BJTS – 4/14/22

1)Ateca Foreman the Executive Director of the Arkansas Fair Housing Commission to talk about their annual Housing Conference “Turning the key on Fair housing Friday, April 22nd from 9am to 11am on Facebook live Admission is free. For more information visit: or call 1-800-338-9834

2)Kenya Eddings the executive director of the Arkansas Minority Health Commission to Talk about the Commission’s Seventh Biennial Summit Friday, April 22 7:20 am to 12:30 pm “Putting the ME in mental health” This is a virtual summit for more information visit BIT.LY/AMHC2022 summit or call 501-686-2720

3) Dr. Fitz Hill with the Arkansas Baptist College Alumni Association and their annual fundraiser “Supper and Soul” featuring The Whispers Thursday, April 21 at the Windsong Event Center in NLR for Ticket information call 501-420-1201

4)Pastor William Holloway Little Rock Compassion Center executive director invites those who are homeless and in need of a fresh start to celebrate the renewal of life this Easter Sunday.  The Compassion Center serves a traditional holiday meal with all the trimmings to Little Rock’s poorest.  Several hundred attendees are expected to share this special dinner.  Aside from the meal, they will receive new socks and hygiene items. Donations are needed.Donations can be dropped off at the Compassion Center 3618 W. Roosevelt or call 501-296-9114.

