The Broadway Joe Talk Show – June 8, 2017

Marisha DiCarlo, PhD., Director of the Office of Communications at the Arkansas Department of Health has some information and tips on the Zika Virus.  Let’s Talk Zika! The virus is a disease that has spread to over 35 countries in Central and South America and the Caribbean.  It is spread through mosquito bites and through sexual transmission from a man to his sexual partner.  There are types of mosquitoes here in Arkansas that could spread the virus, so people are urged to protect themselves from mosquito bites when they travel, and for at least 21 days after returning to Arkansas from a place where Zika is being actively transmitted.  Wayes to avoid mosquito bites includes:

  • Use insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535 or oil of lemon eucalyptus
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and trousers
  • Use air conditioning or window & door screens to keep mosquitoes outside.
  • When at home in AR:  Reduce the number of mosquitoes inside and outside your home by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets.  Mosquitoes can breed in as little amount of water as a bottle cap.

To learn more, visit  For the latest travel notice, visit

– Levern Clements, Certified Volunteer Manager & Medicare Benefits Specialist; and Phyllis Donley, Volunteer Program Coordinator & Medicare Program Edibility Specialist has information on Arkansas SHIIP (Senior Health Insurance Information Program).  The SHIIP Program is a division of the Arkansas Insurance Department in Little Rock and is designed for senior citizens and those with disabilities.  It’s part of the National Network, funded by a federal grant which offers unbiased, free counseling & educational services. To learn more, call 1-800-224-6330 or visit,

-Maurice Jackson, Program Coordinator of Family & Community Fishing; and Clint Coleman, Assistant Program Coordinator of Family & Community Fishing at the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission came to talk about Fishing.  The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission presents a “Free Fishing Weekend,” Friday-Sunday, June 9th -11th from 12 Noon – Midnight.  Residents and Non-residents may fish without a fishing license or trout permit this weekend! Regulations for Arkansas waters apply:  daily limits, slot limits and length limits must by observed.  Kids’ Fishing Day at the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission fish hatcheries will be held Saturday, June 10th from 9am-2pm.  (Kids 12 & under can fish.  Each pond will be stocked with catchable-sized fish.  Bring fishing tackle and bait. Limit of three fish per child. One rod or pole per child.)  This event is state wide. For locations and more information, visit or call toll-free at 1-866-540-3474.

