BJTS 8-3-23

1)Dora A. Rodgers First Lady at Greater New Bibleway Church of God in Christ in North Little Rock with their free Health and Wellness Fair this Saturday 10am until 1pm at 1217 W. 22nd St. Free screenings and school supplies. For more information call 501-758-9227 or visit greaternewbibleway on Facebook.

2)Dennis Felton State Director with Premier Public Charter High School with their big enrollment fair this Friday 10am til 1pm at the North Little Rock campus 801 W. 29th St., North Little Rock for information call 501-333-9541.

3)Sandra Brown, Chief Executive officer of Jefferson Comprehensive Care Systems Inc. It’s their back-to-school clinic with free immunizations at the College Station clinic 4206 Frazier pike this Saturday from 9am until 1pm the first 50 students receive Free backpacks full of school supplies. Call 501-490-2440.

4)Dr. Sharon Stevenson, Health Ministry, and Pastor Alan Graves with New Hope Baptist Church 1821 Edmonds St. in North Little Rock to talk about the Back-2-School community health fair this Saturday 9 to 12 noon. Free School supplies, immunizations, sports physicals, and more visit. for more information.

5)Billy Brooks, co-founder of the A-State Corvette Association. This Sunday is their annual Car and Light Show at Bale Chevrolet 13101 Chenal Parkway starting at 9am the light show starts at 8 PM. Great door prizes call Billy Brooks for more information at 501-612-7575.

