gon Nway We Dung (Clyde Bellecourt), and Bakari Kitwana. For more information and to register, visit or call 501-374-1957.
– Travis Harden, Little Rock Pres.; David Armstrong, LR V.P.; Anthony White, Memphis Pres.; Ladale Higgins, LR of Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity, Inc. and Kendra “Key” Norman, LR and Judy White, Memphis V.P. of Kappa Epsilon Psi Military Sorority, Inc. for “LoCs in the Rock.” The military now has a fraternity and sorority! Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity, Inc. is the first military Greek Letter Organization, the first of its kind. They cater exclusively to the men of the U.S. Armed Forces and was founded by veterans both active duty and retired. Most of the members have previously received their college and professional degrees at the time of acceptance into the fraternity. “LoCs in the Rock” is Friday-Sunday, November 20th-22nd at the Comfort Inn & Suites Presidential, 707 Interstate 30 in Little Rock. Free to attend!
Fri., Nov. 20th (7pm) Meet & Greet
Sat., Nov. 21st (8am-11am) Community Service at the Watershed (7:30pm) Probate Show (8:30-12am) Night of Celebration with food and music
Sun., Nov. 22nd (9am-12noon) Breakfast at IHOP, 4225 Warden Road in NLR
For more information on the Lambda Chapter, visit or visit them, on Facebook “Kappa Lambda Chi Military Fraternity, Inc. – Little Rock Lambda Chapter”
For more information on the Kappa Epsilon Psi Military Sorority, visit or visit them on Facebook and Instagram.
November 12, 2015
– Bettye Baxter, V.i,P.S (Volunteers in Public Schools) for Jane Mendel Reading Day. The Little Rock School District hosts V.i.P.S. Jane Mendel Reading Day, Tuesday, November 17th. Volunteers will be assigned and placed in all 650 plus elementary classes. This event is named after its founder, the late Jane Mendel. The purpose is to encourage reading for all ages and raise awareness of volunteer opportunities within the LRSD. Volunteers in Public Schools provide volunteer support to all of the Little Rock public schools. Last year volunteers served over 950,000 hours in the LRSD, valued at over 21 million dollars. If you would like to participate, register by calling 501-447-4450 or visit
– Chris Beard, Head Coach and Chasse Conque, Athletic Director of the University of Little Rock Basketball. The Little Rock Trojan Basketball season is set to begin, Saturday, November 14th at 3pm in the Jack Stephens Center. This will also be Homecoming for the Trojans who will take on Central Baptist. The re-branding of “UALR” basketball to “Little Rock” basketball is an effort to make this Little Rock’s Team. To learn more about Little Rock Basketball and to see the season’s schedule, visit
– Brice Evans, Band Director and Betty Williams, Instructor at Little Rock Central High for “Battle of the Bands.” Central High has been invited to participate in a Pearl Harbor Memorial Concert in Hawaii on November 23, 2016. The concert honors military hero’s, survivors, and veteran of Pearl Harbor and will mark the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Central’s band will host a Battle of the Bands fundraiser, Sunday, November 15th at 12 noon at Quigley stadium, 1400 South Park in Little Rock.. Featured will be UAPB’s Musical Marching Machine of the Mid-South, along with invited bands from Memphis and Dallas areas. Tickets are $10. For more information or find out about additional fundraising activities, call 501-447-1478 or email [email protected].
– Cynthia Cornell, Sales Operations Manager for Qual Choice Advantage for Open Enrollment. Medicare beneficiciaries can enroll into a Medicare Advantage plan or prescription drug plan through December 7th. $0 monthly premium with no deductibles. $5 PCP Co-pays; No referral when seeing In Network Specialists. $15 Lab Co-pay per day. Many Annual Wellness at no charge – i.e. prostate cancer screening, pap tests, diabetes screenings, bone mass, hepatitis b vaccine and many more! To learn more about the plan for seniors, call 18-844-822-7838 or visit
November 5, 2015
– Dr. Laverne Bell-Tolliver, UALR Associate Professor in Social Work and Sheryl Alexander, President of the Central Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Black Social Workers for “The Effect of Racism: a Call for Reconciliation and Need to Build a More Inclusive Community.” This free community forum, hosted by The Central Arkansas Chapter of the National Association of Black Social Workers and the Arkansas Association of Black Psychology Professionals, takes place Saturday, November 7th from 8:30am-2pm at Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in the Kendall Center. The purpose of the forum is to raise awareness of the psychological effect of racism in our community. Pamela Smith will be the moderator to a panel of experts that include Dr. John Kirk, Dr. Patricia Newton, Dr. Robert L. Williams, Dr. Ruby Burgess, and Dr. Terrence Roberts. Lunch will be provided to this open event. To register or obtain more information, call 501-223-8883.
– Jamie Scott, Executive Director of Pulaski County Youth Services for the 2nd Champions of Youth Awards Dinner. This event will be held, Thursday, November 12th from 6pm-8pm at Next Level Events, 1400 West Markham in Little Rock. The evening will honor and recognize leaders in the community who are impacting youth. The honorees include: Representative Warwick Sabin, Executive Director of Arkansas Innovation Hub; Maria Touchtone, Director of Seis Puentes Hispanic Outreach; and Jeremy Owoh, Assistant Superintendent of Jacksonville with live music provided by Rodney Block and the Real Music Lovers. The lifetime achievement award will go to the Pi Omicron Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. For tickets and more information, call 501-340-6688 or visit
– Dale Charles, Treasurer of Daisy Bates Museum Foundation for the 101st Birthday Celebration Banquet Fundraiser for Mrs. Daisy L. Bates. This event will be held, Thursday, November 12th at 6:30pm at Philander Smith College, 900 West Daisy Bates Drive in the Kendall Center (Nugent Center). The celebration will be an evening to honor the life and legacy of Daisy Bates, an American civil rights activist, publisher, journalist, and lecturer who played a leading role in the Little Rock Integration Crisis in 1957. “The Daisy Bates House” became a National Historic Landmark in 2001 and stands as a symbol for those who fought to preserve the civil and constitutional rights of many. Proceeds will go to the Daisy Bates Museum Foundation to help sustain daily operational costs. Billy St. James of 102.5 Praise FM will be the emcee. For tickets, call 501-258-4692.
– Kimberly Friedman, Director of Communications for the Arkansas Department of Education for the “Become an Arkansas Teacher” event. Anyone with an interest in becoming a teacher in the state of Arkansas, returning to the classroom, or taking the non-traditional route can attend the event, Tuesday, November 10th from 3pm-7pm at the Benton Event Center, 17322 Interstate 30. Information will be available, an overview will be discussed, and representatives from various colleges, universities, and programs. For more information, visit
October 29, 2015
– Connie Curry, LaJuan Bedford, and Kristin Knox for the Standout Leadership Summit hosted by the Stand Foundation, Inc. This event will feature distinguished leaders from the worlds of business, media, politics, education and entertainment — each offering candid stories about experiences along the road to the top, as well as knowledge, innovative ideas, and principles for success. Keynote speaker will be Judge Greg Mathis, nationally known for his award winning, syndicated television program, “The Judge Mathis Show.” Notable speakers and guests include Gov. Asa Hutchinson, Paul Vitale, founder of Vital Communications, Inc., Dr. Christopher Davis, assistant professor of preaching and pastoral ministry at Memphis Theological Seminary in Tenn. and others. The Standout Leadership Summit will be held, Friday, October 30th from 8:30am-3pm at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in North Little Rock. * Round Up, a pre-summit professional networking event, will be held Thursday, October 29th at 6:30pm, also held at the Wyndham Hotel, featuring the On Call Band. For tickets or to register, call 501-374-8788 or visit
– Gloria Love of the Little Rock Chapter of The Links, Inc. for the 3rd Annual “Move Your Body” Community Forum Obesity in Children & Adolescents. This event is designed to streamline the horrible statistics of 40-50% obesity incidences in our children. Arkansas is one of three states with the highest rates of obesity at greater than 35%. The childhood obesity rate for Arkansas is 34% and the rates of some of our area schools approaches 47%. “Move Your Body Community Forum” will teach good eating habits to approximately 300 students and parents from 18 local elementary and middle schools. Attendees will learn exercise habits and learn ways to be more active. Healthy lunches, bikes, helmets, fitness hoops, basketballs, soccer balls, footballs, and literature on decreasing obesity rates will be provided. The event will be held, Saturday, October 31st from 9am-1pm at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. For more information, visit
– Mike Williams and Ray Sturgis of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. for National Achievement Week. Two local chapters of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity will host a joint celebration of their National Achievement Week with a culminating luncheon providing scholarships to deserving students in Little Rock, Saturday, November 7th at 12 noon at the Airport Holiday Inn, 3201 Bankhead Drive in Little Rock. Mary Louise Williams and the Art Porter Music Education, Inc. will receive recognition for the Lifetime Achievement Award and Citizen of the Year. Keynote speaker will be Benjamin Crump, well-known attorney in the Trayvon Martin case. The luncheon is also a fundraiser for scholarships and other philanthropic activities supported annually by both chapters of the fraternity. For tickets and more information, call 501-680-3415.
