BJTS 4-13-23

1)Demetrius Randall Co-founder of Benevolent Hearts, Inc. Teaming with Rise Above Alcohol and Drugs (RAAD) for the Succeed Without Weed Youth Informational Conference this Saturday evening 7:30 to 9:30 at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center in LR. Youth eight and older, are encouraged to attend accompanied by parents, and get information on peer pressure from motivational speakers like special guess the Knox twins. For more information visit or call 501-436-3436.

2)Dr. Terry Fiddler, executive director of Arkansas Mission of Mercy. ArMOM is an annual two-day free dental clinic April 14-15 at the Conway Expo Center sponsored by the Arkansas State Dental Association for underserved Arkansans. All services are provided free of charge by members of the Arkansas State Dental Association, assisted by a host of volunteers. ArMOM provides dental care for the relief of pain to underserved Arkansans, many of whom are from working families who do not have access or cannot afford dental insurance. For more information on the Arkansas Mission of Mercy, visit (

3)Paul Person, Interim Director of Recruitment and Management for Philander Smith College.  This Friday is Preview Day an in-person event featuring live tours! You’ll meet department faculty and staff, and enjoy performances from PSC Greeks, and the PSC Collegiate choir. For more info. Visit or call 501-370-5221. 

4 ) Ms. Barbara Higgins Bond, Celebrate! Maya Project’s 2022 Spirit of Maya Awardee and Ms.Janis Kearney founder of the Celebrate! Maya Project that was established in 2014 to honor and share the creativity, social consciousness, and inclusion modeled by artist and activist Dr. Maya Angelou in her life and work.  The annual Spirit of Maya Award, which recognizes artists educators, children’s advocates, and humanists whose work mirrors that of literary icon Maya Angelou.

Ms. Higgins Bond,  is a nationally renowned illustrator and commercial artist.The Luncheon will be held at the Pavilion at Heifer International, One World Ave., Little Rock, from 11:30-1:30 p.m. for more information, email  [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]), or contact Janis F. Kearney, at (501)772-2930.

