1)Josh Price with Soup Sunday this Sunday 4 until 7 pm at the Venue at West Wind in North Little Rock. Local Chefs from the Central Arkansas area will prepare special soups to raise money for this organization.This is the 42nd anniversary of soup Sunday. For more information visit:aradvocates.org/events, or call 501- 476- 3477
2)President Jerome Green of Shorter College in North Little Rock to talk about Bulldog Fest. It’s College Preview day 2022 this Saturday, April 8, from 10am until 2 pm. This is open house and an opportunity to see what Shorter College has to offer for high schoolers and anyone who wants to attend college. For more information visit Shorter College.edu or call 501-374-6305
3)Paul Person, Interim Director of Recruitment and Admissions at Philander Smith College, to talk about Preview day. It’s your chance to tour Philander Smith College this Saturday, from 9 am until 3pm. Admission is free to anyone who wants to experience what the college atmosphere is like at Philander Smith College register online right now at the PhilanderEDU/preview or call 501-374-63054)Bobby Brown With the I love the blue show this Saturday at Barton Coliseum this is an indoor outdoor event starting at 9 AM then moving inside at 5 PM this is an all day event for more information visit impactticket.com that’s impactticket.com or call 888-684-9998.