– Brenda Robinson, AEA (Arkansas Education Association) President for the Professional Development Conference Reach Teach & Inspire Every Child. Educators from across Arkansas can attend the AEA Professional Development Conference and learn new ways to reach education standards, build leadership skills and learn the latest on the ever-changing education issues around Arkansas. The purpose of the conference is to improve students outcome and build stronger educators. The conference will be held Thursday-Friday, November 5th-6th at the Doubletree Hotel and Statehouse Convention Center in Downtown Little Rock. To register, visit
– Eddie Pannell, Executive Director of the Harmony Clinic and Marc Verbos, Event Chair and President of the 5th Annual World Cheese Dip Championship. Over the last 4 events, over 20,000 people representing almost every county in Arkansas, as well as most of the United States, came together to show their love for cheese dip. Over 70 years ago, cheese dip was created right here in Central Arkansas. Both professionals and amateurs will be judged and everyone will have their chance to vote on the best cheese dip through the People’s Choice Awards. A professional panel of cheesy experts will be prepared to crown the 5th World Cheese Dip Champion. Proceeds will go to the Harmony Health Clinic. The event will be held, Saturday, October 31st from 12noon-3pm at the Bernice Garden and South Main in Little Rock. For tickets, visit For more information, visit
October 24, 2015
– Angela McGraw, Executive Director of Women and Children First: The Center Against Family Violence for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. October is the observance for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic violence thrives when we are silent. If we take a stand and work together, we can help put an end to it. It is not just a physical violence. It includes verbal, emotional, sexual, economical, religious, and more. Domestic violence is about power and control. In July, 3 different laws were put into effect:
- Act 873 – Laura’s Card – Law Enforcement agencies responding to crime incidents are required to inform victims in writing of their victim’s rights. Officer MUST inform victims if availability of services: medical, housing, counseling, financial, social, legal, and emergency services. In addition, officers MUST inform victims about how to obtain orders of protection, how to access public records related to the case, and about the Arkansas Crime Victims Reparations Board (including the address and phone number.)
- Act 877 – Laura’s Law – The recently enacted “Laura’s Law” requires Arkansas officers responding to domestic violence incidents to ask victims a set of questions to evaluate their risk of being killed by abuse, such as whether the offender has ever used a weapon against the victim or controls most of the victim’s daily activities. The assessment aims to help identify victims in severe danger needing intervention. Police will also present victims with a “Laura’s Card,” a document listing their rights and contact information for local prosecutors and shelters.
- Act 952 – Dating Violence Awareness – Requires health-care courses taught in Arkansas public schools in grades 7-12 to include a unit each year on dating violence awareness. Students must be provided with information on warning signs of abusive behavior and ways to stop or prevent it.
Women & Children First: The Center Against Family Violence (formerly Advocates for Battered Women) was founded as a nonprofit organization in 1978 and is the oldest and largest domestic violence shelter in Arkansas. They have 54 beds, a shelter stay of 45 days, a 24-hour hotline, and more. For more information, call 501-376-3219 or the hotline at 800-332-4443 or visit
– Chris Hancock, Event Co-Chair and Tameka Lee, Event Co-Chair of Publicity and Community Relations Director for Mosaic Templars Cultural Center for PopUp in the Rock – West 9th. This free event will be held Saturday, October 24th from 11am-5pm on West 9th Street from Broadway to State Street. Pop Up in the Rock is an annual community revitalization effort that focuses on under development areas with hopes to enhance if by investing into it. The goal is to make our city better, block by block. There will be food trucks, PopUp Shops: Soulfood Catering, Brown Sugar Bake Shop, Goodfellas Barber Shop; Red’s Pool Hall for chess and checkers, a life size pool table, Art History, live music from Nisheeda Golden, the Arkansas Baptist College, Charles Woods, Lusious Spiller, Carl Mouton & Friends, Minors in Music from Art Porter Music Education, and TP and the Feel. For more information, visit or PopUp in the Rock on Instagram, Twitter or email [email protected].
– Melissa Fetherston, WAGE Coordinator and Katina Harper, Diversion and Alternative Sentencing Program Coordinator with the Pulaski County Adult Education for the WAGE (Workforce Alliance for Growth in the Economy) Program. The Wage Training Center began in the 90’s and is offered to Pulaski County residents 18 & older who can take advantage of the FREE program and learn Workplace Education, Computer Literacy and Job Readiness Skills; GED Instruction & Testing; College Remediation Classes: Math, Reading, Language, Social Studies, and more. The Pulaski County Adult Education Wage Program is offered at various training centers located in North Little Rock, Rose City, Jacksonville, Little Rock, and Sherwood. For more information, call 501-945-6055 or visit or
October 15, 2015
– Jane Gunter, Development Director of the Alzheimer’s Association for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Over 1,000 Arkansans are expected at this year’s event, which will be held, Saturday, October 17th at the Clinton Presidential Library in downtown Little Rock with a 9am check-in and 10am ceremony. In addition to the 2 mile walk, families can also enjoy live music, a kid’s zone, food and fun! The Walk to End Alzheimer’s is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research programs. For more information, call 800-272-3900 or visit
– Dr. Lanita White, Director of the UAMS 12th Street Health and Wellness Center for Flu Season. It’s time to get vaccinated! Influenza, commonly called flu, is a serious illness which causes thousands of deaths each year. The illness is easily spread from person to person, but is also preventable with a vaccination. Vaccination is recommended for everyone over 6 months of age as soon as the seasonal flu vaccine is available. Some people are especially at risk for severe flu and illness, such as the young, pregnant women, the elderly and those with chronic illness- it is especially important that those who are in contact with them are vaccinated to prevent the spread of disease and illness. For more information on the flu, visit For more information on the UAMS 12th Street Health and Wellness Center, visit
– Sandra Wilson, Co-Chair of the Arkansas Homeless Coalition for Homeless Services Day. The homeless in Central Arkansas will have the opportunity to take advantage of a variety of services and giveaways, Saturday, October, 17th from 8am-2pm at the North Little Rock Riverfront Park. (Event entrance will be inside the park, under the NLR Main St. bridge.) Some of the services will include Medical Care, Dental Care, Flu Shots, Addiction Prevention, Employment Resources, Haircuts, Showers, Legal Clinic, HIV Testing, Mental Health, Health Screening, Vision Exams, Veterinarian Services for Animals, Clothing Distribution, Food Items, and more! Breakfast and Lunch will be served. Transportation will be provided to and from shelters beginning at 7am from parking lots or front areas of Salvation Army, Global Mission, St. Francis, Abba House, Hoover, Compassion Center, Jericho Way, Union Rescue Mission, and Our House. Parking will be available inside the NLR Riverfront Park through the Olive Street entrance. For more details on this event and the Arkansas Homeless Coalition, visit or
October 8, 2015
– Cory S. Anderson, Executive Vice President of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation for the Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading on Attendance in the Schools. The Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s goal is that all children read on grade-level by the end of the third grade. Third grade is the turning point when children move from learning to read to reading to learn. Children learn more when they attend school regularly. When they miss school, they miss out on critical reading and math instruction they’ll need to succeed in school and life. Research shows that 1- absences–or about 2 days a month–can impact a child’s success in school. More than 1 in 10 Arkansas kindergarten and 1st grade students miss 10% or more of the school year. You can help get children to school by setting a regular bed time and morning routine, laying out clothes and backpacks the night before, don’t let your child stay home unless they are sick, avoid medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session, and take the Arkansas Campaign for Grade-Level Reading Pledge to make reading an essential part of your children’s lives. Go to for more information.
– Bridgette Williams, Regional Communications Officer of the American Red Cross for National Fire Prevention Week and The Pillowcase Project. The theme for National Fire Prevention Week is “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep.” You have less than 2 minutes to escape a home fire. People think it’s 5 minutes! Most fires are reported between 11pm-7am. Arkansas tops FEMA high fire fatality list. The Red Cross has a preparedness education program for children in the 3rd-5th grades call the Pillowcase Project. More than 200,000 kids trained nationally; more than 2,000 Arkansas students are already trained. This week, the Red Cross is training more than 1,000 students in the Little Rock School District. For more information, visit or www.facebook/americanredcrossarkansas. Fire Safety Day is Saturday, October 10th from 11am-3pm at the Presidential Clinton Library in downtown Little Rock. The Red Cross has teamed up with the Little Rock Fire Department for a day of family fun and safety information. There will be food, entertainment, a blood drive, an antique fire truck, and safety information from the LRFD and more!
– Tenille Hunter, Director of Disability Programs at Goodwill Industries of Arkansas. October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Goodwill is a service org that has many free services developed based on the communities needs. A new program for adults with autism is their HORIZONS program. This new job training program allows individuals to identify their strengths, learn new skills and prepare to find a productive niche in the workforce in their communities. Good will continues to be creative in addressing local needs and carving out occupational pathways, empowering individuals and giving adults and their families the opportunity to enjoy full and productive lives. This year, over 17,000 individuals were served and over 4,700 were placed in jobs. For hiring events and more information, visit or call 501-372-5100.
October 1, 2015
– Curlethia Sykes-Swanigan for the 5th Annual Zumba Fitness Zumbathon – “Boogie for Boobies.” 10 Fitness, Dark Hollow Community Development Corporation, in association with ABC Financial Services is sponsoring the 5th Annual Zumba Fitness Zumbathon – “Boogie for Boobies,” Friday, October 8th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the 10 Fitness locations in Little Rock on Rodney Parham and University Ave; in Conway at Harkrider; and in Jonesboro on Caraway Road. The 2 hour Zumbathon session will be held on the evening before Little Rock’s 2015 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. 100% of the participant fee will go to the Global Research Grant for Breast Cancer Prevention. There will be several Central and Eastern Arkansas instructors, volunteers, prizes, free healthy snacks, and plenty of water. For more information, call 501-955-8277 or visit Boogie for Boobies on Facebook.
– Virgil Miller for 3 Miles of Men. The 2015 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure has a group of supportive men called 3 Miles of Men who are comprised of fathers, sons, uncles, brothers, and friends who line the race course to show their support. A Tailgate Party will be held, Thursday, October 1st at Diamond Bear Brewing Company, 600 North Broadway in North Little Rock from 5:30pm-8pm. There will be free pizza from Larry’s Pizza, free beer and root beer, and lots of door prizes and a fishing trip raffle. On the day of the race, there will be a Tailgate Breakfast, Saturday, October 10th provided by Capital Smokehouse and Grill. The first 100 people to arrive at the 3 Miles of Men tent on the corner of Capital and Izard will get a free breakfast (parking lot next to Capitol Smokehouse and Grill). For more information, visit “Komen Arkansas – 3 Miles of Men” on Facebook or
– Gabe Holmstrom, Executive Director of the Downtown Little Rock Partnership for the 5th Annual Main Street Food Truck Festival. Road Runner Stores is sponsoring the 5th Annual Mail Street Food Truck Festival with over 45 food trucks along with craft vendors and buskers, Saturday, October 3rd from 11am-4pm on Main Street from 3rd to 8th Streets. Entrance to the festival is free. Raffle tickets will be sold throughout the day for great items including a locally made PK Grill. Last year over 10,000 people attended the event to eat at the food trucks. This is one of the top ten “Best Food Truck Festivals in the United States.” For more information, call 501-375-0121 or visit or Main Street Food Truck Festival on Facebook.
– Lonza Hardy, Athletic Director and Ronnie Johnson, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (UAPB) Sports Information Director for the UAPB vs. Alcorn State Football Game. The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Department of Athletics returns to War Memorial Stadium, Saturday, October 3rd (4pm) contest against the defending Southwestern Athletic Conference Champions Alcorn State University. This will be the second meeting between UAPB and Alcorn State in Little Rock. Tickets can be purchased at the War Memorial box office and the UAPB box office. UAPB will also host Legends and Legacies: A Night with NFL Stars, a football fundraiser, Thursday, October 1st at the Clinton Presidential Center with a silent auction at 6:30pm and a 7:15pm dinner. For tickets to Legend and Legacies, call 870-575-8701 or visit
September 24, 2015
– Reverend William Robinson Jr,, Executive Director and Ashley Young, Health Coordinator of the Better Community Development (BCD), Inc. for the 11th Recovery Jam. This annual event will be Monday, September 28th from 4pm-8pm at the Downtown Rivermarket. Its purpose is to raise awareness about mental disorders, substance abuse, treatment and recovery. Recovery Jam highlights individuals who have reclaimed their lives and are in long-term recovery. There will be live entertainment, a talent showcase, food, door prizes and more! For more information, call 501-663-7221 or email [email protected].
– Daphnne Goldsmith and Reverend McErvin Bagby for Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church Youth Department’s Annual Second Chance Program & Health Fair. This event will be Saturday, September 26th from 10am-1pm at Mt. Olive MBC, 8523 Princeton Pike in Pine Bluff. Guest speaker will be Eric Walden, Training Supervisor for the Sixth Division Circuit Court, Juvenile Division. There will be free health screenings, informational booths, food, prizes and more! The Second Chance Program targets youth and promotes success and achievement by empowering the youth to live a life of excellence. For more information on the Second Chance Program & Health Fair or the organization, call 870-536-5805.
– Akissi-Naomi, Founder & CEO of Ambitious Girls and Jasmine Rucker for the 2015 Ambitious Girls EmpowHERment Day. This free event is the 7th annual for girls 11-16 years old geared to empower, educate, and motivated them to G.R.O.W. “Get Ready to Lead the World”. The theme is “Who’s That Girl? The Selfie Project” with guest speaker Author and Beauty Entrepreneur Ephiphany Kendall. It takes place, Saturday, September 26th from 9am-4pm at Henderson Middle School, 401 John Barrow Road in LR. Lunch, t-shirts and backpacks will be provided to the first 300 girls. Workshop topics include: Healthy Lifestyles, Leadership Development, Self-Love, Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Worth, Goal Setting, HIV/AIDS and Teen Domestic Violence. For more information, call 501-960-7313.
– Amy Stivers, of the Central Arkansas Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children and Sgt. Willie Davis of the Little Rock Police Department and the O.K. Program for the Arkansas Day of Remembrance. Central Arkansas Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children partnered with the O.K. Program, Arkansas Stop the Violence, MADD, and Families Against Violent Crime invite you to this event, taking place Saturday, September 26th from 10am-11am on the steps of the State Capitol. Attendees are requested to bring framed pictures of loved ones to line them along the capitol stairs, Day of Remembrance is to bring awareness to the community, as well as, honor those who have been lost by homicide, vehicular homicide, and suicide. Keynote speaker will be Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. For more information on the event, call 501-351-7662 or visit
September 17, 2015
– Billy St. James from Praise FM 102.5 for Praise Fest 2015. The Arkansas Inspiration Station, Praise FM 102.5 FM, Power 92 Jams, and the Legendary 102.1 KOKY present Praise Fest 2015 with featured artist Mary Mary’s own Tina Campbell, The Rance Allen Group, Earnest Pugh, and Little Rock’s Bishop Kenneth Robinson and Chosen. The concert will be held, Sunday, September 20th at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Road in Little Rock. Advance tickets are $25 | $35 Day of Show. Group rates are available for $20 per ticket for groups of 10. Tickets can be purchased at Uncle T’s, Ugly Mike’s, Norris Furniture, The Record Rack, Lindsey’s Hospitality House, and the Record Rack in Pine Bluff. Call 501-401-0321 for group rates.
– Vince Maniace of the Arkansas Blood Institute (ABI). This non-profit blood center has volunteer donors who provide every drop of blood needed in patients in 18 hospitals including St. Vincent’s in Little Rock. Blood is being delivered from this location to hospitals in the area. That blood is from donors at local blood drives and other donors in the region. It’s a natural extension of the service they have been providing for years to hospitals in Fort Smith, Hot Springs, Pine Bluff and other Arkansas cities. Healthy adults are encouraged to give blood. Giving blood only takes an hour. Donor centers are located in Fort Smith at 5300 South Union Street and Little Rock at 101 South Shackleford, Suite 2. For more information, visit or call 1-877-340-8777.
– Key Fletcher of PromiseLand Church Ministries for their Community Day. This is the 3rd Annual Community Day for PromiseLand and it takes place, Saturday, September 19th from 10am-2pm at 4520 South University Ave. in Little Rock. The family faith event is free and open to the public and will include a Red Cross Blood Drive, Health and Dental Screenings, Children’s Fun Zone and Bounce Houses, Little Rock Police K-9 Unit, food and more! For more information, call 318-332-8040.
– Sylvia Smith, Event Chair and Phyllis Brown, Committee Member for the Paul Laurence Dunbar Community Festival. Friends of the Dunbar Neighborhood will celebrate the naming of the Paul Laurence Dunbar School Neighborhood Historic District by hosting the 1st Paul Laurence Dunbar Community Festival, Friday & Saturday, September 18th-19th at various places of establishment in the Chester and Wright Avenue area.
Friday, Sept. 18th – 5:30pm – Unveiling of the new Dunbar Neighborhood Community Market followed by a Community Reception | 7pm “Yesterday’s Poets Meet Today’s Poets” Poetry Slam. Admission is free and open to the public. | A Motown Ole Skool Social will be held from 7:30pm-11pm in the Dunbar Community Center at 1001 West 16th in LR. Tickets for this event are $15 and are available at Pyramid Art, Books & Custom Framing.
Saturday, Sept. 19th from 8am-4pm – activities include Healthy Soul Food, a Kid’s Zone, local vendors and entertainment, Tax Credit Seminars for Home Improvement, Health Screenings, Authors, Build Communities Not Bullies, and more!
For more information call 501-291-3599 or visit
September 10, 2015
– Dr. Beverly Divers-White, Chairman and Bronwyn Criner, Coordinator of the Arkansas Cradle to the Prison Pipeline Initiative in partnership with the City of Little Rock Community Programs for the Little Rock Parent Summit. Parents and Community Coaching Academic Super Stars Summit will be Friday-Saturday, September 11th-12th at Liberty Hill Baptist Church, 1215 South Schiller in Little Rock. The free summit is open to both youth and adults of all ages. Keynote speakers will be Kareem Moody, Director at The Network for Student Success; Dr. Sherece West-Scantlebury, President of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation; and H. Baker Kurrus, Superintendent of the Little Rock School District. Various workshop sessions and performances from youth enrolled in the City of Little Rock, Neighborhood based programs will take place. To register call, 501-722-9480. To find out more information, visit
– John Tynan, Director of Central Arkansas Water for the new bill launch. Central Arkansas Water introduces their new paperless billing options and a new bill design. Customers can now gauge their water usage on the added water consumption history graphs. The monthly billing summary now gives you the basic information in a simple format. The online billing option will allow you to view your account history, make payments and more. Visit to sign up or find out more information.
– Martie North, Chairman of the Friends of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center for “An Evening with Dianne Reeves.” Friends of Mosaic serves as an independent nonprofit organization that provides financial support to the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center. This 5th annual signature event for the organization will feature “An Evening with Dianne Reeves,” Friday, September 11th at 7:30pm at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West Ninth Street in Little Rock. Rodney Block and the Real Music Lovers will be the opening act. General admission is $100. Premium balcony $75, and Side balcony $50. For tickets, visit To learn more about Friends of the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, visit
– LaKisha Aldridge-Johnson, CEO and Kimberly Lee, Board Member of Sickle Cell Support Services (SCSS) and Comedian Nate Williams for Sickle Cell Awareness. September is Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Approximately 1 out of 400 African-Americans are born with this disease, which is a life long and life threatening condition. Treatment includes antibiotics to help prevent infections in newborns; pain killers for the pain; and a blood transfusion to help increase normal blood cells. Sickle Cell Support Services will hosts several events throughout the month of September to raise awareness and give you the opportunity to register to donate blood.
- A Night of Love, Power & Soul hosted by Comedian Nate Williams with performances by TP & The Feel, Nicky Parrish, Neff, Tawanna Campbell, Keith Savage, Bijoux, Dee Dee Jones, Jeron Marshall, Friday, Sept. 11th from 8pm-10pm at Power Ultra Lounge, 220 W. 6th Street, Downtown LR -Donations only for entry.
- SCSS Blood Drive, Saturday, Sept. 12th from 9am-3pm at Greater Friendship Church, 4640 Springer Blvd in the church Fellowship Hall in LR. Donate blood in memory of SCSS Founder, Germaine Johnson.
- Skating Party – Old School vs. New School, Saturday, Sept. 19th from, 6pm-10pm at 6512 Mabelvale Cut Off in LR. Adults $7 | Children (5-12) $5 | Kids & Senior Citizens FREE! Proceeds go to SCSS.
- Sickle Cell Family & Survivor’s Picnic, Saturday, Sept. 26th from 11am-1pm at Boyle Park Pavilion #3 in Little Rock.
For more information on these events, call 501-650-0764 or visit
September 3, 2015
– Fred Allen, former Arkansas State Representative talks about Succeeding the Odds: His Battle with Prostate Cancer. September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Eight years ago, Fred Allen received a prostate cancer screening, and the doctor told him four words that would change his life forever…”You have prostate cancer.” After much prayer, extensive treatments, surgery, staying away from negative people, healthy diet and exercise, he beat the disease. Years later he had a reoccurrence and made the decision to undergo tomotherapy. This experience deepened his commitment to continue to be a voice for men stuggling with this disease. I is a board member of the Arkansas Prostate Cancer Foundation, serves on the Advisory Board of the International Cancer Alliance for Research and Education, and has also served as a consumer reviewer for the DoD Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP).
– Jerika Dameron, President and Shante Pittman, Outreach President of the S.A.Y. I’M M.A.D.E. organization for the 1st Annual “Say Something” Block Party. This non-profit organization promotes nonviolence and peace. Their mission is to bring the communities of Central Arkansas together and take a pledge to save our youth. In addition, they help convicted felons get the resources needed to survive after being released back into society. The SAY Something Block Party will be Saturday, September 5th from 3pm-7pm at Wakefield Park, 7401 Woodson Road in Little Rock. Guest Speaker will be Rev. Benny Johnson of Stop The Violence. There will be face painting, food, bounce house, and more! This event is free and open to the public. For more information, call, 501-920-3219 or email [email protected].
– Beth Anne Rankin, Director of Gift AR 529 College Investment Plans. The Gift AR 529 Plan is offered by the office of Arkansas Treasurer of State. It helps you plan your college savings grow tax-deferred through an investment strategy tailored to your time horizon, risk tolerance and comfort level. The plan offers:
- the flexibility to use the funds at any eligible, accredited public or private college, university, or trade school worldwide
- up to a $5,000 Arkansas tax deduction ($10,000 for married couples)2
- tax-free withdrawals for qualified expenses
- initial contributions as low as $25
Plus, you’ll maintain full control over your account assets at all times.
2Contributions to plan in a tax year are deductible from Arkansas state income tax, subject to recapture in subsequent years in which a non-qualified withdrawal or a rollover out to anther state’s 529 plan is made.
For more information about the GIFT College Investing Plan (the “GIFT PLAN”), call 1-800-587-7301 or visit
August 27, 2015
– Tara Shepard, Founder of “At Promise,” Kimberly Smith and Frances Trigleth for the 5th Annual “At Promise” Girls Empowerment Conference with this year’s theme “Girls & Violence Operation Safe Girl.” This free event is for girls ages 12-18 years old and will take place Saturday, August 29th from 8am-2pm at the UALR Donaghey Center, 2801 South University Ave. in Little Rock. A panel discussion will be held with guest panelist State Representative Fred Love, Theresa Timmons of the Timmons Arts Foundation, Kharlissa Lovelace, “At Promise” Girl of the Year; DJ Raquel; and Keynote Speaker Officer Tommy Norman of the North Little Rock Police Department. Online registration is now closed, however girls can still register onsite. Attendees will receive breakfast, lunch, shirts, bags, and door prizes while supplies last. For more information, call 501-838-8448 or visit or Like ’em on Facebook at At-Promise Girls Mentoring Program.
– Pastor Glen Hersey, Outreach Pastor, Jamille Rogers, Event Coordinator and Leana Godley, Owner of Goddess Products, Inc. for Saint Mark Small Business Expo. The Business Development Network at Saint Mark Baptist Church is hosting this free event, Saturday, August 29th from 9am-12 noon in the Family Life Center of the church, 5722 West 12th Street in Little Rock. Local businesses can showcase to the community what they have to offer and also learn about the various resources available to them. The Expo is open to the public and will provide refreshments and door prizes. One attendee will win an iPad from Goddess Products, Inc., a supporting sponsor of the Small Business Expo. For more information, call 501-351-2208 or email [email protected].
St. Mark’s Save the Dates
Aug. 31 Small Business Planning Workshop
Sept. 14 Money Mondays: Business Edition begins (thru Oct. 12)
– Sherman Steward for Bethel AME Church-Little Rock’s 4th Annual Golf Tournament. All proceeds will go to the church. Trophies will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of two categories. One category will be for 65 years and up. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. The tournament will be Saturday, September 12th with a 7:30am Sign-In and 8:30am Shot Gun Start at the Country Club of Arkansas, #3 Country Club Circle in Maumelle. Registration deadline is September 9th. To register, call 818-422-0518 or email [email protected].
– Evangeline Parker-Guest, Founder of Miss Teen Promise for the 18th Annual Miss Teen Promise Preliminary Talent Showcase & Life Touchers Awards Gala. This event will be held Tuesday, September 8th from 6:30am-9pm at UALR Donaghey Center, 2801 South University Ave. in Little Rock. The evening will celebrate the 2015 Miss Teen Promise participants and cheer them on as they present their talent for an opportunity to win a $500 scholarship. The evening will also pay tribute to several outstanding women and present them “Miss Teen Promise Life Touchers” awards. Special entertainment by award-winning vocalist Rose Coleman and dancer Doris McFee Jackson. For tickets, visit or call 501-353-0009.
August 20, 2015
– Dr. Mark Gotcher, Deputy Commissioner of the Arkansas Department of Education for their Bus Safety Campaign. “Flashing Red. Kids Ahead.” is the theme for this year’s school bus safety campaign. The effort is sponsored by the Arkansas Department of Education, Arkansas Association of Pupil Transportation, and concerned parents, educators and citizens across the state. The campaign will be from August 10th-28th. However, school bus safety is a priority the entire year. 6,000 school buses transport more than a quarter of a million Arkansas students to and from school-related activities. As a result of Arkansas Act 2128 of 2005, known at Isaac’s Law, the fines, penalties and punishment for anyone found guilty of illegally passing a stopped school bus were dramatically increased. The legislation was passed in memory of Isaac Brian an elementary student in the Bryant School District who was killed when a driver illegally passed while students were getting off of the bus. For a list of safety tips for parents and more information, visit or call 501-683-5945.
– Pastor Michael Smith of New Beginnings Church in Hot Springs and entertainers Lil Robb and Big Mike for the 15th Annual Back- to-School Bash. This annual event will help usher in the new school year with entertainment, toys, prizes, a water slide, rock climbing wall, bounce houses and more! The festivities will be held, Saturday, August 22nd from 10am-6pm at Wade Park, 300 Wade Street in Hot Springs.
– Erica Brooks and Felicia Tatum of Complete in Christ (CIC) formerly Singles For Christ at St. John Baptist Church for Singles Talking with Life Coach Tony Gaskins, Jr. This event will feature the renowned Life Coach, Tony Gaskins, Jr., Saturday, August 22nd from 8:30am-1pm at 26th and Main Street in Little Rock. Gaskins has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Tyra Banks Show, TBN’s 700 Club and has traveled the world speaking to groups of all ages. He has authored several books, one being “Single is not a Curse,” which is the book CIC read and had interest in bringing Gaskins to Arkansas for the purpose of talking to the singles. This event is open to the public. For ticket information, visit or call 501-712-2020. CIC (formerly Singles For Christ) at St. John Baptist Church is an open group and is not limited to just members of the church. To attend Complete in Christ (CIC) meetings and events, call 501-712-2020 or visit
– Michal Harris of the Little Rock Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. for the LR Kappa League Guide Right Program’s 1st Annual School Supply Drive. Parents, members of the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc., and the community at large are invited to show their support by donating school supplies for grades K-4, Saturday, August 22nd from 4pm-5:30pm at Parkview High School, 2501 John Barrow Road in Little Rock. All charitable donations will go to Arkansas Foster Family Services and benefit the children in foster care. Pulaski County has over 600 children in foster care. The supplies will be presented to the organization, Saturday, August 29th at 3pm at Parkview High during the Kappa League of LR’s Welcome Ceremony. For more information on the 1st Annual School Supply Drive or events involving the Little Rock Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. or the LR Kappa League Guide Right Program, call 870-413-8571. To become a foster parent and learn more on how you can help make a difference in a child’s life, attend an informative meeting, Tuesday, August 25th at 2:30pm at the Wright Avenue Neighborhood Recourse Center, 1813 Wright Avenue in Little Rock. For more details, call Michelle Hood at 501-371-1198 or email [email protected].
August 13, 2015
– Joyce Raynor, Executive Director Center for Healing Hearts and Spirits for the Back-to-School Block Party. The Center for Healing Hearts and Spirits and the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity hosts a Back-to- School Block Party, Sunday, August 16th from 2:30pm-5:30pm at the Omega Psi Phi House, 2521 State Street in Little Rock. This free event is open to the public and will provide school supplies, backpacks, food, entertainment, educational information on nutrition, tobacco prevention, underage drinking and more! Parents must bring their children and will be limited to 2 backpacks per family. Supplies will be distributed on a first come first served basis. For more information, call 501-372-3800.
– Captain DeArthur Jordan and Firefighters Joe Howard and Monique Robinson Parker of H.O.T.T.A.R., Little Rock’s Chapter of the International Association of Black Fire Fighters (IABPFF) for Project Fresh Start. This event is the annual school supply drive for the firefighters who will provide free school supplies while they last, Saturday, August 15th from 9am-until at Dunbar Recreation Center, 1001 West 16th Street in Little Rock. For more information, call 501-256-7137. * H.O.T.T.A.R. stands for Helping Others To Teach All Responsibly.
– Johnnie Brown of B.R.A.V.E., Pine Bluff’s Chapter of the International Association of Black Fire Fighters (IABPFF) for Project Fresh Start. This event is the annual school supply drive for the firefighters who will provide free school supplies while they last, Saturday, August 15th from 9am-1pm at the Pine Bluff Convention Center, #1 Convention Center Plaza. In addition to the free school supplies, there will be live entertainment, bounce houses, rock climbing wall, food, and more! For more information, call 870-489-2325. * B.R.A.V.E stands for Banishing Racial Animosity Vigorously Everywhere.
– Betty Mitchell, Ida Hooks, and Lamar Matthews from Emmanuel Baptist Church for the EBC Annual Community Clothing Giveaway & More Event. This event is open to the public and will take place, Saturday, August 15th from 10am-2pm at 3323 West 12th Street in Little Rock. Provided will be free clothes, school supplies, free haircuts for boys, voter registration, school physicals, fitness, financial wellness, blood pressure checks, games, and more! For more information, call 501-666-6252.
– Pastor Christopher Fifer of Rose City Community Church of Christ for the End of the Summer Back to School Bash. This annual event will be Saturday, August 15th from 10am-2pm at the North Little Rock Academy, 5500 Lynch Drive in North Little Rock. Provided will be free food, school supplies while they last, free immunizations and physical (previous shot records required, beginning at 8:30am), free haircuts & styles (pre-cleaned hair only beginning at 8:30am) & more! Children must be present to receive supplies. For more information, call 501-945-2277.
August 6, 2015
– Derek Cromwell for the Eighth Street Missionary Baptist Church Annual Community Back 2 School Giveaway. This event will take place, Saturday, August 8th at 10am at 821 North Hickory Street in North Little Rock. There will be a kids activity zone, free backbacks, school supplies, food, and more! For more information, call 501-247-1671 or visit
– Kenneth Martin, Pastor and Mrs. Laura Martin of Greater Archview Baptst Church for a Block Party. The event will take place Saturday, August 8th from 11:30am-4pm at 1720 West 23rd Street in Little Rock and will provide FREE haircuts, school supplies, health screenings, voter registration, exercise, games, bounce houses, face painting, educational information, and more! For more information, call 501-375-6673 or visit
– Coach Reginald Hayman for the Independent Youth Football League (IYFL) Jamboree. 48 Teams of youth ages 5-12 years old from Little Rock, North Little Rock, Jacksonville, and Pine Bluff will have a chance to test their skills during a series of mini practice games, Saturday, August 8th from 9am-4pm at Jacksonville High School, 2400 Linda Lane in Jacksonville. Kids 12 & under get in FREE. Regular admission is $5.00. For more information, visit or call 501-680-1765.
July 30, 2015
– Dr. Emma Kelly Rhodes, Owner and Operator with the Dr. Emma Kelly Rhodes Education Center (EREC). The EREC is non-profit agency with a mission to make the community, city, and state a better and more productive place to live while offering education and technical skills training by helping others be all they can be while reaching their highest God given potential. EREC offers courses/programs in Basic Education ADE/GED Preparation, Certified Nursing Assistance, Home Health Aide, Medical Billing & Coding, Pharmacy and Phlebotomy Technicians.
There are also programs offered to students with minor felonies to help them obtain sustainable living. They are able to take courses in Heating & Air Conditioning/Refrigeration and Painting & Dry Wall Finishing. To obtain more information or to register, call 501-372-0277 or 501-372-0281; email [email protected]; or Like ’em on Facebook “Dr. Emma K. Rhodes Education Center – EREC”.
– Gerren Frazier, a Case Manager with YouthBuild Little Rock. The YouthBuild program is now accepting applications for the Fall 2015 school year. The program supports academic and occupational skills training for at-risk youth. The target is low-income, young adults 18-24, who predominately do not have their high school diploma (even serves some who do have this credential). Participants work full-time earning their GED or high school diploma, while also participating in occupational training in several different industries. This is FREE TRAINING and participants will be compensated for their time.
Orientation Session: Thursday, August 6th from 9am-12noon at the Arkansas Workforce Center at LR, 5401 South University Ave. To reserve your seat and obtain more information, call 501-320-1719.
– Celia Anderson, Author and Co-Founder of Books and Balls Girls Basketball Camp. The camp was founded by Anderson who formerly played professional basketball in Greece and Erica Taylor, former WNBA player and also an established author. The two have a passion for the game of basketball and a love for writing. Book and Balls will teach participants lifelong skills to use on and off of the court. Proceeds will benefit the CE Books and Ball Literacy Program.
Camp dates are set for Monday-Wednesday, August 3rd-5th from 8:30am at P.A.R.K., 6915 Geyer Springs Road in LR. For registration information, visit or call 501-960-2011 and Like ’em at
– Pastor LeAndrew Cranford, Children’s Pastor and Dana Bradley, PR Ministry at Second Baptist Church of LR for the 2nd to None “Back to School” Carnival. The 2nd to None Children’s Ministry of Second Baptist Church, 1709 Barrow Road in LR, hosts this Back to School Carnival, Saturday, August 1st from 11am-3pm. There will be games, food, music, bounce houses, a magic show by Tommy Terrific, the Fire Department, Ambulance, Police Officers, Face Painting, dental hygiene products and backpacks filled with school supplies. For more information, call 501-209-3262.
July 23, 2015
– Victoria Brown, Neighborhood Watch/Public Affairs Coordinator with the Little Rock Police Department came to talk about the Neighborhood Watch Programs. The purpose of the Neighborhood Watch is to prevent crime as a community by watching out for one another, being knowledgeable of crime that may be occurring in our communities, and to report it to law enforcement; so the LRPD can actively work to eliminate criminal activity in those neighborhoods. Three programs offered by the LRPD are (1) O.K. Program and (2) Police Youth Camp which provides mentoring to raise awareness of issues faced in the community. (3) Coffee with Cops event (pending).
On July 28th, the LRPD will partner with the LRSD and Chik-fil-A (12500 W. Markham) to collect school supplies for LRSD students. Every individual who brings at least 3 new school supply items will receive a free chicken sandwich. For more information on any of the programs or find out how you get involved, call 501-918-5358 or visit or Like them on Facebook, @LRPD on Twitter, and @littlerockpolicedepartment on Instagram.
– Maria Hoskins, Community Outreach Specialist for the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) for Youth Programs. The FBI Community Outreach Program coordinates events at local schools, supported by the FBI Citizens Academy Alumni Association. It also encourages students to improve academically and avoid bad influences and fosters positive image of law enforcement in young students. (1) FBI Teen Academy is for ages 13-17 and is a 1-day program in the summer that educates high school students about mission and work of the FBI. Students can get a firsthand look of a career in law enforcement. (2) FBI Future Agents in Training is for ages 16-Sophmore in College. The 2-day program held at LR Field Office or Resident Agency provides hands-on training in all area of the FBI mission: criminal, counterterrorism, intelligence, counterintelligence, and administrative. For additional information and to learn about more programs, call 501-217-2639 or visit or find them on Facebook!
– Teresa Conner, System Manager and Wendy Byrd, RN & Certified Diabetic Educator at Baptist Health Community Outreach for the FREE 1 year program to be offered to qualified diabetics. Participation requirements, among others, are being a diagnosed diabetic on medication and being required by a physician to monitor your glucose at home. Some participants will receive free cell phones, wireless scales, Fitbit Zip Pedometer, and other technology to use with the program. All participants will receive glucometers and testing supplies for the entire program. For more information or to register, call 501-202-1540. Space is limited. Call soon.
– Sterling Ingram and Alma Williams APME (Art Porter Music Education) Board Members for the 5th Annual “A Work of Art” Jazz Week. The star-studded week of events are to honor Art Porter, Sr. and Art Porter, Jr. and raise funding for deserving students to receive scholarships through APME. “A Work of Art” Jazz Week kicks-off:
Mon., July, 27th – Kick-Off, Little Rock City Hall, 500 W. Markham, 12 noon (FREE)
Tues., July 28th – Jazz in the Plaza, Rivermarket Farmer’s Market Pavilion, 12 Noon (FREE)
Wed., July 29th – FingerPrints Band and Candy Williams, Cajun’s Wharf, 2400 Cantrell Rd., LR, 7pm & 9pm
Thurs., July 30th – Cynthia Scott, Club Sway, 412 Louisiana St, LR, 7pm & 9pm
Fri., July 31st – The Porter Players Jam Session, The Afterthought, 2721 Kavanaugh Blvd., LR, 8pm (FREE)
Sat., August 1st – Gerald Albright, Wildwood Park for the Arts, 20919 Denny Road, LR, 8pm
For more information or tickets, call 501-492-9120 or visit
July 15, 2015
– Michelle Rupp, External Communications Manager of the Red Cross for Blood Donations. The Red Cross encourages donors of all races and ethnicities to give blood or platelets in support of a diverse blood supply. Every blood donation is important. The Red Cross is committed to maintaining a diverse blood supply to ensure the right blood product is available at the right time. There is a demand for types O and B blood, but they are in need for all blood types. Volunteer donors are needed now, especially those with types AB, O negative, B negative and A negative – and platelet donors. To make your appointment to donate, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-27677) or visit
– Patricia Holloway and LaDonna Walton, volunteers of the Hemlock Court Foundation, for the 1st Annual Hemlock Courts Day. The Festival invites all past and present residents and visitors to reunite and celebrate this 1st annual event. The goal is to recognize Hemlock Court, which is located in the North Little Rock community, and preserve and protect its history. The free event will be held, Saturday, July 18th from 11am-6pm on the grounds of Redwood Early Childhood Center, 401 South Redwood in NLR. The celebration will include entertainment, a raffle, kid’s zone, games, photo exhibits, and more! For more information, call 501-765-6993.
– Red for the Stop the Violence Candlelight Vigil in held in memory of 18-year-old Aaron Crawford, a recent high school graduate who was shot and killed after being carjacked in the US Bank parking lot in North Little Rock. The peaceful gathering will take place, Friday, July 17th at 8pm at Conley Park, located on “C” Street and Sam Evans Drive, in the Dixie Addition of NLR. You are encouraged to bring your own lawn chairs and coolers to this gathering and demonstration. There will be hot dogs, chips, and water on hand. For more information, call 501-779-4676 or visit the Facebook page “Stop the Violence – NLR Community Rally in Memory of Aaron Crawford.”
July 09, 2015
– Rashad Ganaway, The WBC USNBC Lightweight Champion of the World. Little Rock native, Rashad Ganaway who formerly trained at the Rose City Boys & Girls Club recently out boxed Leon Spinks III to win the The World Boxing Council – United States National Boxing Council Lightweight (135lb) title and now holds the WBC belt! Growing up in LR, Ganaway was intrigued by the sport of boxing and took to it at the age of 8. He was trained and mentored at the Rose City Boys & Girls Club under the guidance of some great coaches. Ganaway’s amateur record is 140-15. with accomplishments that include the Bronze medalist in the National P.A.L. tournament, Bronze medalist in the National Golden Gloves, winner of the Legendary “Roy Rogers” Boxer of the Year award, 6 time state and regional Golden Gloves champion, 2 time St. Louis Black Expo champion, and 3 time U.S. Regional Champion. Several people have attempted to sabotage his career, but Ganaway states he pulled through and came out on top. He states what keeps him grounded is his faith in God and the love and support of his family. He’s a humble man with a vision and a dream. To keep up with Rashad Ganaway, follow him at
– Dr. Anika Whitfield, a Little Rock Podiatrist and activist in the forefront of the movement to rename the Little Rock street “Confederate Boulevard.” Residents have been working to collect signatures to petition the city to change the name due to it being a constant reminder of racism against people of color. Two major purposes served would be to dismantle the painful image of hatred, racism, division…etc…and to replace an historical symbol that breeds division with one that uplifts neighborly love and progressiveness. The new name request would be in honor of Rev. Horace Springer, who has provided the community with Spiritual hope and encouragement for freedom, educational freedom, and the liberty to forgive, reconcile, uphold justice, love, mercy and walk humbly with their God. To let your voice be heard and join in the efforts to rename the Little Rock street “Confederate Boulevard,” contact the Mayor of Little Rock, Mark Stodola at [email protected] or 501-371-4498; LR City Manager, Bruce Moore at [email protected] or 501-371-4510; or your local City Director at
June 25, 2015
Dr. Roderick L. Smothers, President of Philander Smith College for their S.T.A.R.T. Program. The S.T.A.R.T. (Student Tuition and Readiness Tracks” Program is an enrollment and preparation program designed to put students with an earned bachelor’s for Philander Smith College on 1 or 4 specific pathways to success. The program is for the “Serious Student” which is defined as one who may have an average or ACT/SAT Score but who has an urgent desire to take advantage of the benefits afforded by a college education. To learn more about the program or to apply to PSC, call 1.800.446.6772 or visit
Richard Torrence, Stage Play Producer & Writer and Ashford Sanders, Cast Member and BET’s Sunday’s Best Contestant for Richard Torrence’s “Lord Why Can’t I Do Right?” stage play. The inspirational musical stage play is currently on tour with a star studded cast that includes Ashford Sanders, Don “D.C.” Curry and more! The play will take place Sunday, June 28th at 6pm at the Statehouse Convention Center in Downtown Little Rock. Tickets are available at Uncle T’s, Ugly Mikes, Torrence Flower Shoppe, Butler Furniture, the Record Rack in Pine Bluff, and online at For more information, call 229-588-2323.
Willie Hicks for the Summer Camp Kick-off at Arkansas Baptist College. Cultivating the Arts Youth Summer Camp Kick-Off Celebration will be held Thursday, July 2nd from 5:30pm-7:30pm at Arkansas Baptist College, 1621 Doctor MLK, Jr. Drive. The camp, offered at no cost to 65 participants, will provide introductory arts education in the area of visual art, vocal performance, instrumental music, dance and fashion design, as well as instruction in the art of healthy living through fitness and nutrition education. The camp runs daily from July 6th-July 31st and is presented in conjunction with the Derek Lewis Foundation, Timmons Arts Foundation, and Arkansas Baptist College, the First Tee of Central Arkansas and Bass Pro Shops. For more information, email [email protected].
June 18, 2015
Sericia Cole, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center (MTCC) Director and Natalie Hairston, Arvest Bank Rep. for the Annual Juneteenth Celebration. MTCC hosts the 7th Annual Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom, Saturday, June 20th from 11am-5pm at 501 West 9th Street in Little Rock. The free, street-festival style event commemorates the end of slavery, while celebrating African-American achievement and culture. There will be food vendors and children’s activities, an aquarium, Corvette display, rock climbing wall and more. KOKY’s Sonta Jean will be the host. For more information, call 501.683.3593 or visit
Carla Johnson, Director/Owner of Johnson Montessori School for the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament. Johnson’s Montessori School’s Annual Golf Tournament will be Saturday, June 27th with a start time of 8am at Burns Park Golf Course, 30 Championship Drive in North Little Rock. Proceeds from this year’s tournament will go towards enhancing the school’s science and technology curriculum through the purchase of a printer and laptops for the students in the kindergarten through fourth grade program, as well as other needed technological accessories. Registration is $75 per golfer ($300 per team). Catch Power 92’s Broadway Joe at the luncheon. To register or obtain more information, call 501-960-5895 or visit
Minister Frank Stewart, Pastor of ACTS Church for the Father Awareness March. A march celebrating fathers, comforting the fatherless, and coaching the father deficient will take place, Saturday, June 20th at 7:30am at the NLR Police Station, 200 West Pershing Blvd. The march is to bring an awareness to a problem that plagues our community and society. For more information, visit or call 501-765-7423.
June 11, 2015
H. “Baker” Kurrus, newly appointed Superitendent of the Little Rock School District. Kurrus currently serves as an attorney and business consultant for H. Baker Kurrus, PLLC and was a member of the board of directors for the Little Rock School from September 1998 to August 2010. Kurrus says, “He is profoundly humble by this appointment and looks forward to serving the students, parents, teachers and other stakeholders of the Little Rock School District.” In an effort to promote transparency and to speak directly to LRSD stakeholders about the status and future of the district, Superintendent Kurrus has launched a weekly column called “Straight Talk” that can be found @ To email Baker Kurrus use [email protected].
Sheriff of Jefferson County, Gerald Robinson for the 9th Annual Sheriff’s Fun Day. The mission of this event is to work to encourage the quality of life and positive development of capable youth by promoting a drug free way of life through education and prevention activites. Fun Day will include; free food and drinks, a live petting zoo, horseback rides, dozens of prizes and give-a-ways, plus much more. There will also be a fishing derby sponsored by the Jefferson County Soil & Conservation District along with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. The Sheriff’s Fun Day will be Saturday, June 13, 9a.m.-2p.m., at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, on Rhinehart Rd., in Pine Bluff. For more information contact Sgt. Harper @ (870) 329-5651.
Ken Wade, Executive Director of ACADV for the Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s Preview Night and Silent Auction at The Rep. ACADV in partnership with AKA Sorority, Inc., Beta Pi Omega Chapter, will present on of the most bracing and critically acclaimed plays in Broadway history: “August: Osage County” during Preview Night and Silent Auction. Join them Tuesday, June 16th, for an evening full of fun including a silent auction, heavy hors d’oeuvres, their “Shining the Light” signature drink, live music and a wonderful play. The mission of the ACADV is to eliminate domestic violence and promote healthy families. For more information visit or call (501) 907-5612.
June 4, 2015
Derek Lewis II for the Derek Lewis Foundation’s 2015 Community Health & Wellness Expo. This will be a day filled with fun and health education. The expo will offer free health screenings, fitness demos, nutrition demos, cpr training, youth school physicals, live entertainment and much more. The Expo will be Saturday, June 6, 8a.m.-1p.m., at St. John Baptist Church, 2501 S. Main St., in Little Rock. For more information contact Derek Lewis @ [email protected] or call (501) 207-0711.
Connie Curry and Gloria Love for 8th Annual Jazzy Jeans & Jewels Fundraiser, presented by the Little Rock Chapter of The Links, Inc. Dress in your jazziest jeans and jewels to join The Links for a “Taste of Links” featuring the culinary skills of some of Little Rock’s most popular names who will be donning their famous chef’s hats and decorative aprons. All proceeds from Jazzy Jeans and Jewels events are given to Historically Black Colleges and Universities in Arkansas on a rotating basis. This year’s recipient is Philander Smith College. Jazzy Jeans and Jewels will be Saturday, June 6, 7p.m., at the Metroplex Event Center, 10800 Colonel Glenn Rd. Tickets may be purchased by calling Alicia Smith at (501) 664-0478.
LaKisha Johnson with Sickle Cell Support Services and Jody Carter with the ProDuffers of Little Rock for the 23rd Sickle Cell Anemia Golf Classic. The Classic will be June 12-14 at Greystone Country Club of Cabot Arkansas with a 9 a.m. shotgun start. The Classic will feature a longest put contest, hole in one contest, free lunch sponsored by Sickle Cell Support Services and more. For more information and sponsorship opportunites, contact LaKisha Johnson at (501) 650-0764, [email protected] or
Tatyana Oyinloye and Joyce Gibson for The Roots of African American Foodways in Arkansas symposium presented by the Black History Commission of Arkansas and the Arkansas History Commission. This symposium will feature award-winning food and nutrition journalist, Toni Tipton-Martin; historian and author, Dr. Cindy Grisham; Executive Chef Evette Brady and Chef Tim Morton from 1620 Savoy and BHCA Commissioner Joyce Gibson. Topics will include The Jemima Code: a Modern Look into the Recipe Files of America’s Great Cooks, Organic, Wild Harvesting, Heirloom Vegetables and Meats: Trends or Tradition? and To Protect and Serve: an Apron Collection. Chefs Brady and Morton will use traditional African-American foods, incorporating Caribbean, Cuban and African and other ethnic influences on modern African-American Foodways, into a cooking demonstration that will bring all the research elements presented during the day into a tasty conclusion. This event will be June 6, 9a.m.-3p.m., at Pulaski Tech Culinary Arts and H
ospitality Management Institute, 13000 Interstate 30, in Little Rock. Registration is required @ (501) 682-6900 or email [email protected].
May 28, 2015
Micah Johnson, Director of Coaching for the Central Arkansas Alliance for Summer Soccer Camp. The Central Arkansas Alliance Football Club presents Summer Soccer Camp, Monday-Thursday, June 8th-11th at Centennial Sports Complex, 2951 South 1st Street in Cabot. Registration for ages 4-7: 9am-10:30am | Early Registration $75 ($85 day of event). Ages 8 & up: 5:30pm-8:30pm | Early Registration $150 ($160 day of event). To register or obtain more information, visit or call 903.316.5129 or email [email protected]. You can also follow CAAFC online: or or
Katherine Donaldson, Executive Director at Coalition For A Tobacco Free Arkansas (CTFA) for World No Tobacco Day’s No Menthol Sunday. No Menthol Sunday is an extension of World No Tobacco Day, which is May 31st. CTFA is working with the National African-American Tobacco Prevention Network (NAAPTN). The goal of this National effort is to encourage you to say “No” to the sale of mentholated and candy-flavored tobacco products. Adding menthol to cigarettes makes smoking easier to start and harder to quit. According to NAAPTN, by adding menthol flavoring, tobacco companies have successfully recruited both youth and marginalizes populations. Studies show that placing a ban on menthol may save lives and prevent 9 million people from starting to smoke. For more information on how you can participate in No Menthol Sunday, call 501-687-0345 or visit
Aneesha Dawan and Daniel Robinson for the Dollars Making Sense Community Enrichment Program launched by Arvest Bank. Program components include the Economic Empowerment Workshop Series, a college scholarship for graduating high school seniors, as will as sponsorship opportunities for community based and nonprofit organizations. Arvest has also launched a new web portal, to connect individuals with information vital to building wealth and financial independence. Two upcoming workshops will be held: (1) Wed., June 4th at 6pm at Greater Second Baptist Church, 5616 Geyer Springs Road, LR; and (2) Sat., June 20th at 11:30am at the Juneteenth Celebration, Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, 501 West 9th Street, LR. For more information on Dollars Making Sense and more upcoming events, call Kyle Proctor 501.379.7637 or email [email protected].